
Defines functions measure_SAR_OSL

Documented in measure_SAR_OSL

#' @title Measure an aliquot with the CW SAR OSL protocol
#' @description The function models the time-dependent photon counts of an aliquot 
#' according to the specified CW SAR OSL (continuous wave, single aliquot 
#' regenerative dose protocol for optically stimulated luminescence) sequence 
#' and parameters. The modelling is done for each component and photon count 
#' curves are summed to return an [Luminescence::RLum.Analysis-class] object as equivalent of 
#' importing a real measurement data set to the R-package `Luminescence-package`.
#' The function uses the package [RLumModel-package] to perform the simulation of the 
#' photon count curves. 
#' @param aliquot [data.frame] or a [list] of it, a set of grains that are assigned to an 
#' aliquot (sample subset used for measurement), i.e., the result of 
#' [prepare_Aliquot]. 
#' @param sequence [list], definition of the SAR protocol.
#' @param dose_rate [numeric] value, Dose rate of the luminescence 
#' reader, in Gy/s.
#' @return [Luminescence::RLum.Analysis-class] object. Equivalent of the import result for 
#' a real world measurement file. This object can be evaluated by functions 
#' of the package `Luminescence-package`.
#' @author Michael Dietze, GFZ Potsdam (Germany), 
#' Sebastian Kreutzer, Geography & Earth Sciences, Aberystwyth University (United Kingdom)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## load example data set
#' data(sample_osl_aliquots, envir = environment())
#' sequence <- list(
#'   RegDose = c(0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 0, 1),
#'   TestDose = 2,
#'   PH = 220,
#'   CH = 200,
#'   OSL_temp = 125,
#'   OSL_duration = 70)
#' ## reduce number of 
#' ## grains to two
#' sample_osl_aliquots$aliquot_1 <- 
#' sample_osl_aliquots$aliquot_1[1:2,]
#' ## or measure all aliquots in a row
#' sar_all <- measure_SAR_OSL(
#'  aliquot = sample_osl_aliquots,
#'  sequence = sequence,
#'  dose_rate = 0.1)
#'  }
#' @md 
#' @export measure_SAR_OSL
measure_SAR_OSL <- function(
  dose_rate = 0.1
) {
  # Self-call ---------------------------------------------------------------
  if (is(aliquot, "list"))
    return(lapply(aliquot, measure_SAR_OSL, sequence = sequence, dose_rate = dose_rate))

  # Check incoming ----------------------------------------------------------
  if (is.null(attributes(aliquot)$package) || attributes(aliquot)$package != "sandbox")
    stop("[measure_SAR_OSL()] the input for aliquot is not an object created by 'sandbox'!", 
         call. = FALSE)
  if (!is(aliquot, "data.frame"))
    stop("[measure_SAR_OSL()] the input for aliquot is not of type data.frame!", 
         call. = FALSE)

  ## PART 1 - separate OSL components -----------------------------------------
  ## get column IDs for further processing
  col_names <- colnames(aliquot)
  col_names <- col_names[grepl("osl_", col_names)]
  ## calculate column means (for the variables for interest)
  col_means <- colMeans(aliquot[,col_names])

  ## get unique variable names
  var_names <- unique(unlist(regmatches(col_names, regexec(
  , col_names, perl = TRUE))))
  ## fetch relevant values from the table and write into new variable
  parameters <- lapply(var_names, function(v){
    col_means[grepl(paste0("osl_", v,"\\d?"), col_names, perl = TRUE)]

  ## add parameter names to the list
  names(parameters) <- var_names
  ## add model information
  parameters <- c(parameters, model = "customized")
  ## calculate mean burial dose
  burial_dose <- mean(aliquot$osl_doserate * aliquot$age)
  ## update sequence
  sequence$Irr_2recover <- burial_dose
  ## PART 2 - model luminescence ----------------------------------------------
  osl_model <- RLumModel::model_LuminescenceSignals(
    model = parameters$model,
    sequence = sequence, 
    lab.dose_rate = dose_rate,
    own_parameters = parameters,
    plot = FALSE,
    verbose = FALSE, 
    simulate_sample_history = TRUE)
  ## return function output

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sandbox documentation built on March 18, 2022, 7:06 p.m.