smooth.construct.mifo.smooth.spec: Constructor for monotone increasing SCOP-splines with an...

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smooth.construct.mifo.smooth.specR Documentation

Constructor for monotone increasing SCOP-splines with an additional 'finish at zero' constraint


This is a special method function for creating smooths subject to a monotone increasing constraint plus the smooths should pass through zero at the right-end point of the covariate range. This is similar to the pc argument to s in mgcv(gam) when pc=max(x), where x is a covariate. The smooth is built by the mgcv constructor function for smooth terms, smooth.construct. 'Zero intercept' identifiability constraints used for univariate SCOP-splines are substituted with a 'finish at zero' constraint here. This smooth is specified via model terms such as s(x,k,bs="mifo",m=2), where k denotes the basis dimension and m+1 is the order of the B-spline basis.


## S3 method for class 'mifo.smooth.spec'
smooth.construct(object, data, knots)



A smooth specification object, generated by an s term in a GAM formula.


A data frame or list containing the data required by this term, with names given by object$term. The by variable is the last element.


An optional list containing the knots supplied for basis setup. If it is NULL then the knot locations are generated automatically.


The constructor is not called directly, but as with gam(mgcv) is used internally.

A 'finish at zero' constraint is achieved by setting the last (m+1) spline coefficients to zero. According to the B-spline basis functions properties, the value of the spline, f(x), is determined by m+2 non-zero basis functions, and only m+1 B-splines are non-zero at knots. Only m+2 B-splines are non-zero on any [k_i, k_{i+1}), and the sum of these m+2 basis functions is 1.

If the knots of the spline are not supplied, then they are placed evenly throughout the covariate values with an exception of the m inner knots preceeding the last inner knot that are joined with that last knot. This is done in order to avoid an otherwise plateau fit at the right-end region. If the knots are supplied, then the number of supplied knots should be k+m+2, and the range of the middle k-m knots must include all the covariate values.

Note: when a plateau region is expected at the righ-end covariate region, the smooth might result in some decrease when approaching to zero.


An object of class "mifo.smooth".


Natalya Pya <>


Pya, N. and Wood, S.N. (2015) Shape constrained additive models. Statistics and Computing, 25(3), 543-559

Pya, N. (2010) Additive models with shape constraints. PhD thesis. University of Bath. Department of Mathematical Sciences

See Also

smooth.construct.mpi.smooth.spec, smooth.construct.miso.smooth.spec,

smooth.construct.mpd.smooth.spec, smooth.construct.mdcv.smooth.spec,

smooth.construct.mdcx.smooth.spec, smooth.construct.micv.smooth.spec,



  ## Monotone increasing SCOP-spline examples with a finish at zero constraint...
  n <- 100;x <- runif(n);z <- runif(n)
  pc <- max(x)
  y <- exp(3*x)/10-exp(3*pc)/10 + z*(1-z)*5 + rnorm(100)*.4
  m1 <- scam(y~s(x,bs='mifo')+s(z)) #,knots=knots) 
  newd<- data.frame(x=pc,z=0)
  predict(m1,newd, type='terms')

scam documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:43 a.m.