
Defines functions Predict.matrix.po.smooth smooth.construct.po.smooth.spec Predict.matrix.cxBy.smooth smooth.construct.cxBy.smooth.spec Predict.matrix.cx.smooth smooth.construct.cx.smooth.spec Predict.matrix.cvBy.smooth smooth.construct.cvBy.smooth.spec Predict.matrix.cv.smooth smooth.construct.cv.smooth.spec Predict.matrix.micxBy.smooth smooth.construct.micxBy.smooth.spec Predict.matrix.micx.smooth smooth.construct.micx.smooth.spec Predict.matrix.micvBy.smooth smooth.construct.micvBy.smooth.spec Predict.matrix.micv.smooth smooth.construct.micv.smooth.spec Predict.matrix.mdcxBy.smooth smooth.construct.mdcxBy.smooth.spec Predict.matrix.mdcx.smooth smooth.construct.mdcx.smooth.spec Predict.matrix.mdcvBy.smooth smooth.construct.mdcvBy.smooth.spec Predict.matrix.mdcv.smooth smooth.construct.mdcv.smooth.spec Predict.matrix.mpdBy.smooth smooth.construct.mpdBy.smooth.spec Predict.matrix.mpd.smooth smooth.construct.mpd.smooth.spec Predict.matrix.mifo.smooth smooth.construct.mifo.smooth.spec Predict.matrix.miso.smooth smooth.construct.miso.smooth.spec Predict.matrix.mpiBy.smooth smooth.construct.mpiBy.smooth.spec Predict.matrix.mpi.smooth smooth.construct.mpi.smooth.spec

Documented in Predict.matrix.cvBy.smooth Predict.matrix.cv.smooth Predict.matrix.cxBy.smooth Predict.matrix.cx.smooth Predict.matrix.mdcvBy.smooth Predict.matrix.mdcv.smooth Predict.matrix.mdcxBy.smooth Predict.matrix.mdcx.smooth Predict.matrix.micvBy.smooth Predict.matrix.micv.smooth Predict.matrix.micxBy.smooth Predict.matrix.micx.smooth Predict.matrix.mifo.smooth Predict.matrix.miso.smooth Predict.matrix.mpdBy.smooth Predict.matrix.mpd.smooth Predict.matrix.mpiBy.smooth Predict.matrix.mpi.smooth Predict.matrix.po.smooth smooth.construct.cvBy.smooth.spec smooth.construct.cv.smooth.spec smooth.construct.cxBy.smooth.spec smooth.construct.cx.smooth.spec smooth.construct.mdcvBy.smooth.spec smooth.construct.mdcv.smooth.spec smooth.construct.mdcxBy.smooth.spec smooth.construct.mdcx.smooth.spec smooth.construct.micvBy.smooth.spec smooth.construct.micv.smooth.spec smooth.construct.micxBy.smooth.spec smooth.construct.micx.smooth.spec smooth.construct.mifo.smooth.spec smooth.construct.miso.smooth.spec smooth.construct.mpdBy.smooth.spec smooth.construct.mpd.smooth.spec smooth.construct.mpiBy.smooth.spec smooth.construct.mpi.smooth.spec smooth.construct.po.smooth.spec

## (c) Natalya Pya (2012-2024). Provided under GPL 2.
## routines for univariate SCOP-spline construction 
## with sum-to-zero identifiability constraints (2023)

### Adding Monotone increasing SCOP-spline construction 

smooth.construct.mpi.smooth.spec<- function(object, data, knots)
## construction of the monotone increasing smooth
  m <- object$p.order[1]
  if (is.na(m)) m <- 2 ## default for cubic spline
  if (m<1) stop("silly m supplied")
  if (object$bs.dim<0) object$bs.dim <- 10 ## default
  q <- object$bs.dim 
  nk <- q+m+2 ## number of knots
  if (nk<=0) stop("k too small for m")
  x <- data[[object$term]]  ## the data
  xk <- knots[[object$term]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  if (is.null(xk)) # space knots through data
     { n<-length(x)
       for (i in 1:(m+1)) {xk[i]<-xk[m+2]-(m+2-i)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
       for (i in (q+2):(q+m+2)) {xk[i]<-xk[q+1]+(i-q-1)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
  if (length(xk)!=nk) # right number of knots?
   stop(paste("there should be ", nk," supplied knots"))
  if (!is.null(object$point.con[[1]])) ## a point constraint is supplied?
    stop(paste("'mpi' smooth does not work with a point constraint; use 'miso' for a start-at-zero constraint, or 'mifo' for a finish-at-zero constraint"))

  ## indentifiability constraint by first dropping the first columns of XSigma (setting beta_1=0)
  ## and then applying sum-to-zero (centering) constraint...
  #  get model matrix-------------
  X1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+2)
  # get matrix Sigma and remove the first column for the model matrix XSig
 ##  Sig <- matrix(as.numeric(rep(1:q,q)>=rep(1:q,each=q)),q,q) ## coef summation matrix
  Sig <- matrix(1,q,q)  ## coef summation matrix
  Sig[upper.tri(Sig)] <-0
  X <- X1%*%Sig
  X <- X[,-1]
  ## applying sum-to-zero (centering) constraint...
  cmx <- colMeans(X)
  X <- sweep(X,2,cmx) ## subtract cmx from columns 
  object$X <- X # the final model matrix
  object$cmX <- cmx

  object$P <- list()
  object$S <- list()
  object$Sigma <- Sig[-1,-1]

  if (!object$fixed) # create the penalty matrix
  { P <- diff(diag(q-1),difference=1)
    object$P[[1]] <- P
    object$S[[1]] <- crossprod(P)
  object$p.ident <- rep(TRUE,q-1) ## p.ident is an indicator of which coefficients must be positive (exponentiated)

  object$rank <- ncol(object$X)-1  # penalty rank
  object$null.space.dim <- 2 ##  ##m+1  # dim. of unpenalized space, 2 as the basis of a straight line is two-dimensional
  object$C <- matrix(0, 0, ncol(X)) # to have no other constraints 
  object$knots <- xk;
  object$m <- m;
  object$df<-ncol(object$X)     # maximum DoF 

  ## get model matrix for 1st and 2nd derivatives of the smooth...
  h <- (max(x)-min(x))/(q-m-1) ## distance between two adjacent knots
  object$Xdf1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+1)[,2:(q-1)]/h ## ord is by one less for the 1st derivative
  object$Xdf2 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m)[,2:(q-2)]/h^2 ## ord is by two less for the 2nd derivative

  class(object)<-"mpi.smooth"  # Give object a class

## Prediction matrix for the `mpi` smooth class... 

## prediction method function for the `mpi' smooth class
{ m <- object$m # spline order, m+1=3 default for cubic spline
  q <- object$df +1
 # Sig <- matrix(as.numeric(rep(1:q,q)>=rep(1:q,each=q)),q,q) ## coef summation matrix
  Sig <- matrix(1,q,q)  ## coef summation matrix
  Sig[upper.tri(Sig)] <-0
  ## find spline basis inner knot range...
  ll <- object$knots[m+2];ul <- object$knots[length(object$knots)-m-1]
  x <- data[[object$term]]
  n <- length(x)
  ind <- x<=ul & x>=ll ## data in range
  if (sum(ind)==n) { ## all in range
     X <- spline.des(object$knots,x,m+2)$design
     X <- X%*%Sig 
  } else { ## some extrapolation needed 
     ## matrix mapping coefs to value and slope at end points...
     D <- spline.des(object$knots,c(ll,ll,ul,ul),m+2,c(0,1,0,1))$design
     X <- matrix(0,n,ncol(D)) ## full predict matrix
     if (sum(ind)> 0)  X[ind,] <- spline.des(object$knots,x[ind],m+2)$design ## interior rows
     ## Now add rows for linear extrapolation...
     ind <- x < ll 
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ll)%*%D[1:2,]
     ind <- x > ul
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ul)%*%D[3:4,]
     X <- X%*%Sig 
  ## X <- sweep(X,2,c(0,object$cmX))
  X <- sweep(X,2,c(0,object$cmX))

### Adding monotone increasing SCOP-spline construction without applying identifiability constraints
### to be used with numeric 'by' variable...
## when 'by' variable takes more than one value, the smooth terms are identifiable without a
## 'zero intercept' constraint, so they are left unconstrained.  

smooth.construct.mpiBy.smooth.spec<- function(object, data, knots)
## construction of the monotone increasing smooth
  m <- object$p.order[1]
  if (is.na(m)) m <- 2 ## default for cubic spline
  if (m<1) stop("silly m supplied")
  if (object$bs.dim<0) object$bs.dim <- 10 ## default
  q <- object$bs.dim 
  nk <- q+m+2 ## number of knots
  if (nk<=0) stop("k too small for m")
  x <- data[[object$term]]  ## the data
  xk <- knots[[object$term]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  if (is.null(xk)) # space knots through data
     { n<-length(x)
       for (i in 1:(m+1)) {xk[i]<-xk[m+2]-(m+2-i)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
       for (i in (q+2):(q+m+2)) {xk[i]<-xk[q+1]+(i-q-1)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
  if (length(xk)!=nk) # right number of knots?
   stop(paste("there should be ", nk," supplied knots"))
  if (!is.null(object$point.con[[1]])) ## a point constraint is supplied?
    stop(paste("'mpi' smooth does not work with a point constraint; use 'miso' for a start-at-zero constraint, or 'mifo' for a finish-at-zero constraint"))

  #  get model matrix-------------
  X1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+2)
  # get matrix Sigma...
  Sig <- matrix(1,q,q)  ## coef summation matrix
  Sig[upper.tri(Sig)] <-0
  X <- X1%*%Sig 
  object$X <- X # the final model matrix
  object$P <- list()
  object$S <- list()
  object$Sigma <- Sig

  if (!object$fixed) # create the penalty matrix
  { P <- diff(diag(q-1),difference=1)
    P <- rbind(rep(0,q-1),P) ## adding 1st row of zeros
    P <- cbind(rep(0,q-1),P) ## adding first column of zeros
    object$P[[1]] <- P
    object$S[[1]] <- crossprod(P)
  object$p.ident <- c(FALSE,rep(TRUE,q-1)) ## p.ident is an indicator of which coefficients must be positive (exponentiated)

  object$rank <- ncol(object$X)  # penalty rank
  object$null.space.dim <- 2 ## m+1  # dim. of unpenalized space
  object$C <- matrix(0, 0, ncol(X)) # to have no other constraints 
  object$knots <- xk;
  object$m <- m;
  object$df<-ncol(object$X)     # maximum DoF 

  ## get model matrix for 1st and 2nd derivatives of the smooth...
  h <- (max(x)-min(x))/(q-m-1) ## distance between two adjacent knots
  object$Xdf1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+1)[,1:(q-1)]/h ## ord is by one less for the 1st derivative
  object$Xdf2 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m)[,1:(q-2)]/h^2 ## ord is by two less for the 2nd derivative

  class(object)<-"mpiBy.smooth"  # Give object a class

## Prediction matrix for the `mpiBy` smooth class... 
## prediction method function for the `mpiBy' smooth class
{ m <- object$m # spline order, m+1=3 default for cubic spline
  q <- object$df 
  Sig <- matrix(1,q,q)  ## coef summation matrix
  Sig[upper.tri(Sig)] <-0
  ## find spline basis inner knot range...
  ll <- object$knots[m+2];ul <- object$knots[length(object$knots)-m-1]
  x <- data[[object$term]]
  n <- length(x)
  ind <- x<=ul & x>=ll ## data in range
  if (sum(ind)==n) { ## all in range
     X <- spline.des(object$knots,x,m+2)$design
     X <- X%*%Sig 
  } else { ## some extrapolation needed 
     ## matrix mapping coefs to value and slope at end points...
     D <- spline.des(object$knots,c(ll,ll,ul,ul),m+2,c(0,1,0,1))$design
     X <- matrix(0,n,ncol(D)) ## full predict matrix
     if (sum(ind)> 0)  X[ind,] <- spline.des(object$knots,x[ind],m+2)$design ## interior rows
     ## Now add rows for linear extrapolation...
     ind <- x < ll 
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ll)%*%D[1:2,]
     ind <- x > ul
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ul)%*%D[3:4,]
     X <- X%*%Sig 

### Adding Monotone increasing SCOP-spline construction with a 'start at zero' constraint,
### a SCOP-spline additionally constrained to be zero at a start, at the left-end point of the covariate range...

smooth.construct.miso.smooth.spec<- function(object, data, knots)
## construction of the monotone increasing smooth with a 'start-at-zero' constraint;
## achieved simply by setting the first (m+1) spline coefficients to zero...
  m <- object$p.order[1]
  if (is.na(m)) m <- 2 ## default for cubic spline
  if (m<1) stop("silly m supplied")
  if (object$bs.dim<0) object$bs.dim <- 10 ## default
  q <- object$bs.dim 
  nk <- q+m+2 ## number of knots
  if (nk<=0) stop("k too small for m")
  x <- data[[object$term]]  ## the data
  xk <- knots[[object$term]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  if (is.null(xk)) { # space knots evenly through data
       for (i in 1:(m+1)) {xk[i]<-xk[m+2]-(m+2-i)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
       for (i in (q+2):(q+m+2)) {xk[i]<-xk[q+1]+(i-q-1)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
  ## move m knots, xk[m+3],...,xk[m+3+m-1] (2nd,...,(m+1) inner knots), to the first inner knot xk[m+2],
  ## join these m knots with the constrained xk[m+2] knot to avoid a plateau start...
  xk[(m+3):(m+2+m)] <- xk[m+2]
  if (length(xk)!=nk) # right number of knots?
   stop(paste("there should be ", nk," supplied knots"))
  if (!is.null(object$point.con[[1]])) ## a point constraint is supplied?
    stop(paste("'miso' smooth works only with a 'start at zero' constraint; 'pc' argument does not work here"))
  ## get model matrix...
  X1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+2)
  ## get unconstrained matrix Sigma and remove the first m+1 columns and rows...
  Sig <- matrix(1,q,q)  ## coef summation matrix
  Sig[upper.tri(Sig)] <-0
  ind <- 1:(m+1) ## 1:3 if m=2;
  ## Sig[,ind] <- 0; Sig[ind,] <- 0
  Sig <- Sig[-ind,-ind]
  X <- X1[,-ind]%*%Sig # drop (m+1) start terms, model submatrix for the scop-term
  object$X <- X # the final model matrix
  object$P <- list()
  object$S <- list()
  object$Sigma <- Sig
  if (!object$fixed) # create the penalty matrix
  { P <- diff(diag(q-length(ind)),difference=1)
    object$P[[1]] <- P
    object$S[[1]] <- crossprod(P)
  object$p.ident <- rep(TRUE,q-length(ind)) ## p.ident is an indicator of which coefficients must be positive (exponentiated)
  object$n.zero <- ind
  object$rank <- ncol(object$X)-1  # penalty rank
  object$null.space.dim <- 2 ## m+1  # dim. of unpenalized space
  object$C <- matrix(0, 0, ncol(X)) # to have no other constraints 
  object$knots <- xk;
  object$m <- m;
  object$df<-ncol(object$X)     # maximum DoF 

  ## get model matrix for 1st and 2nd derivatives of the smooth...
  h <- xk[q]-xk[q-1] ##(max(x)-min(x))/(q-m-1) ## distance between two adjacent knots (both expressions give the same distance)
  ## Xdf1, Xdf2 need to be checked...
  object$Xdf1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+1)[,(m+2):(q-1)]/h ## ord is by one less for the 1st derivative
  object$Xdf2 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m)[,(m+2):(q-2)]/h^2 ## ord is by two less for the 2nd derivative

  class(object)<-"miso.smooth"  # Give object a class

## Prediction matrix for the `miso` smooth class... 
## prediction method function for the `miso' smooth class
{ m <- object$m # spline order, m+1=3 default for cubic spline
  q <- object$bs.dim ## object$df +1 ## ?????
 # Sig <- matrix(as.numeric(rep(1:q,q)>=rep(1:q,each=q)),q,q) ## coef summation matrix
  Sig <- matrix(1,q,q)  ## coef summation matrix
  Sig[upper.tri(Sig)] <-0
  ind <- object$n.zero ## 1:(m+1)
  Sig[,ind] <- 0; Sig[ind,] <- 0
  ## find spline basis inner knot range...
  ll <- object$knots[m+2];ul <- object$knots[length(object$knots)-m-1]
  x <- data[[object$term]]
  n <- length(x)
  ind <- x<=ul & x>=ll ## data in range
  if (sum(ind)==n) { ## all in range
     X <- spline.des(object$knots,x,m+2)$design
     X <- X%*%Sig 
  } else { ## some extrapolation needed 
     ## matrix mapping coefs to value and slope at end points...
     D <- spline.des(object$knots,c(ll,ll,ul,ul),m+2,c(0,1,0,1))$design
     X <- matrix(0,n,ncol(D)) ## full predict matrix
     if (sum(ind)> 0)  X[ind,] <- spline.des(object$knots,x[ind],m+2)$design ## interior rows
     ## Now add rows for linear extrapolation...
     ind <- x < ll 
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ll)%*%D[1:2,]
     ind <- x > ul
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ul)%*%D[3:4,]
     X <- X%*%Sig 

### Adding Monotone increasing SCOP-spline construction with an 'finish at zero' constraint,
### a SCOP-spline additionally constrained to be zero at the end, at the right-end point of 
### the covariate range...

smooth.construct.mifo.smooth.spec<- function(object, data, knots)
## construction of the monotone increasing smooth with a 'finish-at-zero' constraint;
## achieved simply by setting the last (m+1) spline coefficients to zero...
  if (!is.null(object$point.con[[1]])) ## a point constraint is supplied?
    stop(paste("'mifo' smooth works only with a 'finish at zero' constraint; 'pc' argument does not work here"))
  m <- object$p.order[1]
  if (is.na(m)) m <- 2 ## default for cubic spline
  if (m<1) stop("silly m supplied")
  if (object$bs.dim<0) object$bs.dim <- 10 ## default
  q <- object$bs.dim 
  nk <- q+m+2 ## number of knots
  if (nk<=0) stop("k too small for m")
  x <- data[[object$term]]  ## the data
  xk <- knots[[object$term]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  if (is.null(xk)) { # space knots evenly through data
       for (i in 1:(m+1)) {xk[i]<-xk[m+2]-(m+2-i)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
       for (i in (q+2):(q+m+2)) {xk[i]<-xk[q+1]+(i-q-1)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
  ## move m knots, xk[q-m+1],...,xk[q] (the m pre-last inner knots), to the last inner knot xk[q+1],
  ## join these m knots with the constrained xk[q+1] knot to avoid a plateau end...
  xk[(q-m+1):q] <- xk[q+1]
  if (length(xk)!=nk) # right number of knots?
   stop(paste("there should be ", nk," supplied knots"))
  ##  get model matrix...
  X1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+2)
  ## get unconstrained matrix Sigma and remove the last m+1 columns and rows...
  Sig <- matrix(1,q,q)  ## coef summation matrix
  Sig[upper.tri(Sig)] <-0
  ind <- (q-m):q
 ## Sig[,ind] <- 0; Sig[ind,] <- 0
  Sig <- Sig[-ind,-ind]
  X <- X1[,-ind]%*%Sig # drop (m+1) end terms, model submatrix for the scop-term
  object$X <- X # the final model matrix
  object$P <- list()
  object$S <- list()
  object$Sigma <- Sig

  if (!object$fixed) # create the penalty matrix
  { P <- diff(diag(q-length(ind)),difference=1)
    object$P[[1]] <- P
    object$S[[1]] <- crossprod(P)
  object$p.ident <- c(FALSE,rep(TRUE,q-length(ind)-1)) ## p.ident is an indicator of which coefficients must be positive (exponentiated)
  object$n.zero <- ind
  object$rank <- ncol(object$X)-1  # penalty rank
  object$null.space.dim <- 2 ##m+1  # dim. of unpenalized space
  object$C <- matrix(0, 0, ncol(X)) # to have no other constraints 
  object$knots <- xk;
  object$m <- m;
  object$df<-ncol(object$X)     # maximum DoF 

  ## get model matrix for 1st and 2nd derivatives of the smooth...
  h <- (max(x)-min(x))/(q-m-1) ## distance between two adjacent knots
  ## Xdf1, Xdf2 need to be checked...
  object$Xdf1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+1)[,1:(q-1-(m+1))]/h ## ord is by one less for the 1st derivative
  object$Xdf2 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m)[,1:(q-2-(m+1))]/h^2 ## ord is by two less for the 2nd derivative

  class(object)<-"mifo.smooth"  # Give object a class

## Prediction matrix for the `mifo` smooth class... 
## prediction method function for the `mifo' smooth class
{ m <- object$m # spline order, m+1=3 default for cubic spline
  q <- object$bs.dim ## object$df +1 ## ?????
  Sig <- matrix(1,q,q)  ## coef summation matrix
  Sig[upper.tri(Sig)] <-0
  ind <- object$n.zero 
  Sig[,ind] <- 0; Sig[ind,] <- 0
  ## find spline basis inner knot range...
  ll <- object$knots[m+2];ul <- object$knots[length(object$knots)-m-1]
  x <- data[[object$term]]
  n <- length(x)
  ind <- x<=ul & x>=ll ## data in range
  if (sum(ind)==n) { ## all in range
     X <- spline.des(object$knots,x,m+2)$design
     X <- X%*%Sig 
  } else { ## some extrapolation needed 
     ## matrix mapping coefs to value and slope at end points...
     D <- spline.des(object$knots,c(ll,ll,ul,ul),m+2,c(0,1,0,1))$design
     X <- matrix(0,n,ncol(D)) ## full predict matrix
     if (sum(ind)> 0)  X[ind,] <- spline.des(object$knots,x[ind],m+2)$design ## interior rows
     ## Now add rows for linear extrapolation...
     ind <- x < ll 
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ll)%*%D[1:2,]
     ind <- x > ul
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ul)%*%D[3:4,]
     X <- X%*%Sig 

### Adding Monotone decreasing SCOP-spline construction 

smooth.construct.mpd.smooth.spec<- function(object, data, knots)
## construction of the monotone decreasing smooth
  # require(splines)
  m <- object$p.order[1]
  if (is.na(m)) m <- 2 ## default for cubic splines
  if (m<1) stop("silly m supplied")
  if (object$bs.dim<0) object$bs.dim <- 10 ## default
  q <- object$bs.dim 
  nk <- q+m+2 ## number of knots
  if (nk<=0) stop("k too small for m")
  x <- data[[object$term]]  ## the data
  xk <- knots[[object$term]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  if (is.null(xk)) # space knots through data
     { n <- length(x)
       xk <- rep(0,q+m+2)
       xk[(m+2):(q+1)] <- seq(min(x),max(x),length=q-m)
       for (i in 1:(m+1)) {xk[i] <- xk[m+2]-(m+2-i)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
       for (i in (q+2):(q+m+2)) {xk[i] <- xk[q+1]+(i-q-1)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
  if (length(xk)!=nk) # right number of knots?
  stop(paste("there should be ",nk," supplied knots"))
  #  get model matrix-------------
  X1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+2)
  # get matrix Sigma and remove the first column for the monotone smooth (column and row for Sig)
 # Sig <- matrix(as.numeric(rep(1:q,q)>=rep(1:q,each=q)),q,q) ## coef summation matrix
  Sig <- matrix(-1,q,q)  ## coef summation matrix
  Sig[upper.tri(Sig)] <-0
  Sig[,1] <- -Sig[,1] ## monotone decrease case
  X <- X1[,-1]%*%Sig[-1,-1] # drop intercept term
  ## applying sum-to-zero (centering) constraint...
  cmx <- colMeans(X)
  X <- sweep(X,2,cmx) ## subtract cmx from columns 
  object$X <- X # the final model matrix
  object$cmX <- cmx  

  object$Sigma <- Sig[-1,-1]
  object$P <- list()
  object$S <- list()

  if (!object$fixed) # create the penalty matrix
  { P <- diff(diag(q-1),difference=1)
    object$P[[1]] <- P
    object$S[[1]] <- crossprod(P)
  object$p.ident <- rep(TRUE,q-1)  ## p.ident is an indicator of which coefficients must be positive (exponentiated) 
  object$rank <- ncol(object$X)-1  # penalty rank
  object$null.space.dim <-2 ## m+1  # dim. of unpenalized space
  object$C <- matrix(0, 0, ncol(X)) # to have no other constraints 
  ## get model matrix for 1st and 2nd derivatives of the smooth...
  h <- (max(x)-min(x))/(q-m-1) ## distance between two adjacent knots
  object$Xdf1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+1)[,2:(q-1)]/h ## ord is by one less for the 1st derivative
  object$Xdf2 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m)[,2:(q-2)]/h^2 ## ord is by two less for the 2nd derivative

  object$knots <- xk;
  object$m <- m;
  object$df<-ncol(object$X)     # maximum DoF (if unconstrained)
  class(object)<-"mpd.smooth"  # Give object a class

## Prediction matrix for the `mpd` smooth class 

## prediction method function for the `mpd' smooth class
{ m <- object$m+1; # spline order, m+1=3 default for cubic spline
  q <- object$df +1
  # elements of matrix Sigma for decreasing smooth...
 # Sig <- matrix(as.numeric(rep(1:q,q)>=rep(1:q,each=q)),q,q) ## coef summation matrix
  Sig <- matrix(-1,q,q)  ## coef summation matrix
  Sig[upper.tri(Sig)] <-0
  Sig[,1] <- -Sig[,1] ## monotone decrease case
  ## find spline basis inner knot range...
  ll <- object$knots[m+1];ul <- object$knots[length(object$knots)-m]
  m <- m + 1
  x <- data[[object$term]]
  n <- length(x)
  ind <- x<=ul & x>=ll ## data in range
  if (sum(ind)==n) { ## all in range
     X <- spline.des(object$knots,x,m)$design
     X <- X%*%Sig 
  } else { ## some extrapolation needed 
     ## matrix mapping coefs to value and slope at end points...
     D <- spline.des(object$knots,c(ll,ll,ul,ul),m,c(0,1,0,1))$design
     X <- matrix(0,n,ncol(D)) ## full predict matrix
     if (sum(ind)> 0)  X[ind,] <- spline.des(object$knots,x[ind],m)$design ## interior rows
     ## Now add rows for linear extrapolation...
     ind <- x < ll 
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ll)%*%D[1:2,]
     ind <- x > ul
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ul)%*%D[3:4,]
     X <- X%*%Sig 
    ## X <- sweep(X,2,c(0,object$cmX)) 
  X <- sweep(X,2,c(0,object$cmX))

### Adding Monotone decreasing SCOP-spline construction without applying identifiability constraints
### to be used with numeric 'by' variable...

smooth.construct.mpdBy.smooth.spec<- function(object, data, knots)
## construction of the monotone decreasing smooth
  # require(splines)
  m <- object$p.order[1]
  if (is.na(m)) m <- 2 ## default for cubic splines
  if (m<1) stop("silly m supplied")
  if (object$bs.dim<0) object$bs.dim <- 10 ## default
  q <- object$bs.dim 
  nk <- q+m+2 ## number of knots
  if (nk<=0) stop("k too small for m")
  x <- data[[object$term]]  ## the data
  xk <- knots[[object$term]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  if (is.null(xk)) # space knots through data
     { n <- length(x)
       xk <- rep(0,q+m+2)
       xk[(m+2):(q+1)] <- seq(min(x),max(x),length=q-m)
       for (i in 1:(m+1)) {xk[i] <- xk[m+2]-(m+2-i)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
       for (i in (q+2):(q+m+2)) {xk[i] <- xk[q+1]+(i-q-1)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
  if (length(xk)!=nk) # right number of knots?
  stop(paste("there should be ",nk," supplied knots"))
  #  get model matrix-------------
  X1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+2)
  # get matrix Sigma and remove the first column for the monotone smooth (column and row for Sig)
 # Sig <- matrix(as.numeric(rep(1:q,q)>=rep(1:q,each=q)),q,q) ## coef summation matrix
  Sig <- matrix(-1,q,q)  ## coef summation matrix
  Sig[upper.tri(Sig)] <-0
  Sig[,1] <- -Sig[,1] ## monotone decrease case

  X <- X1%*%Sig # no drop intercept term
  object$X<-X # the final model matrix
  object$Sigma <- Sig
  object$P <- list()
  object$S <- list()

  if (!object$fixed) # create the penalty matrix
  { P <- diff(diag(q-1),difference=1)
    P <- rbind(rep(0,q-1),P) ## adding 1st row of zeros
    P <- cbind(rep(0,q-1),P) ## adding first column of zeros
    object$P[[1]] <- P
    object$S[[1]] <- crossprod(P)
  object$p.ident <- c(FALSE,rep(TRUE,q-1))  ## p.ident is an indicator of which coefficients must be positive (exponentiated) 
  object$rank <- ncol(object$X)  # penalty rank
  object$null.space.dim <- 2 ## m+1  # dim. of unpenalized space
  object$C <- matrix(0, 0, ncol(X)) # to have no other constraints 
  ## get model matrix for 1st and 2nd derivatives of the smooth...
  h <- (max(x)-min(x))/(q-m-1) ## distance between two adjacent knots
  object$Xdf1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+1)[,1:(q-1)]/h ## ord is by one less for the 1st derivative
  object$Xdf2 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m)[,1:(q-2)]/h^2 ## ord is by two less for the 2nd derivative

  object$knots <- xk;
  object$m <- m;
  object$df<-ncol(object$X)     # maximum DoF (if unconstrained)
  class(object)<-"mpdBy.smooth"  # Give object a class

## Prediction matrix for the `mpdBy` smooth class 

## prediction method function for the `mpdBy' smooth class
{ m <- object$m+1; # spline order, m+1=3 default for cubic spline
  q <- object$df 
  # elements of matrix Sigma for decreasing smooth...
 # Sig <- matrix(as.numeric(rep(1:q,q)>=rep(1:q,each=q)),q,q) ## coef summation matrix
  Sig <- matrix(-1,q,q)  ## coef summation matrix
  Sig[upper.tri(Sig)] <-0
  Sig[,1] <- -Sig[,1] ## monotone decrease case
  ## find spline basis inner knot range...
  ll <- object$knots[m+1];ul <- object$knots[length(object$knots)-m]
  m <- m + 1
  x <- data[[object$term]]
  n <- length(x)
  ind <- x<=ul & x>=ll ## data in range
  if (sum(ind)==n) { ## all in range
     X <- spline.des(object$knots,x,m)$design
     X <- X%*%Sig 
  } else { ## some extrapolation needed 
     ## matrix mapping coefs to value and slope at end points...
     D <- spline.des(object$knots,c(ll,ll,ul,ul),m,c(0,1,0,1))$design
     X <- matrix(0,n,ncol(D)) ## full predict matrix
     if (sum(ind)> 0)  X[ind,] <- spline.des(object$knots,x[ind],m)$design ## interior rows
     ## Now add rows for linear extrapolation...
     ind <- x < ll 
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ll)%*%D[1:2,]
     ind <- x > ul
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ul)%*%D[3:4,]
     X <- X%*%Sig 

### Smooth constructor for the mixed constrainted smooths ......

### Adding Monotone decreasing & concave P-spline construction 

smooth.construct.mdcv.smooth.spec<- function(object, data, knots)
## construction of the monotone decreasing and concave smooth
  # require(splines)
  m <- object$p.order[1]
  if (is.na(m)) m <- 2 ## default for cubis spline
  if (m<1) stop("silly m supplied")
  if (object$bs.dim<0) object$bs.dim <- 10 ## default
  q <- object$bs.dim 
  nk <- q+m+2 ## number of knots
  if (nk<=0) stop("k too small for m")
  x <- data[[object$term]]  ## the data
  xk <- knots[[object$term]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  if (is.null(xk)) # space knots through data
     { n<-length(x)
       for (i in 1:(m+1)) {xk[i]<-xk[m+2]-(m+2-i)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
       for (i in (q+2):(q+m+2)) {xk[i]<-xk[q+1]+(i-q-1)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
  if (length(xk)!=nk) # right number of knots?
  stop(paste("there should be ",nk," supplied knots"))
  #  get model matrix-------------
  X1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+2)
  # use matrix Sigma and remove the first column for the monotone smooth
  Sig <- matrix(0,(q-1),(q-1))   # Define Matrix Sigma
     # for monotone decreasing & concave smooth
  for (i in 1:(q-1)) Sig[i:(q-1),i]<--c(1:(q-i))
  X <- X1[,2:q]%*%Sig # model submatrix for the constrained term

  ## applying sum-to-zero (centering) constraint...
  cmx <- colMeans(X)
  X <- sweep(X,2,cmx) ## subtract cmx from columns 
  object$X <- X # the final model matrix
  object$cmX <- cmx

  object$Sigma <- Sig
  object$P <- list()
  object$S <- list()

  if (!object$fixed) # create the penalty matrix
  { P <- diff(diag(q-2),difference=1)
    object$P[[1]] <- P
    S <- matrix(0,q-1,q-1)
    S[2:(q-1),2:(q-1)] <- crossprod(P)
    object$S[[1]] <- S
  object$p.ident <- rep(TRUE,q-1)  ## p.ident is an indicator of which coefficients must be positive (exponentiated)  
  object$rank <- ncol(object$X)-1  # penalty rank
  object$null.space.dim <- 2 ##m+1  # dim. of unpenalized space
  object$C <- matrix(0, 0, ncol(X)) # to have no other constraints 
  ## get model matrix for 1st and 2nd derivatives of the smooth...
  h <- (max(x)-min(x))/(q-m-1) ## distance between two adjacent knots
  object$Xdf1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+1)[,2:(q-1)]/h ## ord is by one less for the 1st derivative
  object$Xdf2 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m)[,2:(q-2)]/h^2 ## ord is by two less for the 2nd derivative

  object$knots <- xk;
  object$m <- m;
  object$df<-ncol(object$X)     # maximum DoF (if unconstrained)
  class(object)<-"mdcv.smooth"  # Give object a class

## Prediction matrix for the `mdcv` smooth class.... 

## prediction method function for the `mdcv' smooth class
{ m <- object$m+1; # spline order, m+1=3 default for cubic spline
  q <- object$df +1
  Sig <- matrix(0,q,q)   
  Sig[,1] <- rep(1,q)
  for (i in 2:q)  Sig[i:q,i] <- -c(1:(q-i+1))
  ## find spline basis inner knot range...
  ll <- object$knots[m+1];ul <- object$knots[length(object$knots)-m]
  m <- m + 1
  x <- data[[object$term]]
  n <- length(x)
  ind <- x<=ul & x>=ll ## data in range
  if (sum(ind)==n) { ## all in range
     X <- spline.des(object$knots,x,m)$design
     X <- X%*%Sig 
  } else { ## some extrapolation needed 
     ## matrix mapping coefs to value and slope at end points...
     D <- spline.des(object$knots,c(ll,ll,ul,ul),m,c(0,1,0,1))$design
     X <- matrix(0,n,ncol(D)) ## full predict matrix
     if (sum(ind)> 0)  X[ind,] <- spline.des(object$knots,x[ind],m)$design ## interior rows
     ## Now add rows for linear extrapolation...
     ind <- x < ll 
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ll)%*%D[1:2,]
     ind <- x > ul
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ul)%*%D[3:4,]
     X <- X%*%Sig 
    ## X <- sweep(X,2,c(0,object$cmX))
  X <- sweep(X,2,c(0,object$cmX))

### Adding decreasing & concave SCOP-spline construction without identifiability constraints
### to be used with numeric 'by' variable and linear functional terms...

smooth.construct.mdcvBy.smooth.spec<- function(object, data, knots)
## construction of the monotone decreasing and concave smooth
  m <- object$p.order[1]
  if (is.na(m)) m <- 2 ## default for cubis spline
  if (m<1) stop("silly m supplied")
  if (object$bs.dim<0) object$bs.dim <- 10 ## default
  q <- object$bs.dim 
  nk <- q+m+2 ## number of knots
  if (nk<=0) stop("k too small for m")
  x <- data[[object$term]]  ## the data
  xk <- knots[[object$term]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  if (is.null(xk)) # space knots through data
     { n<-length(x)
       for (i in 1:(m+1)) {xk[i]<-xk[m+2]-(m+2-i)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
       for (i in (q+2):(q+m+2)) {xk[i]<-xk[q+1]+(i-q-1)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
  if (length(xk)!=nk) # right number of knots?
  stop(paste("there should be ",nk," supplied knots"))
  #  get model matrix-------------
  X <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+2)
  # Define matrix Sigma for monotone decreasing & concave smooth
  Sig <- matrix(0,q,q)   
  Sig[,1] <- rep(1,q)
  for (i in 2:q)  Sig[i:q,i] <- -c(1:(q-i+1))

  X <- X%*%Sig # model matrix for the constrained term
  object$X <- X 
  object$Sigma <- Sig
  object$P <- list()
  object$S <- list()

  if (!object$fixed) # create the penalty matrix
  { P <- diff(diag(q-2),difference=1)
    P <- rbind(matrix(0,2,q-2),P) ## adding first two rows of zeros
    P <- cbind(matrix(0,q-1,2),P) ## adding first two columns of zeros
    object$P[[1]] <- P
    object$S[[1]] <- crossprod(P)
  object$p.ident <- c(FALSE,rep(TRUE,q-1))  ## p.ident is an indicator of which coefficients must be positive (exponentiated)  
  object$rank <- ncol(object$X)  # penalty rank
  object$null.space.dim <- 2 ## m+1  # dim. of unpenalized space
  object$C <- matrix(0, 0, ncol(X)) # to have no other constraints 
  ## get model matrix for 1st and 2nd derivatives of the smooth...
  h <- (max(x)-min(x))/(q-m-1) ## distance between two adjacent knots
  object$Xdf1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+1)[,1:(q-1)]/h ## ord is by one less for the 1st derivative
  object$Xdf2 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m)[,1:(q-2)]/h^2 ## ord is by two less for the 2nd derivative

  object$knots <- xk;
  object$m <- m;
  object$df<-ncol(object$X)     # maximum DoF (if unconstrained)
  class(object)<-"mdcvBy.smooth"  # Give object a class

## Prediction matrix for the `mdcvBy` smooth class.... 

## prediction method function for the `mdcvBy' smooth class
{ m <- object$m+1; # spline order, m+1=3 default for cubic spline
  q <- object$df 
  Sig <- matrix(0,q,q)   
  Sig[,1] <- rep(1,q)
  for (i in 2:q)  Sig[i:q,i] <- -c(1:(q-i+1))
  ## find spline basis inner knot range...
  ll <- object$knots[m+1];ul <- object$knots[length(object$knots)-m]
  m <- m + 1
  x <- data[[object$term]]
  n <- length(x)
  ind <- x<=ul & x>=ll ## data in range
  if (sum(ind)==n) { ## all in range
     X <- spline.des(object$knots,x,m)$design
     X <- X%*%Sig 
  } else { ## some extrapolation needed 
     ## matrix mapping coefs to value and slope at end points...
     D <- spline.des(object$knots,c(ll,ll,ul,ul),m,c(0,1,0,1))$design
     X <- matrix(0,n,ncol(D)) ## full predict matrix
     if (sum(ind)> 0)  X[ind,] <- spline.des(object$knots,x[ind],m)$design ## interior rows
     ## Now add rows for linear extrapolation...
     ind <- x < ll 
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ll)%*%D[1:2,]
     ind <- x > ul
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ul)%*%D[3:4,]
     X <- X%*%Sig 

### Adding decreasing & convex SCOP-spline construction 

smooth.construct.mdcx.smooth.spec<- function(object, data, knots)
##  the constructor for the monotone decreasing and convex smooth
  m <- object$p.order[1]
  if (is.na(m)) m <- 2 ## default 
  if (m<1) stop("silly m supplied")
  if (object$bs.dim<0) object$bs.dim <- 10 ## default
  q <- object$bs.dim 
  nk <- q+m+2 ## number of knots
  if (nk<=0) stop("k too small for m")
  x <- data[[object$term]]  ## the data
  xk <- knots[[object$term]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  if (is.null(xk)) # space knots through data
  { n<-length(x)
    for (i in 1:(m+1)) {xk[i]<-xk[m+2]-(m+2-i)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
    for (i in (q+2):(q+m+2)) {xk[i]<-xk[q+1]+(i-q-1)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
  if (length(xk)!=nk) # right number of knots?
  stop(paste("there should be ",nk," supplied knots"))
  #  get model matrix-------------
  X1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+2)
  # use matrix Sigma and remove the first column for the monotone smooth
  Sig <- matrix(0,(q-1),(q-1))   # Define Matrix Sigma
     # for monotone decreasing & convex smooth
  Sig[1,] <- -rep(1,q-1)
  for (i in 2:(q-1)) {
         Sig[i,1:(q-i)] <- -i;
         Sig[i,(q-i+1):(q-1)] <- -c((i-1):1)
  X <- X1[,2:q]%*%Sig # model submatrix for the constrained term

  ## applying sum-to-zero (centering) constraint...
  cmx <- colMeans(X)
  X <- sweep(X,2,cmx) ## subtract cmx from columns 
  object$X <- X # the final model matrix
  object$cmX <- cmx

  object$Sigma <- Sig
  object$P <- list()
  object$S <- list()

  if (!object$fixed) # create the penalty matrix
  { P <- diff(diag(q-2),difference=1)
    object$P[[1]] <- P
    S <- matrix(0,q-1,q-1)
    S[2:(q-1),2:(q-1)] <- crossprod(P)
    object$S[[1]] <- S
  object$p.ident <- rep(TRUE,q-1)  ## p.ident is an indicator of which coefficients must be positive (exponentiated)  
  object$rank <- ncol(object$X)-1  # penalty rank
  object$null.space.dim <- 2 ## m+1  # dim. of unpenalized space
  object$C <- matrix(0, 0, ncol(X)) # to have no other constraints 
  ## get model matrix for 1st and 2nd derivatives of the smooth...
  h <- (max(x)-min(x))/(q-m-1) ## distance between two adjacent knots
  object$Xdf1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+1)[,2:(q-1)]/h ## ord is by one less for the 1st derivative
  object$Xdf2 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m)[,2:(q-2)]/h^2 ## ord is by two less for the 2nd derivative

  object$knots <- xk;
  object$m <- m;
  object$df<-ncol(object$X)     # maximum DoF (if unconstrained)
  class(object)<-"mdcx.smooth"  # Give object a class

## Prediction matrix for the `mdcx` smooth class.... 
## the prediction method for the `mdcx' smooth class
{ x <- data[[object$term]]
  m <- object$m+1; # spline order, m+1=3 default for cubic spline
  q <- object$df +1
  Sig <- matrix(0,q,q)   
  Sig[,1] <- rep(1,q)
  Sig1 <- matrix(0,(q-1),(q-1))   
  Sig1[1,] <- -rep(1,q-1)
  for (i in 2:(q-1)) {
  Sig [2:q,2:q] <- Sig1

  ## find spline basis inner knot range...
  ll <- object$knots[m+1];ul <- object$knots[length(object$knots)-m]
  m <- m + 1
  n <- length(x)
  ind <- x<=ul & x>=ll ## data in range
  if (sum(ind)==n) { ## all in range
     X <- spline.des(object$knots,x,m)$design
     X <- X%*%Sig 
  } else { ## some extrapolation needed 
     ## matrix mapping coefs to value and slope at end points...
     D <- spline.des(object$knots,c(ll,ll,ul,ul),m,c(0,1,0,1))$design
     X <- matrix(0,n,ncol(D)) ## full predict matrix
     if (sum(ind)> 0)  X[ind,] <- spline.des(object$knots,x[ind],m)$design ## interior rows
     ## Now add rows for linear extrapolation...
     ind <- x < ll 
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ll)%*%D[1:2,]
     ind <- x > ul
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ul)%*%D[3:4,]
     X <- X%*%Sig 
   ##  X <- sweep(X,2,c(0,object$cmX))
  X <- sweep(X,2,c(0,object$cmX))

### Adding decreasing & convex SCOP-spline construction without identifiability constraints
### to be used with numeric 'by' variable and linear functional terms...

smooth.construct.mdcxBy.smooth.spec<- function(object, data, knots)
##  the constructor for the monotone decreasing and convex smooth
  m <- object$p.order[1]
  if (is.na(m)) m <- 2 ## default 
  if (m<1) stop("silly m supplied")
  if (object$bs.dim<0) object$bs.dim <- 10 ## default
  q <- object$bs.dim 
  nk <- q+m+2 ## number of knots
  if (nk<=0) stop("k too small for m")
  x <- data[[object$term]]  ## the data
  xk <- knots[[object$term]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  if (is.null(xk)) # space knots through data
  { n<-length(x)
    for (i in 1:(m+1)) {xk[i]<-xk[m+2]-(m+2-i)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
    for (i in (q+2):(q+m+2)) {xk[i]<-xk[q+1]+(i-q-1)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
  if (length(xk)!=nk) # right number of knots?
  stop(paste("there should be ",nk," supplied knots"))
  #  get model matrix-------------
  X <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+2)
  # define matrix Sigma for monotone decreasing & convex smooth
  Sig <- matrix(0,q,q)   
  Sig[,1] <- rep(1,q)
  Sig1 <- matrix(0,(q-1),(q-1))   
  Sig1[1,] <- -rep(1,q-1)
  for (i in 2:(q-1)) {
  Sig [2:q,2:q] <- Sig1

  X <- X%*%Sig # model matrix for the constrained term
  object$Sigma <- Sig
  object$P <- list()
  object$S <- list()

  if (!object$fixed) # create the penalty matrix
  { P <- diff(diag(q-2),difference=1)
    P <- rbind(matrix(0,2,q-2),P) ## adding first two rows of zeros
    P <- cbind(matrix(0,q-1,2),P) ## adding first two columns of zeros
    object$P[[1]] <- P
    object$S[[1]] <- crossprod(P)
  object$p.ident <- c(FALSE,rep(TRUE,q-1))  ## p.ident is an indicator of which coefficients must be positive (exponentiated)  
  object$rank <- ncol(object$X)  # penalty rank
  object$null.space.dim <-2 ## m+1  # dim. of unpenalized space
  object$C <- matrix(0, 0, ncol(X)) # to have no other constraints 
  ## get model matrix for 1st and 2nd derivatives of the smooth...
  h <- (max(x)-min(x))/(q-m-1) ## distance between two adjacent knots
  object$Xdf1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+1)[,1:(q-1)]/h ## ord is by one less for the 1st derivative
  object$Xdf2 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m)[,1:(q-2)]/h^2 ## ord is by two less for the 2nd derivative

  object$knots <- xk;
  object$m <- m;
  object$df<-ncol(object$X)     # maximum DoF (if unconstrained)
  class(object)<-"mdcxBy.smooth"  # Give object a class

## Prediction matrix for the `mdcxBy` smooth class.... 
## the prediction method for the `mdcxBy' smooth class
{ x <- data[[object$term]]
  m <- object$m+1; # spline order, m+1=3 default for cubic spline
  q <- object$df
  Sig <- matrix(0,q,q)   
  Sig[,1] <- rep(1,q)
  Sig1 <- matrix(0,(q-1),(q-1))   
  Sig1[1,] <- -rep(1,q-1)
  for (i in 2:(q-1)) {
  Sig [2:q,2:q] <- Sig1

  ## find spline basis inner knot range...
  ll <- object$knots[m+1];ul <- object$knots[length(object$knots)-m]
  m <- m + 1
  n <- length(x)
  ind <- x<=ul & x>=ll ## data in range
  if (sum(ind)==n) { ## all in range
     X <- spline.des(object$knots,x,m)$design
     X <- X%*%Sig 
  } else { ## some extrapolation needed 
     ## matrix mapping coefs to value and slope at end points...
     D <- spline.des(object$knots,c(ll,ll,ul,ul),m,c(0,1,0,1))$design
     X <- matrix(0,n,ncol(D)) ## full predict matrix
     if (sum(ind)> 0)  X[ind,] <- spline.des(object$knots,x[ind],m)$design ## interior rows
     ## Now add rows for linear extrapolation...
     ind <- x < ll 
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ll)%*%D[1:2,]
     ind <- x > ul
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ul)%*%D[3:4,]
     X <- X%*%Sig 

### Adding monotone increasing & concave SCOP-spline construction ################################################################

smooth.construct.micv.smooth.spec<- function(object, data, knots)
## construction of the monotone increasing and concave smooth
 # require(splines)
  m <- object$p.order[1]
  if (is.na(m)) m <- 2 ## default 
  if (m<1) stop("silly m supplied")
  if (object$bs.dim<0) object$bs.dim <- 10 ## default
  q <- object$bs.dim 
  nk <- q+m+2 ## number of knots
  if (nk<=0) stop("k too small for m")
  x <- data[[object$term]]  ## the data
  xk <- knots[[object$term]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  if (is.null(xk)) # space knots through data
  { n<-length(x)
    for (i in 1:(m+1)) {xk[i]<-xk[m+2]-(m+2-i)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
    for (i in (q+2):(q+m+2)) {xk[i]<-xk[q+1]+(i-q-1)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
  if (length(xk)!=nk) # right number of knots?
  stop(paste("there should be ",nk," supplied knots"))
  #  get model matrix-------------
  X1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+2)
  # use matrix Sigma and remove the first column for the monotone smooth
  Sig <- matrix(0,(q-1),(q-1))   # Define Matrix Sigma
     # for monotone increasing & concave smooth
  for (i in 2:(q-1)) {
  X <- X1[,2:q]%*%Sig # model submatrix for the constrained term

  ## applying sum-to-zero (centering) constraint...
  cmx <- colMeans(X)
  X <- sweep(X,2,cmx) ## subtract cmx from columns 
  object$X <- X # the final model matrix
  object$cmX <- cmx

  object$Sigma <- Sig
  object$P <- list()
  object$S <- list()

  if (!object$fixed) # create the penalty matrix
  { P <- diff(diag(q-2),difference=1)
    object$P[[1]] <- P
    S <- matrix(0,q-1,q-1)
    S[2:(q-1),2:(q-1)] <- crossprod(P)
    object$S[[1]] <- S
  object$p.ident <- rep(TRUE,q-1)  ## p.ident is an indicator of which coefficients must be positive (exponentiated) 
  object$rank <- ncol(object$X)-1  # penalty rank
  object$null.space.dim <- 2 ##m+1  # dim. of unpenalized space
  object$C <- matrix(0, 0, ncol(X)) # to have no other constraints 
  ## get model matrix for 1st and 2nd derivatives of the smooth...
  h <- (max(x)-min(x))/(q-m-1) ## distance between two adjacent knots
  object$Xdf1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+1)[,2:(q-1)]/h ## ord is by one less for the 1st derivative
  object$Xdf2 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m)[,2:(q-2)]/h^2 ## ord is by two less for the 2nd derivative

  object$knots <- xk;
  object$m <- m;
  object$df<-ncol(object$X)     # maximum DoF (if unconstrained)
  class(object)<-"micv.smooth"  # Give object a class

## Prediction matrix for the `micv` smooth class....

## prediction method function for the `micv' smooth class
{ m <- object$m+1; # spline order, m+1=3 default for cubic spline
  q <- object$df +1
  Sig <- matrix(0,q,q)   
  Sig[,1] <- rep(1,q)
  Sig1 <- matrix(0,(q-1),(q-1))   
  Sig1[1,] <- rep(1,q-1)
  for (i in 2:(q-1)) {
       Sig1[i,1:(q-i)] <- i;
       Sig1[i,(q-i+1):(q-1)] <- c((i-1):1)
  Sig [2:q,2:q] <- Sig1

  ## find spline basis inner knot range...
  ll <- object$knots[m+1];ul <- object$knots[length(object$knots)-m]
  m <- m + 1
  x <- data[[object$term]]
  n <- length(x)
  ind <- x<=ul & x>=ll ## data in range
  if (sum(ind)==n) { ## all in range
     X <- spline.des(object$knots,x,m)$design
     X <- X%*%Sig 
  } else { ## some extrapolation needed 
     ## matrix mapping coefs to value and slope at end points...
     D <- spline.des(object$knots,c(ll,ll,ul,ul),m,c(0,1,0,1))$design
     X <- matrix(0,n,ncol(D)) ## full predict matrix
     if (sum(ind)> 0)  X[ind,] <- spline.des(object$knots,x[ind],m)$design ## interior rows
     ## Now add rows for linear extrapolation...
     ind <- x < ll 
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ll)%*%D[1:2,]
     ind <- x > ul
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ul)%*%D[3:4,]
     X <- X%*%Sig 
    ## X <- sweep(X,2,c(0,object$cmX))
  X <- sweep(X,2,c(0,object$cmX))

### Adding increasing & concave SCOP-spline construction without identifiability constraints
### to be used with numeric 'by' variable and linear functional terms...

smooth.construct.micvBy.smooth.spec<- function(object, data, knots)
## construction of the monotone increasing and concave smooth
  m <- object$p.order[1]
  if (is.na(m)) m <- 2 ## default 
  if (m<1) stop("silly m supplied")
  if (object$bs.dim<0) object$bs.dim <- 10 ## default
  q <- object$bs.dim 
  nk <- q+m+2 ## number of knots
  if (nk<=0) stop("k too small for m")
  x <- data[[object$term]]  ## the data
  xk <- knots[[object$term]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  if (is.null(xk)) # space knots through data
  { n<-length(x)
    for (i in 1:(m+1)) {xk[i]<-xk[m+2]-(m+2-i)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
    for (i in (q+2):(q+m+2)) {xk[i]<-xk[q+1]+(i-q-1)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
  if (length(xk)!=nk) # right number of knots?
  stop(paste("there should be ",nk," supplied knots"))
  ##  get model matrix-------------
  X <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+2)
  ## define matrix Sigma for monotone increasing & concave smooth
  Sig <- matrix(0,q,q)   
  Sig[,1] <- rep(1,q)
  Sig1 <- matrix(0,(q-1),(q-1))   
  Sig1[1,] <- rep(1,q-1)
  for (i in 2:(q-1)) {
       Sig1[i,1:(q-i)] <- i;
       Sig1[i,(q-i+1):(q-1)] <- c((i-1):1)
  Sig [2:q,2:q] <- Sig1

  X <- X%*%Sig ## model matrix for the constrained term
  object$X <- X 
  object$Sigma <- Sig
  object$P <- list()
  object$S <- list()

  if (!object$fixed) # create the penalty matrix
  { P <- diff(diag(q-2),difference=1)
    P <- rbind(matrix(0,2,q-2),P) ## adding first two rows of zeros
    P <- cbind(matrix(0,q-1,2),P) ## adding first two columns of zeros
    object$P[[1]] <- P
    object$S[[1]] <- crossprod(P)
  object$p.ident <- c(FALSE,rep(TRUE,q-1))  ## p.ident is an indicator of which coefficients must be positive (exponentiated) 
  object$rank <- ncol(object$X)  # penalty rank
  object$null.space.dim <- 2 ##m+1  # dim. of unpenalized space
  object$C <- matrix(0, 0, ncol(X)) # to have no other constraints 
  ## get model matrix for 1st and 2nd derivatives of the smooth...
  h <- (max(x)-min(x))/(q-m-1) ## distance between two adjacent knots
  object$Xdf1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+1)[,1:(q-1)]/h ## ord is by one less for the 1st derivative
  object$Xdf2 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m)[,1:(q-2)]/h^2 ## ord is by two less for the 2nd derivative

  object$knots <- xk;
  object$m <- m;
  object$df<-ncol(object$X)     # maximum DoF (if unconstrained)
  class(object)<-"micvBy.smooth"  # Give object a class

## Prediction matrix for the `micvBy` smooth class....
 ## prediction method function for the `micvBy' smooth class
{ m <- object$m+1; # spline order, m+1=3 default for cubic spline
  q <- object$df
  Sig <- matrix(0,q,q)   
  Sig[,1] <- rep(1,q)
  Sig1 <- matrix(0,(q-1),(q-1))   
  Sig1[1,] <- rep(1,q-1)
  for (i in 2:(q-1)) {
       Sig1[i,1:(q-i)] <- i;
       Sig1[i,(q-i+1):(q-1)] <- c((i-1):1)
  Sig [2:q,2:q] <- Sig1

  ## find spline basis inner knot range...
  ll <- object$knots[m+1];ul <- object$knots[length(object$knots)-m]
  m <- m + 1
  x <- data[[object$term]]
  n <- length(x)
  ind <- x<=ul & x>=ll ## data in range
  if (sum(ind)==n) { ## all in range
     X <- spline.des(object$knots,x,m)$design
     X <- X%*%Sig 
  } else { ## some extrapolation needed 
     ## matrix mapping coefs to value and slope at end points...
     D <- spline.des(object$knots,c(ll,ll,ul,ul),m,c(0,1,0,1))$design
     X <- matrix(0,n,ncol(D)) ## full predict matrix
     if (sum(ind)> 0)  X[ind,] <- spline.des(object$knots,x[ind],m)$design ## interior rows
     ## Now add rows for linear extrapolation...
     ind <- x < ll 
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ll)%*%D[1:2,]
     ind <- x > ul
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ul)%*%D[3:4,]
     X <- X%*%Sig 

### Adding monotone increasing & convex SCOP-spline construction 

smooth.construct.micx.smooth.spec<- function(object, data, knots)
## construction of the monotone increasing and convex smooth
  # require(splines)
  m <- object$p.order[1]
  if (is.na(m)) m <- 2 ## default 
  if (m < 1) stop("silly m supplied")
  if (object$bs.dim<0) object$bs.dim <- 10 ## default
  q <- object$bs.dim 
  nk <- q+m+2 ## number of knots
  if (nk<=0) stop("k too small for m")
  x <- data[[object$term]]  ## the data
  xk <- knots[[object$term]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  if (is.null(xk)) # space knots through data
  { n<-length(x)
    for (i in 1:(m+1)) {xk[i]<-xk[m+2]-(m+2-i)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
    for (i in (q+2):(q+m+2)) {xk[i]<-xk[q+1]+(i-q-1)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
  if (length(xk)!=nk) # right number of knots?
  stop(paste("there should be ",nk," supplied knots"))
  #  get model matrix-------------
  X1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+2)
  # use matrix Sigma and remove the first column for the monotone smooth
  Sig <- matrix(0,(q-1),(q-1))   # Define Matrix Sigma
     # for monotone increasing & convex smooth
  for (i in 1:(q-1)) Sig[i:(q-1),i]<-c(1:(q-i))
  X <- X1[,2:q]%*%Sig # model submatrix for the constrained term

  ## applying sum-to-zero (centering) constraint...
  cmx <- colMeans(X)
  X <- sweep(X,2,cmx) ## subtract cmx from columns 
  object$X <- X # the final model matrix
  object$cmX <- cmx

  object$Sigma <- Sig
  object$P <- list()
  object$S <- list()

  if (!object$fixed) # create the penalty matrix
  { P <- diff(diag(q-2),difference=1)
    object$P[[1]] <- P
    S <- matrix(0,q-1,q-1)
    S[2:(q-1),2:(q-1)] <- crossprod(P)
    object$S[[1]] <- S
  object$p.ident <- rep(TRUE,q-1) ## p.ident is an indicator of which coefficients must be positive (exponentiated) 
  object$rank <- ncol(object$X)-1  # penalty rank
  object$null.space.dim <- 2 ##m+1  # dim. of unpenalized space
  object$C <- matrix(0, 0, ncol(X)) # to have no other constraints 
  ## get model matrix for 1st and 2nd derivatives of the smooth...
  h <- (max(x)-min(x))/(q-m-1) ## distance between two adjacent knots
  object$Xdf1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+1)[,2:(q-1)]/h ## ord is by one less for the 1st derivative
  object$Xdf2 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m)[,2:(q-2)]/h^2 ## ord is by two less for the 2nd derivative

  object$knots <- xk;
  object$m <- m;
  object$df<-ncol(object$X)     # maximum DoF (if unconstrained)
  class(object)<-"micx.smooth"  # Give object a class

## Prediction matrix for the `micx` smooth class... 

## prediction method function for the `micx` smooth class
{ m <- object$m+1; # spline order, m+1=3 default for cubic spline
  q <- object$df +1
  Sig <- matrix(0,q,q)   
  Sig[,1] <- rep(1,q)
  for (i in 2:q) Sig[i:q,i] <- c(1:(q-i+1))
  ## find spline basis inner knot range...
  ll <- object$knots[m+1];ul <- object$knots[length(object$knots)-m]
  m <- m + 1
  x <- data[[object$term]]
  n <- length(x)
  ind <- x<=ul & x>=ll ## data in range
  if (sum(ind)==n) { ## all in range
     X <- spline.des(object$knots,x,m)$design
     X <- X%*%Sig 
  } else { ## some extrapolation needed 
     ## matrix mapping coefs to value and slope at end points...
     D <- spline.des(object$knots,c(ll,ll,ul,ul),m,c(0,1,0,1))$design
     X <- matrix(0,n,ncol(D)) ## full predict matrix
     if (sum(ind)> 0)  X[ind,] <- spline.des(object$knots,x[ind],m)$design ## interior rows
     ## Now add rows for linear extrapolation...
     ind <- x < ll 
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ll)%*%D[1:2,]
     ind <- x > ul
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ul)%*%D[3:4,]
     X <- X%*%Sig 
    ## X <- sweep(X,2,c(0,object$cmX))
  X <- sweep(X,2,c(0,object$cmX))

### Adding increasing & convex SCOP-spline construction without identifiability constraints
### to be used with numeric 'by' variable and linear functional terms...

smooth.construct.micxBy.smooth.spec<- function(object, data, knots)
## construction of the monotone increasing and convex smooth
  m <- object$p.order[1]
  if (is.na(m)) m <- 2 ## default 
  if (m < 1) stop("silly m supplied")
  if (object$bs.dim<0) object$bs.dim <- 10 ## default
  q <- object$bs.dim 
  nk <- q+m+2 ## number of knots
  if (nk<=0) stop("k too small for m")
  x <- data[[object$term]]  ## the data
  xk <- knots[[object$term]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  if (is.null(xk)) # space knots through data
  { n<-length(x)
    for (i in 1:(m+1)) {xk[i]<-xk[m+2]-(m+2-i)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
    for (i in (q+2):(q+m+2)) {xk[i]<-xk[q+1]+(i-q-1)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
  if (length(xk)!=nk) # right number of knots?
  stop(paste("there should be ",nk," supplied knots"))
  ##  get model matrix...
  X <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+2)
  ## Define matrix Sigma for monotone increasing & convex smooth
  Sig <- matrix(0,q,q)   
  Sig[,1] <- rep(1,q)
  for (i in 2:q) Sig[i:q,i] <- c(1:(q-i+1))

  X <- X%*%Sig # model matrix for the constrained term
  object$X <- X 
  object$Sigma <- Sig
  object$P <- list()
  object$S <- list()

  if (!object$fixed) # create the penalty matrix
  { P <- diff(diag(q-2),difference=1)
    P <- rbind(matrix(0,2,q-2),P) ## adding first two rows of zeros
    P <- cbind(matrix(0,q-1,2),P) ## adding first two columns of zeros
    object$P[[1]] <- P
    object$S[[1]] <- crossprod(P)
  object$p.ident <- c(FALSE,rep(TRUE,q-1)) ## p.ident is an indicator of which coefficients must be positive (exponentiated) 
  object$rank <- ncol(object$X)  # penalty rank
  object$null.space.dim <-2 ## m+1  # dim. of unpenalized space
  object$C <- matrix(0, 0, ncol(X)) # to have no other constraints 
  ## get model matrix for 1st and 2nd derivatives of the smooth...
  h <- (max(x)-min(x))/(q-m-1) ## distance between two adjacent knots
  object$Xdf1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+1)[,1:(q-1)]/h ## ord is by one less for the 1st derivative
  object$Xdf2 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m)[,1:(q-2)]/h^2 ## ord is by two less for the 2nd derivative

  object$knots <- xk;
  object$m <- m;
  object$df<-ncol(object$X)     # maximum DoF (if unconstrained)
  class(object)<- "micxBy.smooth"  # Give object a class

## Prediction matrix for the `micxBy` smooth class... 

## prediction method function for the `micxBy` smooth class
{ m <- object$m+1; # spline order, m+1=3 default for cubic spline
  q <- object$df 
  Sig <- matrix(0,q,q)   
  Sig[,1] <- rep(1,q)
  for (i in 2:q) Sig[i:q,i] <- c(1:(q-i+1))
  ## find spline basis inner knot range...
  ll <- object$knots[m+1];ul <- object$knots[length(object$knots)-m]
  m <- m + 1
  x <- data[[object$term]]
  n <- length(x)
  ind <- x<=ul & x>=ll ## data in range
  if (sum(ind)==n) { ## all in range
     X <- spline.des(object$knots,x,m)$design
     X <- X%*%Sig 
  } else { ## some extrapolation needed 
     ## matrix mapping coefs to value and slope at end points...
     D <- spline.des(object$knots,c(ll,ll,ul,ul),m,c(0,1,0,1))$design
     X <- matrix(0,n,ncol(D)) ## full predict matrix
     if (sum(ind)> 0)  X[ind,] <- spline.des(object$knots,x[ind],m)$design ## interior rows
     ## Now add rows for linear extrapolation...
     ind <- x < ll 
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ll)%*%D[1:2,]
     ind <- x > ul
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ul)%*%D[3:4,]
     X <- X%*%Sig 

### Smooth construct for the convex/concave smooths ......

### Adding concave SCOP-spline construction *************

smooth.construct.cv.smooth.spec<- function(object, data, knots)
## construction of the concave smooth
 # require(splines)
  m <- object$p.order[1]
  if (is.na(m)) m <- 2 ## default 
  if (m<1) stop("silly m supplied")
  if (object$bs.dim<0) object$bs.dim <- 10 ## default
  q <- object$bs.dim 
  nk <- q+m+2 ## number of knots
  if (nk<=0) stop("k too small for m")
  x <- data[[object$term]]  ## the data
  xk <- knots[[object$term]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  if (is.null(xk)) # space knots through data
  { n<-length(x)
    for (i in 1:(m+1)) {xk[i]<-xk[m+2]-(m+2-i)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
    for (i in (q+2):(q+m+2)) {xk[i]<-xk[q+1]+(i-q-1)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
  if (length(xk)!=nk) # right number of knots?
  stop(paste("there should be ",nk," supplied knots"))
  #  get model matrix-------------
  X1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+2)
  # use matrix Sigma and remove the first column for the monotone smooth
  Sig <- matrix(0,(q-1),(q-1))  # Define Sigma for concave smooth
  Sig[1:(q-1),1]<- c(1:(q-1))
  for (i in 2:(q-1)) Sig[i:(q-1),i]<--c(1:(q-i))
  X <- X1[,2:q]%*%Sig # model submatrix for the constrained term

  ## applying sum-to-zero (centering) constraint...
  cmx <- colMeans(X)
  X <- sweep(X,2,cmx) ## subtract cmx from columns 
  object$X <- X # the final model matrix
  object$cmX <- cmx

  object$Sigma <- Sig
  object$P <- list()
  object$S <- list()

  if (!object$fixed) # create the penalty matrix
  { P <- diff(diag(q-2),difference=1)
    object$P[[1]] <- P
    S <- matrix(0,q-1,q-1)
    S[2:(q-1),2:(q-1)] <- crossprod(P)
    object$S[[1]] <- S
  object$p.ident <- rep(TRUE,q-1) ## p.ident is an indicator of which coefficients must be positive (exponentiated) 
  object$rank <- ncol(object$X)-1  # penalty rank
  object$null.space.dim <- 2 ##m+1  # dim. of unpenalized space
  object$C <- matrix(0, 0, ncol(X)) # to have no other constraints 
  ## get model matrix for 1st and 2nd derivatives of the smooth...
  h <- (max(x)-min(x))/(q-m-1) ## distance between two adjacent knots
  object$Xdf1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+1)[,2:(q-1)]/h ## ord is by one less for the 1st derivative
  object$Xdf2 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m)[,2:(q-2)]/h^2 ## ord is by two less for the 2nd derivative

  object$knots <- xk;
  object$m <- m;
  object$df<-ncol(object$X)     # maximum DoF (if unconstrained)
  class(object)<-"cv.smooth"  # Give object a class

## Prediction matrix for the `cv` smooth class******************

## prediction method function for the `cv' smooth class
{ m <- object$m+1; # spline order, m+1=3 default for cubic spline
  q <- object$df +1
  Sig <- matrix(0,q,q)   
  Sig[,1] <- rep(1,q)
  Sig[2:q,2]<- c(1:(q-1))
  for (i in 3:q) Sig[i:q,i] <- -c(1:(q-i+1))

  ## find spline basis inner knot range...
  ll <- object$knots[m+1];ul <- object$knots[length(object$knots)-m]
  m <- m + 1
  x <- data[[object$term]]
  n <- length(x)
  ind <- x<=ul & x>=ll ## data in range
  if (sum(ind)==n) { ## all in range
     X <- spline.des(object$knots,x,m)$design
     X <- X%*%Sig 
  } else { ## some extrapolation needed 
     ## matrix mapping coefs to value and slope at end points...
     D <- spline.des(object$knots,c(ll,ll,ul,ul),m,c(0,1,0,1))$design
     X <- matrix(0,n,ncol(D)) ## full predict matrix
     if (sum(ind)> 0)  X[ind,] <- spline.des(object$knots,x[ind],m)$design ## interior rows
     ## Now add rows for linear extrapolation...
     ind <- x < ll 
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ll)%*%D[1:2,]
     ind <- x > ul
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ul)%*%D[3:4,]
     X <- X%*%Sig 
    ## X <- sweep(X,2,c(0,object$cmX))
  X <- sweep(X,2,c(0,object$cmX))

### Adding concave SCOP-spline construction without applying identifiability constraints
### to be used with numeric 'by' variable...
## when 'by' variable takes more than one value, the smooth terms are identifiable without a
## 'zero intercept' constraint, so they are left unconstrained...

smooth.construct.cvBy.smooth.spec<- function(object, data, knots)
## construction of the concave smooth
 # require(splines)
  m <- object$p.order[1]
  if (is.na(m)) m <- 2 ## default 
  if (m<1) stop("silly m supplied")
  if (object$bs.dim<0) object$bs.dim <- 10 ## default
  q <- object$bs.dim 
  nk <- q+m+2 ## number of knots
  if (nk<=0) stop("k too small for m")
  x <- data[[object$term]]  ## the data
  xk <- knots[[object$term]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  if (is.null(xk)) # space knots through data
  { n<-length(x)
    for (i in 1:(m+1)) {xk[i]<-xk[m+2]-(m+2-i)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
    for (i in (q+2):(q+m+2)) {xk[i]<-xk[q+1]+(i-q-1)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
  if (length(xk)!=nk) # right number of knots?
  stop(paste("there should be ",nk," supplied knots"))
  #  get model matrix-------------
  X <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+2)
  # get matrix Sigma for concave smooth...
  Sig <- matrix(0,q,q)   
  Sig[,1] <- rep(1,q)
  Sig[2:q,2]<- c(1:(q-1))
  for (i in 3:q) Sig[i:q,i] <- -c(1:(q-i+1))
  X <- X%*%Sig # model matrix for the constrained term
  object$Sigma <- Sig
  object$P <- list()
  object$S <- list()

  if (!object$fixed) # create the penalty matrix
  { P <- diff(diag(q-2),difference=1)
    P <- rbind(matrix(0,2,q-2),P) ## adding first two rows of zeros
    P <- cbind(matrix(0,q-1,2),P) ## adding first two columns of zeros
    object$P[[1]] <- P
    object$S[[1]] <- crossprod(P)
  object$p.ident <- c(FALSE,rep(TRUE,q-1)) ## p.ident is an indicator of which coefficients must be positive (exponentiated) 
  object$rank <- ncol(object$X)  # penalty rank
  object$null.space.dim <- 2 ##m+1  # dim. of unpenalized space
  object$C <- matrix(0, 0, ncol(X)) # to have no other constraints 
  ## get model matrix for 1st and 2nd derivatives of the smooth...
  h <- (max(x)-min(x))/(q-m-1) ## distance between two adjacent knots
  object$Xdf1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+1)[,1:(q-1)]/h ## ord is by one less for the 1st derivative
  object$Xdf2 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m)[,1:(q-2)]/h^2 ## ord is by two less for the 2nd derivative

  object$knots <- xk;
  object$m <- m;
  object$df<-ncol(object$X)     # maximum DoF (if unconstrained)
  class(object)<-"cvBy.smooth"  # Give object a class

## Prediction matrix for the `cvBy` smooth class******************

## prediction method function for the `cvBy' smooth class
{ m <- object$m+1; # spline order, m+1=3 default for cubic spline
  q <- object$df 
  Sig <- matrix(0,q,q)   
  Sig[,1] <- rep(1,q)
  Sig[2:q,2]<- c(1:(q-1))
  for (i in 3:q) Sig[i:q,i] <- -c(1:(q-i+1))

  ## find spline basis inner knot range...
  ll <- object$knots[m+1];ul <- object$knots[length(object$knots)-m]
  m <- m + 1
  x <- data[[object$term]]
  n <- length(x)
  ind <- x<=ul & x>=ll ## data in range
  if (sum(ind)==n) { ## all in range
     X <- spline.des(object$knots,x,m)$design
     X <- X%*%Sig 
  } else { ## some extrapolation needed 
     ## matrix mapping coefs to value and slope at end points...
     D <- spline.des(object$knots,c(ll,ll,ul,ul),m,c(0,1,0,1))$design
     X <- matrix(0,n,ncol(D)) ## full predict matrix
     if (sum(ind)> 0)  X[ind,] <- spline.des(object$knots,x[ind],m)$design ## interior rows
     ## Now add rows for linear extrapolation...
     ind <- x < ll 
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ll)%*%D[1:2,]
     ind <- x > ul
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ul)%*%D[3:4,]
     X <- X%*%Sig 

### Adding convex SCOP-spline construction *************

smooth.construct.cx.smooth.spec<- function(object, data, knots)
## construction of the convex smooth
  # require(splines)
  m <- object$p.order[1]
  if (is.na(m)) m <- 2 ## default 
  if (m<1) stop("silly m supplied")
  if (object$bs.dim<0) object$bs.dim <- 10 ## default
  q <- object$bs.dim 
  nk <- q+m+2 ## number of knots
  if (nk<=0) stop("k too small for m")
  x <- data[[object$term]]  ## the data
  xk <- knots[[object$term]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  if (is.null(xk)) # space knots through data
  { n<-length(x)
    for (i in 1:(m+1)) {xk[i]<-xk[m+2]-(m+2-i)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
    for (i in (q+2):(q+m+2)) {xk[i]<-xk[q+1]+(i-q-1)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
  if (length(xk)!=nk) # right number of knots?
  stop(paste("there should be ",nk," supplied knots"))
  #  get model matrix-------------
  X1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+2)
  # use matrix Sigma and remove the first column for the monotone smooth
  Sig <- matrix(0,(q-1),(q-1))   # Define Sigma for convex smooth
  Sig[1:(q-1),1]<- -c(1:(q-1))
  for (i in 2:(q-1)) Sig[i:(q-1),i]<- c(1:(q-i))
  X <- X1[,2:q]%*%Sig # model submatrix for the constrained term

  ## applying sum-to-zero (centering) constraint...
  cmx <- colMeans(X)
  X <- sweep(X,2,cmx) ## subtract cmx from columns 
  object$X <- X # the final model matrix
  object$cmX <- cmx

  object$Sigma <- Sig
  object$P <- list()
  object$S <- list()

  if (!object$fixed) # create the penalty matrix
  { P <- diff(diag(q-2),difference=1)
    object$P[[1]] <- P
    S <- matrix(0,q-1,q-1)
    S[2:(q-1),2:(q-1)] <- crossprod(P)
    object$S[[1]] <- S
  object$p.ident <- rep(TRUE,q-1) ## p.ident is an indicator of which coefficients must be positive (exponentiated) 
  object$rank <- ncol(object$X)-1  # penalty rank
  object$null.space.dim <- 2 ##m+1  # dim. of unpenalized space
  object$C <- matrix(0, 0, ncol(X)) # to have no other constraints 
  ## get model matrix for 1st and 2nd derivatives of the smooth...
  h <- (max(x)-min(x))/(q-m-1) ## distance between two adjacent knots
  object$Xdf1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+1)[,2:(q-1)]/h ## ord is by one less for the 1st derivative
  object$Xdf2 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m)[,2:(q-2)]/h^2 ## ord is by two less for the 2nd derivative

  object$knots <- xk;
  object$m <- m;
  object$df<-ncol(object$X)     # maximum DoF (if unconstrained)
  class(object)<-"cx.smooth"  # Give object a class

## Prediction matrix for the `cx` smooth class *************************

## prediction method function for the `cx' smooth class
{ m <- object$m+1; # spline order, m+1=3 default for cubic spline
  q <- object$df +1
  Sig <- matrix(0,q,q)   
  Sig[,1] <- rep(1,q)
  Sig[2:q,2]<- -c(1:(q-1))
  for (i in 3:q) Sig[i:q,i] <- c(1:(q-i+1))
  ## find spline basis inner knot range...
  ll <- object$knots[m+1];ul <- object$knots[length(object$knots)-m]
  m <- m + 1
  x <- data[[object$term]]
  n <- length(x)
  ind <- x<=ul & x>=ll ## data in range
  if (sum(ind)==n) { ## all in range
     X <- spline.des(object$knots,x,m)$design
     X <- X%*%Sig 
  } else { ## some extrapolation needed 
     ## matrix mapping coefs to value and slope at end points...
     D <- spline.des(object$knots,c(ll,ll,ul,ul),m,c(0,1,0,1))$design
     X <- matrix(0,n,ncol(D)) ## full predict matrix
     if (sum(ind)> 0)  X[ind,] <- spline.des(object$knots,x[ind],m)$design ## interior rows
     ## Now add rows for linear extrapolation...
     ind <- x < ll 
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ll)%*%D[1:2,]
     ind <- x > ul
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ul)%*%D[3:4,]
     X <- X%*%Sig 
    ## X <- sweep(X,2,c(0,object$cmX))
  X <- sweep(X,2,c(0,object$cmX))

### Adding convex SCOP-spline construction without identifiability constraints
### to be used with numeric 'by' variable and linear functional terms...

smooth.construct.cxBy.smooth.spec<- function(object, data, knots)
## construction of the convex smooth
  m <- object$p.order[1]
  if (is.na(m)) m <- 2 ## default 
  if (m<1) stop("silly m supplied")
  if (object$bs.dim<0) object$bs.dim <- 10 ## default
  q <- object$bs.dim 
  nk <- q+m+2 ## number of knots
  if (nk<=0) stop("k too small for m")
  x <- data[[object$term]]  ## the data
  xk <- knots[[object$term]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  if (is.null(xk)) # space knots through data
  { n<-length(x)
    for (i in 1:(m+1)) {xk[i]<-xk[m+2]-(m+2-i)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
    for (i in (q+2):(q+m+2)) {xk[i]<-xk[q+1]+(i-q-1)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
  if (length(xk)!=nk) # right number of knots?
  stop(paste("there should be ",nk," supplied knots"))
  #  get model matrix-------------
  X <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+2)
  # get matrix Sigma for convex  smooth...
  Sig <- matrix(0,q,q)   
  Sig[,1] <- 1
  Sig[2:q,2]<- -c(1:(q-1))
  for (i in 3:q) Sig[i:q,i] <- c(1:(q-i+1))
  X <- X%*%Sig # model submatrix for the constrained term
  object$X<-X # the final model matrix
  object$Sigma <- Sig
  object$P <- list()
  object$S <- list()

  if (!object$fixed) # create the penalty matrix
  { P <- diff(diag(q-2),difference=1)
    P <- rbind(matrix(0,2,q-2),P) ## adding first two rows of zeros
    P <- cbind(matrix(0,q-1,2),P) ## adding first two columns of zeros
    object$P[[1]] <- P
    object$S[[1]] <- crossprod(P)
  object$p.ident <- c(FALSE,rep(TRUE,q-1)) ## p.ident is an indicator of which coefficients must be positive (exponentiated) 
  object$rank <- ncol(object$X)  # penalty rank
  object$null.space.dim <- 2 ##m+1  # dim. of unpenalized space
  object$C <- matrix(0, 0, ncol(X)) # to have no other constraints 
  ## get model matrix for 1st and 2nd derivatives of the smooth...
  h <- (max(x)-min(x))/(q-m-1) ## distance between two adjacent knots
  object$Xdf1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+1)[,1:(q-1)]/h ## ord is by one less for the 1st derivative
  object$Xdf2 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m)[,1:(q-2)]/h^2 ## ord is by two less for the 2nd derivative

  object$knots <- xk;
  object$m <- m;
  object$df<-ncol(object$X)     # maximum DoF (if unconstrained)
  class(object)<-"cxBy.smooth"  # Give object a class

## Prediction matrix for the `cxBy` smooth class *************************

## prediction method function for the `cxBy' smooth class
{ m <- object$m+1; # spline order, m+1=3 default for cubic spline
  q <- object$df 
  Sig <- matrix(0,q,q)   
  Sig[,1] <- rep(1,q)
  Sig[2:q,2]<- -c(1:(q-1))
  for (i in 3:q) Sig[i:q,i] <- c(1:(q-i+1))
  ## find spline basis inner knot range...
  ll <- object$knots[m+1];ul <- object$knots[length(object$knots)-m]
  m <- m + 1
  x <- data[[object$term]]
  n <- length(x)
  ind <- x<=ul & x>=ll ## data in range
  if (sum(ind)==n) { ## all in range
     X <- spline.des(object$knots,x,m)$design
     X <- X%*%Sig 
  } else { ## some extrapolation needed 
     ## matrix mapping coefs to value and slope at end points...
     D <- spline.des(object$knots,c(ll,ll,ul,ul),m,c(0,1,0,1))$design
     X <- matrix(0,n,ncol(D)) ## full predict matrix
     if (sum(ind)> 0)  X[ind,] <- spline.des(object$knots,x[ind],m)$design ## interior rows
     ## Now add rows for linear extrapolation...
     ind <- x < ll 
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ll)%*%D[1:2,]
     ind <- x > ul
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ul)%*%D[3:4,]
     X <- X%*%Sig 

### Adding positive SCOP-spline construction 

smooth.construct.po.smooth.spec<- function(object, data, knots)
## construction of the positively costrained smooth
  m <- object$p.order[1]
  if (is.na(m)) m <- 2 ## default for cubic spline
  if (m<1) stop("silly m supplied")
  if (object$bs.dim<0) object$bs.dim <- 10 ## default
  q <- object$bs.dim 
  nk <- q+m+2 ## number of knots
  if (nk<=0) stop("k too small for m")
  x <- data[[object$term]]  ## the data
  xk <- knots[[object$term]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  if (is.null(xk)) # space knots through data
     { n<-length(x)
       for (i in 1:(m+1)) {xk[i]<-xk[m+2]-(m+2-i)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
       for (i in (q+2):(q+m+2)) {xk[i]<-xk[q+1]+(i-q-1)*(xk[m+3]-xk[m+2])}
  if (length(xk)!=nk) # right number of knots?
  stop(paste("there should be ", nk," supplied knots"))
  #  get model matrix-------------
  X1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+2)
  # use matrix Sigma and remove the first column for the positive smooth
  Sig <- diag(1,(q-1))  ## identity matrix 
 ## Sig <- diag(1,q)  ## identity matrix
  X <- X1[,2:q] 
 ## X <- X1
  object$X <- X # the final model matrix
  object$P <- list()
  object$S <- list()
  object$Sigma <- Sig

  if (!object$fixed) # create the penalty matrix
  { P <- diff(diag(q-1),difference=1)
   ## P <- diff(diag(q),difference=1)
    object$P[[1]] <- P
    object$S[[1]] <- crossprod(P)
  object$p.ident <- rep(TRUE,q-1) ## p.ident is an indicator of which coefficients must be positive (exponentiated)
 ## object$p.ident <- rep(TRUE,q)
  object$rank <- ncol(object$X)-1  # penalty rank
 ## object$rank <- ncol(object$X)  # penalty rank
  object$null.space.dim <-2 ## m+1  # dim. of unpenalized space
  object$C <- matrix(0, 0, ncol(X)) # to have no other constraints 
  object$knots <- xk;
  object$m <- m;
  object$df<-ncol(object$X)     # maximum DoF (if unconstrained)

  ## get model matrix for 1st and 2nd derivatives of the smooth...
  h <- (max(x)-min(x))/(q-m-1) ## distance between two adjacent knots
  object$Xdf1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m+1)[,2:(q-1)]/h ## ord is by one less for the 1st derivative
  object$Xdf2 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m)[,2:(q-2)]/h^2 ## ord is by two less for the 2nd derivative

  class(object)<-"po.smooth"  # Give object a class

## NOte: maybe no need to set the first coefficient to zero, as no intercept is required in the model with 'po' smooth
## Prediction matrix for the `po` smooth class... 

## prediction method function for the `po' smooth class
{ m <- object$m+1; # spline order, m+1=3 default for cubic spline
  q <- object$df +1
 ## Sig <- diag(1,q)   # Define Matrix Sigma
  ## find spline basis inner knot range...
  ll <- object$knots[m+1];ul <- object$knots[length(object$knots)-m]
  m <- m + 1
  x <- data[[object$term]]
  n <- length(x)
  ind <- x<=ul & x>=ll ## data in range
  if (sum(ind)==n) { ## all in range
     X <- spline.des(object$knots,x,m)$design
  } else { ## some extrapolation needed 
     ## matrix mapping coefs to value and slope at end points...
     D <- spline.des(object$knots,c(ll,ll,ul,ul),m,c(0,1,0,1))$design
     X <- matrix(0,n,ncol(D)) ## full predict matrix
     if (sum(ind)> 0)  X[ind,] <- spline.des(object$knots,x[ind],m)$design ## interior rows
     ## Now add rows for linear extrapolation...
     ind <- x < ll 
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ll)%*%D[1:2,]
     ind <- x > ul
     if (sum(ind)>0) X[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ul)%*%D[3:4,]

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