
Defines functions Predict.matrix.tecxcv.smooth smooth.construct.tecxcv.smooth.spec Predict.matrix.tecxcx.smooth smooth.construct.tecxcx.smooth.spec Predict.matrix.tecvcv.smooth smooth.construct.tecvcv.smooth.spec Predict.matrix.tescx.smooth smooth.construct.tescx.smooth.spec Predict.matrix.tescv.smooth smooth.construct.tescv.smooth.spec marginal.matrices.tescv.ps Predict.matrix.tedecx.smooth smooth.construct.tedecx.smooth.spec Predict.matrix.tedecv.smooth smooth.construct.tedecv.smooth.spec Predict.matrix.temicv.smooth smooth.construct.temicv.smooth.spec Predict.matrix.temicx.smooth smooth.construct.temicx.smooth.spec marginal.linear.extrapolation.tesmi2.cc Predict.matrix.tesmi2.smooth marginal.matrices.tesmi2.cc marginal.matrices.tesmi2.ps smooth.construct.tesmi2.smooth.spec marginal.linear.extrapolation.tesmi1.cc Predict.matrix.tesmi1.smooth marginal.matrices.tesmi1.ps marginal.matrices.tesmi1.cc getBD pred.mat cwrap place.knots marginal.matrices.tesmi1.ps smooth.construct.tesmi1.smooth.spec Predict.matrix.tesmd2.smooth marginal.matrices.tesmi2.ps smooth.construct.tesmd2.smooth.spec Predict.matrix.tesmd1.smooth smooth.construct.tesmd1.smooth.spec Predict.matrix.tedmi.smooth smooth.construct.tedmi.smooth.spec marginal.linear.extrapolation Predict.matrix.tedmd.smooth smooth.construct.tedmd.smooth.spec

Documented in marginal.matrices.tescv.ps marginal.matrices.tesmi1.ps marginal.matrices.tesmi2.ps Predict.matrix.tecvcv.smooth Predict.matrix.tecxcv.smooth Predict.matrix.tecxcx.smooth Predict.matrix.tedecv.smooth Predict.matrix.tedecx.smooth Predict.matrix.tedmd.smooth Predict.matrix.tedmi.smooth Predict.matrix.temicv.smooth Predict.matrix.temicx.smooth Predict.matrix.tescv.smooth Predict.matrix.tescx.smooth Predict.matrix.tesmd1.smooth Predict.matrix.tesmd2.smooth Predict.matrix.tesmi1.smooth Predict.matrix.tesmi2.smooth smooth.construct.tecvcv.smooth.spec smooth.construct.tecxcv.smooth.spec smooth.construct.tecxcx.smooth.spec smooth.construct.tedecv.smooth.spec smooth.construct.tedecx.smooth.spec smooth.construct.tedmd.smooth.spec smooth.construct.tedmi.smooth.spec smooth.construct.temicv.smooth.spec smooth.construct.temicx.smooth.spec smooth.construct.tescv.smooth.spec smooth.construct.tescx.smooth.spec smooth.construct.tesmd1.smooth.spec smooth.construct.tesmd2.smooth.spec smooth.construct.tesmi1.smooth.spec smooth.construct.tesmi2.smooth.spec

## (c) Natalya Pya (2012-2024). Provided under GPL 2.
## Shape constrained smooth construct for bivariate terms.
## (2023) with sum-to-zero contraint applied to the final tensor product model matrices, XSig, after scop constraints...

### Tensor product P-spline construction with double monotone decreasing constraint,
### with sum-to-zero contraint applied to the final tensor product model matrix XSig...

smooth.construct.tedmd.smooth.spec<- function(object, data, knots)
{ ## construction of the double monotone decreasing smooth surface
 # require(splines)
  if (object$dim !=2)
      stop("the number of covariates should be two")
  if (length(object$p.order)==1)
      m <- rep(object$p.order, 2) # if a single number is supplied the same
             ## order of P-splines is provided for both marginal smooths
  else m <- object$p.order
  m[is.na(m)] <- 2  # the default order is 2 (cubic P-spline)
  if (object$bs.dim[1]==-1)  # set the default values for q1 and q2
     {  q1 <- object$bs.dim[1] <- 7
        q2 <- object$bs.dim[2] <- 7
  else if (length(object$bs.dim)==1)
       q1 <- q2 <- object$bs.dim # if `k' is supplied as a single number, the same
             ## basis dimension is provided for both marginal smooths
  else  {q1 <- object$bs.dim[1]; q2 <- object$bs.dim[2]}
  if (is.na(q1))  q1 <- object$bs.dim[1] <- 7  # the default basis dimension is 7
  if (is.na(q2))  q2 <- object$bs.dim[2] <- 7
  nk1 <- q1+m[1]+2 ## number of knots for the 1st smooth
  nk2 <- q2+m[2]+2 ## number of knots for the 2nd smooth
  if (nk1<=0 || nk2<=0) stop("either k[1] or k[2] too small for m")
  ## the values of the first covariate...   
  x <- data[[object$term[1]]]  
  xk <- knots[[object$term[1]]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  z <- data[[object$term[2]]]  ## the values of the second covariate
  zk <- knots[[object$term[2]]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  if (is.null(xk)) # space knots through the values of the 1st covariate
     {  n<-length(x)
        for (i in 1:(m[1]+1)) {xk[i]<-xk[m[1]+2]-(m[1]+2-i)*(xk[m[1]+3]-xk[m[1]+2])}
        for (i in (q1+2):(q1+m[1]+2)) {xk[i]<-xk[q1+1]+(i-q1-1)*(xk[m[1]+3]-xk[m[1]+2])}
  if (n != length(z))
       stop ("arguments of smooth not same dimension")
  if (is.null(zk)) # space knots through the values of the 2nd covariate
     {  zk<-rep(0,q2+m[2]+2)
        for (i in 1:(m[2]+1)) {zk[i]<-zk[m[2]+2]-(m[2]+2-i)*(zk[m[2]+3]-zk[m[2]+2])}
        for (i in (q2+2):(q2+m[2]+2)) {zk[i]<-zk[q2+1]+(i-q2-1)*(zk[m[2]+3]-zk[m[2]+2])}
  if (length(xk)!=nk1 || length(zk)!=nk2) # right number of knots?
       stop(paste("there should be ",nk1, " and ", nk2," supplied knots"))
  #  get model matrix-------------
  X1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m[1]+2)
  X2 <- splineDesign(zk,z,ord=m[2]+2)
  X <- matrix(0,n,q1*q2)  # model matrix
  for ( i in 1:n)
      {  X[i,] <- X1[i,]%x%X2[i,] # Kronecker product of two rows of marginal model matrices
  # get a matrix Sigma -----------------------
  IS <- matrix(-1,q2,q2)  ## Define submatrix of Sigma
  IS[upper.tri(IS)] <- 0
  IS1 <- matrix(1,q1,q1)  ## Define submatrix of Sigma
  IS1[upper.tri(IS1)] <- 0

  Sig <- IS1%x%IS # Knonecker product to get Sigma
  Sig[,1] <- rep(1,ncol(Sig))
  # apply scop identifiability constraint and get model matrix
  X <- X[,2:ncol(X)]%*%Sig[2:ncol(Sig),2:ncol(Sig)]  

  ## applying sum-to-zero (centering) constraint...
  cmx <- colMeans(X)
  X <- sweep(X,2,cmx) ## subtract cmx from columns 
  object$X <- X # the final model matrix with identifiability constraint
  object$cmX <- cmx
  # create the penalty matrix
  S <- list()
  I2<- diag(q2)
  I1 <- diff(diag(q1-1),difference=1) 
  Pm1 <- matrix(0,q1-1,q1) # marginal sqrt penalty
  Pm1[2:(q1-1),2:q1] <- I1
  S[[1]]<- Pm1%x%I2

  I2 <- diff(diag(q2-1),difference=1) 
  Pm2 <- matrix(0,q2-1,q2)
  Pm2[2:(q2-1),2:q2] <- I2  # marginal sqrt penalty
  I1 <- diag(q1)
  S[[2]] <- I1%x%Pm2

  object$P <- list()
  object$P[[1]] <- S[[1]][2:nrow(S[[1]]),2:ncol(S[[1]])]
  object$P[[2]] <- S[[2]][2:nrow(S[[2]]),2:ncol(S[[2]])]
  object$S <- list()
  object$S[[1]] <- crossprod(object$P[[1]]) ## t(object$P[[1]])%*%object$P[[1]]
  object$S[[2]] <- crossprod(object$P[[2]]) ## t(object$P[[2]])%*%object$P[[2]]
  object$p.ident <- rep(TRUE,q1*q2-1)  ## p.ident is an indicator of which coefficients must be positive (exponentiated)  
  object$rank <- ncol(object$X)-1  # penalty rank
  object$null.space.dim <- 3 ## m+1  # dim. of unpenalized space
  object$C <- matrix(0, 0, ncol(X)) # to have no other constraints 
  object$Zc <- diag(q1*q2-1) # identfiability constraint matrix
  object$Zc <- rbind(rep(0,ncol(object$Zc)),object$Zc)

  ## store "tedmd" list()
  object$knots[[1]] <- xk
  object$knots[[2]] <- zk
  object$m <- m
  object$df<-ncol(object$X)     # maximum DoF (if unconstrained)
  class(object)<-"tedmd.smooth"  # Give object a class


Predict.matrix.tedmd.smooth <- function(object, data)
{ ## prediction method function for the `tedmd' smooth class
  if (length(object$bs.dim)==1)
      q1 <- q2 <- object$bs.dim # if `k' is supplied as a single number, the same
             ## basis dimension is provided for both marginal smooths
  else  {q1 <- object$bs.dim[1]; q2 <- object$bs.dim[2]}
  bm <- marginal.linear.extrapolation(object, data)
  n <- length(data[[object$term[1]]])
  X <- matrix(0,n,q1*q2)  # model matrix
  for ( i in 1:n)
      {  X[i,] <- bm$X1[i,] %x% bm$X2[i,] # Kronecker product of two rows of marginal model matrices
  # get a matrix Sigma -----------------------
  ## IS <- matrix(0,q2,q2)   # Define submatrix of Sigma
 ## for (j in 1:q2)  IS[j,1:j] <- -1
  IS <- matrix(-1,q2,q2)  ## Define submatrix of Sigma
  IS[upper.tri(IS)] <- 0
 ## IS1 <- matrix(0,q1,q1)   # Define submatrix of Sigma
 ## for (j in 1:q1)  IS1[j,1:j] <- 1
  IS1 <- matrix(1,q1,q1)  ## Define submatrix of Sigma
  IS1[upper.tri(IS1)] <- 0
  Sig <- IS1%x%IS # Knonecker product to get Sigma
  Sig[,1] <- rep(1,ncol(Sig))
  X <- X%*%Sig
  X <- sweep(X,2,c(0,object$cmX))
  X # return the prediction matrix

## function used for predict method to get marginal model submatrices ## 
## with linear extrapolation if needed                                ##

marginal.linear.extrapolation <- function(object, data)
{ ## function to get marginal matrices used in predict method on bivariate SCOP-splines
  x <- data[[object$term[1]]]  
  z <- data[[object$term[2]]]  
  if (length(x) != length(z))
        stop ("arguments of smooth are not of the same dimension")
  m <- object$m + 1 ## vector of two components
  ## find spline basis inner knot range for 1st covariate, x...
  ll <- object$knots[[1]][m[1]+1];ul <- object$knots[[1]][length(object$knots[[1]])-m[1]]
  m[1] <- m[1] + 1
  n <- length(x)
  ind <- x<=ul & x>=ll ## data in range
  if (sum(ind)==n) { ## all in range
     X1 <- spline.des(object$knots[[1]],x,m[1])$design
  } else { ## some extrapolation needed 
     ## matrix mapping coefs to value and slope at end points...
     D <- spline.des(object$knots[[1]],c(ll,ll,ul,ul),m[1],c(0,1,0,1))$design
     X1 <- matrix(0,n,ncol(D)) ## full predict matrix
     if (sum(ind)> 0)  X1[ind,] <- spline.des(object$knots[[1]],x[ind],m[1])$design ## interior rows
     ## Now add rows for linear extrapolation...
     ind <- x < ll 
     if (sum(ind)>0) X1[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ll)%*%D[1:2,]
     ind <- x > ul
     if (sum(ind)>0) X1[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ul)%*%D[3:4,]
  ## the same for 2nd maginal matrix...
  ## find spline basis inner knot range for 2nd covariate, z...
  ll <- object$knots[[2]][m[2]+1];ul <- object$knots[[2]][length(object$knots[[2]])-m[2]]
  m[2] <- m[2] + 1
  ind <- z<=ul & z>=ll ## data in range
  if (sum(ind)==n) { ## all in range
     X2 <- spline.des(object$knots[[2]],z,m[2])$design
  } else { ## some extrapolation needed 
     ## matrix mapping coefs to value and slope at end points...
     D <- spline.des(object$knots[[2]],c(ll,ll,ul,ul),m[2],c(0,1,0,1))$design
     X2 <- matrix(0,n,ncol(D)) ## full predict matrix
     if (sum(ind)> 0)  X2[ind,] <- spline.des(object$knots[[2]],z[ind],m[2])$design ## interior rows
     ## Now add rows for linear extrapolation...
     ind <- z < ll 
     if (sum(ind)>0) X2[ind,] <- cbind(1,z[ind]-ll)%*%D[1:2,]
     ind <- z > ul
     if (sum(ind)>0) X2[ind,] <- cbind(1,z[ind]-ul)%*%D[3:4,]
  list(X1=X1, X2=X2)

### Tensor product P-spline construction with double monotone increasing constraint  ##

smooth.construct.tedmi.smooth.spec <- function(object, data, knots)
{ ## construction of the double monotone increasing smooth surface
 # require(splines)
  if (object$dim !=2)
      stop("the number of covariates should be two")
  if (length(object$p.order)==1)
      m <- rep(object$p.order, 2) # if a single number is supplied the same
             ## order of P-splines is provided for both marginal smooths
  else m <- object$p.order
  m[is.na(m)] <- 2  # the default order is 2 (cubic P-spline)
  if (object$bs.dim[1]==-1)  # set the default values fro q1 and q2
     {  q1 <- object$bs.dim[1] <- 7
        q2 <- object$bs.dim[2] <- 7
  else if (length(object$bs.dim)==1)
         q1 <- q2 <- object$bs.dim # if `k' is supplied as a single number, the same
             ## basis dimension is provided for both marginal smooths
  else  {q1 <- object$bs.dim[1]; q2 <- object$bs.dim[2]}
  if (is.na(q1)) q1 <- object$bs.dim[1] <- 7  # the default basis dimension is 7
  if (is.na(q2)) q2 <- object$bs.dim[2] <- 7
  nk1 <- q1+m[1]+2 ## number of knots for the 1st smooth
  nk2 <- q2+m[2]+2 ## number of knots for the 2nd smooth
  if (nk1<=0 || nk2<=0) stop("either k[1] or k[2] too small for m")
  ## the values of the first covariate...   
  x <- data[[object$term[1]]]  
  xk <- knots[[object$term[1]]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  z <- data[[object$term[2]]]  ## the values of the second covariate
  zk <- knots[[object$term[2]]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  if (is.null(xk)) # space knots through the values of the 1st covariate
     {  n<-length(x)
        for (i in 1:(m[1]+1)) {xk[i]<-xk[m[1]+2]-(m[1]+2-i)*(xk[m[1]+3]-xk[m[1]+2])}
        for (i in (q1+2):(q1+m[1]+2)) {xk[i]<-xk[q1+1]+(i-q1-1)*(xk[m[1]+3]-xk[m[1]+2])}
  if (n != length(z))
       stop ("arguments of smooth not same dimension")
  if (is.null(zk)) # space knots through the values of the 2nd covariate
      {  zk<-rep(0,q2+m[2]+2)
         for (i in 1:(m[2]+1)) {zk[i]<-zk[m[2]+2]-(m[2]+2-i)*(zk[m[2]+3]-zk[m[2]+2])}
         for (i in (q2+2):(q2+m[2]+2)) {zk[i]<-zk[q2+1]+(i-q2-1)*(zk[m[2]+3]-zk[m[2]+2])}
  if (length(xk)!=nk1 || length(zk)!=nk2) # right number of knots?
         stop(paste("there should be ",nk1, " and ", nk2," supplied knots"))

  #  get model matrix-------------
  X1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m[1]+2)
  X2 <- splineDesign(zk,z,ord=m[2]+2)
  X <- matrix(0,n,q1*q2)  # model matrix
  for (i in 1:n)
      {  X[i,] <- X1[i,]%x%X2[i,] # Kronecker product of two rows of marginal model matrices
  # get a matrix Sigma -----------------------
 # IS2 <- matrix(0,q2,q2)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma
 # IS2[1:q2,1] <- rep(1,q2)
 #   for (j in 2:q2)  IS2[j,2:j] <- 1
 # IS1 <- matrix(0,q1,q1)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma
 # IS1[1:q1,1] <- rep(1,q1)
 #   for (j in 2:q1)  IS1[j,2:j] <- 1
  IS1 <- matrix(1,q1,q1)  ## Define marginal matrix of Sigma
  IS1[upper.tri(IS1)] <- 0
  IS2 <- matrix(1,q2,q2)  ## Define marginal matrix of Sigma
  IS2[upper.tri(IS2)] <- 0
  Sig <- IS1 %x% IS2 
  # apply identifiability constraint and get model matrix
  X <- X[,2:ncol(X)]%*%Sig[2:ncol(Sig),2:ncol(Sig)]  

  ## applying sum-to-zero (centering) constraint...
  cmx <- colMeans(X)
  X <- sweep(X,2,cmx) ## subtract cmx from columns 
  object$X <- X # the final model matrix with identifiability constraint
  object$cmX <- cmx
  # create the penalty matrix
  S <- list()
  I2<- diag(q2)
  I1 <- diff(diag(q1-1),difference=1) 
  Pm1 <- matrix(0,q1-1,q1) # marginal sqrt penalty
  Pm1[2:(q1-1),2:q1] <- I1
  S[[1]]<- Pm1%x%I2

  I2 <- diff(diag(q2-1),difference=1) 
  Pm2 <- matrix(0,q2-1,q2)
  Pm2[2:(q2-1),2:q2] <- I2  # marginal sqrt penalty
  I1 <- diag(q1)
  S[[2]] <- I1%x%Pm2
  object$P <- list()
  object$P[[1]] <- S[[1]][2:nrow(S[[1]]),2:ncol(S[[1]])]
  object$P[[2]] <- S[[2]][2:nrow(S[[2]]),2:ncol(S[[2]])]
  object$S <- list()
  object$S[[1]] <- crossprod(object$P[[1]]) ## t(object$P[[1]])%*%object$P[[1]]
  object$S[[2]] <- crossprod(object$P[[2]])  ## t(object$P[[2]])%*%object$P[[2]]
  object$p.ident <- rep(TRUE,q1*q2-1)   ## p.ident is an indicator of which coefficients must be positive (exponentiated)
  object$rank <- ncol(object$X)-1  # penalty rank
  object$null.space.dim <- 3 ##  m+1  # dim. of unpenalized space
  object$C <- matrix(0, 0, ncol(X)) # to have no other constraints 
  object$Zc <- diag(q1*q2-1) # identfiability constraint matrix
  object$Zc <- rbind(rep(0,ncol(object$Zc)),object$Zc)
  ## store "tedmi" specific stuff ...
  object$knots <- list()
  object$knots[[1]] <- xk
  object$knots[[2]] <- zk
  object$m <- m
  object$df<-ncol(object$X)     # maximum DoF (if unconstrained)
  class(object)<-"tedmi.smooth"  # Give object a class


Predict.matrix.tedmi.smooth <- function(object, data)
{  ## prediction method function for the `tedmi' smooth class
  if (length(object$bs.dim)==1)
      q1 <- q2 <- object$bs.dim # if `k' is supplied as a single number, the same
             ## basis dimension is provided for both marginal smooths
  else  {q1 <- object$bs.dim[1]; q2 <- object$bs.dim[2]}
  bm <- marginal.linear.extrapolation(object, data)
  n <- length(data[[object$term[1]]])
  X <- matrix(0,n,q1*q2)  # model matrix
  for ( i in 1:n)
      {  X[i,] <- bm$X1[i,] %x% bm$X2[i,] # Kronecker product of two rows of marginal model matrices
  # get a matrix Sigma -----------------------
  # IS2 <- matrix(0,q2,q2)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma
 # IS2[1:q2,1] <- rep(1,q2)
 #   for (j in 2:q2)  IS2[j,2:j] <- 1
 # IS1 <- matrix(0,q1,q1)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma
 # IS1[1:q1,1] <- rep(1,q1)
 #   for (j in 2:q1)  IS1[j,2:j] <- 1
  IS1 <- matrix(1,q1,q1)  ## Define marginal matrix of Sigma
  IS1[upper.tri(IS1)] <- 0
  IS2 <- matrix(1,q2,q2)  ## Define marginal matrix of Sigma
  IS2[upper.tri(IS2)] <- 0
  Sig <- IS1 %x% IS2 
  # get final model matrix
  X <- X %*%Sig
  X <- sweep(X,2,c(0,object$cmX))
  X # return the prediction matrix

## Tensor product P-spline construction with single monotone decreasing   ##
## constraint wrt the first covariate                                     ##
smooth.construct.tesmd1.smooth.spec<- function(object, data, knots)
{ ## construction of the single monotone decreasing smooth surface, deacreasing wrt the first covariate         
 # require(splines)
  if (!is.null(object$xt)){
     if (!(object$xt %in% c("ps", "cc")) )
          stop("only 'ps' and 'cc' marginal basis are supported")
      else  bs2 <- object$xt ## basis for the marginal smooth along second direction
  } else bs2 <- "ps" ## (only "ps" and 'cc'  available currently)
  if (object$dim !=2)
      stop("the number of covariates should be two")
  if (length(object$p.order)==1)
      { m <- rep(object$p.order, 2) # if a single number is supplied the same
             ## order of P-splines is provided for both marginal smooths
        object$p.order <- m
  else m <- object$p.order
  m[is.na(m)] <- 2  # the default order is 2 (cubic P-spline)
  object$p.order[is.na(object$p.order)] <- 2
  if (object$bs.dim[1]==-1)  # set the default values fro q1 and q2
     {  q1 <- object$bs.dim[1] <- 7
        q2 <- object$bs.dim[2] <- 7
  else if (length(object$bs.dim)==1)
         {  q1 <- q2 <- object$bs.dim # if `k' is supplied as a single number, the same
                   ## basis dimension is provided for both marginal smooths
            object$bs.dim <- rep(object$bs.dim, 2)
  else {q1 <- object$bs.dim[1]; q2 <- object$bs.dim[2]}
  if (is.na(q1)) q1 <- object$bs.dim[1] <- 7  # the default basis dimension is 7
  if (is.na(q2)) q2 <- object$bs.dim[2] <- 7
  nk1 <- q1+m[1]+2 ## number of knots for the 1st smooth
  if (bs2=="cc") nk2 <- q2+1
    else nk2 <- q2+m[2]+2 ## number of knots for the 2nd smooth in case of p-splines
  if (nk1<=0 || nk2<=0) stop("either k[1] or k[2] too small for m")
  ## the values of the first covariate...   
  x <- data[[object$term[1]]]  
  xk <- knots[[object$term[1]]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  z <- data[[object$term[2]]]  ## the values of the second covariate
  zk <- knots[[object$term[2]]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  if (is.null(xk)) # space knots through the values of the 1st covariate
     {  xk<-rep(0,q1+m[1]+2)
        for (i in 1:(m[1]+1)) {xk[i]<-xk[m[1]+2]-(m[1]+2-i)*(xk[m[1]+3]-xk[m[1]+2])}
        for (i in (q1+2):(q1+m[1]+2)) {xk[i]<-xk[q1+1]+(i-q1-1)*(xk[m[1]+3]-xk[m[1]+2])}
        knots[[object$term[1]]] <- xk
  if (n != length(z))
       stop ("arguments of smooth not same dimension")

  if (is.null(zk)){ # space knots through the values of the 2nd covariate
    if (bs2=="cc") {
         zk <- place.knots(z,nk2) 
         if (length(zk)==2) {
             zk <- place.knots(c(zk,z),nk2)
    } else{
         for (i in 1:(m[2]+1)) {zk[i]<-zk[m[2]+2]-(m[2]+2-i)*(zk[m[2]+3]-zk[m[2]+2])}
         for (i in (q2+2):(q2+m[2]+2)) {zk[i]<-zk[q2+1]+(i-q2-1)*(zk[m[2]+3]-zk[m[2]+2])}
         knots[[object$term[2]]] <- zk

  if (length(xk)!=nk1 ) # right number of knots?
      stop(paste("there should be ",nk1," supplied knotsfor the x"))
  if (length(zk)!=nk2) # right number of knots?
      stop(paste("there should be ",nk2," supplied knots for z"))

  #  get model matrix-------------
  # get marginal model matrices and penalties... 
  if (bs2=="cc") bm <- marginal.matrices.tesmi1.cc(x,z,xk,zk,m,q1,q2)
    else bm <- marginal.matrices.tesmi1.ps(x,z,xk,zk,m,q1,q2)
  X1 <- bm$X1
  X2 <- bm$X2
  S <- bm$S      
  # get the overall model matrix...
  X <- matrix(0,n,q1*q2)  # model matrix
  for (i in 1:n)
      X[i,] <- X1[i,]%x%X2[i,] # Kronecker product of two rows of marginal model matrices
  # get a matrix Sigma -----------------------
 # IS <- matrix(0,q1,q1)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma
 # IS[1:q1,1]<-1
 # for (j in 2:q1)  IS[j,2:j] <- -1
  IS <- matrix(-1,q1,q1)  ## coef summation matrix
  IS[upper.tri(IS)] <-0
  IS[,1] <- -IS[,1]
  I <- diag(q2)
  Sig <- IS%x%I

  # get model matrix
  X <- X%*%Sig
  # apply identifiability constraint 
  D <- diag(q1*q2)
  D <- D[,-q2]
  D1 <- t(diff(diag(q2)))
  D[1:q2,1:(q2-1)] <- D1
  X <- X%*%D 

  ## applying sum-to-zero (centering) constraint...
  cmx <- colMeans(X)
  X <- sweep(X,2,cmx) ## subtract cmx from columns 
  object$X <- X # the final model matrix with identifiability constraint
  object$cmX <- cmx

  object$S <- list()
  object$S[[1]] <- crossprod(D,S[[1]])%*%D ##  t(D)%*%S[[1]]%*%D
  object$S[[2]] <- crossprod(D,S[[2]])%*%D ## t(D)%*%S[[2]]%*%D

  object$p.ident <- rep(TRUE,q1*q2-1)  
  object$p.ident[1:(q2-1)] <- rep(FALSE, q2-1) ## p.ident is an indicator of which coefficients must be positive (exponentiated)  
  object$rank <- ncol(object$X)-1  # penalty rank
  object$null.space.dim <-  3 ## m+1  # dim. of unpenalized space
  object$C <- matrix(0, 0, ncol(X)) # to have no other constraints 
  object$Zc <- D   # identifiability constraint matrix

  ## store "tesmd1" specific stuff ...
  object$knots <- list()
  object$knots[[1]] <- xk
  if (is.null(zk))
     object$knots[[2]] <- rep(0,0,0)
  else object$knots[[2]] <- zk
  object$m <- m
  object$margin.bs <- bs2
  object$df <- ncol(object$X)     # maximum DoF (if unconstrained)
  class(object) <- "tesmd1.smooth"  # Give object a class


## Prediction matrix for the `tesmd1` smooth class *************************

{ ## prediction method function for the `tesmd1' smooth class
  if (length(object$bs.dim)==1)
      q1 <- q2 <- object$bs.dim # if `k' is supplied as a single number, the same
             ## basis dimension is provided for both marginal smooths
   else  {q1 <- object$bs.dim[1]; q2 <- object$bs.dim[2]}
  if (!is.null(object$xt)) bs2 <- object$xt ## basis for the marginal smooth along second direction
    else bs2 <- "ps"
  if (bs2=="cc") bm <- marginal.linear.extrapolation.tesmi1.cc(object, data)
    else bm <- marginal.linear.extrapolation(object, data)

  n <- length(data[[object$term[1]]])
  X <- matrix(0,n,q1*q2)  # model matrix
  for (i in 1:n)
    {  X[i,] <- bm$X1[i,] %x% bm$X2[i,] # Kronecker product of two rows of marginal model matrices
  # get a matrix Sigma -----------------------
 # IS <- matrix(0,q1,q1)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma
 # IS[1:q1,1]<-1
 # for (j in 2:q1)  IS[j,2:j] <- -1
  IS <- matrix(-1,q1,q1)  ## coef summation matrix
  IS[upper.tri(IS)] <-0
  IS[,1] <- -IS[,1]
  I <- diag(q2)
  Sig <- IS%x%I
  # get final model matrix
  X <- X%*%Sig
 # X <- sweep(X,2,c(0,object$cmX))
  X  # return the prediction matrix

## Tensor product P-spline construction with single monotone decreasing   ##
## constraint wrt the second covariate                                    ##

smooth.construct.tesmd2.smooth.spec<- function(object, data, knots)
## construction of the single monotone decreasing surface, decreasing wrt the second covariate        
  ## require(splines)
  #if (!is.null(object$xt)) bs2 <- object$xt ## basis for the marginal smooth along 1st direction
  #  else bs2 <- "ps" ## (only "ps" ia available currently)
  if (!is.null(object$xt)){
     if (!(object$xt %in% c("ps", "cc")) )
          stop("only 'ps' and 'cc' marginal basis are supported")
      else  bs2 <- object$xt ## basis for the marginal smooth along 1st direction
  } else bs2 <- "ps"

  if (object$dim !=2)
      stop("the number of covariates should be two")
  if (length(object$p.order)==1)
      { m <- rep(object$p.order, 2) # if a single number is supplied the same
             ## order of P-splines is provided for both marginal smooths
        object$p.order <- m
  else m <- object$p.order
  m[is.na(m)] <- 2  # the default order is 2 (cubic P-spline)
  object$p.order[is.na(object$p.order)] <- 2
  if (object$bs.dim[1]==-1) { # set the default values fro q1 and q2
      q1 <- object$bs.dim[1] <- 7
      q2 <- object$bs.dim[2] <- 7
  else if (length(object$bs.dim)==1){
      q1 <- q2 <- object$bs.dim # if `k' is supplied as a single number, the same
             ## basis dimension is provided for both marginal smooths
      object$bs.dim <- rep(object$bs.dim, 2)
  else {q1 <- object$bs.dim[1]; q2 <- object$bs.dim[2]}
  if (is.na(q1)) q1 <- object$bs.dim[1] <- 7  # the default basis dimension is 7
  if (is.na(q2)) q2 <- object$bs.dim[2] <- 7
  nk2 <- q2+m[2]+2 ## number of knots for the 2nd smooth
  if (bs2=="cc") nk1 <- q1+1
    else nk1 <- q1+m[1]+2 ## number of knots for the 1st smooth in case of p-splines
  if (nk1<=0 || nk2<=0) stop("either k[1] or k[2] too small for m")
  ## the values of the first covariate...   
  x <- data[[object$term[1]]]  
  xk <- knots[[object$term[1]]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  z <- data[[object$term[2]]]  ## the values of the second covariate
  zk <- knots[[object$term[2]]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  if (is.null(xk)){ # space knots through the values of the 1st covariate
    if (bs2=="cc") {
         xk <- place.knots(x,nk1) 
         if (length(xk)==2) {
             xk <- place.knots(c(xk,x),nk1)
    } else{
         for (i in 1:(m[1]+1)) {xk[i]<-xk[m[1]+2]-(m[1]+2-i)*(xk[m[1]+3]-xk[m[1]+2])}
         for (i in (q1+2):(q1+m[1]+2)) {xk[i]<-xk[q1+1]+(i-q1-1)*(xk[m[1]+3]-xk[m[1]+2])}
         knots[[object$term[1]]] <- xk
  if (n != length(z))
     stop ("arguments of smooth not same dimension")
  if (is.null(zk)) # space knots through the values of the 2nd covariate
       { zk<-rep(0,q2+m[2]+2)
         for (i in 1:(m[2]+1)) {zk[i]<-zk[m[2]+2]-(m[2]+2-i)*(zk[m[2]+3]-zk[m[2]+2])}
         for (i in (q2+2):(q2+m[2]+2)) {zk[i]<-zk[q2+1]+(i-q2-1)*(zk[m[2]+3]-zk[m[2]+2])}
         knots[[object$term[2]]] <- zk
  if (length(zk)!=nk2 ) # right number of knots?
      stop(paste("there should be ",nk2," supplied knots for z"))
  if (length(xk)!=nk1) # right number of knots?
      stop(paste("there should be ",nk1," supplied knots for x"))
  #  get model matrix-------------
 # get marginal model matrices and penalties... 
  if (bs2=="cc") bm <- marginal.matrices.tesmi2.cc(x,z,xk,zk,m,q1,q2)
    else bm <- marginal.matrices.tesmi2.ps(x,z,xk,zk,m,q1,q2)

  X1 <- bm$X1
  X2 <- bm$X2
  S <- bm$S  

  # get the overall model matrix...
  X <- matrix(0,n,q1*q2)  # model matrix
  for (i in 1:n)
    {  X[i,] <- X1[i,]%x%X2[i,] # Kronecker product of two rows of marginal model matrices
  # get a matrix Sigma -----------------------
 # IS <- matrix(0,q2,q2)   # Define submatrix of Sigma
 # IS[1:q2,1]<-1
 # for (j in 2:q2)  IS[j,2:j] <- -1
  IS <- matrix(-1,q2,q2)  ## coef summation matrix
  IS[upper.tri(IS)] <-0
  IS[,1] <- -IS[,1]
  I <- diag(q1)
  Sig <- I%x%IS
  # get model matrix
  X <- X%*%Sig
  # apply identifiability constraint 
  D<- diag(q1*q2)
  ind <- rep(0,q1-1) # get index number for the cells to be changed to "-1"
  for (i in 1:(q1-1)){
        ind[i] <- (i-1)*q2+1
        D[ind[i],ind[i]] <- -1
  for (i in 2:(q1-1))
        D[ind[i],ind[i]-q2] <- 1
  D[((q1-1)*q2+1),((q1-1)*q2+1-q2)] <- 1
  X <- X%*%D 

  ## applying sum-to-zero (centering) constraint...
  cmx <- colMeans(X)
  X <- sweep(X,2,cmx) ## subtract cmx from columns 
  object$X <- X # the final model matrix with identifiability constraint
  object$cmX <- cmx
  # create the penalty matrix
  object$S <- list()
  object$S[[1]] <- t(D)%*%S[[1]]%*%D
  object$S[[2]] <- t(D)%*%S[[2]]%*%D

  object$p.ident <- rep(TRUE,q1*q2-1)  
  object$p.ident[ind] <- FALSE ## p.ident is an indicator of which coefficients must be positive (exponentiated)  
  object$rank <- ncol(object$X)-1  # penalty rank
  object$null.space.dim <-  3 ## m+1  # dim. of unpenalized space
  object$C <- matrix(0, 0, ncol(X)) # to have no other constraints 
  object$Zc <- D   # identifiability constraint matrix

  ## store "tesmd2" specific stuff ...
  object$knots <- list()
  if (is.null(xk))
     object$knots[[1]] <- rep(0,0,0)
  else object$knots[[1]] <- xk
  object$knots[[2]] <- zk
  object$m <- m
  object$margin.bs <- bs2
  object$df<-ncol(object$X)     # maximum DoF (if unconstrained)
  class(object)<-"tesmd2.smooth"  # Give object a class


marginal.matrices.tesmi2.ps <- function(x,z,xk,zk,m,q1,q2)
## function to get marginal model matrices and penalties in the overall 
## model coefficients in case of P-splines basis for the 1st unconstrained smooth
  # get marginal model matrix for the first unconstrained smooth... 
  X1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m[1]+2)
  # get marginal model matrix for the second monotonic smooth...
  X2 <- splineDesign(zk,z,ord=m[2]+2)

  # create the penalty matrix...
  S <- list()
  # get penalty matrix for the first unconstrained smooth...
  I2 <- diag(q2)
  P <- diff(diag(q1),difference=1)
  S[[1]]<- P %x% I2
  c1 <- c(1,-2,1)
  c2 <- c(1,rep(0,q2-1))
  c <- c1 %x% c2
  for (i in 1:(q1-2)){
       S[[1]][q2*(i-1)+1,(q2*(i-1)+1):(q2*(i-1)+length(c))] <- c
  i <- q1-1
  S[[1]][q2*(i-1)+1,(q2*(i-1)+1):ncol(S[[1]])] <- rep(0,2*q2)

  S[[1]] <- crossprod(S[[1]])  ## t(S[[1]])%*%S[[1]]

  # get penalty for the 2nd monotonic smooth...
  I2 <- diff(diag(q2-1),difference=1) 
  P <- matrix(0,q2-1,q2)
  P[2:(q2-1),2:q2] <- I2  # marginal sqrt penalty
  I1 <- diag(q1)
  S[[2]] <- I1%x%P
  S[[2]] <- crossprod(S[[2]]) ## t(S[[2]])%*%S[[2]]

 list(X1=X1, X2=X2, S=S)

## Prediction matrix for the `tesmd2` smooth class *************************

## prediction method function for the `tesmd2' smooth class
{ if (length(object$bs.dim)==1)
      q1 <- q2 <- object$bs.dim # if `k' is supplied as a single number, the same
             ## basis dimension is provided for both marginal smooths
  else  {q1 <- object$bs.dim[1]; q2 <- object$bs.dim[2]}
 # bm <- marginal.linear.extrapolation(object, data)
  if (!is.null(object$xt)) bs2 <- object$xt ## basis for the marginal smooth along second direction
    else bs2 <- "ps"
  if (bs2=="cc") bm <- marginal.linear.extrapolation.tesmi2.cc(object, data)
    else bm <- marginal.linear.extrapolation(object, data)

  n <- length(data[[object$term[1]]])
  X <- matrix(0,n,q1*q2)  # model matrix
  for (i in 1:n)
    {  X[i,] <- bm$X1[i,] %x% bm$X2[i,] # Kronecker product of two rows of marginal model matrices
  # get a matrix Sigma -----------------------
 # IS <- matrix(0,q2,q2)   # Define submatrix of Sigma
 # IS[1:q2,1]<-1
 # for (j in 2:q2)  IS[j,2:j] <- -1
  IS <- matrix(-1,q2,q2)  ## coef summation matrix
  IS[upper.tri(IS)] <-0
  IS[,1] <- -IS[,1]
  I <- diag(q1)
  Sig <- I%x%IS
  # get final model matrix
  X <- X%*%Sig
  X  # return the prediction matrix

## Tensor product P-spline construction with single monotone increasing   ##
## constraint wrt the first covariate;                                    ##
## and with sum-to-zero constraint applied...

smooth.construct.tesmi1.smooth.spec<- function(object, data, knots)
## construction of the single monotone increasing surface, increasing wrt 1st covariate;
## with sum-to-zero (centering) constraint applied to the final tensor product model matrix XSig, after scop-constraints...
  if (!is.null(object$xt)){
     if (!(object$xt %in% c("ps", "cc")) )
          stop("only 'ps' and 'cc' marginal basis are supported")
      else  bs2 <- object$xt ## basis for the marginal smooth along second direction
  } else bs2 <- "ps"

  ## if (bs2=="cc") print("tada") else print("nope")

  if (object$dim !=2)
      stop("the number of covariates should be two")
  if (length(object$p.order)==1)
      {m <- rep(object$p.order, 2) # if a single number is supplied the same
             ## order of P-splines is provided for both marginal smooths
       object$p.order <- m
  else m <- object$p.order
  m[is.na(m)] <- 2  # the default order is 2 (cubic P-spline)
  object$p.order[is.na(object$p.order)] <- 2
  if (object$bs.dim[1]==-1) { # set the default values for q1 and q2
      q1 <- object$bs.dim[1] <- 7
      q2 <- object$bs.dim[2] <- 7
  else if (length(object$bs.dim)==1){
      q1 <- q2 <- object$bs.dim # if `k' is supplied as a single number, the same
             ## basis dimension is provided for both marginal smooths
      object$bs.dim <- rep(object$bs.dim, 2)
  else {q1 <- object$bs.dim[1]; q2 <- object$bs.dim[2]}
  if (is.na(q1)) q1 <- object$bs.dim[1] <- 7  # the default basis dimension is 7
  if (is.na(q2)) q2 <- object$bs.dim[2] <- 7
  nk1 <- q1+m[1]+2 ## number of knots for the 1st smooth
  if (bs2=="cc") nk2 <- q2+1
    else nk2 <- q2+m[2]+2 ## number of knots for the 2nd smooth in case of p-splines
  if (nk1<=0 || nk2<=0) stop("either k[1] or k[2] too small for m")
  ## the values of the first covariate...   
  x <- data[[object$term[1]]]  
  xk <- knots[[object$term[1]]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  z <- data[[object$term[2]]]  ## the values of the second covariate
  zk <- knots[[object$term[2]]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  if (is.null(xk)) # space knots through the values of the 1st covariate
    for (i in 1:(m[1]+1)) {xk[i]<-xk[m[1]+2]-(m[1]+2-i)*(xk[m[1]+3]-xk[m[1]+2])}
    for (i in (q1+2):(q1+m[1]+2)) {xk[i]<-xk[q1+1]+(i-q1-1)*(xk[m[1]+3]-xk[m[1]+2])}
    knots[[object$term[1]]] <- xk
  if (n != length(z))
     stop ("arguments of smooth not same dimension")
  if (is.null(zk)){ # space knots through the values of the 2nd covariate
    if (bs2=="cc") {
         zk <- place.knots(z,nk2) 
         if (length(zk)==2) {
             zk <- place.knots(c(zk,z),nk2)
    } else{
         for (i in 1:(m[2]+1)) {zk[i]<-zk[m[2]+2]-(m[2]+2-i)*(zk[m[2]+3]-zk[m[2]+2])}
         for (i in (q2+2):(q2+m[2]+2)) {zk[i]<-zk[q2+1]+(i-q2-1)*(zk[m[2]+3]-zk[m[2]+2])}
         knots[[object$term[2]]] <- zk

  if (length(xk)!=nk1 ) # right number of knots?
      stop(paste("there should be ",nk1," supplied knotsfor the x"))
  if (length(zk)!=nk2) # right number of knots?
      stop(paste("there should be ",nk2," supplied knots for z"))
  #  get model matrix-------------
  # get marginal model matrices and penalties... 
  if (bs2=="cc") bm <- marginal.matrices.tesmi1.cc(x,z,xk,zk,m,q1,q2)
    else bm <- marginal.matrices.tesmi1.ps(x,z,xk,zk,m,q1,q2)
  X1 <- bm$X1
  X2 <- bm$X2
  S <- bm$S      
  # get a matrix Sigma -----------------------
  IS <- matrix(1,q1,q1)  ## coef summation matrix
  IS[upper.tri(IS)] <-0
  I <- diag(q2)
 ## Sig <- IS%x%I  
  X1 <- X1%*%IS

  # get the overall model matrix...
  X <- matrix(0,n,q1*q2)  # model matrix
  for (i in 1:n)
      X[i,] <- X1[i,]%x%X2[i,] # Kronecker product of two rows of marginal model matrices
 ## X <- X%*%Sig
  # apply identifiability constraint 
  #(the sum of the first q2 non-exponentiated coefficients is set to be zero)
  D <- diag(q1*q2)
  D <- D[,-q2]
  D1 <- t(diff(diag(q2)))
  D[1:q2,1:(q2-1)] <- D1
  X <- X%*%D 

  ## applying sum-to-zero (centering) constraint...
  cmx <- colMeans(X)
  X <- sweep(X,2,cmx) ## subtract cmx from columns 
  object$X <- X # the final model matrix with identifiability constraint
  object$cmX <- cmx
  object$S <- list()
  object$S[[1]] <- crossprod(D,S[[1]])%*%D ## t(D)%*%S[[1]]%*%D
  object$S[[2]] <- crossprod(D,S[[2]])%*%D ## t(D)%*%S[[2]]%*%D

  object$p.ident <- rep(TRUE,q1*q2-1)  
  object$p.ident[1:(q2-1)] <- rep(FALSE, q2-1) ## p.ident is an indicator of which coefficients must be positive (exponentiated)  
  object$rank <- ncol(object$X)-1  # penalty rank
  object$null.space.dim <-  3 ## m+1  # dim. of unpenalized space
  object$C <- matrix(0, 0, ncol(X)) # to have no other constraints 
  object$Zc <- D   # identifiability constraint matrix

  ## store "tesmi1" specific stuff ...
  object$knots <- list()
  object$knots[[1]] <- xk
  if (is.null(zk))
     object$knots[[2]] <- rep(0,0,0)
  else object$knots[[2]] <- zk
  object$m <- m
  object$margin.bs <- bs2
  object$df<-ncol(object$X)     # maximum DoF (if unconstrained)
  class(object)<-"tesmi1.smooth"  # Give object a class

marginal.matrices.tesmi1.ps <- function(x,z,xk,zk,m,q1,q2)
## function to get marginal model matrices and penalties in the overall 
## model coefficients in case of P-splines basis for the 2nd unconstrained marginal smooth
  # get marginal model matrix for the first monotonic smooth... 
  X1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m[1]+2)
  # get marginal model matrix for the second unconstrained smooth...
  X2 <- splineDesign(zk,z,ord=m[2]+2)
   # create the penalty matrix...
  S <- list()
  # get the penalty matrix for the first monotone smooth...
  I2<- diag(q2)
  P <- diff(diag(q1-1),difference=1) 
  Pm1 <- matrix(0,q1-1,q1) # marginal sqrt penalty
  Pm1[2:(q1-1),2:q1] <- P
  S[[1]]<- Pm1%x%I2
  S[[1]] <- crossprod(S[[1]])  ## t(S[[1]])%*%S[[1]]

  # get penalty for the 2nd smooth
  I2 <- diff(diag(q2),difference=1) 
  I21<- diff(diag(q2),difference=2)
  I1 <- diag(q1)
  S[[2]] <-matrix(0,q2-2+(q1-1)*(q2-1), q1*q2)
  S[[2]][1:(q2-2),] <- t(I1[1,])%x%I21
  S[[2]][(q2-1):nrow(S[[2]]),] <- I1[2:q1,]%x%I2
  S[[2]] <- crossprod(S[[2]])  ## t(S[[2]])%*%S[[2]]
 list(X1=X1, X2=X2, S=S)

## Cyclic cubic regression spline methods copied from mgcv:: smooth.construct.cc.smooth.spec())
place.knots <- function(x,nk)
# knot placement code. x is a covariate array, nk is the number of knots,
# and this routine spaces nk knots evenly throughout the x values, with the 
# endpoints at the extremes of the data.
{ x<-sort(unique(x));n<-length(x)
  if (nk>n) stop("more knots than unique data values is not allowed")
  if (nk<2) stop("too few knots")
  if (nk==2) return(range(x))
  delta<-(n-1)/(nk-1) # how many data steps per knot
  lbi<-floor(delta*1:(nk-2))+1 # lower interval bound index
  frac<-delta*1:(nk-2)+1-lbi # left over proportion of interval  
} ## place.knots

cwrap <- function(x0,x1,x) {
## map x onto [x0,x1] in manner suitable for cyclic smooth on
## [x0,x1].
  h <- x1-x0
  if (max(x)>x1) {
    ind <- x>x1
    x[ind] <- x0 + (x[ind]-x1)%%h
  if (min(x)<x0) {
    ind <- x<x0
    x[ind] <- x1 - (x0-x[ind])%%h
} ## cwrap

  # BD is B^{-1}D. Basis as given in Lancaster and Salkauskas (1986)
  # Curve and Surface fitting, but wrapped to give periodic smooth.
  { j<-x
    if (max(x)>max(knots)||min(x)<min(knots)) x <- cwrap(min(knots),max(knots),x)
    ## stop("can't predict outside range of knots with periodic smoother")
    for (i in n:2) j[x<=knots[i]]<-i
       BD[j,,drop=FALSE]*as.numeric(h[hj]*(x-knots[j1])/6) +
       I[j1,,drop=FALSE]*as.numeric((knots[j1+1]-x)/h[hj]) +
} # end of pred.mat local function

getBD <- function(x){
  # matrices B and D in expression Bm=Dp where m are s"(x_i) and 
  # p are s(x_i) and the x_i are knots of periodic spline s(x)
  # B and D slightly modified (for periodicity) from Lancaster 
  # and Salkauskas (1986) Curve and Surface Fitting section 4.7.
    D[1,1]<- -(1/h[1]+1/h[n]);D[1,2]<-1/h[1];D[1,n]<-1/h[n]
    for (i in 2:(n-1))
    { B[i,i-1]<-h[i-1]/6
      D[i,i]<- -(1/h[i-1]+1/h[i])
      D[i,i+1]<- 1/h[i]
    D[n,n-1]<-1/h[n-1];D[n,n]<- -(1/h[n-1]+1/h[n]);D[n,1]<-1/h[n]
  } # end of getBD local function

marginal.matrices.tesmi1.cc <- function(x,z,xk,zk,m,q1,q2)
## function to get marginal model matrices and penalties in the overall 
## model coefficients in case of cyclic cubic splines for the 2nd marginal smooth
  # get marginal model matrix for the first monotonic smooth... 
  X1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m[1]+2)

  # get marginal model matrix for the second unconstrained smooth
  ## (copied from mgcv:: smooth.construct.cc.smooth.spec())...
  um <- getBD(zk)
  BD <- solve(um$B,um$D) # s"(k)=BD%*%s(k) where k are knots minus last knot
  X2 <- pred.mat(z,zk,BD)
   ## object$S<-list(t(um$D)%*%BD) # the penalty
   ##  object$S[[1]]<-(object$S[[1]]+t(object$S[[1]]))/2 # ensure exact symmetry

  # create the penalty matrices...
  S <- list()
  # get the penalty matrix for the first monotone smooth...
  I2<- diag(q2)
  P <- diff(diag(q1-1),difference=1) 
  Pm1 <- matrix(0,q1-1,q1) # marginal sqrt penalty
  Pm1[2:(q1-1),2:q1] <- P
  S[[1]]<- Pm1%x%I2
  S[[1]] <- crossprod(S[[1]])  ## t(S[[1]])%*%S[[1]]

  # get penalty for the 2nd 'cc' smooth...
  I2 <- diff(diag(q2),difference=1) 
  I21<- diff(diag(q2),difference=2)
  I1 <- diag(q1)
  S[[2]] <-matrix(0,q2-2+(q1-1)*(q2-1), q1*q2)
  S[[2]][1:(q2-2),] <- t(I1[1,])%x%I21
  S[[2]][(q2-1):nrow(S[[2]]),] <- I1[2:q1,]%x%I2
  S[[2]] <- crossprod(S[[2]])  ## t(S[[2]])%*%S[[2]]
  S[[2]] <- (S[[2]]+t(S[[2]]))/2 # ensure exact symmetry
 list(X1=X1, X2=X2, S=S)


marginal.matrices.tesmi1.ps <- function(x,z,xk,zk,m,q1,q2)
## function to get marginal model matrices and penalties in the overall 
## model coefficients in case of P-splines basis for the 2nd unconstrained marginal smooth
  # get marginal model matrix for the first monotonic smooth... 
  X1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m[1]+2)
  # get marginal model matrix for the second unconstrained smooth...
  X2 <- splineDesign(zk,z,ord=m[2]+2)
   # create the penalty matrix...
  S <- list()
  # get the penalty matrix for the first monotone smooth...
  I2<- diag(q2)
  P <- diff(diag(q1-1),difference=1) 
  Pm1 <- matrix(0,q1-1,q1) # marginal sqrt penalty
  Pm1[2:(q1-1),2:q1] <- P
  S[[1]]<- Pm1%x%I2
  S[[1]] <- crossprod(S[[1]])  ## t(S[[1]])%*%S[[1]]

  # get penalty for the 2nd smooth
  I2 <- diff(diag(q2),difference=1) 
  I21<- diff(diag(q2),difference=2)
  I1 <- diag(q1)
  S[[2]] <-matrix(0,q2-2+(q1-1)*(q2-1), q1*q2)
  S[[2]][1:(q2-2),] <- t(I1[1,])%x%I21
  S[[2]][(q2-1):nrow(S[[2]]),] <- I1[2:q1,]%x%I2
  S[[2]] <- crossprod(S[[2]])  ## t(S[[2]])%*%S[[2]]
 list(X1=X1, X2=X2, S=S)

## Prediction matrix for the `tesmi1` smooth class *************************

## prediction method function for the `tesmi1' smooth class
{ if (length(object$bs.dim)==1)
      q1 <- q2 <- object$bs.dim # if `k' is supplied as a single number, the same
             ## basis dimension is provided for both marginal smooths
  else  {q1 <- object$bs.dim[1]; q2 <- object$bs.dim[2]}
  if (!is.null(object$xt)) bs2 <- object$xt ## basis for the marginal smooth along second direction
    else bs2 <- "ps"
  if (bs2=="cc") bm <- marginal.linear.extrapolation.tesmi1.cc(object, data)
    else bm <- marginal.linear.extrapolation(object, data)

  n <- length(data[[object$term[1]]])
  X <- matrix(0,n,q1*q2)  # model matrix
  for (i in 1:n)
       X[i,] <- bm$X1[i,] %x% bm$X2[i,] # Kronecker product of two rows of marginal model matrices
  # get a matrix Sigma -----------------------
  IS <- matrix(1,q1,q1)  ## coef summation matrix
  IS[upper.tri(IS)] <-0
  I <- diag(q2)
  Sig <- IS%x%I

  # get final model matrix
  X <- X%*%Sig
  X  # return the prediction matrix

## function used for predict method to get marginal model submatrices for tesmi1.cc
## with linear extrapolation along x1 if needed                                          

marginal.linear.extrapolation.tesmi1.cc <- function(object, data)
{ ## function to get marginal matrices used in predict method on bivariate SCOP-splines
  x <- data[[object$term[1]]]  
  z <- data[[object$term[2]]]  
  if (length(x) != length(z))
        stop ("arguments of smooth are not of the same dimension")
  m <- object$m + 1 ## vector of two components

  ## find spline basis inner knot range for 1st covariate, x...
  ll <- object$knots[[1]][m[1]+1];ul <- object$knots[[1]][length(object$knots[[1]])-m[1]]
  m[1] <- m[1] + 1
  n <- length(x)
  ind <- x<=ul & x>=ll ## data in range
  if (sum(ind)==n) { ## all in range
     X1 <- spline.des(object$knots[[1]],x,m[1])$design
  } else { ## some extrapolation needed 
     ## matrix mapping coefs to value and slope at end points...
     D <- spline.des(object$knots[[1]],c(ll,ll,ul,ul),m[1],c(0,1,0,1))$design
     X1 <- matrix(0,n,ncol(D)) ## full predict matrix
     if (sum(ind)> 0)  X1[ind,] <- spline.des(object$knots[[1]],x[ind],m[1])$design ## interior rows
     ## Now add rows for linear extrapolation...
     ind <- x < ll 
     if (sum(ind)>0) X1[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ll)%*%D[1:2,]
     ind <- x > ul
     if (sum(ind)>0) X1[ind,] <- cbind(1,x[ind]-ul)%*%D[3:4,]
  ## "cc" basis for the 2nd marginal matrix...
  um <- getBD(object$knots[[2]])
  BD <- solve(um$B,um$D) # s"(k)=BD%*%s(k) where k are knots minus last knot

  X2 <- pred.mat(z,object$knots[[2]],BD)
  list(X1=X1, X2=X2)

## Tensor product P-spline construction with single monotone increasing   ##
## constraint wrt the second covariate                                    ##

smooth.construct.tesmi2.smooth.spec<- function(object, data, knots)
## construction of the single monotone increasing smooth surface, increasing wrt the second covariate 
 ## require(splines)
 # if (!is.null(object$xt)) bs2 <- object$xt ## basis for the marginal smooth along 1st direction
  #  else bs2 <- "ps" ## (only "ps" is available currently)

 if (!is.null(object$xt)){
     if (!(object$xt %in% c("ps", "cc")) )
          stop("only 'ps' and 'cc' marginal basis are supported")
      else  bs2 <- object$xt ## basis for the marginal smooth along 1st direction
  } else bs2 <- "ps"
  if (object$dim !=2)
      stop("the number of covariates should be two")
  if (length(object$p.order)==1)
      { m <- rep(object$p.order, 2) # if a single number is supplied the same
             ## order of P-splines is provided for both marginal smooths
        object$p.order <- m
  else m <- object$p.order
  m[is.na(m)] <- 2  # the default order is 2 (cubic P-spline)
  object$p.order[is.na(object$p.order)] <- 2
  if (object$bs.dim[1]==-1) { # set the default values for q1 and q2
      q1 <- object$bs.dim[1] <- 7
      q2 <- object$bs.dim[2] <- 7
  else if (length(object$bs.dim)==1){
      q1 <- q2 <- object$bs.dim # if `k' is supplied as a single number, the same
             ## basis dimension is provided for both marginal smooths
      object$bs.dim <- rep(object$bs.dim, 2)
  else {q1 <- object$bs.dim[1]; q2 <- object$bs.dim[2]}
  if (is.na(q1)) q1 <- object$bs.dim[1] <- 7  # the default basis dimension is 7
  if (is.na(q2)) q2 <- object$bs.dim[2] <- 7
  nk2 <- q2+m[2]+2 ## number of knots for the 2nd SCOP-smooth
  ## nk1 <- q1+m[1]+2 ## number of knots for the 1st smooth
  if (bs2=="cc") nk1 <- q1+1
    else nk1 <- q1+m[1]+2 ## number of knots for the 1st smooth in case of p-splines

  if (nk1<=0 || nk2<=0) stop("either k[1] or k[2] too small for m")
  ## the values of the first covariate...   
  x <- data[[object$term[1]]]  
  xk <- knots[[object$term[1]]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  z <- data[[object$term[2]]]  ## the values of the second covariate
  zk <- knots[[object$term[2]]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  if (is.null(xk)){ # space knots through the values of the 1st covariate
    if (bs2=="cc") {
         xk <- place.knots(x,nk1) 
         if (length(xk)==2) {
             xk <- place.knots(c(xk,x),nk1)
    } else{
         for (i in 1:(m[1]+1)) {xk[i]<-xk[m[1]+2]-(m[1]+2-i)*(xk[m[1]+3]-xk[m[1]+2])}
         for (i in (q1+2):(q1+m[1]+2)) {xk[i]<-xk[q1+1]+(i-q1-1)*(xk[m[1]+3]-xk[m[1]+2])}
         knots[[object$term[1]]] <- xk

  if (n != length(z))
     stop ("arguments of smooth not same dimension")
  if (is.null(zk)) # space knots through the values of the 2nd covariate
       { zk<-rep(0,q2+m[2]+2)
         for (i in 1:(m[2]+1)) {zk[i]<-zk[m[2]+2]-(m[2]+2-i)*(zk[m[2]+3]-zk[m[2]+2])}
         for (i in (q2+2):(q2+m[2]+2)) {zk[i]<-zk[q2+1]+(i-q2-1)*(zk[m[2]+3]-zk[m[2]+2])}
         knots[[object$term[2]]] <- zk
  if (length(zk)!=nk2 ) # right number of knots?
      stop(paste("there should be ",nk2," supplied knots for z"))
  if (length(xk)!=nk1) # right number of knots?
      stop(paste("there should be ",nk1," supplied knots for x"))
  #  get model matrix-------------
  # get marginal model matrices and penalties... 
  if (bs2=="cc") bm <- marginal.matrices.tesmi2.cc(x,z,xk,zk,m,q1,q2)
    else bm <- marginal.matrices.tesmi2.ps(x,z,xk,zk,m,q1,q2)

  X1 <- bm$X1
  X2 <- bm$X2
  S <- bm$S  
  # get the overall model matrix...
  X <- matrix(0,n,q1*q2)  # model matrix
  for (i in 1:n)
    {  X[i,] <- X1[i,]%x%X2[i,] # Kronecker product of two rows of marginal model matrices
  # get a matrix Sigma -----------------------  
 # IS <- matrix(0,q2,q2)   # Define submatrix of Sigma
 # IS[1:q2,1]<-1
 # for (j in 2:q2)  IS[j,2:j] <- 1
  IS <- matrix(1,q2,q2)  ## coef summation matrix
  IS[upper.tri(IS)] <-0
  I <- diag(q1)
  Sig <- I%x%IS
  # get model matrix
  X <- X%*%Sig
  # apply identifiability constraint 
  D<- diag(q1*q2)
  ind <- rep(0,q1-1) # get index number for the cells to be changed to "-1"
  for (i in 1:(q1-1)){
        ind[i] <- (i-1)*q2+1
        D[ind[i],ind[i]] <- -1
  for (i in 2:(q1-1))
        D[ind[i],ind[i]-q2] <- 1
  D[((q1-1)*q2+1),((q1-1)*q2+1-q2)] <- 1
  X <- X%*%D 

  ## applying sum-to-zero (centering) constraint...
  cmx <- colMeans(X)
  X <- sweep(X,2,cmx) ## subtract cmx from columns 
  object$X <- X # the final model matrix with identifiability constraint
  object$cmX <- cmx
  # create the penalty matrix
  object$S <- list()
  object$S[[1]] <- t(D)%*%S[[1]]%*%D
  object$S[[2]] <- t(D)%*%S[[2]]%*%D

  object$p.ident <- rep(TRUE,q1*q2-1)  
  object$p.ident[ind]<-FALSE ## p.ident is an indicator of which coefficients must be positive (exponentiated)
  object$rank <- ncol(object$X)-1  # penalty rank
  object$null.space.dim <-  3 ## m+1  # dim. of unpenalized space
  object$C <- matrix(0, 0, ncol(X)) # to have no other constraints 
  object$Zc <- D   # identifiability constraint matrix

  ## store "tesmi2" specific stuff ...
  object$knots <- list()
  if (is.null(xk))
     object$knots[[1]] <- rep(0,0,0)
  else object$knots[[1]] <- xk
  object$knots[[2]] <- zk
  object$m <- m
  object$margin.bs <- bs2
  object$df<-ncol(object$X)     # maximum DoF (if unconstrained)
  class(object)<-"tesmi2.smooth"  # Give object a class


marginal.matrices.tesmi2.ps <- function(x,z,xk,zk,m,q1,q2)
## function to get marginal model matrices and penalties in the overall 
## model coefficients in case of P-splines basis for the 1st unconstrained smooth
  # get marginal model matrix for the first unconstrained smooth... 
  X1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m[1]+2)
  # get marginal model matrix for the second monotonic smooth...
  X2 <- splineDesign(zk,z,ord=m[2]+2)

  # create the penalty matrix...
  S <- list()
  # get penalty matrix for the first unconstrained smooth...
  I2 <- diag(q2)
  P <- diff(diag(q1),difference=1)
  S[[1]]<- P %x% I2
  c1 <- c(1,-2,1)
  c2 <- c(1,rep(0,q2-1))
  c <- c1 %x% c2
  for (i in 1:(q1-2)){
       S[[1]][q2*(i-1)+1,(q2*(i-1)+1):(q2*(i-1)+length(c))] <- c
  i <- q1-1
  S[[1]][q2*(i-1)+1,(q2*(i-1)+1):ncol(S[[1]])] <- rep(0,2*q2)
  S[[1]] <- crossprod(S[[1]])  ## t(S[[1]])%*%S[[1]]

  # get penalty for the 2nd monotonic smooth...
  I2 <- diff(diag(q2-1),difference=1) 
  P <- matrix(0,q2-1,q2)
  P[2:(q2-1),2:q2] <- I2  # marginal sqrt penalty
  I1 <- diag(q1)
  S[[2]] <- I1%x%P
  S[[2]] <- crossprod(S[[2]])  ## t(S[[2]])%*%S[[2]]

 list(X1=X1, X2=X2, S=S)

marginal.matrices.tesmi2.cc <- function(x,z,xk,zk,m,q1,q2)
## function to get marginal model matrices and penalties in the overall 
## model coefficients in case of cyclic cubic splines for the 1st marginal smooth
  # get marginal model matrix for the 2nd monotonic smooth... 
  X2 <- splineDesign(zk,z,ord=m[2]+2)

  # get marginal model matrix for the 1st 'cc' smooth
  ## (copied from mgcv:: smooth.construct.cc.smooth.spec())...
  um <- getBD(xk)
  BD <- solve(um$B,um$D) # s"(k)=BD%*%s(k) where k are knots minus last knot
  X1 <- pred.mat(x,xk,BD)
   ## object$S<-list(t(um$D)%*%BD) # the penalty
   ##  object$S[[1]]<-(object$S[[1]]+t(object$S[[1]]))/2 # ensure exact symmetry

  # create the penalty matrices...
  S <- list()
  # get penalty matrix for the 1st 'cc' smooth...
  I2 <- diag(q2)
  P <- diff(diag(q1),difference=1)
  S[[1]]<- P %x% I2
  c1 <- c(1,-2,1)
  c2 <- c(1,rep(0,q2-1))
  c <- c1 %x% c2
  for (i in 1:(q1-2)){
       S[[1]][q2*(i-1)+1,(q2*(i-1)+1):(q2*(i-1)+length(c))] <- c
  i <- q1-1
  S[[1]][q2*(i-1)+1,(q2*(i-1)+1):ncol(S[[1]])] <- rep(0,2*q2)
  S[[1]] <- crossprod(S[[1]])  ## t(S[[1]])%*%S[[1]]
  S[[1]] <- (S[[1]]+t(S[[1]]))/2 # ensure exact symmetry

  # get penalty for the 2nd monotonic smooth...
  I2 <- diff(diag(q2-1),difference=1) 
  P <- matrix(0,q2-1,q2)
  P[2:(q2-1),2:q2] <- I2  # marginal sqrt penalty
  I1 <- diag(q1)
  S[[2]] <- I1%x%P
  S[[2]] <- crossprod(S[[2]])  ## t(S[[2]])%*%S[[2]]

 list(X1=X1, X2=X2, S=S)

## Prediction matrix for the `tesmi2` smooth class ....   ##

## prediction method function for the `tesmi2' smooth class
{ if (length(object$bs.dim)==1)
      q1 <- q2 <- object$bs.dim # if `k' is supplied as a single number, the same
             ## basis dimension is provided for both marginal smooths
  else  {q1 <- object$bs.dim[1]; q2 <- object$bs.dim[2]}
  if (!is.null(object$xt)) bs2 <- object$xt ## basis for the marginal smooth along second direction
    else bs2 <- "ps"
  if (bs2=="cc") bm <- marginal.linear.extrapolation.tesmi2.cc(object, data)
    else bm <- marginal.linear.extrapolation(object, data)

  n <- length(data[[object$term[1]]])
  X <- matrix(0,n,q1*q2)  # model matrix
  for (i in 1:n)
    {  X[i,] <- bm$X1[i,] %x% bm$X2[i,] # Kronecker product of two rows of marginal model matrices
  # get a matrix Sigma -----------------------
 # IS <- matrix(0,q2,q2)   # Define submatrix of Sigma
 # IS[1:q2,1]<-1
 # for (j in 2:q2)  IS[j,2:j] <- 1
  IS <- matrix(1,q2,q2)  ## coef summation matrix
  IS[upper.tri(IS)] <-0
  I <- diag(q1)
  Sig <- I%x%IS
  # get final model matrix
  X <- X%*%Sig
  X  # return the prediction matrix

## function used for predict method to get marginal model submatrices for tesmi2.cc and tesmd2.cc (along x1)
## with linear extrapolation along x2 (SCOP-spline marginal) if needed...                                           

marginal.linear.extrapolation.tesmi2.cc <- function(object, data)
{ ## function to get marginal matrices used in predict method on bivariate SCOP-splines
  x <- data[[object$term[1]]]  
  z <- data[[object$term[2]]]  
  if (length(x) != length(z))
        stop ("arguments of smooth are not of the same dimension")
  m <- object$m + 1 ## vector of two components

  ## find spline basis inner knot range for 2nd covariate, z...
  ll <- object$knots[[2]][m[2]+1];ul <- object$knots[[2]][length(object$knots[[2]])-m[2]]
  m[2] <- m[2] + 1
  n <- length(z)
  ind <- z<=ul & z>=ll ## data in range
  if (sum(ind)==n) { ## all in range
     X2 <- spline.des(object$knots[[2]],z,m[2])$design
  } else { ## some extrapolation needed 
     ## matrix mapping coefs to value and slope at end points...
     D <- spline.des(object$knots[[2]],c(ll,ll,ul,ul),m[2],c(0,1,0,1))$design
     X2 <- matrix(0,n,ncol(D)) ## full predict matrix
     if (sum(ind)> 0)  X2[ind,] <- spline.des(object$knots[[2]],z[ind],m[2])$design ## interior rows
     ## Now add rows for linear extrapolation...
     ind <- z < ll 
     if (sum(ind)>0) X2[ind,] <- cbind(1,z[ind]-ll)%*%D[1:2,]
     ind <- z > ul
     if (sum(ind)>0) X2[ind,] <- cbind(1,z[ind]-ul)%*%D[3:4,]
  ## "cc" basis for the 1st marginal matrix...
  um <- getBD(object$knots[[1]])
  BD <- solve(um$B,um$D) # s"(k)=BD%*%s(k) where k are knots minus last knot

  X1 <- pred.mat(x,object$knots[[1]],BD)
  list(X1=X1, X2=X2)

## Tensor product P-spline construction with mixed constraints:
## increasing wrt the 1st covariate and convex wrt the 2nd covariate ...

smooth.construct.temicx.smooth.spec<- function(object, data, knots)
## construction of the bivariate smooth surface with mixed constraints: increasing
## wrt the 1st covariate and convex wrt the 2nd one...
  if (object$dim !=2)
      stop("the number of covariates should be two")
  if (length(object$p.order)==1)
      {m <- rep(object$p.order, 2) # if a single number is supplied the same
             ## order of P-splines is provided for both marginal smooths
       object$p.order <- m
  else m <- object$p.order
  m[is.na(m)] <- 2  # the default order is 2 (cubic P-spline)
  object$p.order[is.na(object$p.order)] <- 2
  if (object$bs.dim[1]==-1) { # set the default values for q1 and q2
      q1 <- object$bs.dim[1] <- 7
      q2 <- object$bs.dim[2] <- 7
  else if (length(object$bs.dim)==1){
      q1 <- q2 <- object$bs.dim # if `k' is supplied as a single number, the same
             ## basis dimension is provided for both marginal smooths
      object$bs.dim <- rep(object$bs.dim, 2)
  else {q1 <- object$bs.dim[1]; q2 <- object$bs.dim[2]}
  if (is.na(q1)) q1 <- object$bs.dim[1] <- 7  # the default basis dimension is 7
  if (is.na(q2)) q2 <- object$bs.dim[2] <- 7
  nk1 <- q1+m[1]+2 ## number of knots for the 1st smooth
  nk2 <- q2+m[2]+2 ## number of knots for the 2nd smooth
  if (nk1<=0 || nk2<=0) stop("either k[1] or k[2] too small for m")
  ## the values of the first covariate...   
  x <- data[[object$term[1]]]  
  xk <- knots[[object$term[1]]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  z <- data[[object$term[2]]]  ## the values of the second covariate
  zk <- knots[[object$term[2]]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  if (is.null(xk)) # space knots through the values of the 1st covariate
  { n<-length(x)
    for (i in 1:(m[1]+1)) {xk[i]<-xk[m[1]+2]-(m[1]+2-i)*(xk[m[1]+3]-xk[m[1]+2])}
    for (i in (q1+2):(q1+m[1]+2)) {xk[i]<-xk[q1+1]+(i-q1-1)*(xk[m[1]+3]-xk[m[1]+2])}
    knots[[object$term[1]]] <- xk
  if (n != length(z))
     stop ("arguments of smooth not same dimension")
  if (is.null(zk)) # space knots through the values of the 2nd covariate
  {      zk<-rep(0,q2+m[2]+2)
         for (i in 1:(m[2]+1)) {zk[i]<-zk[m[2]+2]-(m[2]+2-i)*(zk[m[2]+3]-zk[m[2]+2])}
         for (i in (q2+2):(q2+m[2]+2)) {zk[i]<-zk[q2+1]+(i-q2-1)*(zk[m[2]+3]-zk[m[2]+2])}
         knots[[object$term[2]]] <- zk
  if (length(xk)!=nk1 ) # right number of knots?
      stop(paste("there should be ",nk1," supplied knotsfor the x"))
  if (length(zk)!=nk2) # right number of knots?
      stop(paste("there should be ",nk2," supplied knots for z"))
 #  get model matrix-------------
  X1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m[1]+2)
  X2 <- splineDesign(zk,z,ord=m[2]+2)
  X <- matrix(0,n,q1*q2)  # model matrix
  for (i in 1:n)
      {  X[i,] <- X1[i,]%x%X2[i,] # Kronecker product of two rows of marginal model matrices
  # get a matrix Sigma -----------------------
  IS2 <- matrix(0,q2,q2)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma for convexity
  IS2[1:q2,1] <- rep(1,q2)
  IS2[2:q2,2]<- -c(1:(q2-1))
  for (i in 3:q2) IS2[i:q2,i] <- c(1:(q2-i+1))  

#  IS1 <- matrix(0,q1,q1)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma for increasing constraint
#  IS1[1:q1,1] <- rep(1,q1)
#    for (j in 2:q1)  IS1[j,2:j] <- 1
  IS1 <- matrix(1,q1,q1)  ## Define marginal matrix of Sigma for increasing constraint
  IS1[upper.tri(IS1)] <-0

  Sig <- IS1 %x% IS2 
  # apply identifiability constraint and get model matrix
  X <- X[,2:ncol(X)]%*%Sig[2:ncol(Sig),2:ncol(Sig)]  

  ## applying sum-to-zero (centering) constraint...
  cmx <- colMeans(X)
  X <- sweep(X,2,cmx) ## subtract cmx from columns 
  object$X <- X # the final model matrix with identifiability constraint
  object$cmX <- cmx
  # create the penalty matrix
  S <- list()
  I2<- diag(q2)
  I1 <- diff(diag(q1-1),difference=1) 
  Pm1 <- matrix(0,q1-1,q1) # marginal sqrt penalty
  Pm1[2:(q1-1),2:q1] <- I1
  S[[1]]<- Pm1%x%I2

  I2 <- diff(diag(q2-2),difference=1) 
  Pm2 <- matrix(0,q2-1,q2)
  Pm2[3:(q2-1),3:q2] <- I2  # marginal sqrt penalty
  I1 <- diag(q1)
  S[[2]] <- I1%x%Pm2
  object$P <- list()
  object$P[[1]] <- S[[1]][2:nrow(S[[1]]),2:ncol(S[[1]])]
  object$P[[2]] <- S[[2]][2:nrow(S[[2]]),2:ncol(S[[2]])]
  object$S <- list()
  object$S[[1]] <- crossprod(object$P[[1]]) ## t(object$P[[1]])%*%object$P[[1]]
  object$S[[2]] <- crossprod(object$P[[2]])  ## t(object$P[[2]])%*%object$P[[2]]

  object$p.ident <- rep(TRUE,q1*q2-1)  ## p.ident is an indicator of which coefficients must be positive (exponentiated)
  object$rank <- ncol(object$X)-1  # penalty rank
  object$null.space.dim <-  3 ##   # dim. of unpenalized space
  object$C <- matrix(0, 0, ncol(X)) # to have no other constraints 
  object$Zc <- diag(q1*q2-1) # identfiability constraint matrix
  object$Zc <- rbind(rep(0,ncol(object$Zc)),object$Zc)
  ## store "temicx" specific stuff ...
  object$knots <- list()
  object$knots[[1]] <- xk
  object$knots[[2]] <- zk
  object$m <- m
  object$df<-ncol(object$X)     # maximum DoF (if unconstrained)
  class(object)<-"temicx.smooth"  # Give object a class


Predict.matrix.temicx.smooth <- function(object, data)
{  ## prediction method function for the `temicx' smooth class
  if (length(object$bs.dim)==1)
      q1 <- q2 <- object$bs.dim # if `k' is supplied as a single number, the same
             ## basis dimension is provided for both marginal smooths
  else  {q1 <- object$bs.dim[1]; q2 <- object$bs.dim[2]}
  bm <- marginal.linear.extrapolation(object, data)
  n <- length(data[[object$term[1]]])
  X <- matrix(0,n,q1*q2)  # model matrix
  for ( i in 1:n)
      {  X[i,] <- bm$X1[i,] %x% bm$X2[i,] # Kronecker product of two rows of marginal model matrices
  # get a matrix Sigma -----------------------
  IS2 <- matrix(0,q2,q2)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma for convexity
  IS2[1:q2,1] <- rep(1,q2)
  IS2[2:q2,2]<- -c(1:(q2-1))
  for (i in 3:q2) IS2[i:q2,i] <- c(1:(q2-i+1))  

 #  IS1 <- matrix(0,q1,q1)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma for increasing constraint
 #  IS1[1:q1,1] <- rep(1,q1)
 #    for (j in 2:q1)  IS1[j,2:j] <- 1
  IS1 <- matrix(1,q1,q1)  ## Define marginal matrix of Sigma for increasing constraint
  IS1[upper.tri(IS1)] <-0

  Sig <- IS1 %x% IS2 
  # get final model matrix
  X <- X %*%Sig
  X <- sweep(X,2,c(0,object$cmX))
  X # return the prediction matrix

## Tensor product P-spline construction with mixed constraints:
## increasing wrt the 1st covariate and concave wrt the 2nd covariate ...

smooth.construct.temicv.smooth.spec<- function(object, data, knots)
## construction of the bivariate smooth surface with mixed constraints: increasing
## wrt the 1st covariate and concave wrt the 2nd one...
  if (object$dim !=2)
      stop("the number of covariates should be two")
  if (length(object$p.order)==1)
      {m <- rep(object$p.order, 2) # if a single number is supplied the same
             ## order of P-splines is provided for both marginal smooths
       object$p.order <- m
  else m <- object$p.order
  m[is.na(m)] <- 2  # the default order is 2 (cubic P-spline)
  object$p.order[is.na(object$p.order)] <- 2
  if (object$bs.dim[1]==-1) { # set the default values for q1 and q2
      q1 <- object$bs.dim[1] <- 7
      q2 <- object$bs.dim[2] <- 7
  else if (length(object$bs.dim)==1){
      q1 <- q2 <- object$bs.dim # if `k' is supplied as a single number, the same
             ## basis dimension is provided for both marginal smooths
      object$bs.dim <- rep(object$bs.dim, 2)
  else {q1 <- object$bs.dim[1]; q2 <- object$bs.dim[2]}
  if (is.na(q1)) q1 <- object$bs.dim[1] <- 7  # the default basis dimension is 7
  if (is.na(q2)) q2 <- object$bs.dim[2] <- 7
  nk1 <- q1+m[1]+2 ## number of knots for the 1st smooth
  nk2 <- q2+m[2]+2 ## number of knots for the 2nd smooth
  if (nk1<=0 || nk2<=0) stop("either k[1] or k[2] too small for m")
  ## the values of the first covariate...   
  x <- data[[object$term[1]]]  
  xk <- knots[[object$term[1]]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  z <- data[[object$term[2]]]  ## the values of the second covariate
  zk <- knots[[object$term[2]]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  if (is.null(xk)) # space knots through the values of the 1st covariate
  { n<-length(x)
    for (i in 1:(m[1]+1)) {xk[i]<-xk[m[1]+2]-(m[1]+2-i)*(xk[m[1]+3]-xk[m[1]+2])}
    for (i in (q1+2):(q1+m[1]+2)) {xk[i]<-xk[q1+1]+(i-q1-1)*(xk[m[1]+3]-xk[m[1]+2])}
    knots[[object$term[1]]] <- xk
  if (n != length(z))
     stop ("arguments of smooth not same dimension")
  if (is.null(zk)) # space knots through the values of the 2nd covariate
  {      zk<-rep(0,q2+m[2]+2)
         for (i in 1:(m[2]+1)) {zk[i]<-zk[m[2]+2]-(m[2]+2-i)*(zk[m[2]+3]-zk[m[2]+2])}
         for (i in (q2+2):(q2+m[2]+2)) {zk[i]<-zk[q2+1]+(i-q2-1)*(zk[m[2]+3]-zk[m[2]+2])}
         knots[[object$term[2]]] <- zk
  if (length(xk)!=nk1 ) # right number of knots?
      stop(paste("there should be ",nk1," supplied knotsfor the x"))
  if (length(zk)!=nk2) # right number of knots?
      stop(paste("there should be ",nk2," supplied knots for z"))
 #  get model matrix-------------
  X1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m[1]+2)
  X2 <- splineDesign(zk,z,ord=m[2]+2)
  X <- matrix(0,n,q1*q2)  # model matrix
  for (i in 1:n)
      {  X[i,] <- X1[i,]%x%X2[i,] # Kronecker product of two rows of marginal model matrices
  # get a matrix Sigma -----------------------
  IS2 <- matrix(0,q2,q2)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma for concavity
  IS2[1:q2,1] <- rep(1,q2)
  IS2[2:q2,2]<- c(1:(q2-1))
  for (i in 3:q2) IS2[i:q2,i] <- -c(1:(q2-i+1))  

 #  IS1 <- matrix(0,q1,q1)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma for increasing constraint
 #  IS1[1:q1,1] <- rep(1,q1)
 #    for (j in 2:q1)  IS1[j,2:j] <- 1
  IS1 <- matrix(1,q1,q1)  ## Define marginal matrix of Sigma for increasing constraint
  IS1[upper.tri(IS1)] <-0

  Sig <- IS1 %x% IS2 
  # apply identifiability constraint and get model matrix
  X <- X[,2:ncol(X)]%*%Sig[2:ncol(Sig),2:ncol(Sig)]  

  ## applying sum-to-zero (centering) constraint...
  cmx <- colMeans(X)
  X <- sweep(X,2,cmx) ## subtract cmx from columns 
  object$X <- X # the final model matrix with identifiability constraint
  object$cmX <- cmx
  # create the penalty matrix
  S <- list()
  I2<- diag(q2)
  I1 <- diff(diag(q1-1),difference=1) 
  Pm1 <- matrix(0,q1-1,q1) # marginal sqrt penalty
  Pm1[2:(q1-1),2:q1] <- I1
  S[[1]]<- Pm1%x%I2

  I2 <- diff(diag(q2-2),difference=1) 
  Pm2 <- matrix(0,q2-1,q2)
  Pm2[3:(q2-1),3:q2] <- I2  # marginal sqrt penalty
  I1 <- diag(q1)
  S[[2]] <- I1%x%Pm2
  object$P <- list()
  object$P[[1]] <- S[[1]][2:nrow(S[[1]]),2:ncol(S[[1]])]
  object$P[[2]] <- S[[2]][2:nrow(S[[2]]),2:ncol(S[[2]])]
  object$S <- list()
  object$S[[1]] <- crossprod(object$P[[1]]) ## t(object$P[[1]])%*%object$P[[1]]
  object$S[[2]] <- crossprod(object$P[[2]])  ## t(object$P[[2]])%*%object$P[[2]]

  object$p.ident <- rep(TRUE,q1*q2-1)  ## p.ident is an indicator of which coefficients must be positive (exponentiated)
  object$rank <- ncol(object$X)-1  # penalty rank
  object$null.space.dim <-  3 ##  dim. of unpenalized space
  object$C <- matrix(0, 0, ncol(X)) # to have no other constraints 
  object$Zc <- diag(q1*q2-1) # identfiability constraint matrix
  object$Zc <- rbind(rep(0,ncol(object$Zc)),object$Zc)
  ## store "temicv" specific stuff ...
  object$knots <- list()
  object$knots[[1]] <- xk
  object$knots[[2]] <- zk
  object$m <- m
  object$df<-ncol(object$X)     # maximum DoF (if unconstrained)
  class(object)<-"temicv.smooth"  # Give object a class


Predict.matrix.temicv.smooth <- function(object, data)
{  ## prediction method function for the `temicx' smooth class
  if (length(object$bs.dim)==1)
      q1 <- q2 <- object$bs.dim # if `k' is supplied as a single number, the same
             ## basis dimension is provided for both marginal smooths
  else  {q1 <- object$bs.dim[1]; q2 <- object$bs.dim[2]}
  bm <- marginal.linear.extrapolation(object, data)
  n <- length(data[[object$term[1]]])
  X <- matrix(0,n,q1*q2)  # model matrix
  for ( i in 1:n)
      {  X[i,] <- bm$X1[i,] %x% bm$X2[i,] # Kronecker product of two rows of marginal model matrices
  # get a matrix Sigma -----------------------
  IS2 <- matrix(0,q2,q2)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma for concavity
  IS2[1:q2,1] <- rep(1,q2)
  IS2[2:q2,2]<- c(1:(q2-1))
  for (i in 3:q2) IS2[i:q2,i] <- -c(1:(q2-i+1))  

 #  IS1 <- matrix(0,q1,q1)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma for increasing constraint
 #  IS1[1:q1,1] <- rep(1,q1)
 #    for (j in 2:q1)  IS1[j,2:j] <- 1
  IS1 <- matrix(1,q1,q1)  ## Define marginal matrix of Sigma for increasing constraint
  IS1[upper.tri(IS1)] <-0

  Sig <- IS1 %x% IS2 
  # get final model matrix
  X <- X %*%Sig
  X <- sweep(X,2,c(0,object$cmX))
  X # return the prediction matrix

## Tensor product P-spline construction with mixed constraints: 
## decreasing wrt the 1st covariate and concave wrt the second covariate ...

smooth.construct.tedecv.smooth.spec<- function(object, data, knots)
## construction of the bivariate smooth surface with mixed constraints: decreasing
## wrt the 1st covariate and convex wrt the 2nd one...
  if (object$dim !=2)
      stop("the number of covariates should be two")
  if (length(object$p.order)==1)
      {m <- rep(object$p.order, 2) # if a single number is supplied the same
             ## order of P-splines is provided for both marginal smooths
       object$p.order <- m
  else m <- object$p.order
  m[is.na(m)] <- 2  # the default order is 2 (cubic P-spline)
  object$p.order[is.na(object$p.order)] <- 2
  if (object$bs.dim[1]==-1) { # set the default values for q1 and q2
      q1 <- object$bs.dim[1] <- 7
      q2 <- object$bs.dim[2] <- 7
  else if (length(object$bs.dim)==1){
      q1 <- q2 <- object$bs.dim # if `k' is supplied as a single number, the same
             ## basis dimension is provided for both marginal smooths
      object$bs.dim <- rep(object$bs.dim, 2)
  else {q1 <- object$bs.dim[1]; q2 <- object$bs.dim[2]}
  if (is.na(q1)) q1 <- object$bs.dim[1] <- 7  # the default basis dimension is 7
  if (is.na(q2)) q2 <- object$bs.dim[2] <- 7
  nk1 <- q1+m[1]+2 ## number of knots for the 1st smooth
  nk2 <- q2+m[2]+2 ## number of knots for the 2nd smooth
  if (nk1<=0 || nk2<=0) stop("either k[1] or k[2] too small for m")
  ## the values of the first covariate...   
  x <- data[[object$term[1]]]  
  xk <- knots[[object$term[1]]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  z <- data[[object$term[2]]]  ## the values of the second covariate
  zk <- knots[[object$term[2]]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  if (is.null(xk)) # space knots through the values of the 1st covariate
  { n<-length(x)
    for (i in 1:(m[1]+1)) {xk[i]<-xk[m[1]+2]-(m[1]+2-i)*(xk[m[1]+3]-xk[m[1]+2])}
    for (i in (q1+2):(q1+m[1]+2)) {xk[i]<-xk[q1+1]+(i-q1-1)*(xk[m[1]+3]-xk[m[1]+2])}
    knots[[object$term[1]]] <- xk
  if (n != length(z))
     stop ("arguments of smooth not same dimension")
  if (is.null(zk)) # space knots through the values of the 2nd covariate
  {      zk<-rep(0,q2+m[2]+2)
         for (i in 1:(m[2]+1)) {zk[i]<-zk[m[2]+2]-(m[2]+2-i)*(zk[m[2]+3]-zk[m[2]+2])}
         for (i in (q2+2):(q2+m[2]+2)) {zk[i]<-zk[q2+1]+(i-q2-1)*(zk[m[2]+3]-zk[m[2]+2])}
         knots[[object$term[2]]] <- zk
  if (length(xk)!=nk1 ) # right number of knots?
      stop(paste("there should be ",nk1," supplied knotsfor the x"))
  if (length(zk)!=nk2) # right number of knots?
      stop(paste("there should be ",nk2," supplied knots for z"))
 #  get model matrix-------------
  X1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m[1]+2)
  X2 <- splineDesign(zk,z,ord=m[2]+2)
  X <- matrix(0,n,q1*q2)  # model matrix
  for (i in 1:n)
      {  X[i,] <- X1[i,]%x%X2[i,] # Kronecker product of two rows of marginal model matrices
  # get a matrix Sigma -----------------------
  IS2 <- matrix(0,q2,q2)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma for convexity
  IS2[1:q2,1] <- rep(1,q2)
  IS2[2:q2,2]<- -c(1:(q2-1))
  for (i in 3:q2) IS2[i:q2,i] <- c(1:(q2-i+1))  

  IS1 <- matrix(0,q1,q1)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma for decreasing constraint
  IS1[1:q1,1] <- -rep(1,q1)
    for (j in 2:q1)  IS1[j,2:j] <- -1
  Sig <- IS1 %x% IS2 
  # apply identifiability constraint and get model matrix
  X <- X[,2:ncol(X)]%*%Sig[2:ncol(Sig),2:ncol(Sig)]  
  ## applying sum-to-zero (centering) constraint...
  cmx <- colMeans(X)
  X <- sweep(X,2,cmx) ## subtract cmx from columns 
  object$X <- X # the final model matrix with identifiability constraint
  object$cmX <- cmx
  # create the penalty matrix
  S <- list()
  I2<- diag(q2)
  I1 <- diff(diag(q1-1),difference=1) 
  Pm1 <- matrix(0,q1-1,q1) # marginal sqrt penalty
  Pm1[2:(q1-1),2:q1] <- I1
  S[[1]]<- Pm1%x%I2

  I2 <- diff(diag(q2-2),difference=1) 
  Pm2 <- matrix(0,q2-1,q2)
  Pm2[3:(q2-1),3:q2] <- I2  # marginal sqrt penalty
  I1 <- diag(q1)
  S[[2]] <- I1%x%Pm2
  object$P <- list()
  object$P[[1]] <- S[[1]][2:nrow(S[[1]]),2:ncol(S[[1]])]
  object$P[[2]] <- S[[2]][2:nrow(S[[2]]),2:ncol(S[[2]])]
  object$S <- list()
  object$S[[1]] <- crossprod(object$P[[1]]) ## t(object$P[[1]])%*%object$P[[1]]
  object$S[[2]] <- crossprod(object$P[[2]])  ## t(object$P[[2]])%*%object$P[[2]]

  object$p.ident <- rep(TRUE,q1*q2-1) ## p.ident is an indicator of which coefficients must be positive (exponentiated)
  object$rank <- ncol(object$X)-1  # penalty rank
  object$null.space.dim <-  3 ##  dim. of unpenalized space
  object$C <- matrix(0, 0, ncol(X)) # to have no other constraints 
  object$Zc <- diag(q1*q2-1) # identfiability constraint matrix
  object$Zc <- rbind(rep(0,ncol(object$Zc)),object$Zc)
  ## store "tedecv" specific stuff ...
  object$knots <- list()
  object$knots[[1]] <- xk
  object$knots[[2]] <- zk
  object$m <- m
  object$df<-ncol(object$X)     # maximum DoF (if unconstrained)
  class(object)<-"tedecv.smooth"  # Give object a class


Predict.matrix.tedecv.smooth <- function(object, data)
{  ## prediction method function for the `tedecv' smooth class
  if (length(object$bs.dim)==1)
      q1 <- q2 <- object$bs.dim # if `k' is supplied as a single number, the same
             ## basis dimension is provided for both marginal smooths
  else  {q1 <- object$bs.dim[1]; q2 <- object$bs.dim[2]}
  bm <- marginal.linear.extrapolation(object, data)
  n <- length(data[[object$term[1]]])
  X <- matrix(0,n,q1*q2)  # model matrix
  for ( i in 1:n)
      {  X[i,] <- bm$X1[i,] %x% bm$X2[i,] # Kronecker product of two rows of marginal model matrices
  # get a matrix Sigma -----------------------
  IS2 <- matrix(0,q2,q2)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma for convexity
  IS2[1:q2,1] <- rep(1,q2)
  IS2[2:q2,2]<- -c(1:(q2-1))
  for (i in 3:q2) IS2[i:q2,i] <- c(1:(q2-i+1))  

  IS1 <- matrix(0,q1,q1)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma for decreasing constraint
  IS1[1:q1,1] <- -rep(1,q1)
    for (j in 2:q1)  IS1[j,2:j] <- -1
  Sig <- IS1 %x% IS2 
  # get final model matrix
  X <- X %*%Sig
  X <- sweep(X,2,c(0,object$cmX))
  X # return the prediction matrix

## Tensor product P-spline construction with mixed constraints:
## decreasing wrt the 1st covariate and convex wrt the 2nd covariate ...

smooth.construct.tedecx.smooth.spec<- function(object, data, knots)
## construction of the bivariate smooth surface with mixed constraints: decreasing
## wrt the first covariate and concave wrt the 2nd one...
  if (object$dim !=2)
      stop("the number of covariates should be two")
  if (length(object$p.order)==1)
      {m <- rep(object$p.order, 2) # if a single number is supplied the same
             ## order of P-splines is provided for both marginal smooths
       object$p.order <- m
  else m <- object$p.order
  m[is.na(m)] <- 2  # the default order is 2 (cubic P-spline)
  object$p.order[is.na(object$p.order)] <- 2
  if (object$bs.dim[1]==-1) { # set the default values for q1 and q2
      q1 <- object$bs.dim[1] <- 7
      q2 <- object$bs.dim[2] <- 7
  else if (length(object$bs.dim)==1){
      q1 <- q2 <- object$bs.dim # if `k' is supplied as a single number, the same
             ## basis dimension is provided for both marginal smooths
      object$bs.dim <- rep(object$bs.dim, 2)
  else {q1 <- object$bs.dim[1]; q2 <- object$bs.dim[2]}
  if (is.na(q1)) q1 <- object$bs.dim[1] <- 7  # the default basis dimension is 7
  if (is.na(q2)) q2 <- object$bs.dim[2] <- 7
  nk1 <- q1+m[1]+2 ## number of knots for the 1st smooth
  nk2 <- q2+m[2]+2 ## number of knots for the 2nd smooth
  if (nk1<=0 || nk2<=0) stop("either k[1] or k[2] too small for m")
  ## the values of the first covariate...   
  x <- data[[object$term[1]]]  
  xk <- knots[[object$term[1]]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  z <- data[[object$term[2]]]  ## the values of the second covariate
  zk <- knots[[object$term[2]]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  if (is.null(xk)) # space knots through the values of the 1st covariate
  { n<-length(x)
    for (i in 1:(m[1]+1)) {xk[i]<-xk[m[1]+2]-(m[1]+2-i)*(xk[m[1]+3]-xk[m[1]+2])}
    for (i in (q1+2):(q1+m[1]+2)) {xk[i]<-xk[q1+1]+(i-q1-1)*(xk[m[1]+3]-xk[m[1]+2])}
    knots[[object$term[1]]] <- xk
  if (n != length(z))
     stop ("arguments of smooth not same dimension")
  if (is.null(zk)) # space knots through the values of the 2nd covariate
  {      zk<-rep(0,q2+m[2]+2)
         for (i in 1:(m[2]+1)) {zk[i]<-zk[m[2]+2]-(m[2]+2-i)*(zk[m[2]+3]-zk[m[2]+2])}
         for (i in (q2+2):(q2+m[2]+2)) {zk[i]<-zk[q2+1]+(i-q2-1)*(zk[m[2]+3]-zk[m[2]+2])}
         knots[[object$term[2]]] <- zk
  if (length(xk)!=nk1 ) # right number of knots?
      stop(paste("there should be ",nk1," supplied knotsfor the x"))
  if (length(zk)!=nk2) # right number of knots?
      stop(paste("there should be ",nk2," supplied knots for z"))
 #  get model matrix-------------
  X1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m[1]+2)
  X2 <- splineDesign(zk,z,ord=m[2]+2)
  X <- matrix(0,n,q1*q2)  # model matrix
  for (i in 1:n)
      {  X[i,] <- X1[i,]%x%X2[i,] # Kronecker product of two rows of marginal model matrices
  # get a matrix Sigma -----------------------
  IS2 <- matrix(0,q2,q2)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma for concavity
  IS2[1:q2,1] <- rep(1,q2)
  IS2[2:q2,2]<- c(1:(q2-1))
  for (i in 3:q2) IS2[i:q2,i] <- -c(1:(q2-i+1))  

  IS1 <- matrix(0,q1,q1)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma for decreasing constraint
  IS1[1:q1,1] <- -rep(1,q1)
    for (j in 2:q1)  IS1[j,2:j] <- -1
  Sig <- IS1 %x% IS2 
  # apply identifiability constraint and get model matrix
  X <- X[,2:ncol(X)]%*%Sig[2:ncol(Sig),2:ncol(Sig)]  

  ## applying sum-to-zero (centering) constraint...
  cmx <- colMeans(X)
  X <- sweep(X,2,cmx) ## subtract cmx from columns 
  object$X <- X # the final model matrix with identifiability constraint
  object$cmX <- cmx
  # create the penalty matrix
  S <- list()
  I2<- diag(q2)
  I1 <- diff(diag(q1-1),difference=1) 
  Pm1 <- matrix(0,q1-1,q1) # marginal sqrt penalty
  Pm1[2:(q1-1),2:q1] <- I1
  S[[1]]<- Pm1%x%I2

  I2 <- diff(diag(q2-2),difference=1) 
  Pm2 <- matrix(0,q2-1,q2)
  Pm2[3:(q2-1),3:q2] <- I2  # marginal sqrt penalty
  I1 <- diag(q1)
  S[[2]] <- I1%x%Pm2
  object$P <- list()
  object$P[[1]] <- S[[1]][2:nrow(S[[1]]),2:ncol(S[[1]])]
  object$P[[2]] <- S[[2]][2:nrow(S[[2]]),2:ncol(S[[2]])]
  object$S <- list()
  object$S[[1]] <- crossprod(object$P[[1]]) ## t(object$P[[1]])%*%object$P[[1]]
  object$S[[2]] <- crossprod(object$P[[2]])  ## t(object$P[[2]])%*%object$P[[2]]

  object$p.ident <- rep(TRUE,q1*q2-1)  ## p.ident is an indicator of which coefficients must be positive (exponentiated)
  object$rank <- ncol(object$X)-1  # penalty rank
  object$null.space.dim <- 3 ##  dim. of unpenalized space
  object$C <- matrix(0, 0, ncol(X)) # to have no other constraints 
  object$Zc <- diag(q1*q2-1) # identfiability constraint matrix
  object$Zc <- rbind(rep(0,ncol(object$Zc)),object$Zc)
  ## store "tedecx" specific stuff ...
  object$knots <- list()
  object$knots[[1]] <- xk
  object$knots[[2]] <- zk
  object$m <- m
  object$df<-ncol(object$X)     # maximum DoF (if unconstrained)
  class(object)<-"tedecx.smooth"  # Give object a class


Predict.matrix.tedecx.smooth <- function(object, data)
{  ## prediction method function for the `tedecx' smooth class
  if (length(object$bs.dim)==1)
      q1 <- q2 <- object$bs.dim # if `k' is supplied as a single number, the same
             ## basis dimension is provided for both marginal smooths
  else  {q1 <- object$bs.dim[1]; q2 <- object$bs.dim[2]}
  bm <- marginal.linear.extrapolation(object, data)
  n <- length(data[[object$term[1]]])
  X <- matrix(0,n,q1*q2)  # model matrix
  for ( i in 1:n)
      {  X[i,] <- bm$X1[i,] %x% bm$X2[i,] # Kronecker product of two rows of marginal model matrices
  # get a matrix Sigma -----------------------
  IS2 <- matrix(0,q2,q2)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma for concavity
  IS2[1:q2,1] <- rep(1,q2)
  IS2[2:q2,2]<- c(1:(q2-1))
  for (i in 3:q2) IS2[i:q2,i] <- -c(1:(q2-i+1))  

  IS1 <- matrix(0,q1,q1)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma for decreasing constraint
  IS1[1:q1,1] <- -rep(1,q1)
    for (j in 2:q1)  IS1[j,2:j] <- -1
  Sig <- IS1 %x% IS2 
  # get final model matrix
  X <- X %*%Sig
  X <- sweep(X,2,c(0,object$cmX))
  X # return the prediction matrix

## Tensor product P-spline construction with single concavity constraint
## wrt the 2nd covariate ...


marginal.matrices.tescv.ps <- function(x,z,xk,zk,m,q1,q2)
## function to get marginal model matrices and penalties in the overall 
## model coefficients in case of P-splines basis for the 1st unconstrained smooth
  # get marginal model matrix for the first unconstrained smooth... 
  X1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m[1]+2)
  # get marginal model matrix for the second concave smooth...
  X2 <- splineDesign(zk,z,ord=m[2]+2)

  # create the penalty matrix...
  S <- list()
  # get penalty matrix for the first unconstrained smooth...
  I2 <- diag(q2)
  P <- diff(diag(q1),difference=1)
  S[[1]]<- P %x% I2
  c1 <- c(1,-2,1)
  c2 <- c(1,rep(0,q2-1))
  c <- c1 %x% c2
  for (i in 1:(q1-2)){
       S[[1]][q2*(i-1)+1,(q2*(i-1)+1):(q2*(i-1)+length(c))] <- c
  i <- q1-1
  S[[1]][q2*(i-1)+1,(q2*(i-1)+1):ncol(S[[1]])] <- rep(0,2*q2)

  S[[1]] <- crossprod(S[[1]])  ## t(S[[1]])%*%S[[1]]

  # get penalty for the 2nd concave smooth...
  I2 <- diff(diag(q2-2),difference=1) 
  P <- matrix(0,q2-1,q2)
  P[3:(q2-1),3:q2] <- I2  # marginal sqrt penalty
  I1 <- diag(q1)
  S[[2]] <- I1%x%P
  S[[2]] <- crossprod(S[[2]])  ## t(S[[2]])%*%S[[2]]

 list(X1=X1, X2=X2, S=S)

smooth.construct.tescv.smooth.spec<- function(object, data, knots)
## construction of the bivariate smooth surface with single concavity constraint
## wrt the 2nd covariate ...
  if (object$dim !=2)
      stop("the number of covariates should be two")
  if (length(object$p.order)==1)
      {m <- rep(object$p.order, 2) # if a single number is supplied the same
             ## order of P-splines is provided for both marginal smooths
       object$p.order <- m
  else m <- object$p.order
  m[is.na(m)] <- 2  # the default order is 2 (cubic P-spline)
  object$p.order[is.na(object$p.order)] <- 2
  if (object$bs.dim[1]==-1) { # set the default values for q1 and q2
      q1 <- object$bs.dim[1] <- 7
      q2 <- object$bs.dim[2] <- 7
  else if (length(object$bs.dim)==1){
      q1 <- q2 <- object$bs.dim # if `k' is supplied as a single number, the same
             ## basis dimension is provided for both marginal smooths
      object$bs.dim <- rep(object$bs.dim, 2)
  else {q1 <- object$bs.dim[1]; q2 <- object$bs.dim[2]}
  if (is.na(q1)) q1 <- object$bs.dim[1] <- 7  # the default basis dimension is 7
  if (is.na(q2)) q2 <- object$bs.dim[2] <- 7
  nk1 <- q1+m[1]+2 ## number of knots for the 1st smooth
  nk2 <- q2+m[2]+2 ## number of knots for the 2nd smooth
  if (nk1<=0 || nk2<=0) stop("either k[1] or k[2] too small for m")
  ## the values of the first covariate...   
  x <- data[[object$term[1]]]  
  xk <- knots[[object$term[1]]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  z <- data[[object$term[2]]]  ## the values of the second covariate
  zk <- knots[[object$term[2]]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  if (is.null(xk)) # space knots through the values of the 1st covariate
  { n<-length(x)
    for (i in 1:(m[1]+1)) {xk[i]<-xk[m[1]+2]-(m[1]+2-i)*(xk[m[1]+3]-xk[m[1]+2])}
    for (i in (q1+2):(q1+m[1]+2)) {xk[i]<-xk[q1+1]+(i-q1-1)*(xk[m[1]+3]-xk[m[1]+2])}
    knots[[object$term[1]]] <- xk
  if (n != length(z))
     stop ("arguments of smooth not same dimension")
  if (is.null(zk)) # space knots through the values of the 2nd covariate
  {      zk<-rep(0,q2+m[2]+2)
         for (i in 1:(m[2]+1)) {zk[i]<-zk[m[2]+2]-(m[2]+2-i)*(zk[m[2]+3]-zk[m[2]+2])}
         for (i in (q2+2):(q2+m[2]+2)) {zk[i]<-zk[q2+1]+(i-q2-1)*(zk[m[2]+3]-zk[m[2]+2])}
         knots[[object$term[2]]] <- zk
  if (length(xk)!=nk1 ) # right number of knots?
      stop(paste("there should be ",nk1," supplied knotsfor the x"))
  if (length(zk)!=nk2) # right number of knots?
      stop(paste("there should be ",nk2," supplied knots for z"))
 #  get model matrix-------------
  bm <- marginal.matrices.tescv.ps(x,z,xk,zk,m,q1,q2)
  X1 <- bm$X1
  X2 <- bm$X2
  S <- bm$S  
  # get the overall model matrix...
  X <- matrix(0,n,q1*q2)  # model matrix
  for (i in 1:n)
    {  X[i,] <- X1[i,]%x%X2[i,] # Kronecker product of two rows of marginal model matrices
  # get a matrix Sigma -----------------------
  IS2 <- matrix(0,q2,q2)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma for concavity
  IS2[1:q2,1] <- rep(1,q2)
  IS2[2:q2,2]<- c(1:(q2-1))
  for (i in 3:q2) IS2[i:q2,i] <- -c(1:(q2-i+1))  

  I <- diag(q1) ## identity matrix for the unconstrained marginal
  Sig <- I%x%IS2
  # get model matrix
  X <- X%*%Sig
  # apply identifiability constraint and get model matrix
  D<- diag(q1*q2)
  D<- D[,-1]  ## D[,-((q1-1)*q2+1)]
  ind <- rep(0,q1-1) # get index number for the cells to be changed to "-1"
  for (i in 1:(q1-1)){
        ind[i] <- (i-1)*q2+1
        D[ind[i],ind[i]] <- -1
  for (i in 2:(q1-1))
        D[ind[i],ind[i]-q2] <- 1
  D[((q1-1)*q2+1),((q1-1)*q2+1-q2)] <- 1
  X <- X%*%D 

  ## applying sum-to-zero (centering) constraint...
  cmx <- colMeans(X)
  X <- sweep(X,2,cmx) ## subtract cmx from columns 
  object$X <- X # the final model matrix with identifiability constraint
  object$cmX <- cmx
  # create the penalty matrix
  object$S <- list()
  object$S[[1]] <- crossprod(D,S[[1]])%*%D  ## t(D)%*%S[[1]]%*%D
  object$S[[2]] <- crossprod(D,S[[2]])%*%D  ## t(D)%*%S[[2]]%*%D

  object$p.ident <- rep(TRUE,q1*q2-1)  
  object$p.ident[ind] <- FALSE ## p.ident is an indicator of which coefficients must be positive (exponentiated)
  object$rank <- ncol(object$X)-1  # penalty rank
  object$null.space.dim <-  3 ## dim. of unpenalized space
  object$C <- matrix(0, 0, ncol(X)) # to have no other constraints 
  object$Zc <- D   # identifiability constraint matrix

  ## store "tescv" specific stuff ...
  object$knots <- list()
  if (is.null(xk))
     object$knots[[1]] <- rep(0,0,0)
  else object$knots[[1]] <- xk
  object$knots[[2]] <- zk
  object$m <- m
  object$df<-ncol(object$X)     # maximum DoF (if unconstrained)
  class(object)<-"tescv.smooth"  # Give object a class


Predict.matrix.tescv.smooth <- function(object, data)
{  ## prediction method function for the `tescv' smooth class
  if (length(object$bs.dim)==1)
      q1 <- q2 <- object$bs.dim # if `k' is supplied as a single number, the same
             ## basis dimension is provided for both marginal smooths
  else  {q1 <- object$bs.dim[1]; q2 <- object$bs.dim[2]}
  bm <- marginal.linear.extrapolation(object, data)
  n <- length(data[[object$term[1]]])
  X <- matrix(0,n,q1*q2)  # model matrix
  for ( i in 1:n)
      {  X[i,] <- bm$X1[i,] %x% bm$X2[i,] # Kronecker product of two rows of marginal model matrices
  # get a matrix Sigma -----------------------
  IS2 <- matrix(0,q2,q2)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma for concavity
  IS2[1:q2,1] <- rep(1,q2)
  IS2[2:q2,2]<- c(1:(q2-1))
  for (i in 3:q2) IS2[i:q2,i] <- -c(1:(q2-i+1))  
  I <- diag(q1) ## identity matrix for the unconstrained marginal
  Sig <- I%x%IS2
  # get final model matrix
  X <- X %*%Sig
  X # return the prediction matrix

## Tensor product P-spline construction with single convexity 
## constraint wrt the second covariate ...

smooth.construct.tescx.smooth.spec<- function(object, data, knots)
## construction of the bivariate smooth surface with single convexity 
## constraint wrt the second covariate ...
  if (object$dim !=2)
      stop("the number of covariates should be two")
  if (length(object$p.order)==1)
      {m <- rep(object$p.order, 2) # if a single number is supplied the same
             ## order of P-splines is provided for both marginal smooths
       object$p.order <- m
  else m <- object$p.order
  m[is.na(m)] <- 2  # the default order is 2 (cubic P-spline)
  object$p.order[is.na(object$p.order)] <- 2
  if (object$bs.dim[1]==-1) { # set the default values for q1 and q2
      q1 <- object$bs.dim[1] <- 7
      q2 <- object$bs.dim[2] <- 7
  else if (length(object$bs.dim)==1){
      q1 <- q2 <- object$bs.dim # if `k' is supplied as a single number, the same
             ## basis dimension is provided for both marginal smooths
      object$bs.dim <- rep(object$bs.dim, 2)
  else {q1 <- object$bs.dim[1]; q2 <- object$bs.dim[2]}
  if (is.na(q1)) q1 <- object$bs.dim[1] <- 7  # the default basis dimension is 7
  if (is.na(q2)) q2 <- object$bs.dim[2] <- 7
  nk1 <- q1+m[1]+2 ## number of knots for the 1st smooth
  nk2 <- q2+m[2]+2 ## number of knots for the 2nd smooth
  if (nk1<=0 || nk2<=0) stop("either k[1] or k[2] too small for m")
  ## the values of the first covariate...   
  x <- data[[object$term[1]]]  
  xk <- knots[[object$term[1]]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  z <- data[[object$term[2]]]  ## the values of the second covariate
  zk <- knots[[object$term[2]]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  if (is.null(xk)) # space knots through the values of the 1st covariate
  { n<-length(x)
    for (i in 1:(m[1]+1)) {xk[i]<-xk[m[1]+2]-(m[1]+2-i)*(xk[m[1]+3]-xk[m[1]+2])}
    for (i in (q1+2):(q1+m[1]+2)) {xk[i]<-xk[q1+1]+(i-q1-1)*(xk[m[1]+3]-xk[m[1]+2])}
    knots[[object$term[1]]] <- xk
  if (n != length(z))
     stop ("arguments of smooth not same dimension")
  if (is.null(zk)) # space knots through the values of the 2nd covariate
  {      zk<-rep(0,q2+m[2]+2)
         for (i in 1:(m[2]+1)) {zk[i]<-zk[m[2]+2]-(m[2]+2-i)*(zk[m[2]+3]-zk[m[2]+2])}
         for (i in (q2+2):(q2+m[2]+2)) {zk[i]<-zk[q2+1]+(i-q2-1)*(zk[m[2]+3]-zk[m[2]+2])}
         knots[[object$term[2]]] <- zk
  if (length(xk)!=nk1 ) # right number of knots?
      stop(paste("there should be ",nk1," supplied knotsfor the x"))
  if (length(zk)!=nk2) # right number of knots?
      stop(paste("there should be ",nk2," supplied knots for z"))
 #  get model matrix-------------
  bm <- marginal.matrices.tescv.ps(x,z,xk,zk,m,q1,q2)
  X1 <- bm$X1
  X2 <- bm$X2
  S <- bm$S  
  # get the overall model matrix...
  X <- matrix(0,n,q1*q2)  # model matrix
  for (i in 1:n)
    {  X[i,] <- X1[i,]%x%X2[i,] # Kronecker product of two rows of marginal model matrices
  # get a matrix Sigma -----------------------
  IS2 <- matrix(0,q2,q2)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma for convexity
  IS2[1:q2,1] <- rep(1,q2)
  IS2[2:q2,2]<- -c(1:(q2-1))
  for (i in 3:q2) IS2[i:q2,i] <- c(1:(q2-i+1))  

  I <- diag(q1) ## identity matrix for the unconstrained marginal
  Sig <- I%x%IS2
  # get model matrix
  X <- X%*%Sig
  # apply identifiability constraint 
  D<- diag(q1*q2)
  D<- D[,-1]  ##  D[,-((q1-1)*q2+1)]
  ind <- rep(0,q1-1) # get index number for the cells to be changed to "-1"
  for (i in 1:(q1-1)){
        ind[i] <- (i-1)*q2+1
        D[ind[i],ind[i]] <- -1
  for (i in 2:(q1-1))
        D[ind[i],ind[i]-q2] <- 1
  D[((q1-1)*q2+1),((q1-1)*q2+1-q2)] <- 1
  X <- X%*%D 

  ## applying sum-to-zero (centering) constraint...
  cmx <- colMeans(X)
  X <- sweep(X,2,cmx) ## subtract cmx from columns 
  object$X <- X # the final model matrix with identifiability constraint
  object$cmX <- cmx
  # create the penalty matrix
  object$S <- list()
  object$S[[1]] <- crossprod(D,S[[1]])%*%D  ## t(D)%*%S[[1]]%*%D
  object$S[[2]] <- crossprod(D,S[[2]])%*%D  ## t(D)%*%S[[2]]%*%D

  object$p.ident <- rep(TRUE,q1*q2-1)  
  object$p.ident[ind] <- FALSE ## p.ident is an indicator of which coefficients must be positive (exponentiated)
  object$rank <- ncol(object$X)-1  # penalty rank
  object$null.space.dim <-  3 ##  dim. of unpenalized space
  object$C <- matrix(0, 0, ncol(X)) # to have no other constraints 
  object$Zc <- D   # identifiability constraint matrix
  ## store "tescx" specific stuff ...
  object$knots <- list()
  if (is.null(xk))
     object$knots[[1]] <- rep(0,0,0)
  else object$knots[[1]] <- xk
  object$knots[[2]] <- zk
  object$m <- m
  object$df<-ncol(object$X)     # maximum DoF (if unconstrained)
  class(object)<-"tescx.smooth"  # Give object a class


Predict.matrix.tescx.smooth <- function(object, data)
{  ## prediction method function for the `tescx' smooth class
  if (length(object$bs.dim)==1)
      q1 <- q2 <- object$bs.dim # if `k' is supplied as a single number, the same
             ## basis dimension is provided for both marginal smooths
  else  {q1 <- object$bs.dim[1]; q2 <- object$bs.dim[2]}
  bm <- marginal.linear.extrapolation(object, data)
  n <- length(data[[object$term[1]]])
  X <- matrix(0,n,q1*q2)  # model matrix
  for ( i in 1:n)
      {  X[i,] <- bm$X1[i,] %x% bm$X2[i,] # Kronecker product of two rows of marginal model matrices
  # get a matrix Sigma -----------------------
  IS2 <- matrix(0,q2,q2)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma for convexity
  IS2[1:q2,1] <- rep(1,q2)
  IS2[2:q2,2]<- -c(1:(q2-1))
  for (i in 3:q2) IS2[i:q2,i] <- c(1:(q2-i+1))  

  I <- diag(q1) ## identity matrix for the unconstrained marginal
  Sig <- I%x%IS2
  # get final model matrix
  X <- X %*%Sig
  X # return the prediction matrix

## Tensor product P-spline construction with double concavity 
## constraint ...

smooth.construct.tecvcv.smooth.spec<- function(object, data, knots)
## construction of the bivariate smooth surface with double concavity constraint...
  if (object$dim !=2)
      stop("the number of covariates should be two")
  if (length(object$p.order)==1)
      {m <- rep(object$p.order, 2) # if a single number is supplied the same
             ## order of P-splines is provided for both marginal smooths
       object$p.order <- m
  else m <- object$p.order
  m[is.na(m)] <- 2  # the default order is 2 (cubic P-spline)
  object$p.order[is.na(object$p.order)] <- 2
  if (object$bs.dim[1]==-1) { # set the default values for q1 and q2
      q1 <- object$bs.dim[1] <- 7
      q2 <- object$bs.dim[2] <- 7
  else if (length(object$bs.dim)==1){
      q1 <- q2 <- object$bs.dim # if `k' is supplied as a single number, the same
             ## basis dimension is provided for both marginal smooths
      object$bs.dim <- rep(object$bs.dim, 2)
  else {q1 <- object$bs.dim[1]; q2 <- object$bs.dim[2]}
  if (is.na(q1)) q1 <- object$bs.dim[1] <- 7  # the default basis dimension is 7
  if (is.na(q2)) q2 <- object$bs.dim[2] <- 7
  nk1 <- q1+m[1]+2 ## number of knots for the 1st smooth
  nk2 <- q2+m[2]+2 ## number of knots for the 2nd smooth
  if (nk1<=0 || nk2<=0) stop("either k[1] or k[2] too small for m")
  ## the values of the first covariate...   
  x <- data[[object$term[1]]]  
  xk <- knots[[object$term[1]]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  z <- data[[object$term[2]]]  ## the values of the second covariate
  zk <- knots[[object$term[2]]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  if (is.null(xk)) # space knots through the values of the 1st covariate
  { n<-length(x)
    for (i in 1:(m[1]+1)) {xk[i]<-xk[m[1]+2]-(m[1]+2-i)*(xk[m[1]+3]-xk[m[1]+2])}
    for (i in (q1+2):(q1+m[1]+2)) {xk[i]<-xk[q1+1]+(i-q1-1)*(xk[m[1]+3]-xk[m[1]+2])}
    knots[[object$term[1]]] <- xk
  if (n != length(z))
     stop ("arguments of smooth not same dimension")
  if (is.null(zk)) # space knots through the values of the 2nd covariate
  {      zk<-rep(0,q2+m[2]+2)
         for (i in 1:(m[2]+1)) {zk[i]<-zk[m[2]+2]-(m[2]+2-i)*(zk[m[2]+3]-zk[m[2]+2])}
         for (i in (q2+2):(q2+m[2]+2)) {zk[i]<-zk[q2+1]+(i-q2-1)*(zk[m[2]+3]-zk[m[2]+2])}
         knots[[object$term[2]]] <- zk
  if (length(xk)!=nk1 ) # right number of knots?
      stop(paste("there should be ",nk1," supplied knotsfor the x"))
  if (length(zk)!=nk2) # right number of knots?
      stop(paste("there should be ",nk2," supplied knots for z"))
 #  get model matrix-------------
  X1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m[1]+2)
  X2 <- splineDesign(zk,z,ord=m[2]+2)
  X <- matrix(0,n,q1*q2)  # model matrix
  for (i in 1:n)
      {  X[i,] <- X1[i,]%x%X2[i,] # Kronecker product of two rows of marginal model matrices
  # get a matrix Sigma -----------------------
  IS2 <- matrix(0,q2,q2)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma for concavity
  IS2[1:q2,1] <- rep(1,q2)
  IS2[2:q2,2]<- c(1:(q2-1))
  for (i in 3:q2) IS2[i:q2,i] <- -c(1:(q2-i+1))  

  IS1 <- matrix(0,q1,q1)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma for concavity constraint wrt the first covariate
  IS1[1:q1,1] <- rep(1,q1)
  IS1[2:q1,2]<- c(1:(q1-1))
  for (i in 3:q1) IS1[i:q1,i] <- -c(1:(q1-i+1))
  Sig <- IS1 %x% IS2 
  # apply identifiability constraint and get model matrix
  X <- X[,2:ncol(X)]%*%Sig[2:ncol(Sig),2:ncol(Sig)] 
  ## applying sum-to-zero (centering) constraint...
  cmx <- colMeans(X)
  X <- sweep(X,2,cmx) ## subtract cmx from columns 
  object$X <- X # the final model matrix with identifiability constraint
  object$cmX <- cmx
  # create the penalty matrix
  S <- list()
  I2<- diag(q2)
  I1 <- diff(diag(q1-1),difference=1) 
  Pm1 <- matrix(0,q1-1,q1) # marginal sqrt penalty
  Pm1[2:(q1-1),2:q1] <- I1
  S[[1]]<- Pm1%x%I2

  I2 <- diff(diag(q2-2),difference=1) 
  Pm2 <- matrix(0,q2-1,q2)
  Pm2[3:(q2-1),3:q2] <- I2  # marginal sqrt penalty
  I1 <- diag(q1)
  S[[2]] <- I1%x%Pm2
  object$P <- list()
  object$P[[1]] <- S[[1]][2:nrow(S[[1]]),2:ncol(S[[1]])]
  object$P[[2]] <- S[[2]][2:nrow(S[[2]]),2:ncol(S[[2]])]
  object$S <- list()
  object$S[[1]] <- crossprod(object$P[[1]]) ## t(object$P[[1]])%*%object$P[[1]]
  object$S[[2]] <- crossprod(object$P[[2]])  ## t(object$P[[2]])%*%object$P[[2]]

  object$p.ident <- rep(TRUE,q1*q2-1) ## p.ident is an indicator of which coefficients must be positive (exponentiated) 
  object$rank <- ncol(object$X)-1  # penalty rank
  object$null.space.dim <-  3 ##  dim. of unpenalized space
  object$C <- matrix(0, 0, ncol(X)) # to have no other constraints 
  object$Zc <- diag(q1*q2-1) # identfiability constraint matrix
  object$Zc <- rbind(rep(0,ncol(object$Zc)),object$Zc)
  ## store "tecvcv" specific stuff ...
  object$knots <- list()
  object$knots[[1]] <- xk
  object$knots[[2]] <- zk
  object$m <- m
  object$df<-ncol(object$X)     # maximum DoF (if unconstrained)
  class(object)<-"tecvcv.smooth"  # Give object a class


Predict.matrix.tecvcv.smooth <- function(object, data)
{  ## prediction method function for the `tecvcv' smooth class
  if (length(object$bs.dim)==1)
      q1 <- q2 <- object$bs.dim # if `k' is supplied as a single number, the same
             ## basis dimension is provided for both marginal smooths
  else  {q1 <- object$bs.dim[1]; q2 <- object$bs.dim[2]}
  bm <- marginal.linear.extrapolation(object, data)
  n <- length(data[[object$term[1]]])
  X <- matrix(0,n,q1*q2)  # model matrix
  for ( i in 1:n)
      {  X[i,] <- bm$X1[i,] %x% bm$X2[i,] # Kronecker product of two rows of marginal model matrices
  # get a matrix Sigma -----------------------
  IS2 <- matrix(0,q2,q2)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma for concavity
  IS2[1:q2,1] <- rep(1,q2)
  IS2[2:q2,2]<- c(1:(q2-1))
  for (i in 3:q2) IS2[i:q2,i] <- -c(1:(q2-i+1))  

  IS1 <- matrix(0,q1,q1)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma for concavity constraint wrt the 1st covariate......
  IS1[1:q1,1] <- rep(1,q1)
  IS1[2:q1,2]<- c(1:(q1-1))
  for (i in 3:q1) IS1[i:q1,i] <- -c(1:(q1-i+1))
  Sig <- IS1 %x% IS2 
  # get final model matrix
  X <- X %*%Sig
  X <- sweep(X,2,c(0,object$cmX))
  X # return the prediction matrix

## Tensor product P-spline construction with double convexity 
## constraint...

smooth.construct.tecxcx.smooth.spec<- function(object, data, knots)
## construction of the bivariate smooth surface with double
## convexity constraint...
  if (object$dim !=2)
      stop("the number of covariates should be two")
  if (length(object$p.order)==1)
      {m <- rep(object$p.order, 2) # if a single number is supplied the same
             ## order of P-splines is provided for both marginal smooths
       object$p.order <- m
  else m <- object$p.order
  m[is.na(m)] <- 2  # the default order is 2 (cubic P-spline)
  object$p.order[is.na(object$p.order)] <- 2
  if (object$bs.dim[1]==-1) { # set the default values for q1 and q2
      q1 <- object$bs.dim[1] <- 7
      q2 <- object$bs.dim[2] <- 7
  else if (length(object$bs.dim)==1){
      q1 <- q2 <- object$bs.dim # if `k' is supplied as a single number, the same
             ## basis dimension is provided for both marginal smooths
      object$bs.dim <- rep(object$bs.dim, 2)
  else {q1 <- object$bs.dim[1]; q2 <- object$bs.dim[2]}
  if (is.na(q1)) q1 <- object$bs.dim[1] <- 7  # the default basis dimension is 7
  if (is.na(q2)) q2 <- object$bs.dim[2] <- 7
  nk1 <- q1+m[1]+2 ## number of knots for the 1st smooth
  nk2 <- q2+m[2]+2 ## number of knots for the 2nd smooth
  if (nk1<=0 || nk2<=0) stop("either k[1] or k[2] too small for m")
  ## the values of the first covariate...   
  x <- data[[object$term[1]]]  
  xk <- knots[[object$term[1]]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  z <- data[[object$term[2]]]  ## the values of the second covariate
  zk <- knots[[object$term[2]]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  if (is.null(xk)) # space knots through the values of the 1st covariate
  { n<-length(x)
    for (i in 1:(m[1]+1)) {xk[i]<-xk[m[1]+2]-(m[1]+2-i)*(xk[m[1]+3]-xk[m[1]+2])}
    for (i in (q1+2):(q1+m[1]+2)) {xk[i]<-xk[q1+1]+(i-q1-1)*(xk[m[1]+3]-xk[m[1]+2])}
    knots[[object$term[1]]] <- xk
  if (n != length(z))
     stop ("arguments of smooth not same dimension")
  if (is.null(zk)) # space knots through the values of the 2nd covariate
  {      zk<-rep(0,q2+m[2]+2)
         for (i in 1:(m[2]+1)) {zk[i]<-zk[m[2]+2]-(m[2]+2-i)*(zk[m[2]+3]-zk[m[2]+2])}
         for (i in (q2+2):(q2+m[2]+2)) {zk[i]<-zk[q2+1]+(i-q2-1)*(zk[m[2]+3]-zk[m[2]+2])}
         knots[[object$term[2]]] <- zk
  if (length(xk)!=nk1 ) # right number of knots?
      stop(paste("there should be ",nk1," supplied knotsfor the x"))
  if (length(zk)!=nk2) # right number of knots?
      stop(paste("there should be ",nk2," supplied knots for z"))
 #  get model matrix-------------
  X1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m[1]+2)
  X2 <- splineDesign(zk,z,ord=m[2]+2)
  X <- matrix(0,n,q1*q2)  # model matrix
  for (i in 1:n)
      {  X[i,] <- X1[i,]%x%X2[i,] # Kronecker product of two rows of marginal model matrices
  # get a matrix Sigma -----------------------
  IS2 <- matrix(0,q2,q2)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma for convexity
  IS2[1:q2,1] <- rep(1,q2)
  IS2[2:q2,2]<- -c(1:(q2-1))
  for (i in 3:q2) IS2[i:q2,i] <- c(1:(q2-i+1))  

  IS1 <- matrix(0,q1,q1)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma for convexity
  IS1[1:q1,1] <- rep(1,q1)
  IS1[2:q1,2]<- -c(1:(q1-1))
  for (i in 3:q1) IS1[i:q1,i] <- c(1:(q1-i+1))
  Sig <- IS1 %x% IS2 
  # apply identifiability constraint and get model matrix
  X <- X[,2:ncol(X)]%*%Sig[2:ncol(Sig),2:ncol(Sig)]  

  ## applying sum-to-zero (centering) constraint...
  cmx <- colMeans(X)
  X <- sweep(X,2,cmx) ## subtract cmx from columns 
  object$X <- X # the final model matrix with identifiability constraint
  object$cmX <- cmx

  # create the penalty matrix
  S <- list()
  I2<- diag(q2)
  I1 <- diff(diag(q1-1),difference=1) 
  Pm1 <- matrix(0,q1-1,q1) # marginal sqrt penalty
  Pm1[2:(q1-1),2:q1] <- I1
  S[[1]]<- Pm1%x%I2

  I2 <- diff(diag(q2-2),difference=1) 
  Pm2 <- matrix(0,q2-1,q2)
  Pm2[3:(q2-1),3:q2] <- I2  # marginal sqrt penalty
  I1 <- diag(q1)
  S[[2]] <- I1%x%Pm2
  object$P <- list()
  object$P[[1]] <- S[[1]][2:nrow(S[[1]]),2:ncol(S[[1]])]
  object$P[[2]] <- S[[2]][2:nrow(S[[2]]),2:ncol(S[[2]])]
  object$S <- list()
  object$S[[1]] <- crossprod(object$P[[1]]) ## t(object$P[[1]])%*%object$P[[1]]
  object$S[[2]] <- crossprod(object$P[[2]])  ## t(object$P[[2]])%*%object$P[[2]]
  object$p.ident <- rep(TRUE,q1*q2-1)    ## p.ident is an indicator of which coefficients must be positive (exponentiated) 
  object$rank <- ncol(object$X)-1  # penalty rank
  object$null.space.dim <-  3 ##  dim. of unpenalized space
  object$C <- matrix(0, 0, ncol(X)) # to have no other constraints 
  object$Zc <- diag(q1*q2-1) # identfiability constraint matrix
  object$Zc <- rbind(rep(0,ncol(object$Zc)),object$Zc)
  ## store "tecxcx" specific stuff ...
  object$knots <- list()
  object$knots[[1]] <- xk
  object$knots[[2]] <- zk
  object$m <- m
  object$df<-ncol(object$X)     # maximum DoF (if unconstrained)
  class(object)<-"tecxcx.smooth"  # Give object a class


Predict.matrix.tecxcx.smooth <- function(object, data)
{  ## prediction method function for the `tecxcx' smooth class
  if (length(object$bs.dim)==1)
      q1 <- q2 <- object$bs.dim # if `k' is supplied as a single number, the same
             ## basis dimension is provided for both marginal smooths
  else  {q1 <- object$bs.dim[1]; q2 <- object$bs.dim[2]}
  bm <- marginal.linear.extrapolation(object, data)
  n <- length(data[[object$term[1]]])
  X <- matrix(0,n,q1*q2)  # model matrix
  for ( i in 1:n)
      {  X[i,] <- bm$X1[i,] %x% bm$X2[i,] # Kronecker product of two rows of marginal model matrices
  # get a matrix Sigma -----------------------
  IS2 <- matrix(0,q2,q2)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma for convexity
  IS2[1:q2,1] <- rep(1,q2)
  IS2[2:q2,2]<- -c(1:(q2-1))
  for (i in 3:q2) IS2[i:q2,i] <- c(1:(q2-i+1))  

  IS1 <- matrix(0,q1,q1)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma for convexity
  IS1[1:q1,1] <- rep(1,q1)
  IS1[2:q1,2]<- -c(1:(q1-1))
  for (i in 3:q1) IS1[i:q1,i] <- c(1:(q1-i+1))
  Sig <- IS1 %x% IS2 
  # get final model matrix
  X <- X %*%Sig
  X <- sweep(X,2,c(0,object$cmX))
  X # return the prediction matrix

## Tensor product P-spline construction with convexity 
## constraint along the 1st covarite and concavity along the 2nd...

smooth.construct.tecxcv.smooth.spec<- function(object, data, knots)
## construction of the bivariate smooth surface with convexity 
## constraint along the 1st covarite and concavity along the 2nd...
  if (object$dim !=2)
      stop("the number of covariates should be two")
  if (length(object$p.order)==1)
      {m <- rep(object$p.order, 2) # if a single number is supplied the same
             ## order of P-splines is provided for both marginal smooths
       object$p.order <- m
  else m <- object$p.order
  m[is.na(m)] <- 2  # the default order is 2 (cubic P-spline)
  object$p.order[is.na(object$p.order)] <- 2
  if (object$bs.dim[1]==-1) { # set the default values for q1 and q2
      q1 <- object$bs.dim[1] <- 7
      q2 <- object$bs.dim[2] <- 7
  else if (length(object$bs.dim)==1){
      q1 <- q2 <- object$bs.dim # if `k' is supplied as a single number, the same
             ## basis dimension is provided for both marginal smooths
      object$bs.dim <- rep(object$bs.dim, 2)
  else {q1 <- object$bs.dim[1]; q2 <- object$bs.dim[2]}
  if (is.na(q1)) q1 <- object$bs.dim[1] <- 7  # the default basis dimension is 7
  if (is.na(q2)) q2 <- object$bs.dim[2] <- 7
  nk1 <- q1+m[1]+2 ## number of knots for the 1st smooth
  nk2 <- q2+m[2]+2 ## number of knots for the 2nd smooth
  if (nk1<=0 || nk2<=0) stop("either k[1] or k[2] too small for m")
  ## the values of the first covariate...   
  x <- data[[object$term[1]]]  
  xk <- knots[[object$term[1]]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  z <- data[[object$term[2]]]  ## the values of the second covariate
  zk <- knots[[object$term[2]]] ## will be NULL if none supplied
  if (is.null(xk)) # space knots through the values of the 1st covariate
  { n<-length(x)
    for (i in 1:(m[1]+1)) {xk[i]<-xk[m[1]+2]-(m[1]+2-i)*(xk[m[1]+3]-xk[m[1]+2])}
    for (i in (q1+2):(q1+m[1]+2)) {xk[i]<-xk[q1+1]+(i-q1-1)*(xk[m[1]+3]-xk[m[1]+2])}
    knots[[object$term[1]]] <- xk
  if (n != length(z))
     stop ("arguments of smooth not same dimension")
  if (is.null(zk)) # space knots through the values of the 2nd covariate
  {      zk<-rep(0,q2+m[2]+2)
         for (i in 1:(m[2]+1)) {zk[i]<-zk[m[2]+2]-(m[2]+2-i)*(zk[m[2]+3]-zk[m[2]+2])}
         for (i in (q2+2):(q2+m[2]+2)) {zk[i]<-zk[q2+1]+(i-q2-1)*(zk[m[2]+3]-zk[m[2]+2])}
         knots[[object$term[2]]] <- zk
  if (length(xk)!=nk1 ) # right number of knots?
      stop(paste("there should be ",nk1," supplied knotsfor the x"))
  if (length(zk)!=nk2) # right number of knots?
      stop(paste("there should be ",nk2," supplied knots for z"))
 #  get model matrix-------------
  X1 <- splineDesign(xk,x,ord=m[1]+2)
  X2 <- splineDesign(zk,z,ord=m[2]+2)
  X <- matrix(0,n,q1*q2)  # model matrix
  for (i in 1:n)
      {  X[i,] <- X1[i,]%x%X2[i,] # Kronecker product of two rows of marginal model matrices
  # get a matrix Sigma -----------------------
  IS1 <- matrix(0,q1,q1)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma for convexity
  IS1[1:q1,1] <- rep(1,q1)
  IS1[2:q1,2]<- -c(1:(q1-1))
  for (i in 3:q1) IS1[i:q1,i] <- c(1:(q1-i+1))  

  IS2 <- matrix(0,q2,q2)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma for concavity
  IS2[1:q2,1] <- rep(1,q2)
  IS2[2:q2,2]<- c(1:(q2-1))
  for (i in 3:q2) IS2[i:q2,i] <- -c(1:(q2-i+1))
  Sig <- IS1 %x% IS2 
  # apply identifiability constraint and get model matrix
  X <- X[,2:ncol(X)]%*%Sig[2:ncol(Sig),2:ncol(Sig)]  

  ## applying sum-to-zero (centering) constraint...
  cmx <- colMeans(X)
  X <- sweep(X,2,cmx) ## subtract cmx from columns 
  object$X <- X # the final model matrix with identifiability constraint
  object$cmX <- cmx
  # create the penalty matrix
  S <- list()
  I2<- diag(q2)
  I1 <- diff(diag(q1-1),difference=1) 
  Pm1 <- matrix(0,q1-1,q1) # marginal sqrt penalty
  Pm1[2:(q1-1),2:q1] <- I1
  S[[1]]<- Pm1%x%I2

  I2 <- diff(diag(q2-2),difference=1) 
  Pm2 <- matrix(0,q2-1,q2)
  Pm2[3:(q2-1),3:q2] <- I2  # marginal sqrt penalty
  I1 <- diag(q1)
  S[[2]] <- I1%x%Pm2
  object$P <- list()
  object$P[[1]] <- S[[1]][2:nrow(S[[1]]),2:ncol(S[[1]])]
  object$P[[2]] <- S[[2]][2:nrow(S[[2]]),2:ncol(S[[2]])]
  object$S <- list()
  object$S[[1]] <- crossprod(object$P[[1]]) ## t(object$P[[1]])%*%object$P[[1]]
  object$S[[2]] <- crossprod(object$P[[2]])  ## t(object$P[[2]])%*%object$P[[2]]
  object$p.ident <- rep(TRUE,q1*q2-1)   ## p.ident is an indicator of which coefficients must be positive (exponentiated) 
  object$rank <- ncol(object$X)-1  # penalty rank
  object$null.space.dim <-  3 ##  dim. of unpenalized space
  object$C <- matrix(0, 0, ncol(X)) # to have no other constraints 
  object$Zc <- diag(q1*q2-1) # identfiability constraint matrix
  object$Zc <- rbind(rep(0,ncol(object$Zc)),object$Zc)
  ## store "tecxcv" specific stuff ...
  object$knots <- list()
  object$knots[[1]] <- xk
  object$knots[[2]] <- zk
  object$m <- m
  object$df<-ncol(object$X)     # maximum DoF (if unconstrained)
  class(object)<-"tecxcv.smooth"  # Give object a class


Predict.matrix.tecxcv.smooth <- function(object, data)
{  ## prediction method function for the `tecxcv' smooth class
  if (length(object$bs.dim)==1)
      q1 <- q2 <- object$bs.dim # if `k' is supplied as a single number, the same
             ## basis dimension is provided for both marginal smooths
  else  {q1 <- object$bs.dim[1]; q2 <- object$bs.dim[2]}
  bm <- marginal.linear.extrapolation(object, data)
  n <- length(data[[object$term[1]]])
  X <- matrix(0,n,q1*q2)  # model matrix
  for ( i in 1:n)
      {  X[i,] <- bm$X1[i,] %x% bm$X2[i,] # Kronecker product of two rows of marginal model matrices
  # get a matrix Sigma -----------------------
  IS1 <- matrix(0,q1,q1)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma for convexity
  IS1[1:q1,1] <- rep(1,q1)
  IS1[2:q1,2]<- -c(1:(q1-1))
  for (i in 3:q1) IS1[i:q1,i] <- c(1:(q1-i+1))  

  IS2 <- matrix(0,q2,q2)   # Define marginal matrix of Sigma for concavity
  IS2[1:q2,1] <- rep(1,q2)
  IS2[2:q2,2]<- c(1:(q2-1))
  for (i in 3:q2) IS2[i:q2,i] <- -c(1:(q2-i+1))
  Sig <- IS1 %x% IS2 
  # get final model matrix
  X <- X %*%Sig
  X <- sweep(X,2,c(0,object$cmX))
  X # return the prediction matrix

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