#' @title Extract Summary Statistics from Model Fit Object
#' @description Accepts model fit object and extracts core statistical information. This includes P value, test statistic, degrees of freedom, etc. Currently accepts the following model types: `stats::t.test`, `stats::lm`, `stats_nls`, `nlme::lme`, `lmerTest::lmer`, `ecodist::MRM`, or `RRPP::trajectory.analysis`
#' @param mod_fit (lme, trajectory.analysis) Model fit object of supported class (see function description text)
#' @param traj_angle (character) Either "deg" or "rad" for whether trajectory analysis angle information should be extracted in degrees or radians. Only required if model is trajectory analysis
#' @return (data.frame) Dataframe of core summary statistics for the given model
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Create some example data
#' x <- c(3.5, 2.1, 7.5, 5.6, 3.3, 6.0, 5.6)
#' y <- c(2.3, 4.7, 7.8, 9.1, 4.5, 3.6, 5.1)
#' # Fit a linear model
#' mod <- lm(y ~ x)
#' # Extract the relevant information
#' stat_extract(mod_fit = mod)
stat_extract <- function(mod_fit = NULL, traj_angle = "deg"){
# Global Checks ----
# Squelch 'visible bindings' note
`Std. Error` <- `Std.Error` <- `t value` <- `t-value` <- df <- NULL
. <- d <- `UCL (95%)` <- Z <- r <- metric <- angle_r <- NULL
`Pr(>|t|)` <- `p-value` <- `Pr > d` <- `Pr > angle` <- P_Value <- NULL
# Error out if the model is not provided
stop("Model fit must be supplied")
# Error out if model is not of any supported class
if(methods::is(object = mod_fit, class2 = "htest") != TRUE &
methods::is(object = mod_fit, class2 = "nls") != TRUE &
methods::is(object = mod_fit, class2 = "lm") != TRUE &
methods::is(object = mod_fit, class2 = "lmerModLmerTest") != TRUE &
methods::is(object = mod_fit, class2 = "lme") != TRUE &
methods::is(object = mod_fit, class2 = "list") != TRUE &
methods::is(object = mod_fit, class2 = "trajectory.analysis") != TRUE
stop("Model type is not supported")
# Student's t-Test (`stats::t.test`) ----
if(methods::is(object = mod_fit, class2 = "htest") == TRUE){
# Strip out relevant components
stat_out <- base::data.frame("Estimate" = base::as.numeric(mod_fit$estimate),
"DF" = base::as.numeric(mod_fit$parameter),
"T_Value" = base::as.numeric(mod_fit$statistic),
"P_Value" = base::as.numeric(mod_fit$p.value))
# Linear Model (`stats::lm`) ----
if(methods::is(object = mod_fit, class2 = "lm") == TRUE) {
# Extract summary from data
summary_v1 <-$coefficients)
# Wrangle to simplify columns
stat_out <- summary_v1 %>%
# Add terms as a column
dplyr::mutate(Term = row.names(summary_v1),
.before = dplyr::everything()) %>%
# Rename some columns
dplyr::rename(Std_Error = `Std. Error`,
T_Value = `t value`,
P_Value = `Pr(>|t|)`)
# Nonlinear Least Squares (`stats::nls`) ----
if(methods::is(object = mod_fit, class2 = "nls") == TRUE) {
# Extract summary from data
summary_v1 <-$coefficients)
# Wrangle to simplify columns
stat_out <- summary_v1 %>%
# Add terms as a column
dplyr::mutate(Term = row.names(summary_v1),
.before = dplyr::everything()) %>%
# Rename some columns
dplyr::rename(Std_Error = `Std. Error`,
T_Value = `t value`,
P_Value = `Pr(>|t|)`)
# Linear Mixed-Effects Model (`lmerTest::lmer`) ----
if(methods::is(object = mod_fit, class2 = "lmerModLmerTest") == TRUE){
# Extract summary from data
summary_v1 <-$coefficients)
# Wrangle to simplify columns
stat_out <- summary_v1 %>%
# Add terms as a column
dplyr::mutate(Term = row.names(summary_v1),
.before = dplyr::everything()) %>%
# Rename some columns
dplyr::rename(Std_Error = `Std. Error`,
DF = df,
T_Value = `t value`,
P_Value = `Pr(>|t|)`)
# Linear Mixed-Effects Model (`nlme::lme`) ----
if(methods::is(object = mod_fit, class2 = "lme") == TRUE){
# Grab summary of the fit object
summary_v1 <- base::summary(mod_fit)
# Grab all relevant bits
stat_out <- cbind(data.frame("Term" = rownames(summary_v1$tTable),
"N_obs" = summary_v1$dims$N),
summary_v1$tTable) %>%
# Rename some of those columns
dplyr::rename(Std_Error = Std.Error,
T_Value = `t-value`,
P_Value = `p-value`)
# Multiple Regression on distance Matrices (MRM) ----
if(methods::is(object = mod_fit, class2 = "list") == TRUE){
# Strip out core information
summary_v1 <-$coef)
# Generalize column names
names(summary_v1) <- c("Response", "Term_P_Value")
# Wrangle to cleaner format
stat_out <- summary_v1 %>%
# Add in Term column
dplyr::mutate(Term = row.names(.), .before = dplyr::everything()) %>%
# Add additional columns
dplyr::mutate(F_Value = mod_fit$F.test[1],
R2 = mod_fit$r.squared[1],
P_Value = mod_fit$r.squared[2])
# Trajectory Analysis ----
if(methods::is(object = mod_fit, class2 = "trajectory.analysis") == TRUE){
# Error out for improper angle specification
if(!traj_angle %in% c("deg", "rad"))
stop("Angle type must be one of 'rad' or 'deg'. See `?RRPP::summary.trajectory.analysis`")
# Strip out summary models for distance, shape, and angle
dist <- summary(object = mod_fit, attribute = "MD")
shape <- summary(object = mod_fit, attribute = "SD")
angle <- summary(object = mod_fit, attribute = "TC", angle.type = traj_angle)
# Wrangle the distance output
dist_v2 <- tibble::as_tibble(as.list(dist$x$PD$obs)) %>%
# Now bring in remaining summary values
cbind(dist$summary.table) %>%
# Make a column identifying which metric this is
dplyr::mutate(metric = "distance") %>%
# Rename some of these columns
dplyr::rename(diff = d,
UCL_95perc = `UCL (95%)`,
Z_Score = Z,
P_Value = `Pr > d`)
# Check for whether shape is there
# Make an empty dummy df if shape isn't included in the shape output
shape_v2 <- data.frame("diff" = NA,
"UCL_95perc" = NA,
"Z_Score" = NA,
"P_Value" = NA,
"metric" = "shape")
# Otherwise...
} else {
# Wrangle the output
shape_v2 <- shape$summary.table %>%
# Make a metric column
dplyr::mutate(metric = "shape") %>%
# Rename columns
dplyr::rename(diff = d,
UCL_95perc = `UCL (95%)`,
Z_Score = Z,
P_Value = `Pr > d`) }
# Wrangle angle output
angle_v2 <- angle$summary.table %>%
# Make a metric column
dplyr::mutate(metric = "angle") %>%
# Rename columns
dplyr::rename(angle_r = r,
diff = angle,
UCL_95perc = `UCL (95%)`,
Z_Score = Z,
P_Value = `Pr > angle`)
# Combine these extracted objects
stat_out <- dist_v2 %>%
# Bind distance, shape, and angle together by column name
dplyr::bind_rows(shape_v2, angle_v2) %>%
# Reorder columns
dplyr::relocate(metric, .before = dplyr::everything()) %>%
dplyr::relocate(angle_r:P_Value, .after = dplyr::everything()) %>%
# Identify whether each metric was significant
dplyr::mutate(significance = dplyr::case_when(
P_Value >= 0.05 ~ paste0(metric, "-NS"), ~ paste0(metric, "-NULL"),
TRUE ~ paste0(metric, "-sig")),
.before = dplyr::everything())
# Final Wrangling ----
# Drop row names (if any exist)
rownames(stat_out) <- NULL
# Return that object
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