setRisk_cpp: Calculate Risk

View source: R/RcppExports.R

setRisk_cppR Documentation

Calculate Risk


Calculate risk for records to be swapped and donor records. Risks are defined by 1/counts, where counts is the number of records with the same values for specified risk_variables in the each geographic hierarchy. This risk will be used as sampling probability for both sampling set and donor set.
NOTE: This is an internal function used for testing the C++-function setRisk which is used inside the C++-function recordSwap().


setRisk_cpp(data, hierarchy, risk_variables, hid)



micro data set containing only numeric values.


column indices of variables in data which refere to the geographic hierarchy in the micro data set. For instance county > municipality > district.


column indices of variables in data which will be considered for estimating the risk.


column index in data which refers to the household identifier.

sdcMicro documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:24 a.m.