#' Prepares concentration data and continuous ancillary data
#' prepData is usually called from within \link{fitswavecav} but
#' can be invoked directly. It performs some date calculations, removes
#' rows with missing values for concentration or continuous variables,
#' and returns the concentration and continuous ancillary data to
#' be used by \link{fitswavecav} and its other internal functions.
#' @param cdat is the concentration data.
#' @param cavdat is the continuous (daily) ancillary data.
#' @param yrstart is the starting year of the analysis (treated as January
#' 1 of that year). Zero means the start date will be determined by the
#' start date of cavdat, the continuous ancillary data.
#' @param yrend is the ending year of the analysis (treated as December 31
#' of that year). Zero means the end date will be determined by the end
#' date of cavdat, the continuous ancillary data.
#' @param dcol is the column name for the dates, should be the same for
#' both cdat and cavdat.
#' @param pnames are the parameters (water-quality constituents) to
#' analyze (if using USGS parameters, omit the starting 'P', such as
#' "00945" for sulfate).
#' @param iwcav is a character variable indicating which continuous
#' ancillary variables to include, if none use iwcav=c("none").
#' @param qwcols is a character vector with the beginning of the
#' column headers for remarks code (default is R), and beginning of
#' column headers for concentration data (default is P for parameter).
#' @keywords manip
#' @return A list. The first element is the concentration data with
#' additional date information, missing values removed, and extra columns
#' removed. The second element is the continuous ancillary data with
#' additional date information, missing values removed, and extra columns
#' removed.
#' @export
#' @author Aldo V. Vecchia and Karen R. Ryberg
#' @examples
#' data(swData)
#' modMoRivOmaha<-combineData(qwdat=qwMoRivOmaha, cqwdat=cqwMoRivOmaha)
#' preppedDat <- prepData(modMoRivOmaha, cqwMoRivOmaha, yrstart=1995,
#' yrend=2003, dcol="dates", pnames=c("04035", "04037", "04041"),
#' iwcav=c("flowa30","flowa1"), qwcols=c("R","P"))
prepData <- function(cdat, cavdat, yrstart, yrend, dcol, pnames,
iwcav, qwcols) {
cdat <- subset(cdat, year(cdat[,dcol]) >= yrstart &
year(cdat[, dcol]) <= yrend)
cdat$yrc <- year(cdat[, dcol])
cdat$moc <- month(cdat[, dcol])
cdat$dac <- day(cdat[, dcol])
cdat$jdayc <- julian(cdat[, dcol],
origin = as.Date(paste(yrstart - 1,
"-10-01", sep = "")))
# column headings of concentration data
mycols <- c("yrc", "moc", "dac", "jdayc")
rnames <- paste(qwcols[1], pnames, sep = '')
pnames <- paste(qwcols[2], pnames, sep = '')
for ( i in 1:length(pnames) ) {
mycols <- c(mycols, rnames[i], pnames[i])
if ( iwcav[1] != "none" ) {
mycols <- c(mycols, iwcav)
cdat <- cdat[, mycols]
# columns of cdat are year, month, day, julian day, remark code,
# concentration value, and the selected ancillary variables
if ( iwcav[1] != "none" ) {
pcktmp <- ![,4])
for (j in 1:length(iwcav) ) {
pcktmp <- pcktmp & ![, iwcav[j]])
cdat <- cdat[pcktmp, ]
cavdat <- subset(cavdat, year(cavdat[, dcol]) >= yrstart &
year(cavdat[, dcol]) <= yrend)
cavdat$yrx <- year(cavdat[, dcol])
cavdat$mox <- month(cavdat[, dcol])
cavdat$dax <- day(cavdat[, dcol])
cavdat$jdayx <- julian(cavdat[, dcol],
origin = as.Date(paste(yrstart - 1,
"-10-01", sep = "")))
# determine column headings of ancillary data
mycols <- c("yrx", "mox", "dax", "jdayx")
if ( iwcav[1] != "none") {
mycols <- c(mycols, iwcav)
cavdat <- cavdat[, mycols]
# columns of cavdat are year, month, day, julian day, and the
# selected continuous variables
# remove rows with missing values
# for concentration or continuous variables
if ( iwcav[1] != "none" ) {
pcktmp <- ![, 5])
if(length(cavdat[1, ]) > 5) {
for (j in 6:length(cavdat[1, ])) {
pcktmp <- pcktmp & ![, j])
cavdat <- cavdat[pcktmp, ]
myData <- list(cdat, cavdat)
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