
Defines functions datetimes_secuTrial.POSIXct dates_secuTrial.Date datetimes_secuTrial.logical dates_secuTrial.logical datetimes_secuTrial.numeric dates_secuTrial.numeric datetimes_secuTrial.integer dates_secuTrial.integer datetimes_secuTrial.factor dates_secuTrial.factor datetimes_secuTrial.character dates_secuTrial.character dates_secuTrial.data.frame dates_secuTrial.secuTrialdata datetimes_secuTrial dates_secuTrial

Documented in dates_secuTrial dates_secuTrial.secuTrialdata

#' Methods to handle date(times)s in secuTrial exports
#' @description Converts dates and datetime variables to \code{Date} or \code{POSIXct} class, as appropriate.
#' @name dates_secuTrial
#' @rdname dates_secuTrial
#' @param object \code{secuTrialdata} object
#' @param ... further parameters
#' @details New variables are created appended with \code{.date} or \code{.datetime}.
#'          This is a safety mechanism in case NAs are inadvertently introduced.
#' @return same as the original object with date variables converted to \code{Date}s.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # prepare path to example export
#' export_location <- system.file("extdata", "sT_exports", "lnames",
#'                                "s_export_CSV-xls_CTU05_long_ref_miss_en_utf8.zip",
#'                                package = "secuTrialR")
#' # load all export data
#' sT_export <- read_secuTrial_raw(data_dir = export_location)
#' # prepare dates
#' sT_export_dates <- dates_secuTrial(sT_export)
#' # show parsed datetime example
#' sT_export_dates$ctu05baseline$hiv_date.datetime[1]
#' # [1] "2019-03-05 23:56:00 CET"
#' # show parsed date example
#' sT_export_dates$ctu05baseline$paracetamol_start.date[1]
#' # [1] "2019-03-05"

dates_secuTrial <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("dates_secuTrial", object)
datetimes_secuTrial <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("datetimes_secuTrial", object)

#' @rdname dates_secuTrial
#' @export
dates_secuTrial.secuTrialdata <- function(object, ...) {
  if (object$export_options$dated) warning("dates already added")
  table_names <- object$export_options$data_names
  names(table_names) <- NULL
  # get language and internationalization dictionary for items table
  dict <- object$export_options$dict_items
  itqu <- create_itqu(object, dict)
  obs <- lapply(table_names, .convert_dates, object = object, dict = dict, itqu = itqu, ...)

  object[table_names] <- obs
  object$export_options$dated <- TRUE


# @rdname dates_secuTrial
# @param object data.frame
# @param datevars string consisting of variables with dates
# @param format format of dates (typically taken from \code{object$export_options$date_format})
#' @export
dates_secuTrial.data.frame <- function(object, datevars, timevars, dateformat, datetimeformat, form, warn = FALSE, ...) {
  warn_msg <- ""
  datevars <- datevars[datevars %in% names(object)]
  timevars <- timevars[timevars %in% names(object)]
  if (length(datevars) > 0) {
    for (x in datevars) {
      newdatecol <- dates_secuTrial(object[, x], dateformat, ...)
      # check for conversion of all else warn
      if (length(which(is.na(newdatecol))) > length(which(is.na(object[, x])))) {
        warn_msg <- paste0(warn_msg, "Not all dates were converted for\n",
                           "  variable: '", x,
                           "'\n  in form: '", form,
                           "'\n  This is likely due to incomplete date entries.\n")
      object[, paste0(x, ".date")] <- newdatecol
      object <- .move_column_after(object, paste0(x, ".date"), x)
  if (length(timevars) > 0) {
    for (x in timevars) {
      newdatecol <- datetimes_secuTrial(object[, x], datetimeformat, ...)
      # check for conversion of all else warn
      if (length(which(is.na(newdatecol))) > length(which(is.na(object[, x])))) {
        warn_msg <- paste0(warn_msg, "Not all dates were converted for\n",
                           "  variable: '", x,
                           "'\n  in form: '", form,
                           "'\n  This is likely due to incomplete date entries.\n")
      object[, paste0(x, ".datetime")] <- newdatecol
      object <- .move_column_after(object, paste0(x, ".datetime"), x)
  # only if there is at least one warning queued
  if (str_length(warn_msg)) {

# @rdname dates_secuTrial
# @param object date variable to be converted
#' @export
dates_secuTrial.character <- function(object, format, ...) {
  # some export types probably return strings
  d <- as.Date(object, format = format)
  if (!is.null(label(object))) label(d) <- label(object)
  if (!is.null(units(object))) units(d) <- units(object)
#' @export
datetimes_secuTrial.character <- function(object, format, ...) {
  # some export types probably return strings
  d <- as.POSIXct(object, format = format)
  if (!is.null(label(object))) label(d) <- label(object)
  if (!is.null(units(object))) units(d) <- units(object)
# @rdname dates_secuTrial
#' @export
dates_secuTrial.factor <- function(object, format, ...) {
  # depending on options, strings might be converted to factors
  # convert to string
  d <- dates_secuTrial(as.character(object), format, ...)
  if (!is.null(label(object))) label(d) <- label(object)
  if (!is.null(units(object))) units(d) <- units(object)
#' @export
datetimes_secuTrial.factor <- function(object, format, ...) {
  # depending on options, strings might be converted to factors
  # convert to string
  d <- datetimes_secuTrial(as.character(object), format, ...)
  if (!is.null(label(object))) label(d) <- label(object)
  if (!is.null(units(object))) units(d) <- units(object)
# @rdname dates_secuTrial
#' @export
dates_secuTrial.integer <- function(object, format, ...) {
  # this is the default type
  # convert to string
  d <- dates_secuTrial(as.character(object), format, ...)
  if (!is.null(label(object))) label(d) <- label(object)
  if (!is.null(units(object))) units(d) <- units(object)
#' @export
datetimes_secuTrial.integer <- function(object, format, ...) {
  # this is the default type
  # convert to string
  d <- datetimes_secuTrial(as.character(object), format, ...)
  if (!is.null(label(object))) label(d) <- label(object)
  if (!is.null(units(object))) units(d) <- units(object)
# @rdname dates_secuTrial
#' @export
dates_secuTrial.numeric <- function(object, format, ...) {
  # this is the default type
  # convert to string
  d <- dates_secuTrial(as.character(object), format, ...)
  if (!is.null(label(object))) label(d) <- label(object)
  if (!is.null(units(object))) units(d) <- units(object)
#' @export
datetimes_secuTrial.numeric <- function(object, format, ...) {
  # this is the default type
  # convert to string
  d <- datetimes_secuTrial(as.character(object), format)
  if (!is.null(label(object))) label(d) <- label(object)
  if (!is.null(units(object))) units(d) <- units(object)
# @rdname dates_secuTrial
#' @export
dates_secuTrial.logical <- function(object, format, ...) {
  # this happens when the objectiable is empty
  # convert to string to get (empty) Date object
  d <- dates_secuTrial(as.character(object), format, ...)
  if (!is.null(label(object))) label(d) <- label(object)
  if (!is.null(units(object))) units(d) <- units(object)
#' @export
datetimes_secuTrial.logical <- function(object, format, ...) {
  # this happens when the objectiable is empty
  # convert to string to get (empty) Date object
  d <- datetimes_secuTrial(as.character(object), format, ...)
  if (!is.null(label(object))) label(d) <- label(object)
  if (!is.null(units(object))) units(d) <- units(object)
# @rdname dates_secuTrial
#' @export
dates_secuTrial.Date <- function(object, format, ...) {
  # in case a objectiable is already a date
  warning(object, " is already a Date")
#' @export
datetimes_secuTrial.POSIXct <- function(object, format, ...) {
  # in case a objectiable is already a date
  warning(object, " is already a POSIXct")

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secuTrialR documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:16 a.m.