
Defines functions .convert_dates create_itqu .get_export_language .move_column_after .move_column_to_pos convertnames .removeproj .construct_metaname .get_dict

# internal helper functions

# Returns internal dictionary file
# @return data.frame containing a secuTrialR dictionary
.get_dict <- function(file, language = NULL) {
  dict_file <- system.file("extdata", "dictionaries",
                           package = "secuTrialR")
  # read_csv (unlike read.csv) implies UTF-8
  # col_types = cols() explicitly uses the default guessing behavior
  # -> which suppresses the printing
  dict <- read_csv(dict_file, col_types = cols())
  if (!is.null(language) & any(grep("lang", names(dict)))) {
    dict <- dict[dict$lang == language, ]

# construct names of metadata
.construct_metaname <- function(x, meta_names, file_tag, file_extension) {

# remove project name (mnpXYZ_) from string
.removeproj <- function(x) {
  x <- gsub("mnp[[:alnum:]]{1,}_", "", x)
  x <- gsub("^_", "", x)

# convert names (used in write_secutrial)
convertnames <- function(df, format) {
  name <- names(df)
  # if (format %in% c("dta", "sav")) {
  name <- gsub("\\.datetime", "_dt", name)
  name <- gsub("\\.date", "_d", name)
  name <- gsub("\\.factor", "_f", name)
  # }
  names(df) <- name

# This function moves a given column (defined by the column index)
# to a specific position in the data frame.
.move_column_to_pos <- function(df, col_idx, new_col_idx) {
  # checks
  # check for data.frame
  if (! is.data.frame(df)) {
    stop("Error: Passed object is not a data.frame in .move_column_to_pos")
  # check for integer
  if (! ((col_idx %% 1) == 0)) {
    stop(paste0("Error: col_idx ", col_idx, " is not an integer."))
  # check for integer
  if (! (new_col_idx %% 1) == 0) {
    stop(paste0("Error: new_col_idx ", new_col_idx, " is not an integer."))
  # check out of bounds
  if (! col_idx <= ncol(df)) {
    stop("Error: col_idx is out of data.frame bounds.")
  # check out of bounds
  if (! new_col_idx <= ncol(df)) {
    stop("Error: new_col_idx is out of data.frame bounds.")
  # move to front
  if (new_col_idx == 1) {
    df <- df[, c(col_idx, (1:ncol(df))[-col_idx])]
  # move to end
  else if (new_col_idx == ncol(df)) {
    df <- df[, c((1:ncol(df))[-col_idx], col_idx)]
  } else {
    # move forward
    if (new_col_idx < col_idx) {
      df <- df[, c(1:new_col_idx - 1, col_idx, (new_col_idx:ncol(df))[(new_col_idx:ncol(df)) != col_idx])]
      # move backwards
    } else {
      df <- df[, c((1:new_col_idx)[-col_idx], col_idx, ((new_col_idx + 1):ncol(df)))]

# This function moves a given column (col_name) or a vector of columns behind a specific
# position (col_name_after) in the data frame. Columns are specified by their names.
.move_column_after <- function(df, col_name, col_name_after) {
  if (is.data.frame(df)) {
    if (! (col_name_after %in% names(df)) & col_name_after != "first") {
       stop(paste("Error: Unknown column", col_name_after))
    if (! is.na(match(col_name_after, col_name))) {
      stop("Error: Reference column cannot be moved.")
    # iterate from last to first to keep order
    range <- 1:length(col_name)
    for (i in range) {
      # index of col_name
      col_idx <- match(col_name[i], names(df))
      if (is.na(col_idx)) {
        stop(paste("Unknown column", col_name[i]))
      # index to move (one after col_name_after)
      new_col_idx <- 1 + (i - 1)
      ref_col_idx <- match(col_name_after, names(df)) + (i - 1)
      if (col_name_after != "first") {
        # last term handles artefact in move.column.to.pos that reference
        # is move in different diretions depending on whether col comes from
        # position   before or after ref
        new_col_idx <- ref_col_idx + as.numeric(col_idx > ref_col_idx)
      if (!is.null(label(df))) {
        lab <- label(df)
        labl <- TRUE
      } else {
        labl <- FALSE
      df <- .move_column_to_pos(df, col_idx, new_col_idx)
      if (labl) label(df) <- lab
  } else {
    stop("Error: Passed object is not a data.frame in .move_column_after")

# Determines the language of secuTrial export
# @param parsed_export - string containing parsed ExportOptions file
# @return string containing iso 639-1 language code of the secuTrial export, or "unknown" if the language was not recognised.
.get_export_language <- function(parsed_export) {
  # read dictionary of export options
  dict <- .get_dict("dict_export_options_keys.csv")
  # need to omit the "patients" column since this can be manually changed in the
  # AdminTool for some projects and the language will then be wrongly set to "unknown"
  # "email" must also be removed since it is not available for every export
  dict <- dict[, -which(names(dict) %in% c("patients",
  # determine export language
  is_de <- all(sapply(dict[which(dict$lang == "de"), ], function(x) any(grepl(x, parsed_export))))
  is_en <- all(sapply(dict[which(dict$lang == "en"), ], function(x) any(grepl(x, parsed_export))))
  is_it <- all(sapply(dict[which(dict$lang == "it"), ], function(x) any(grepl(x, parsed_export))))
  is_fr <- all(sapply(dict[which(dict$lang == "fr"), ], function(x) any(grepl(x, parsed_export))))
  is_pl <- all(sapply(dict[which(dict$lang == "pl"), ], function(x) any(grepl(x, parsed_export))))
  is_es <- all(sapply(dict[which(dict$lang == "es"), ], function(x) any(grepl(x, parsed_export))))
  # if export language is none of the known languages, return "unknown"
  if (sum(is_de, is_en, is_it, is_fr, is_pl, is_es, na.rm = TRUE) != 1) {
    lang <- "unknown"
  # write export language
  if (is_en) {
    lang <- "en"
  } else if (is_de) {
    lang <- "de"
  } else if (is_it) {
    lang <- "it"
  } else if (is_fr) {
    lang <- "fr"
  } else if (is_pl) {
    lang <- "pl"
  } else if (is_es) {
    lang <- "es"
  } else {
    lang <- "unknown"

# Converts dates using dates_secuTrial dispatcher
# @param object - secuTrial object containing imported secuTrial data
# @param obj - string containing the name of a data frame within 'object'
# @param dict - data frame containing language and internationalization dictionary for items table
# @param warn - logical which determines whether warnings will be shown (TRUE) or not (FALSE)
# @return data frame containing object[[obj]] with converted dates and datetimes, if applicable

create_itqu <- function(object, dict){
  # find date variables
  it <- object[[object$export_options$meta_names$items]]
  qu <- object[[object$export_options$meta_names$questions]]
  # if meta data is duplicated then the additional "formtablename"
  # in the items table creates a problem and is thus removed here
  if (object$export_options$duplicate_meta) {
    it <- it[, -which(names(it) %in% "formtablename")]

  # filter 'it' for relevant variable types
  it <- it[grepl(paste0(dict[, 2:(ncol(dict)-1)], collapse = "|"), it$itemtype, ignore.case = TRUE),]

  itqu <- merge(it, qu, by = "fgid")

  year_string <- paste0("\\(", dict[, "year"], "\\)")
  itqu <- itqu[!grepl(year_string, itqu$itemtype, ignore.case = TRUE), ]
  itqu <- itqu[!grepl(dict[, "interval"], itqu$itemtype, ignore.case = TRUE), ]
  itqu$itemtype <- as.character(itqu$itemtype)
  itqu$ffcolname <- as.character(itqu$ffcolname)
  date_string <- paste(dict[, c("date", "checkeddate")], collapse = "|")
  itqu <- itqu[grepl(date_string, itqu$itemtype, ignore.case = TRUE), ]


.convert_dates <- function(obj, object, dict, warn = FALSE, itqu, ...) {
  # itqu <- create_itqu(object, dict)

  # condition 1: only subforms (repetitions) have a "mnpsubdocid" column
  # condition 2: this is only appropriate if short_names == TRUE
  if ("mnpsubdocid" %in% names(object[[obj]]) & object$export_options$short_names) {
    regex <- gsub(obj, pattern = "^e", replacement = "^e.+")
    # grep with custom regex
    itqu <- itqu[grepl(regex, as.character(itqu$formtablename)), ]
  } else {
    itqu <- itqu[grepl(obj, as.character(itqu$formtablename)), ]

  # remove year, interval and time
  dates <- itqu[!grepl(dict[, "time"], itqu$itemtype, ignore.case = TRUE), ]
  datetimes <- itqu[grepl(dict[, "time"], itqu$itemtype, ignore.case = TRUE), ]
  datevars <- unique(dates$ffcolname)
  timevars <- unique(datetimes$ffcolname)
  # date format
  dateformat <- object$export_options$date_format
  datetimeformat <- object$export_options$datetime_format
  tmp <- object[[obj]]
  tmp <- dates_secuTrial(tmp, datevars, timevars, dateformat, datetimeformat, obj, ...)
  ## conversion for metadata vars
  meta_dateformat <- "%Y-%m-%d"
  meta_datetimeformat <- "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
  meta_datevars <- c("mnpvispdt", "mnpvisstartdate", "newdate", "newmnpvispdt",
                     "newvisitstartdate", "olddate", "oldmnpvispdt", "oldvisitstartdate")
  meta_timevars <- c("changedate", "editdate", "mnpaedate", "mnpaefudt", "mnpcrtdt",
                     "mnplastedit", "mnpvisfdt", "qacdate", "sdvdate", "uploaddate", "versiondate")
  tmp <- dates_secuTrial(tmp, meta_datevars, meta_timevars, meta_dateformat, meta_datetimeformat, obj, ...)
  # warnings if no dates detected
  if (warn & length(datevars) == 0) {
    warning(paste("no dates detected in ", obj))
  if (warn & length(meta_datevars) == 0) {
    warning(paste("no dates detected in metadata of ", obj))
  if (warn & length(timevars) == 0) {
    warning(paste("no datetimes detected in ", obj))
  if (warn & length(meta_timevars) == 0) {
    warning(paste("no datetimes detected in metadata of ", obj))


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secuTrialR documentation built on March 7, 2023, 5:35 p.m.