Man pages for see
Model Visualisation Toolbox for 'easystats' and 'ggplot2'

add_plot_attributesComplete figure with its attributes
bluebrown_colorsExtract blue-brown colors as hex codes
coord_radarRadar coordinate system
data_plotPrepare objects for plotting or plot objects
flat_colorsExtract Flat UI colors as hex codes
geom_binomdensityAdd dot-densities for binary 'y' variables
geom_from_listCreate ggplot2 geom(s) from a list
geom_point2Better looking points
geom_poolpointPool ball points
geom_violindotHalf-violin Half-dot plot
geom_violinhalfHalf-violin plot
golden_ratioGolden Ratio
material_colorsExtract material design colors as hex codes
metro_colorsExtract Metro colors as hex codes
okabeito_colorsExtract Okabe-Ito colors as hex codes
palette_bluebrownBlue-brown design color palette
palette_colorhexColor palettes from <>
palette_flatFlat UI color palette
palette_materialMaterial design color palette
palette_metroMetro color palette
palette_okabeitoOkabe-Ito color palette
palette_pizzaPizza color palette
palette_seeSee design color palette
palette_socialSocial color palette
pizza_colorsExtract pizza colors as hex codes
plot.datawizard_tablePlot tabulated data.
plotsMultiple plots side by side
plot.see_bayesfactor_modelsPlot method for Bayes Factors for model comparison
plot.see_bayesfactor_parametersPlot method for Bayes Factors for a single parameter
plot.see_check_collinearityPlot method for multicollinearity checks
plot.see_check_dagPlot method for check DAGs
plot.see_check_distributionPlot method for classifying the distribution of a...
plot.see_check_heteroscedasticityPlot method for (non-)constant error variance checks
plot.see_check_homogeneityPlot method for homogeneity of variances checks
plot.see_check_modelPlot method for checking model assumptions
plot.see_check_normalityPlot method for check model for (non-)normality of residuals
plot.see_check_outliersPlot method for checking outliers
plot.see_compare_parametersPlot method for comparison of model parameters
plot.see_compare_performancePlot method for comparing model performances
plot.see_effectsize_tablePlot method for effect size tables
plot.see_equivalence_testPlot method for (conditional) equivalence testing
plot.see_estimate_contrastsPlot method for estimating contrasts
plot.see_estimate_densityPlot method for density estimation of posterior samples
plot.see_hdiPlot method for uncertainty or credible intervals
plot.see_n_factorsPlot method for numbers of clusters to extract or factors to...
plot.see_parameters_brms_metaPlot method for Model Parameters from Bayesian Meta-Analysis
plot.see_parameters_distributionPlot method for describing distributions of vectors
plot.see_parameters_modelPlot method for model parameters
plot.see_parameters_pcaPlot method for principal component analysis
plot.see_parameters_simulatePlot method for simulated model parameters
plot.see_p_directionPlot method for probability of direction
plot.see_performance_rocPlot method for ROC curves
plot.see_performance_simresPlot method for check model for (non-)normality of residuals
plot.see_p_functionPlot method for plotting p-functions (aka consonance...
plot.see_point_estimatePlot method for point estimates of posterior samples
plot.see_p_significancePlot method for practical significance
plot.see_ropePlot method for Region of Practical Equivalence
plot.see_siPlot method for support intervals
print.see_performance_pp_checkPlot method for posterior predictive checks
scale_color_bluebrownBlue-brown color palette
scale_color_colorhexColor palettes from color-hex
scale_color_flatFlat UI color palette
scale_color_materialMaterial design color palette
scale_color_metroMetro color palette
scale_color_okabeitoOkabe-Ito color palette
scale_color_pizzaPizza color palette
scale_color_seeSee color palette
scale_color_socialSocial color palette
see_colorsExtract See colors as hex codes
see-packagesee: Framework for Easy Statistical Modeling, Visualization,...
social_colorsExtract Social colors as hex codes
theme_abyssAbyss theme
theme_blackboardBlackboard dark theme
theme_lucidLucid theme
theme_modernThe easystats' minimal theme
theme_radarThemes for radar plots
see documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:51 p.m.