Man pages for selectSNPs
Optimal Selection of SNPs Using a Unified Local Function a 'Map' Object to a Data Frame
as.Map-methodsConvert a Data Frame to a 'Map' Object.
bov80KA 'Map' object with 80K bovine SNPs
ChromThe Chromosome class
LocusThe Locus class
MapThe Map class
namesOfChrom-methodsExtract chromosome indexes or names
newMap-methodsCreate a new 'Map' object.
numberOfLoci-methodsExtract the number of loci on each chromosome
plotMap-methodsPlotting a Map object.
scoreE-methodsCompute the E score
scoreLocal-methodsCompute the weighted local score
scoreU-methodsCompute the Uniformness(U) score
selectLocalOptimalSNPs-methodsSelect locally-optimized SNPs on one or more chromosomes
summarySummary statiscs for a Map object.
selectSNPs documentation built on Feb. 28, 2020, 5:08 p.m.