
Defines functions sentopicmodel JST rJST.LDA rJST.default rJST LDA

Documented in JST LDA rJST rJST.default rJST.LDA sentopicmodel

#' Create a Latent Dirichlet Allocation model
#' @description This function initialize a Latent Dirichlet Allocation model.
#' @references Blei, D.M., Ng, A.Y. and Jordan, M.I. (2003). [Latent Dirichlet
#'   Allocation](http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~blei/papers/BleiNgJordan2003.pdf).
#'   *Journal of Machine Learning Research*, 3, 993--1022.
#' @inherit rJST
#' @export
#' @family topic models
#' @seealso Fitting a model: \code{\link[=fit.sentopicmodel]{fit()}}, extracting
#'   top words: [topWords()]
#' @examples
#' \donttest{# creating a model
#' LDA(ECB_press_conferences_tokens, K = 5, alpha = 0.1, beta = 0.01)
#' # estimating an LDA model
#' lda <- LDA(ECB_press_conferences_tokens)
#' lda <- fit(lda, 100)}
LDA <- function(x, K = 5, alpha = 1, beta = 0.01) {
  as.LDA(sentopicmodel(x, lexicon = NULL, L1 = K, L2 = 1, L1prior = alpha, L2prior = 0, beta = beta))

#' Create a Reversed Joint Sentiment/Topic model
#' @description This function initialize a Reversed Joint Sentiment/Topic model.
#' @references Lin, C. and He, Y. (2009). [Joint sentiment/topic model for
#' sentiment analysis](https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/1645953.1646003). In *Proceedings
#' of the 18th ACM conference on Information and knowledge management*,
#' 375--384.
#' Lin, C., He, Y., Everson, R. and Ruger, S. (2012). [Weakly Supervised Joint
#' Sentiment-Topic Detection from Text](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5710933).
#' *IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering*, 24(6), 1134–-1145.
#' @inherit sentopicmodel
#' @param K the number of topics
#' @param S the number of sentiments
#' @param alpha the hyperparameter of topic-document distribution
#' @param gamma the hyperparameter of sentiment-document distribution
#' @param alphaCycle integer specifying the cycle size between two updates of
#'   the hyperparameter alpha
#' @param gammaCycle integer specifying the cycle size between two updates of
#'   the hyperparameter alpha
#' @param ... not used
#' @export
#' @seealso Fitting a model: \code{\link[=fit.sentopicmodel]{fit()}}, extracting
#'   top words: [topWords()]
#' @family topic models
#' @examples
#' \donttest{# simple rJST model
#' rJST(ECB_press_conferences_tokens)
#' # estimating a rJST model including lexicon
#' rjst <- rJST(ECB_press_conferences_tokens, lexicon = LoughranMcDonald)
#' rjst <- fit(rjst, 100)
#' # from an LDA model:
#' lda <- LDA(ECB_press_conferences_tokens)
#' lda <- fit(lda, 100)
#' # creating a rJST model out of it
#' rjst <- rJST(lda, lexicon = LoughranMcDonald)
#' # topic proportions remain identical
#' identical(lda$theta, rjst$theta)
#' # model should be iterated to estimate sentiment proportions
#' rjst <- fit(rjst, 100)}
rJST <- function(x, ...) {
#' @rdname rJST
#' @export
rJST.default <- function(x, lexicon = NULL, K = 5, S = 3,
                 alpha = 1, gamma = 5, beta = 0.01,
                 alphaCycle = 0, gammaCycle = 0, ...) {
  as.rJST(sentopicmodel(x, lexicon, K, S, alpha, gamma, beta, alphaCycle, gammaCycle))
#' @rdname rJST
#' @details The `rJST.LDA` methods enable the transition from a previously
#'   estimated [LDA] model to a sentiment-aware `rJST` model. The function
#'   retains the previously estimated topics and randomly assigns sentiment to
#'   every word of the corpus. The new model will retain the iteration count of
#'   the initial [LDA] model.
#' @export
rJST.LDA <- function(x,
                     lexicon = NULL,
                     S = 3,
                     gamma = 5, ...) {

  if (x$it < 1) stop("Requires an estimated LDA model.")
  if (isTRUE(attr(x, "approx"))) stop("Not possible for approximated models")
  x <- as.sentopicmodel(x)
  x$L2 <- as.numeric(S)

  if (length(gamma) == 1L) gamma <- matrix(gamma, x$L1 * x$L2, 1)
  if (length(gamma) == x$L2) gamma <- matrix(rep(gamma, times = x$L1), x$L1 * x$L2, 1)

  if (length(gamma) != x$L1 * x$L2)
    stop("Incorrect prior dimension. Please check input gamma.")

  dim(gamma) <- c(x$L1 * x$L2, 1)
  x$L2prior <- gamma

  vocabulary <- makeVocabulary(x$tokens, lexicon, S)
  x$tokens <- vocabulary$toks
  x$vocabulary <- vocabulary$vocabulary

  reAssignZa <- as.integer(seq(x$L1) * S - 1)
  # x$za <- lapply(x$za, function(x) reAssignZa[x])

  clean <- cleanPadding(x$tokens)
  for (i in seq_along(x$za)) {
    for (j in seq_along(x$za[[i]])) {
      set <- as.integer((x$za[[i]][j] - 1) * S + (1:S))
      if (is.na(x$vocabulary$lexicon[clean[[i]][j]])) {
        x$za[[i]][j] <- set[sample.int(S, 1L)]
      } else {
        x$za[[i]][j] <- set[as.integer(x$vocabulary$lexicon[clean[[i]][j]])]


  beta <- matrix(0, x$L1 * x$L2, ncol(x$beta))
  for (i in 1:(x$L1 * x$L2)) {
    beta[i, ] <- x$beta[(i - 1) %/% x$L2 + 1, ]
  for (i in 1:nrow(x$vocabulary)) {
    if (!is.na(x$vocabulary$lexicon[i])) {
      zero <- setdiff(1:x$L2, as.integer(x$vocabulary$lexicon[i]))
      zeros <- c(sapply(zero, function(j) j + (1:x$L1 - 1) * x$L2, USE.NAMES = FALSE))
      beta[zeros, i] <- 0
  x$beta <- beta
  if (x$it > 0) x$phi <- array(1/nrow(x$vocabulary), dim = c(nrow(x$vocabulary), x$L2, x$L1))
  if (x$it > 0 & !is.null(x$L2post)) x$L2post <- array(1/x$L2, dim = c(x$L2, x$L1, length(x$tokens)))

  x <- fit(x, 0, displayProgress = FALSE)


#' Create a Joint Sentiment/Topic model
#' @description This function initialize a Joint Sentiment/Topic model.
#' @references Lin, C. and He, Y. (2009). [Joint sentiment/topic model for
#' sentiment analysis](https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/1645953.1646003). In *Proceedings
#' of the 18th ACM conference on Information and knowledge management*,
#' 375--384.
#' Lin, C., He, Y., Everson, R. and Ruger, S. (2012). [Weakly Supervised Joint
#' Sentiment-Topic Detection from Text](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5710933).
#' *IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering*, 24(6), 1134–-1145.
#' @inherit rJST
#' @export
#' @seealso Fitting a model: \code{\link[=fit.sentopicmodel]{fit()}},
#'   extracting top words: [topWords()]
#' @family topic models
#' @examples
#' \donttest{# creating a JST model
#' JST(ECB_press_conferences_tokens)
#' # estimating a JST model including a lexicon
#' jst <- JST(ECB_press_conferences_tokens, lexicon = LoughranMcDonald)
#' jst <- fit(jst, 100)}
JST <- function(x, lexicon = NULL, S = 3, K = 5,
                 gamma = 1, alpha = 5, beta = 0.01,
                 gammaCycle = 0, alphaCycle = 0) {

  as.JST(sentopicmodel(x, lexicon, S, K, gamma, alpha, beta, gammaCycle, alphaCycle, reversed = FALSE))

#' Create a sentopic model
#' @author Olivier Delmarcelle
#' @description The set of functions [LDA()], [JST()], [rJST()] and
#'   [sentopicmodel()] are all wrappers to an unified C++ routine and attempt to
#'   replicate their corresponding model. This function is the lower level
#'   wrapper to the C++ routine.
#' @param x tokens object containing the texts. A coercion will be attempted if `x` is not a tokens.
#' @param L1 the number of labels in the first document mixture layer
#' @param L2 the number of labels in the second document mixture layer
#' @param L1prior the first layer hyperparameter of document mixtures
#' @param L2prior the second layer hyperparameter of document mixtures
#' @param beta the hyperparameter of vocabulary distribution
#' @param L1cycle integer specifying the cycle size between two updates of the hyperparameter L1prior
#' @param L2cycle integer specifying the cycle size between two updates of the hyperparameter L2prior
#' @param lexicon a `quanteda` dictionary with positive and negative categories
#' @param reversed indicates on which dimension should `lexicon` apply. When
#'  `reversed=FALSE`, the lexicon is applied on the first layer of the document
#'  mixture (as in a JST model). When `reversed=TRUE`, the lexicon is applied to
#'  the second layer of the document mixture (as in a reversed-JST model).
#' @seealso Fitting a model: \code{\link[=fit.sentopicmodel]{fit()}},
#'   extracting top words: [topWords()]
#' @family topic models
#' @keywords internal
#' @return An S3 list containing the model parameter and the estimated mixture.
#'   This object corresponds to a Gibbs sampler estimator with zero iterations.
#'   The MCMC can be iterated using the \code{\link[=fit.sentopicmodel]{fit()}}
#'   function.
#'   - `tokens` is the tokens object used to create the model
#'   - `vocabulary` contains the set of words of the corpus
#'   - `it` tracks the number of Gibbs sampling iterations
#'   - `za` is the list of topic assignment, aligned to the `tokens` object with
#'     padding removed
#'   - `logLikelihood` returns the measured log-likelihood at each iteration,
#'     with a breakdown of the likelihood into hierarchical components as
#'     attribute
#'   The [topWords()] function easily extract the most probables words of each
#'   topic/sentiment.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' LDA(ECB_press_conferences_tokens)
#' rJST(ECB_press_conferences_tokens, lexicon = LoughranMcDonald)
sentopicmodel <- function(x, lexicon = NULL, L1 = 5, L2 = 3,
                 L1prior = 1, L2prior = 5, beta = 0.01,
                 L1cycle = 0, L2cycle = 0, reversed = TRUE) {
  count <- index <- word <- NULL # due to NSE notes in R CMD check

  ## Check arguments
  if (L1 < 1 || L2 < 1) stop("The number of topic and sentiments should be equal or greater than 1.")
  if ((L1 * L2) == 1L) stop("Impossible to run a model without having multiple topics or sentiments.")

  x <- quanteda::as.tokens(x)

  if (reversed) S <- L2 else S <- L1
  if (reversed) Sdim <- "L2" else Sdim <- "L1"

  vocabulary <- makeVocabulary(x, lexicon, S)
  x <- vocabulary$toks
  vocabulary <- vocabulary$vocabulary

  clean <- cleanPadding(x)

  if (length(L1prior) == 1L) L1prior <- matrix(L1prior, L1, 1)
  if (length(L2prior) == 1L) L2prior <- matrix(L2prior, L1 * L2, 1)
  if (length(L2prior) == L2) L2prior <- matrix(rep(L2prior, times = L1), L1 * L2, 1)

  if (length(L1prior) != L1 | length(L2prior) != L1 * L2)
    stop("Incorrect prior dimension. Please check input alpha or gamma.")

  ## set as matrix incoming vectors
  dim(L1prior) <- c(L1, 1)
  dim(L2prior) <- c(L1 * L2, 1)

  model <- list(vocabulary = vocabulary, tokens = x, za = lapply(lengths(clean), integer), L1 = L1, L2 = L2,
                L1cycle = L1cycle, L2cycle = L2cycle)

  cpp_model <- methods::new(cpp_sentopicmodel, reversed)

    clean, model$za, nrow(vocabulary), L1, L2, as.integer(vocabulary$lexicon) - 1,
    L1prior, beta, L2prior, L1cycle, L2cycle

  # extract alpha beta and gamma arrays only once
  model$L1prior <- cpp_model$L1prior
  model$beta <- cpp_model$beta
  model$L2prior <- cpp_model$L2prior

  ### TODO: verify that most transfers from C to R and inversely are triggered by pointer

  tmp <- extract_cppModel(cpp_model, core(model))
  model[names(tmp)] <- tmp

  class(model) <- c("sentopicmodel")
  attr(model, "reversed") <- reversed
  attr(model, "Sdim") <- Sdim
  # if (length(dictVal) > 0) attr(model$vocabulary, "compounds") <- compounds

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