
Defines functions add_group_sub_indices

Documented in add_group_sub_indices

#' Group a data frame and add in-group indices as a column.
#' @param .data data.frame
#' @param ... force later arguments to bind by name.
#' @param groupingVars character vector of column names to group by.
#' @param orderColumn character name of column to add in-group order marks to.
#' @param arrangeTerms character vector of column expressions to arrange by.
#' @param env environment to work in.
#' @return .data with in group order indices added (no ties).
#' @examples
#' groupingVars = c("cyl", "gear")
#' datasets::mtcars %.>%
#'   # dplyr doesn't currently export tibble::rownames_to_column()
#'   mutate_se(., "CarName" := "rownames(.)" ) %.>%
#'   select_se(., c('CarName', 'cyl', 'gear', 'hp', 'wt')) %.>%
#'   add_group_indices(., groupingVars = groupingVars,
#'                     indexColumn = 'groupID') %.>%
#'   add_group_sub_indices(., groupingVars = groupingVars,
#'                        arrangeTerms = c('desc(hp)', 'wt'),
#'                        orderColumn = 'orderInGroup') %.>%
#'   arrange_se(., c('groupID', 'orderInGroup'))
#' @export
add_group_sub_indices <- function(.data,
                                 arrangeTerms = NULL,
                                 env = parent.frame()) {
  if(!(is.data.frame(.data) || dplyr::is.tbl(.data))) {
    stop("seplyr::add_group_sub_indices first argument must be a data.frame or tbl")
  if((!is.character(orderColumn)) || (length(orderColumn)!=1)) {
    stop("seplyr::add_group_sub_indices orderColumn must be a character scalar")
  if(!is.character(groupingVars)) {
    stop("seplyr::add_group_sub_indices groupingVars must be a character vector")
  .data <- dplyr::ungroup(.data) # just in case
  wrapr::stop_if_dot_args(substitute(list(...)), "seplyr::add_group_sub_indices")
  if(length(arrangeTerms)<=0) {
    arrangeTerms <- colnames(.data)
  # from: https://github.com/tidyverse/rlang/issues/116
  # updated: https://github.com/WinVector/seplyr/issues/3
  if(!is.character(arrangeTerms)) {
    stop("seplyr::add_group_sub_indices arrangeTerms must be a character vector")
  arrangeQ <- lapply(arrangeTerms,
                     function(si) {
                                        env = env)
  .data <-  dplyr::arrange(.data, !!!arrangeQ)
  # add ordered row-ids globally
  d <- dplyr::mutate(.data, !!orderColumn := 1 )
  d <- dplyr::mutate(d, !!orderColumn := cumsum(!!rlang::sym(orderColumn)) )
  # use that to compute grouped ranks
  d <- group_by_se(d, groupingVars)
  d <- dplyr::mutate(d, !!orderColumn := rank(!!rlang::sym(orderColumn)) )
  d <- dplyr::ungroup(d)

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seplyr documentation built on Sept. 5, 2021, 5:12 p.m.