
Defines functions closebank

Documented in closebank

closebank <- function(socket = autosocket(), verbose = FALSE){
    # Send "acnucclose" to server:
    if(verbose) cat("I'm trying to send an acnucclose message to server...\n")
    if(verbose) cat("... and everything is OK up to now.\n")
    # Send "quit" to server:
    if(verbose) cat("I'm trying to send a quit message to server...\n")
    if(verbose) cat("... and everything is OK up to now.\n")
    # Close connection:
    if(verbose) cat("I'm trying to close connection...\n")
    res <- try(close.connection(socket))
    if( inherits(res, "try-error") ){
        if(verbose) cat("I was able to detect an error while closing connection.\n")
        stop("problem while closing connection.\n")
    } else {
        if(verbose) cat("... and everything is OK up to now.\n")

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seqinr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:36 a.m.