register_tsne: Register Seriation Based on 1D t-SNE

View source: R/register_tsne.R

register_tsneR Documentation

Register Seriation Based on 1D t-SNE


Use t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE) for seriate().




Registers the method "tsne" for seriate(). This method applies 1D t-SNE to a data matrix or a distance matrix and extracts the order from the 1D embedding. To speed up the process, an initial embedding is created using 1D multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) or principal comonents analysis (PCA) which is improved by t-SNE.

The control parameter "mds" or "pca" controls if MDS (for distances) or PCA (for data matrices) is used to create an initial embedding. See Rtsne::Rtsne() to learn about the other available control parameters.

Perplexity is automatically set as the minimum between 30 and the number of observations. It can be also specified using the control parameter "preplexity".

Note: Package Rtsne needs to be installed.




van der Maaten, L.J.P. & Hinton, G.E., 2008. Visualizing High-Dimensional Data Using t-SNE. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 9, pp.2579-2605.

See Also


Other seriation: register_DendSer(), register_GA(), register_optics(), register_smacof(), register_umap(), registry_for_seriaiton_methods, seriate(), seriate_best()


## Not run: 

# distances
get_seriation_method("dist", "tsne")

d <- as.dist(SupremeCourt)

o <- seriate(d, method = "tsne", verbose = TRUE)
pimage(d, o)

# look at the returned configuration and plot it
attr(o[[1]], "configuration")

# the t-SNE results are also available as an attribute (see ? Rtsne::Rtsne)
attr(o[[1]], "model")

## matrix
get_seriation_method("matrix", "tsne")

x <- Zoo

x[,"legs"] <- (x[,"legs"] > 0)

# t-SNE does not allow duplicates
x <- x[!duplicated(x), , drop = FALSE]

class <- x$class
label <- rownames(x)
x <- as.matrix(x[,-17])

o <- seriate(x, method = "tsne", eta = 10, verbose = TRUE)
pimage(x, o, prop = FALSE, row_labels = TRUE, col_labels = TRUE)

# look at the row embedding
plot_config(o[[1]], col = class)

## End(Not run)

seriation documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:30 a.m.