
Defines functions summary.Set

#' @name Set
#' @title Mathematical Set
#' @description A general Set object for mathematical sets. This also serves as the parent class to
#' intervals, tuples, and fuzzy variants.
#' @family sets
#' @details
#' Mathematical sets can loosely be thought of as a collection of objects of any kind. The Set class
#' is used for sets of finite elements, for infinite sets use [Interval]. These can be
#' expanded for fuzzy logic by using [FuzzySet]s. Elements in a set cannot be duplicated and ordering
#' of elements does not matter, [Tuple]s can be used if duplicates or ordering are required.
#' @examples
#' # Set of integers
#' Set$new(1:5)
#' # Set of multiple types
#' Set$new("a", 5, Set$new(1))
#' # Each Set has properties and traits
#' s <- Set$new(1, 2, 3)
#' s$traits
#' s$properties
#' # Elements cannot be duplicated
#' Set$new(2, 2) == Set$new(2)
#' # Ordering does not matter
#' Set$new(1, 2) == Set$new(2, 1)
#' @export
Set <- R6Class("Set",
  public = list(
    #' @description Create a new `Set` object.
    #' @param ... `ANY` Elements can be of any class except `list`, as long as there is a unique
    #' `as.character` coercion method available.
    #' @param universe Set. Universe that the Set lives in, i.e. elements that could be added to
    #' the Set. Default is [Universal].
    #' @param elements list. Alternative constructor that may be more efficient if passing objects
    #' of multiple classes.
    #' @param class character. Optional string naming a class that if supplied gives the set the
    #' `typed` property. All elements will be coerced to this class and therefore there must be
    #' a coercion method to this class available.
    #' @return A new `Set` object.
    initialize = function(..., universe = Universal$new(), elements = NULL, class = NULL) {

      private$.universe <- assertSet(universe)

      if (is.null(elements)) {
        if (...length() == 1) {
          if (length(...elt(1)) > 1 & !is.environment(...elt(1))) {
            elements <- as.list(...elt(1))
          } else {
            elements <- list(...)
        } else {
          elements <- list(...)

      if (length(elements)) {
        if (!checkmate::testList(elements)) {
          elements <- as.list(elements)

        if (!is.null(class)) {
          private$.class <- class
          elements <- as.list(as(unlist(elements), class))
          if (class %in% c("numeric", "integer")) {
            private$.lower <- min(unlist(elements))
            private$.upper <- max(unlist(elements))
          } else if (class == "complex") {
            abs_els <- Vectorize(abs)(unlist(elements))
            private$.lower <- unlist(elements[which.min(abs_els)])
            private$.upper <- unlist(elements[which.max(abs_els)])

        if (getR6Class(universe) != "Universal") {
          assertContains(universe, elements,
                         errormsg = "elements are not contained in the given universe.")

        private$.str_elements <- sapply(elements, as.character)

        if (!testTuple(self) && !testFuzzyTuple(self)) {
          if (!testMultiset(self) && !testFuzzyMultiset(self)) {
            if (private$.class != "ANY") {
              private$.str_elements <- unique(private$.str_elements)
              private$.elements <- unique(elements)
            } else {
              dup <- duplicated(private$.str_elements)
              private$.str_elements <- private$.str_elements[!dup]
              private$.elements <- elements[!dup]
          } else {
            private$.elements <- elements

          if(private$.class != "ANY")
            ord <- order(unlist(private$.elements))
            ord <- order(private$.str_elements)

          private$.str_elements <- private$.str_elements[ord]
          private$.elements <- private$.elements[ord]
        } else {
          private$.elements <- elements

        if (!(private$.class %in% c("numeric", "integer", "complex"))) {
          private$.lower <- private$.elements[[1]]
          private$.upper <- private$.elements[[length(private$.elements)]]

        private$.multiplicity <- as.list(table(private$.str_elements))

        if (testTuple(self) || testFuzzyTuple(self)) {
          private$.multiplicity <- private$.multiplicity[match(names(private$.multiplicity),

      private$.properties <- Properties$new(closure = "closed", cardinality = self$length)


    #' @description Prints a symbolic representation of the `Set`.
    #' @param n numeric. Number of elements to display on either side of ellipsis when printing.
    #' @details The function [useUnicode()] can be used to determine if unicode should be used when
    #' printing the `Set`. Internally `print` first calls `strprint` to create a printable representation
    #' of the Set.
    print = function(n = 2) {
      cat(self$strprint(n), "\n")

    #' @description
    #' Creates a printable representation of the object.
    #' @param n numeric. Number of elements to display on either side of ellipsis when printing.
    #' @return A character string representing the object.
    strprint = function(n = 2) {
      if (self$properties$empty) {
        if (useUnicode()) {
        } else {
      } else {
        type <- private$.type
        elements <- sapply(private$.elements, as.character, n = n)
        if (self$length <= n * 2) {
          return(paste0(substr(type, 1, 1), paste0(elements, collapse = ", "), substr(type, 2, 2)))
        } else {
          return(paste0(substr(type, 1, 1), paste0(elements[1:n], collapse = ", "), ",...,",
            paste0(elements[(self$length - n + 1):self$length], collapse = ", "),
            substr(type, 2, 2),
            collapse = ", "

    #' @description Summarises the `Set`.
    #' @param n numeric. Number of elements to display on either side of ellipsis when printing.
    #' @details The function [useUnicode()] can be used to determine if unicode should be used when
    #' printing the `Set`. Summarised details include the `Set` class, properties, and traits.
    summary = function(n = 2) {
      prop <- self$properties
      cat(getR6Class(self), "\n\t", self$strprint(n), "\n", sep = "")
      cat(ifelse(testCrisp(self), "Crisp", "Fuzzy"), "\n")
      if (prop$empty) cat("\tEmpty\n")
      if (prop$singleton) cat("\tSingleton\n")
      cat("\tCardinality =", prop$cardinality, " - ", prop$countability, "\n")
      cat("\t", toproper(prop$closure), "\n", sep = "")

    #' @description Tests to see if \code{x} is contained in the Set.
    #' @param x any. Object or vector of objects to test.
    #' @param all logical. If `FALSE` tests each `x` separately. Otherwise returns `TRUE` only if all `x` pass test.
    #' @param bound ignored, added for consistency.
    #' @details \code{x} can be of any type, including a Set itself. \code{x} should be a tuple if
    #' checking to see if it lies within a set of dimension greater than one. To test for multiple \code{x}
    #' at the same time, then provide these as a list.
    #' If `all = TRUE` then returns `TRUE` if all `x` are contained in the `Set`, otherwise
    #' returns a vector of logicals.
    #' @return If \code{all} is `TRUE` then returns `TRUE` if all elements of \code{x} are contained in the `Set`, otherwise
    #' `FALSE.` If \code{all} is `FALSE` then returns a vector of logicals corresponding to each individual
    #' element of \code{x}.
    #' The infix operator `%inset%` is available to test if `x` is an element in the `Set`,
    #' see examples.
    #' @examples
    #' s = Set$new(elements = 1:5)
    #' # Simplest case
    #' s$contains(4)
    #' 8 %inset% s
    #' # Test if multiple elements lie in the set
    #' s$contains(4:6, all = FALSE)
    #' s$contains(4:6, all = TRUE)
    #' # Check if a tuple lies in a Set of higher dimension
    #' s2 = s * s
    #' s2$contains(Tuple$new(2,1))
    #' c(Tuple$new(2,1), Tuple$new(1,7), 2) %inset% s2
    contains = function(x, all = FALSE, bound = NULL) {
        x = sapply(listify(x), as.character) %in% private$.str_elements,
        all = all

    #' @description Tests if two sets are equal.
    #' @details Two sets are equal if they contain the same elements. Infix operators can be used for:
    #' \tabular{ll}{
    #' Equal \tab `==` \cr
    #' Not equal \tab `!=` \cr
    #' }
    #' @param x [Set] or vector of [Set]s.
    #' @param all logical. If `FALSE` tests each `x` separately. Otherwise returns `TRUE` only if all `x` pass test.
    #' @return If `all` is `TRUE` then returns `TRUE` if all `x` are equal to the Set, otherwise
    #' `FALSE`. If `all` is `FALSE` then returns a vector of logicals corresponding to each individual
    #' element of `x`.
    #' @examples
    #' # Equals
    #' Set$new(1,2)$equals(Set$new(5,6))
    #' Set$new(1,2)$equals(Interval$new(1,2))
    #' Set$new(1,2) == Interval$new(1,2, class = "integer")
    #' # Not equal
    #' !Set$new(1,2)$equals(Set$new(1,2))
    #' Set$new(1,2) != Set$new(1,5)
    equals = function(x, all = FALSE) {
      x <- listify(x)
      ret <- sapply(x, function(y) {
        if (!testSet(y)) {

        if (testFuzzy(y)) {
          if (!all(y$membership() == 1)) {

        if (testConditionalSet(y)) {
        } else if (testInterval(y)) {
          if (testCountablyFinite(y)) {
            return(all(suppressWarnings(y$elements %in% self$elements &
              self$elements %in% y$elements)))
          } else {
        } else {
          return(all(suppressWarnings(y$.__enclos_env__$private$.str_elements %in% private$.str_elements &
            private$.str_elements %in% y$.__enclos_env__$private$.str_elements)))

      returner(ret, all)

    #' @description  Test if one set is a (proper) subset of another
    #' @param x any. Object or vector of objects to test.
    #' @param proper logical. If `TRUE` tests for proper subsets.
    #' @param all logical. If `FALSE` tests each `x` separately. Otherwise returns `TRUE` only if all `x` pass test.
    #' @details If using the method directly, and not via one of the operators then the additional boolean
    #' argument `proper` can be used to specify testing of subsets or proper subsets. A Set is a proper
    #' subset of another if it is fully contained by the other Set (i.e. not equal to) whereas a Set is a
    #' (non-proper) subset if it is fully contained by, or equal to, the other Set.
    #' Infix operators can be used for:
    #' \tabular{ll}{
    #' Subset \tab `<` \cr
    #' Proper Subset \tab `<=` \cr
    #' Superset \tab `>` \cr
    #' Proper Superset \tab `>=`
    #' }
    #' @return If `all` is `TRUE` then returns `TRUE` if all `x` are subsets of the Set, otherwise
    #' `FALSE`. If `all` is `FALSE` then returns a vector of logicals corresponding to each individual
    #' element of `x`.
    #' @examples
    #' Set$new(1,2,3)$isSubset(Set$new(1,2), proper = TRUE)
    #' Set$new(1,2) < Set$new(1,2,3) # proper subset
    #' c(Set$new(1,2,3), Set$new(1)) < Set$new(1,2,3) # not proper
    #' Set$new(1,2,3) <= Set$new(1,2,3) # proper
    isSubset = function(x, proper = FALSE, all = FALSE) {
      x <- listify(x)
      ret <- sapply(x, function(y) {
        if (!testSet(y)) {

        if (testFuzzy(y)) {
          if (!all(y$membership() == 1)) {

        if (getR6Class(y) %in% c("ConditionalSet", "Universal")) {
        } else if (testInterval(y)) {
          if (testFinite(y)) {
            if (proper) {
              return(all(suppressWarnings(y$elements %in% self$elements)) &
                !all(suppressWarnings(self$elements %in% y$elements)))
            } else {
              return(all(suppressWarnings(y$elements %in% self$elements)))
          } else {
        } else {
          if (proper) {
            return(all(suppressWarnings(y$.__enclos_env__$private$.str_elements %in% private$.str_elements)) &
              !all(suppressWarnings(private$.str_elements %in% y$.__enclos_env__$private$.str_elements)))
          } else {
            return(all(suppressWarnings(y$.__enclos_env__$private$.str_elements %in% private$.str_elements)))

      returner(ret, all)

    #' @description Add elements to a set.
    #' @param ... elements to add
    #' @details `$add` is a wrapper around the `setunion` method with `setunion(self, Set$new(...))`.
    #' Note a key difference is that any elements passed to `...` are first converted to a `Set`, this
    #' important difference is illustrated in the examples by adding an [Interval] to a `Set`.
    #' Additionally, `$add` first coerces `...` to `$class` if `self` is a typed-set (i.e. `$class != "ANY"`),
    #' and `$add` checks if elements in `...` live in the universe of `self`.
    #' @return An object inheriting from [Set].
    #' @examples
    #' Set$new(1,2)$add(3)$print()
    #' Set$new(1,2,universe = Interval$new(1,3))$add(3)$print()
    #' \dontrun{
    #' # errors as 4 is not in [1,3]
    #' Set$new(1,2,universe = Interval$new(1,3))$add(4)$print()
    #' }
    #' # coerced to complex
    #' Set$new(0+1i, 2i, class = "complex")$add(4)$print()
    #' # setunion vs. add
    #' Set$new(1,2)$add(Interval$new(5,6))$print()
    #' Set$new(1,2) + Interval$new(5,6)
    add = function(...) {
      assertContains(self$universe, list(...),
        errormsg = sprintf(
          "some added elements are not contained in the set universe: %s",

      if (self$class == "ANY") {
        els <- setunion(self, Set$new(elements = list(...)))
      } else {
        els <- setunion(self, Set$new(elements = list(...), class = self$class))

      private$.elements <- els$elements
      private$.str_elements <- els$.__enclos_env__$private$.str_elements
      private$.multiplicity <- els$.__enclos_env__$private$.multiplicity
      private$.lower <- els$lower
      private$.upper <- els$upper
      private$.properties <- els$properties
      private$.type <- els$type


    #' @description Remove elements from a set.
    #' @param ... elements to remove
    #' @details `$remove` is a wrapper around the `setcomplement` method with
    #' `setcomplement(self, Set$new(...))`. Note a key difference is that any elements passed to `...`
    #' are first converted to a `Set`, this important difference is illustrated in the examples by
    #' removing an [Interval] from a `Set`.
    #' @return If the complement cannot be simplified to a `Set` then a [ComplementSet] is returned
    #' otherwise an object inheriting from [Set] is returned.
    #' @examples
    #' Set$new(1,2,3)$remove(1,2)$print()
    #' Set$new(1,Set$new(1),2)$remove(Set$new(1))$print()
    #' Interval$new(1,5)$remove(5)$print()
    #' Interval$new(1,5)$remove(4)$print()
    #' # setcomplement vs. remove
    #' Set$new(1,2,3)$remove(Interval$new(5,7))$print()
    #' Set$new(1,2,3) - Interval$new(5,7)
    remove = function(...) {
      els <- setcomplement(self, Set$new(elements = list(...)))
      if (inherits(els, "SetWrapper")) {
      } else {
        private$.elements <- els$elements
        private$.str_elements <- els$.__enclos_env__$private$.str_elements
        private$.multiplicity <- els$.__enclos_env__$private$.multiplicity
        private$.lower <- els$lower
        private$.upper <- els$upper
        private$.properties <- els$properties
        private$.type <- els$type

    #' @description Returns the number of times an element appears in a set,
    #' @param element element or list of elements in the `set`, if `NULL` returns multiplicity of all elements
    #' @return Value, or list of values, in R+.
    #' @examples
    #' Set$new(1, 1, 2)$multiplicity()
    #' Set$new(1, 1, 2)$multiplicity(1)
    #' Set$new(1, 1, 2)$multiplicity(list(1, 2))
    #' Tuple$new(1, 1, 2)$multiplicity(1)
    #' Tuple$new(1, 1, 2)$multiplicity(2)
    multiplicity = function(element = NULL) {

      if (is.null(element)) {

      element <- lapply(element, as.character)
      mult <- private$.multiplicity
      mult <- mult[match(element, names(mult))]

      if (length(mult) == 1) mult <- mult[[1]]

  active = list(
    #' @field properties
    #' Returns an object of class `Properties`, which lists the properties of the Set. Set
    #' properties include:
    #' \itemize{
    #'  \item \code{empty} - is the Set empty or does it contain elements?
    #'  \item \code{singleton} - is the Set a singleton? i.e. Does it contain only one element?
    #'  \item \code{cardinality} - number of elements in the Set
    #'  \item \code{countability} - One of: countably finite, countably infinite, uncountable
    #'  \item \code{closure} - One of: closed, open, half-open
    #' }
    properties = function() {

    #' @field traits
    #' List the traits of the Set. Set traits include:
    #' \itemize{
    #'  \item \code{crisp} - is the Set crisp or fuzzy?
    #' }
    traits = function() {

    #' @field type
    #' Returns the type of the Set. One of: (), (], [), [], \{\}
    type = function() {

    #' @field max
    #' If the Set consists of numerics only then returns the maximum element in the Set. For open
    #' or half-open sets, then the maximum is defined by
    #' \deqn{upper - 1e-15}
    max = function() {
      if (self$class %in% c("numeric", "integer", "complex")) {
        if (self$type %in% c("()", "[)")) {
          if (self$upper == Inf) {
          } else {
            return(self$upper - 1e-15)
        } else {
      } else {

    #' @field min
    #' If the Set consists of numerics only then returns the minimum element in the Set. For open
    #' or half-open sets, then the minimum is defined by
    #' \deqn{lower + 1e-15}
    min = function() {
      if (self$class %in% c("numeric", "integer", "complex")) {
        if (self$type %in% c("()", "(]")) {
          if (self$lower == -Inf) {
          } else {
            return(self$lower + 1e-15)
        } else {
      } else {

    #' @field upper
    #' If the Set consists of numerics only then returns the upper bound of the Set.
    upper = function() {

    #' @field lower
    #' If the Set consists of numerics only then returns the lower bound of the Set.
    lower = function() {

    #' @field class
    #' If all elements in the Set are the same class then returns that class, otherwise "ANY".
    class = function() {

    #' @field elements
    #' If the Set is finite then returns all elements in the Set as a `list`, otherwise "NA".
    elements = function() {

    #' @field universe
    #' Returns the universe of the Set, i.e. the set of values that can be added to the Set.
    universe = function() {

    #' @field range
    #' If the Set consists of numerics only then returns the range of the Set defined by
    #' \deqn{upper - lower}
    range = function() {
      if (self$class %in% c("numeric", "integer", "complex")) {
        return(self$upper - self$lower)
      } else {

    #' @field length
    #' If the Set is finite then returns the number of elements in the Set, otherwise Inf. See
    #' the cardinality property for the type of infinity.
    length = function() {
      if (class(self$elements) == "logical") {
        if (is.na(self$elements)) {
      } else {

  private = list(
    .class = "ANY",
    .type = "{}",
    .lower = NA,
    .upper = NA,
    .universe = NULL,
    .elements = list(),
    .str_elements = c(),
    .multiplicity = list(),
    .properties = NULL,
    .traits = list(crisp = TRUE),
    .dimension = integer()

#' @export
summary.Set <- function(object, n, ...) object$summary(n = 2)

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set6 documentation built on Oct. 18, 2021, 5:06 p.m.