
Defines functions `-.Set` setcomplement.ComplementSet setcomplement.Integers setcomplement.Rationals setcomplement.Reals setcomplement.ConditionalSet setcomplement.FuzzySet setcomplement.Interval setcomplement.Set setcomplement

Documented in setcomplement setcomplement.ComplementSet setcomplement.ConditionalSet setcomplement.FuzzySet setcomplement.Integers setcomplement.Interval setcomplement.Rationals setcomplement.Reals setcomplement.Set

#' @name setcomplement
#' @param x,y Set
#' @param simplify logical, if `TRUE` (default) returns the result in its simplest form, usually a
#'  `Set` or [UnionSet], otherwise a `ComplementSet`.
#' @title Complement of Two Sets
#' @return An object inheriting from `Set` containing the set difference of elements in `x` and `y`.
#' @description Returns the set difference of two objects inheriting from class `Set`. If `y` is missing
#' then the complement of `x` from its universe is returned.
#' @details The difference of two sets, \eqn{X, Y}, is defined as the set of elements that exist
#' in set \eqn{X} and not \eqn{Y},
#' \deqn{X-Y = \{z : z \epsilon X \quad and \quad \neg(z \epsilon Y)\}}{X-Y = {z : z \epsilon X and !(z \epsilon Y)}}
#' The set difference of two [ConditionalSet]s is defined by combining their defining functions by a negated
#' 'and', `!&`, operator. See examples.
#' The complement of fuzzy and crisp sets first coerces fuzzy sets to crisp sets by finding their support.
#' @family operators
#' @examples
#' # absolute complement
#' setcomplement(Set$new(1, 2, 3, universe = Reals$new()))
#' setcomplement(Set$new(1, 2, universe = Set$new(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)))
#' # complement of two sets
#' Set$new(-2:4) - Set$new(2:5)
#' setcomplement(Set$new(1, 4, "a"), Set$new("a", 6))
#' # complement of two intervals
#' Interval$new(1, 10) - Interval$new(5, 15)
#' Interval$new(1, 10) - Interval$new(-15, 15)
#' Interval$new(1, 10) - Interval$new(-1, 2)
#' # complement of mixed set types
#' Set$new(1:10) - Interval$new(5, 15)
#' Set$new(5, 7) - Tuple$new(6, 8, 7)
#' # FuzzySet-Set returns a FuzzySet
#' FuzzySet$new(1, 0.1, 2, 0.5) - Set$new(2:5)
#' # Set-FuzzySet returns a Set
#' Set$new(2:5) - FuzzySet$new(1, 0.1, 2, 0.5)
#' # complement of conditional sets
#' ConditionalSet$new(function(x, y, simplify = TRUE) x >= y) -
#'   ConditionalSet$new(function(x, y, simplify = TRUE) x == y)
#' # complement of special sets
#' Reals$new() - NegReals$new()
#' Rationals$new() - PosRationals$new()
#' Integers$new() - PosIntegers$new()
#' @export
setcomplement <- function(x, y, simplify = TRUE) {
  if (missing(y)) {
    if (testFuzzy(x)) {
      return(getR6Class(x, FALSE)$new(elements = x$elements, membership = 1 - unlist(x$membership())))
    } else if (is.null(x$universe)) {
      stop("Set y is missing and x does not have a universe for absolute complement.")
    } else {
      return(setcomplement(x$universe, x))

  if (testFuzzy(x)) {

  if ((testConditionalSet(x) & !testConditionalSet(y)) |
    (testConditionalSet(y) & !testConditionalSet(x)) |
    !simplify | getR6Class(x) == "Universal") {
    return(ComplementSet$new(x, y))
  } else if (testConditionalSet(x) | inherits(x, "ComplementSet")) {

  if (testEmpty(y)) {

  if (testCountablyFinite(x) & testCountablyFinite(y)) {
    if (testTuple(x)) {
      return(Tuple$new(elements = setdiff(x$elements, y$elements)))
    } else if (testMultiset(x)) {
      return(Multiset$new(elements = setdiff(x$elements, y$elements)))
    } else {
      return(Set$new(elements = setdiff(x$elements, y$elements)))

  if (getR6Class(y) == "Universal") {

  if (testCrisp(x) & testFuzzyTuple(y)) {
    y <- as.Tuple(y)
  } else if (testCrisp(x) & testFuzzyMultiset(y)) {
    y <- as.Multiset(y)
  } else if (testCrisp(x) & testFuzzySet(y)) {
    y <- as.Set(y)

  if (inherits(x, "Rationals")) {

  if (x == y) {

  if (inherits(x, "SetWrapper") | inherits(y, "SetWrapper")) {
    return(ComplementSet$new(x, y))

  if (testConditionalSet(x)) {

  if (x <= y) {

  if (y$length == 0) {

#' @rdname setcomplement
#' @export
setcomplement.Set <- function(x, y, simplify = TRUE) {
  # difference of two sets
  if (getR6Class(y) %in% c("Set", "Tuple", "FuzzySet", "FuzzyTuple", "Multiset", "FuzzyMultiset")) {
    if (getR6Class(x) %in% c("Set", "Tuple", "Multiset")) {
      return(getR6Class(x, FALSE)$new(elements = x$elements[!(x$elements %in% y$elements)]))
    # difference of set and interval - signif performance difference when separated from above
  } else if (testInterval(y)) {
    if (getR6Class(x) %in% c("Set", "Tuple", "Multiset")) {
      return(getR6Class(x, FALSE)$new(elements = x$elements[!y$contains(x$elements)]))
#' @rdname setcomplement
#' @export
setcomplement.Interval <- function(x, y, simplify = TRUE) {
  # if possible convert Interval to Set
  if (class(try(as.Set(x), silent = TRUE))[1] != "try-error") {
    return(setcomplement.Set(as.Set(x), y))
  y <- ifnerror(as.Set(y), error = y)

  # difference of interval from interval
  if (testInterval(y)) {
    if (x$class == "numeric" & y$class == "integer") {
      return(ComplementSet$new(x, y))

    # Case 1: no overlap in intervals, return x
    if (y$lower > x$upper | y$upper < x$lower) {
    # Case 2: y ends after x and starts within x
    } else if (y$upper >= x$upper & y$lower > x$lower & y$lower <= x$upper) {
        lower = x$lower, upper = y$lower, type = paste0(substr(x$type, 1, 1), ")"),
        class = x$class
    # Case 3: y starts before x and ends within x
    } else if (y$upper < x$upper & y$lower < x$lower & y$upper >= x$lower) {
      lbound = ifelse(substr(y$type, 2, 2) == ")", "[", "(")
        lower = y$upper, upper = x$upper,
        type = paste0(lbound, substr(x$type, 2, 2)),
        class = x$class
    # Case 4: y starts and ends within x
    } else if (y$upper <= x$upper & y$lower >= x$lower) {
      lbound = ifelse(substr(y$type, 1, 1) == "(", "]", ")")
      ubound = ifelse(substr(y$type, 2, 2) == ")", "[", "(")
        Interval$new(x$lower, y$lower, type = paste0(substr(x$type, 1, 1), lbound), class = x$class),
        Interval$new(y$upper, x$upper, type = paste0(ubound, substr(x$type, 2, 2)), class = x$class)
  } else if (getR6Class(y) == "Set") {
    y <- Set$new(elements = y$elements[x$contains(y$elements)])
    if (y$length == 1) {
      yels <- unlist(y$elements)
      if (yels == x$lower) {
        return(Interval$new(x$lower, x$upper, type = paste0("(", substr(x$type, 2, 2))))
      } else if (yels == x$upper) {
        return(Interval$new(x$lower, x$upper, type = paste0(substr(x$type, 1, 1), ")")))
      } else {
        return(Interval$new(x$lower, yels, type = paste0(substr(x$type, 1, 1), ")")) +
          Interval$new(yels, x$upper, type = paste0("(", substr(x$type, 2, 2))))
    u <- Set$new()
    for (i in seq_len(y$length)) {
      if (i == y$length & y$elements[[i]] == x$upper) {

      if (i == 1 & y$elements[[1]] != x$lower) {
        u <- u + Interval$new(x$lower, y$elements[[1]], type = paste0(substr(x$type, 1, 1), ")"))

      if ((i == 1 & y$elements[[1]] != x$lower) | (i != 1)) {
        lower <- y$elements[[i]]
      } else {
        lower <- x$lower

      if ((i == (y$length - 1) & y$elements[[y$length]] == x$upper) | (i == y$length)) {
        upper <- x$upper
      } else {
        upper <- y$elements[[i + 1]]

      if (i == y$length) {
        type <- paste0("(", substr(x$type, 2, 2))
      } else {
        type <- "()"

      u <- u + Interval$new(lower, upper, type)
#' @rdname setcomplement
#' @export
setcomplement.FuzzySet <- function(x, y, simplify = TRUE) {
  y <- do.call(paste0("as.", getR6Class(x)), list(y))
  ind <- !(x$elements %in% y$elements)
  return(getR6Class(x, FALSE)$new(elements = x$elements[ind], membership = x$membership()[ind]))
#' @rdname setcomplement
#' @export
setcomplement.ConditionalSet <- function(x, y, simplify = TRUE) {
  condition <- function() {}
  names <- unique(names(c(formals(x$condition), formals(y$condition))))
  formals <- rep(list(bquote()), length(names))
  names(formals) <- names
  formals(condition) <- formals
  body(condition) <- substitute(
    bx & !(by),
      bx = body(x$condition),
      by = body(y$condition)
  # in future updates we can change this so the intersection of the argument classes is kept
  # not just the argclass of x
  class <- c(x$class, y$class)[!duplicated(names(c(x$class, y$class)))]

  ConditionalSet$new(condition = condition, argclass = class)
#' @rdname setcomplement
#' @export
setcomplement.Reals <- function(x, y, simplify = TRUE) {
  if (getR6Class(y) == "PosReals") {
  } else if (getR6Class(y) == "NegReals") {
  } else {
    return(setcomplement.Interval(x, y))
#' @rdname setcomplement
#' @export
setcomplement.Rationals <- function(x, y, simplify = TRUE) {
  if (getR6Class(y) == "PosRationals") {
  } else if (getR6Class(y) == "NegRationals") {
  } else {
    return(ComplementSet$new(x, y))
#' @rdname setcomplement
#' @export
setcomplement.Integers <- function(x, y, simplify = TRUE) {
  if (getR6Class(y) == "PosIntegers") {
  } else if (getR6Class(y) == "NegIntegers") {
  } else {
    return(setcomplement.Interval(x, y))
#' @rdname setcomplement
#' @export
setcomplement.ComplementSet <- function(x, y, simplify = TRUE) {
  x$addedSet - (x$subtractedSet + y)

#' @rdname setcomplement
#' @export
`-.Set` <- function(x, y) {
  setcomplement(x, y)

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set6 documentation built on Oct. 18, 2021, 5:06 p.m.