#' @rdname draw
#' @export
draw.sewage_pipeline = function(pipeline, ...) {
dag = construct_dag(pipeline)
spec = spec_viz(dag)
#' Visualize a pipeline
#' @description This function draws a DAG of the existing pipeline flow.
#' For additional information see \code{igraph::spec_viz}
#' @return an \code{htmlwdget} object
#' @param pipeline an instantiated \code{pipeline} object
#' @param ... reserved for future use
#' @export
draw = function(pipeline, ...) {
#' @importFrom glue glue
spec_viz = function(dag) {
spec = glue::glue("digraph a_nice_graph {
}", .open="{{")
construct_dag = function(pipeline) {
inputs = character()
names = character()
for (node in pipeline$nodes) {
inputs = append(inputs, node$input)
for (node in pipeline$nodes) {
name = node$name
if(inherits(node, "sewage_joiner")) {
name = c(name, name)
names = append(names, name)
inputs = gsub(".output_[0-9]{1,2}", "", inputs)
mat = matrix(c(inputs, names), nrow = length(inputs), byrow=FALSE)
dags = apply(mat, 1, paste, collapse = "->")
dag = paste(dags, collapse = "\n")
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