AsciiToInt | Character to and from Integer Codes Conversion |
axTexpr | Axis Ticks Expressions in Nice 10 ** k Form |
cairoSwd | Cairo PDF Graphics Device useful for Sweave |
capture-n-write | Capture output and Write / Print First and Last Parts |
col01scale | Matrix Scaling Utilities |
compresid2way | Plot Components + Residuals for Two Factors |
cum.Vert.funkt | Kumulative Verteilung Aufzeichnen |
D1D2 | Numerical Derivatives of (x,y) Data via Smoothing Splines |
D2ss | Numerical Derivatives of (x,y) Data (via Smoothing Splines) |
Deprecated | Deprecated 'sfsmisc' Functions |
diagDA | Diagonal Discriminant Analysis |
diagX | The "Other" Diagonal Matrix |
digitsBase | Digit/Bit Representation of Integers in any Base |
Duplicated | Counting-Generalization of duplicated() |
eaxis | Extended / Engineering Axis for Graphics |
ecdf.ksCI | Plot Empirical Distribution Function With 95% Confidence... |
ellipsePoints | Compute Radially Equispaced Points on Ellipse |
empty.dimnames | Empty Dimnames of an Array |
errbar | Scatter Plot with Error Bars |
factorize | Prime Factorization of Integers |
f.robftest | Robust F-Test: Wald test for multiple coefficients of rlm()... |
funEnv | List-like Environment of Functions (and More) |
hatMat | Hat Matrix of a Smoother |
helppdf | help() Type="pdf" and View It |
histBxp | Plot a Histogram and a Boxplot |
integrate.xy | Cheap Numerical Integration through Data Points |
inv.seq | Inverse seq() - Short Expression for Index Vector |
is.whole | Test Whether a Vector or Array Consists of Whole Numbers |
iterate.lin.recursion | Generate Sequence Iterating a Linear Recursion |
KSd | Approximate Critical Values for Kolmogorov-Smirnov's D |
last | Get Last Elements of a Vector |
linesHyberb.lm | Plot Confidence or Prediction Hyperbolas around a Regression... |
list_named | Automatically Named list() |
loessDemo | Graphical Interactive Demo of loess() |
lseq | Generate Sequences, Equidistant on Log Scale |
mat2tex | Produce LaTeX commands to print a matrix |
missingCh | Has a Formal Argument been Set or is it Missing? |
mpl | Simple Matrix Plots |
mult.fig | Plot Setup for MULTiple FIGures, incl. Main Title |
n.code | Convert "Round" Integers to Short Strings and Back |
nearcor | Find the Nearest Proper Correlation Matrix |
n.plot | Name Plot: Names or Numbers instead of Points in Plot |
nr.sign.chg | Number of Sign Changes in Sequence |
p.arrows | Prettified Arrows Plots |
paste.vec | Utility for 'Showing' S vectors |
p.datum | Plot 'Datum' (deutsch!) unten rechts |
p.dnorm | Plot Parametric Density Functions |
p.hboxp | Add a Horizontal Boxplot to the Current Plot |
pkgDesc | Version of packageDescription() as Simple Vector |
plotDS | Plot Data and Smoother / Fitted Values |
plotStep | Plot a Step Function |
polyn.eval | Evaluate Polynomials |
posdefify | Find a Close Positive Definite Matrix |
potatoes | Fisher's Potato Crop Data |
p.profileTraces | Plot a profile.nls Object With Profile Traces |
p.res.2fact | Plot Numeric (e.g. Residuals) vs 2 Factors Using Boxplots |
p.res.2x | Stahel's Residual Plot against 2 X's |
pretty10exp | Nice 10 ** k Label Expressions |
primes | Find all Primes Less Than n |
printTable2 | Add and Print Marginals for 2-way Contingency Tables |
prt.DEBUG | Utility Printing in DEBUG mode |
p.scales | Conversion between plotting scales: usr, cm, symbol |
ps.end | Close PostScript or Acrobat Graphics Device opened by ''... |
ps.latex | PostScript/PDF Preview Device with Optional 'LaTeX' Touch |
p.tachoPlot | Draw Symbol on a Plot |
p.ts | plot.ts with multi-plots and Auto-Title - on 1 page |
quadrant | Give the Quadrant Number of Planar Points |
QUnif | Quasi Randum Numbers via Halton Sequences | | Read.table for an Emacs Org Table |
relErr | Relative Error When Appropriate, Absolute Otherwise |
repChar | Make Simple String from Repeating a Character, e.g. Blank... |
rot13 | Generalized Rot13 Character Translation (Rotation) |
rot2 | Rotate Planar Points by Angle |
roundfixS | Round to Integer Keeping the Sum Fixed |
rrange | Robust Range using Boxplot 'Quartiles' |
seqXtend | Sequence Covering the Range of X, including X |
sessionInfoX | Extended Information About the Current R Session |
sfsmisc-defunct | Defunct Functions in Package 'sfsmisc' |
shortRversion | Short R Version String |
signi | Rounding to Significant Digits |
sourceAttach | Source and Attach an R source file |
str_data | Overview on All Datasets in an R Package |
TA.plot | Tukey-Anscombe Plot (Residual vs. Fitted) of a Linear Model |
tapplySimpl | More simplification in tapply() result |
tkdensity | GUI Density Estimation using Tcl/Tk |
toLatex.numeric | LaTeX or Sweave friendly Formatting of Numbers |
u.assign0 | 'Portable' assign / get functions (R / S-plus) for 'Frame 0' |
u.boxplot.x | Utility Returning x-Coordinates of Boxplot | | Return Date[-Time] String in 'European' Format |
u.datumdecode | Convert "Numeric" Dates |
u.Datumvonheute | Datum und Uhrzeit (auf deutsch) |
u.log | (Anti)Symmetric Log High-Transform |
unif | Nice Uniform Points in Interval |
uniqueL | A Reversable Version of unique() |
unix/pkgLibs | R Package Compiled Code Library Dependencies (on Unix-alikes) |
unix/Sys.cpuinfo | Provide Information about the Linux Hardware (CPU, Memory,... |
unix/ | Return Process Status (Unix 'ps') Information |
u.sys | 'Portable' System function (R / S-plus) |
vcat | Paste Utilities - Concatenate Strings |
wrapFormula | Enhance Formula by Wrapping each Term, e.g., by "s(.)" |
xy.grid | Produce Regular Grid Matrix |
xy.unique.x | Uniqify (X,Y) Values using Weights |
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