pretty10exp: Nice 10 ** k Label Expressions

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pretty10expR Documentation

Nice 10 ** k Label Expressions


Produce nice a \times 10^k expressions to be used instead of the scientific notation "a E<k>".


pretty10exp(x, drop.1 = FALSE, sub10 = FALSE, digits = 7, digits.fuzz,
            off = pmax(10^-digits, 2^-(l10x*log2(10)+1075)),
            lab.type = c("plotmath","latex"),
            lab.sep = c("cdot", "times"))



numeric vector (e.g. axis tick locations)


logical indicating if 1 \times should be dropped from the resulting expressions.


logical, "10", a non-negative integer number or an integer vector of length two, say (k_1,k_2), indicating if some 10^j expressions for j \in J should be formatted traditionally, notably e.g., 10^0 \equiv 1.
When a (non-negative) number, say k, J = \{j; j \le k\} are all simplified, when a length–2 vector, J = \{j; k_1 \le j \le k_2\} are.

Special cases: sub10 = TRUE means to use 1 instead of 10^0 and sub10 = "10" uses both 1 for 10^0 and 10 for 10^1; these are short forms of sub10 = c(0,0) and sub10 = c(0,1) respectively.


number of digits for mantissa (a) construction; the number of significant digits, see signif.


the old deprecated name for digits.


a numeric offset in eT <- floor(l10x + off) where l10x <- log10(abs(x)) and eT are the exponents k for label factors 10^k. Previously hardcoded to 10^-digits, the new default provides better results for subnormal abs(x) values.


a string indicating how the result should look like. By default, (plotmath-compatible) expressions are returned. Alternatively, lab.type = "plotmath" returns LaTeX formatted strings for labels. (The latter is useful, e.g., when using the tikzDevice package to generate LaTeX-processed figures.)


character separator between mantissa and exponent for LaTeX labels; it will be prepended with a backslash, i.e., ‘"cdot"’ will use ‘"\cdot"’


For the default lab.type = "plotmath", an expression of the same length as x, typically with elements of the form a %*% 10 ^ k. Exceptions are 0 which is kept simple, if drop.1 is true and a = 1, 10 ^ k is used, and if sub10 is not false, a %*% 10 ^ 0 as a, and a %*% 10 ^ k as as the corresponding formatted number a * 10^k independently of drop.1.

Otherwise, a character vector of the same length as x. For lab.type = "latex", currently the only alternative to the default, these strings are LaTeX (math mode) compatible strings.


If sub10 is set, it will typically be a small number such as 0, 1, or 2. Setting sub10 = TRUE will be interpreted as sub10 =1 where resulting exponents k will either be negative or k \ge 2.


Martin Maechler; Ben Bolker contributed lab.type = "latex" and lab.sep.

See Also

axTexpr and eaxis() which build on pretty10exp(), notably the eaxis() example plots.

The new toLatex.numeric method which gives very similar results with option scientific = TRUE.
Further, axis, axTicks.


pretty10exp(-1:3 * 1000)
pretty10exp(-1:3 * 1000, drop.1 = TRUE)
pretty10exp(c(1,2,5,10,20,50,100,200) * 1e3)
pretty10exp(c(1,2,5,10,20,50,100,200) * 1e3, drop.1 = TRUE)

set.seed(17); lx <- rlnorm(10, m=8, s=6)
pretty10exp(lx, digits = 3)
pretty10exp(lx, digits = 3, sub10 = 2)

pretty10exp(lx, digits = 3, lab.type="latex")
pretty10exp(lx, digits = 3, lab.type="latex", lab.sep="times", sub10=2)

## use regular formatted numbers from 0.03 to 300 :
pretty10exp(3*10^(-3:4), sub10 = c(-2,2))
pretty10exp(3*10^(-3:4), sub10 = c(-2,2), lab.type = "l")

ax <- 10^(-6:0) - 2e-16
pretty10exp(ax, drop.1=TRUE) # nice for plotting
pretty10exp(ax, drop.1=TRUE, sub10=TRUE)
pretty10exp(ax, drop.1=TRUE, sub10=c(-2,2))

## in sfsmisc version <= 1.0-16, no 'digits',
## i.e., implicitly had  digits := #{double precision digits} ==
(dig. <- .Machine$double.digits * log10(2)) # 15.95
pretty10exp(ax, drop.1=TRUE, digits= dig.)  # ''ugly''

## Subnormal numbers
x <- sort(c(outer(10^-(323:305), 1:9))); x <- c(x[1]/2, x)
tail(x, 12) # nice
head(x, 6)  # "ugly" (they are multiple's of 2^-1074):
head(x, 6) / 2^-1074  # nice

head(p0 <- pretty10exp(x, off = 10^-7), 30) # previous behavior {before 'off' existed}
str(head(pTen <- lapply(p0, `[[`, 3L)))
str(exTen <- sapply(pTen, `[[`, 3L)) # -324 -324 ..
head(f0 <- sapply(p0, `[[`, 2L), 17)

head(p1 <- pretty10exp(x))# new default
str(head(pTen1 <- lapply(p1, `[[`, 3L)))
str(exTen1 <- sapply(pTen1, `[[`, 3L)) # -324 -324 ..
head(f1 <- sapply(p1, `[[`, 2L), 17)   #

head(cbind(x, f0, f1, exTen, exTen1), 80)
(nEQ <- which(sapply(1:length(p0), function(i) p0[[i]] != p1[[i]])))
cbind(x, f0, f1, exTen, exTen1)[nEQ,]
stopifnot(is.finite(f1), 0.5 <= f1, f1 <= 9)

sfsmisc documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:53 p.m.