Man pages for sgPLS
Sparse Group Partial Least Square Methods

gPLSGroup Partial Least Squares (gPLS)
gPLSdaGroup Sparse Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis...
perfCompute evaluation criteria for PLS, sPLS, PLS-DA and sPLS-DA
per.variancePercentage of variance of the Y matrix explained by the...
plotcimPlots a cluster image mapping of correlations between...
predictPredict Method for sPLS, gPLS, sgPLS, sPLDda, gPLSda, sgPLSda
select.sgplsOutput of selected variables from a gPLS model or a sgPLS...
select.splsOutput of selected variables from a sPLS model
sgPLSSparse Group Partial Least Squares (sgPLS)
sgPLSdaSparse Group Sparse Partial Least Squares Discriminant...
sgPLS-internalInternal Functions
sgPLS-packageGroup and Sparse Group Partial Least Square Model
simuDataSimulated Data for group PLS-DA model
sPLSSparse Partial Least Squares (sPLS)
sPLSdaSparse Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis (sPLS-DA)
tuning.gPLS.XChoice of the tuning parameter (number of groups) related to...
tuning.sgPLS.XChoice of the tuning parameters (number of groups and mixing...
tuning.sPLS.XChoice of the tuning parameter (number of variables) related...
sgPLS documentation built on Oct. 5, 2023, 5:06 p.m.