
RAD.2.DEG <- sgo:::RAD.TO.DEG

### Inputs and BNG ###
p <- sgo_points(list(x=c(100000, 100000, 100000),
                     y=c(100000, 200000, 300000)), epsg=27700)
# y defaults to x and by.element = FALSE
expect_equal(sgo_distance(p, grid.true.distance = FALSE),
             matrix(data=c(0e+00, 1e+05, 2e+05,
                           1e+05, 0e+00, 1e+05,
                           2e+05, 1e+05, 0e+00), nrow=3, byrow=FALSE))

# grid.true.distance = TRUE
expect_true(all(abs(sgo_distance(p, grid.true.distance = TRUE) -
                      matrix(data=c(0, 99929.3852, 199858.8042,
                                    99929.3739, 0, 99929.4078,
                                    199858.7591, 99929.3965, 0),
                             nrow=3, byrow=TRUE)) < 0.0001))

# by.element = TRUE
expect_equal(sgo_distance(p, grid.true.distance = FALSE, by.element = TRUE),
             c(0, 0, 0))

p2 <- sgo_points(list(x=c(100000, 100000, 100000),
                      y=c(100000, 200000, 300000),
                      z=c(0, 0, 0)), epsg=7405)
expect_error(sgo_distance(p, p2), "points must have the same EPSG code")

# Do not accept EPSG where calculating distances does not make much sense.
p3 <- sgo_points(list(-344578.12, 7751020.42), epsg=3857)
expect_error(sgo_distance(p3), "function doesn't support the input's EPSG")

# distance less than default simpson (20km) - F only for mid point
p1 <- sgo_points(list(100000, 200000), epsg=27700)
p2 <- sgo_points(list(100005, 200005), epsg=27700)
expect_true(abs(sgo_distance(p1,p2) - 7.066075125) < 0.00000001)

### Harvesine and Vicenty ###
p1 <- sgo_points(list(-6.43698696, 58.21740316), epsg=4326)
p2 <- sgo_points(list(-6.43166843, 58.21930597), epsg=4326)
expect_equal(round(sgo_distance(p1, p2, which = "Harvesine"), 3),
expect_equal(round(sgo_distance(p1, p2, which = "Harvesine",
                                by.element = TRUE), 3), 376.544)

expect_equal(round(sgo_distance(p1, p2, which = "Vicenty"), 3),
expect_equal(round(sgo_distance(p1, p2, which = "Vicenty",
                                by.element = TRUE), 3), 377.658)

# Harvesine. Antipodal points
p1 <- sgo_points(list(-177.5, -5.5), epsg=4326)
p2 <- sgo_points(list(2.5, 5.5), epsg=4326)
m1 <- matrix(unlist(p1[1:2], use.names = FALSE),
             ncol = 2, byrow = FALSE) / RAD.2.DEG
m2 <- matrix(unlist(p2[1:2], use.names = FALSE),
             ncol = 2, byrow = FALSE) / RAD.2.DEG
expect_equal(round(, m2), 0), 20015112)

p1 <- sgo_points(list(0, 0), epsg=4326)
p2 <- sgo_points(list(90, 90), epsg=4326)
m1 <- matrix(unlist(p1[1:2], use.names = FALSE),
             ncol = 2, byrow = FALSE) / RAD.2.DEG
m2 <- matrix(unlist(p2[1:2], use.names = FALSE),
             ncol = 2, byrow = FALSE) / RAD.2.DEG
expect_equal(round(, m2), 0), 10007556)

## inverse.vicenty
# nearly antipodal points may need a higher number of iterations to converge
new.zealand <- sgo_points(list(174.35, -35.76), epsg=4326)
gibraltar <- sgo_points(list(-5.35, 36.13), epsg=4326)
expect_warning(s <- sgo_distance(new.zealand, gibraltar,
                                 by.element = TRUE),
               "Vicenty formula failed to converge. Try to increase iterations",

expect_equal(round(sgo_distance(new.zealand, gibraltar, which="Vicenty",
                                by.element = TRUE, iterations=300), 3),

# testing coincident points
p <- sgo_points(list(x=c(-6.43698696, -6.43166843),
                     y=c(58.21740316, 58.21930597)), epsg=4326)
expect_equal(sgo_distance(p, which="Vicenty", by.element=TRUE), c(0,0))

## direct.vicenty
# when s = 0 (final bearing == initial bearing)
p <- matrix(c(-6.43698696/RAD.2.DEG, 58.21740316/RAD.2.DEG), ncol=2)
d.vicenty <-, 0, 45/RAD.2.DEG, "WGS84")
expect_equal(d.vicenty$final.bearing * RAD.2.DEG, 45)

# alpha1 == 0
d.vicenty <-, 500, 0, "WGS84")
expect_equal(unlist(d.vicenty, use.names = FALSE) * RAD.2.DEG,
             c(-6.43698696, 58.22189224, 0))

# alpha1 == 90
d.vicenty <-, 500, 90/RAD.2.DEG, "WGS84")
expect_equal(unlist(d.vicenty, use.names = FALSE) * RAD.2.DEG,
             c(-6.428479802, 58.217402877, 90.007231532))

# force no convergence
expect_warning(d.vicenty <-,
                                                            500, 45/RAD.2.DEG,
                                                      "WGS84", iterations = 1),
               "Vicenty formula failed to converge. Try to increase iterations")

### Perimeters ###
#2D EPSG:4326
lon <- c(-6.43698696, -6.43166843, -6.42706831, -6.42102546,
         -6.42248238, -6.42639092, -6.42998435, -6.43321409)
lat <- c(58.21740316, 58.21930597, 58.22014035, 58.22034112,
         58.21849188, 58.21853606, 58.21824033, 58.21748949)
pol <- sgo_points(list(lon, lat), epsg=4326)
# Create a copy of the polygon with its coordinates shifted one
# position so that we can calculate easily the distance between vertices
coords <- sgo_coordinates(pol) <- sgo_points(rbind(coords[-1, ], coords[1, ]), epsg=pol$epsg)
perimeter <- sum(sgo_distance(pol,, by.element=TRUE))
expect_equal(round(perimeter, 2), 2115.33)

# Stirling Parliament Constituency (> 10000 points)
stirling.p.const <- readRDS(file="stirling.p.const.rds")
stirling.sgo <- sgo_bng_lonlat(sgo_points(stirling.p.const, epsg=27700),
coords <- sgo_coordinates(stirling.sgo) <- sgo_points(rbind(coords[-1, ], coords[1, ]),
perimeter <- sum(sgo_distance(stirling.sgo,, by.element=TRUE))
expect_equal(round(perimeter, 3), 331024.547)

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sgo documentation built on Sept. 23, 2022, 5:08 p.m.