
Defines functions plotProfileDendrogram

Documented in plotProfileDendrogram

## TODO: move more hard-coded geom elements to arguments / heuristics
## NOTE: works best if distance matrix scaled to approximately {0,1}

#' @title Plot soil profiles below a dendrogram
#' @description Plot soil profiles below a dendrogram
#' @param x a `SoilProfileCollection` object
#' @param clust a hierarchical clustering object generated by `hclust`, `cluster::agnes`, or `cluster::diana`
#' @param rotateToProfileID logical, attempt rotation of dendrogram according to original profile IDs, requires `dendExtend` package
#' @param scaling.factor vertical scaling of the profile heights (may have to tinker with this)
#' @param width scaling of profile widths
#' @param y.offset vertical offset for top of profiles
#' @param dend.y.scale extent of y-axis (may have to tinker with this)
#' @param dend.color dendrogram line color
#' @param dend.width dendrogram line width
#' @param dend.type dendrogram type, passed to `plot.phylo()`, either "phylogram" or "cladogram"
#' @param debug logical,optionally print debugging data
#' @param ... additional arguments to `plotSPC`
#' @details This function places soil profile sketches below a dendrogram.
#' @note You may have to tinker with some of the arguments to get optimal arrangement and scaling of soil profiles.
#' @author D.E. Beaudette
#' @keywords hplots
#' @return a `data.frame` of IDs and linking structure
#' @export
plotProfileDendrogram <- function(x, clust, rotateToProfileID = FALSE, scaling.factor = 0.01, width = 0.1, y.offset = 0.1, dend.y.scale = max(clust$height * 2, na.rm = TRUE), dend.color = par('fg'), dend.width = 1, dend.type = c("phylogram", "cladogram"), debug = FALSE, ...) {
  # limit dendrogram types
  dend.type <- match.arg(tolower(dend.type), c("phylogram", "cladogram"), several.ok = FALSE)
  # sanity check: must be either agnes or diana object
  if(! inherits(clust, c('agnes', 'diana', 'hclust')))
    stop('clust must be an object generated by hclust(), cluster::diana() or cluster::agnes()')
  # convert to hclust for all intermediate steps
  d.hclust <- as.hclust(clust)
  # IDs from SPC and clustering object: may not be in the same order!
  d.ids <- d.hclust$labels
  x.ids <- profile_id(x)
  # sanity check: ID vectors should be the same length
  if( length(d.ids) != length(x.ids) ) {
    print(list(profileID=profile_id(x), clustID=d.ids, order=d.hclust$order))
    stop('inconsistent SoilProfileCollection and clustering object, inconsistent number of IDs', call. = FALSE)
  # sanity check: all IDs must be accounted for
  sd.1 <- setdiff(d.ids, x.ids)
  sd.2 <- setdiff(x.ids, d.ids)
  if( length(sd.1) > 0 ) {
    print(list(profileID=profile_id(x), clustID=d.ids, order=d.hclust$order))
    msg <- sprintf('IDs missing from SoilProfileCollection: [%s]', paste(sd.1, collapse = ', '))
    stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
  if( length(sd.2) > 0 ) {
    print(list(profileID=profile_id(x), clustID=d.ids, order=d.hclust$order))
    msg <- sprintf('IDs missing from cluster object: [%s]', paste(sd.1, collapse = ', '))
    stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
  # profile IDs and clustering IDs may not be in the same order
  if(any(x.ids != d.ids)){
    message('profile IDs and clustering IDs are not in the same order')
  # attempt to rotate dendrogram as close to original profile IDs as possible
  if(rotateToProfileID) {
    # requires SoilTaxonomy >= 0.1.5 (2022-02-15)
    if (!requireNamespace('SoilTaxonomy', quietly = TRUE)) {
      message('rotation of dendrogram requires `dendExtend` package', call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      ## TODO: think about how to do this via ape methods, 
      ## and without all of the to/from conversion to hclust
      d.hclust <- dendextend::rotate(d.hclust, order = x.ids)
  # plotting order
  # create a link between dendrogram-tip-sorted IDS ---> profile IDs
  link.idx <- match(d.ids[d.hclust$order], x.ids)
  # allocate extra space
    # device options are modified locally, reset when done
    # warning: this will reset the device coordinates!
    op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)

  # convert to ape class for plotting
  dend <- as.phylo(d.hclust)
  # setup plot and add dendrogram
  plot(dend, cex = 0.8, direction = 'up', y.lim = c(dend.y.scale, 0), x.lim = c(0.5, length(x)+1), show.tip.label = (debug), edge.color = dend.color, edge.width = dend.width, type = dend.type)
  # get the last plot geometry
  lastPP <- get("last_plot.phylo", envir = .PlotPhyloEnv)
  # plot the profiles, in the ordering defined by the dendrogram
  # with a couple fudge factors to make them fit
  plot(x, plot.order=link.idx, add=TRUE, width=width, scaling.factor=scaling.factor, y.offset=max(lastPP$yy) + y.offset, ...)
  if(debug) {
    # grid()
    axis(1, las=1, at=1:length(x))
    axis(2, las=1)
    # abline(h=max(lastPP$yy) + y.offset, col='red')
    # IDs and linking structure
          profileID = x.ids, 
          clustID = d.ids, 
          clustID.ordered = d.ids[d.hclust$order],
          profile.plot.order = link.idx

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