#' @title Get and prepare basic soil hydraulic parameters from SSURGO via SDA
#' @details Weighted mean soil hydraulic parameters are returned over the interval of `0-max.depth`, calculated by `aqp::slab()`.
#' @param cokeys vector of component keys (cokey) in current SSURGO snapshot
#' @param max.depth target depth of aggregation (cm), corrected later by real soil depth as reported by `slab()`
#' @author D.E. Beaudette
#' @return a `list` containing:
#' * `SPC`: `SoilProfileCollection`
#' * `agg`: aggregate representation of hydraulic parameters, by cokey
#' The following soil hydraulic properties are included:
#' |variable |description |
#' |:-------------|:-------------------------------------------------------------|
#' |cokey |component key |
#' |hzname |horizon name |
#' |hz_top |horizon top depth (cm) |
#' |hz_bottom |horizon bottom depth (cm) |
#' |thick |horizon thickness (cm) |
#' |sat |VWC at saturation (cm/cm) |
#' |fc |VWC at field capacity defined by 1/3rd bar tension (cm/cm) |
#' |fc_tenthbar |VWC at field capacity defined by 1/3rd bar tension (cm/cm) |
#' |pwp |VWC at permanent wilting point or 15 bar tension (cm/cm) |
#' |awc |total sand content (<2mm fraction, mass %) |
#' |sand |total silt content (<2mm fraction, mass %) |
#' |silt |total clay content (<2mm fraction, mass %) |
#' |clay |total sand content (<2mm fraction, mass %) |
#' |dbthirdbar |bulk density at 1/3 bar tension (g/cm^3) |
#' |dbovendry |bulk density oven-dry basis (g/cm^3) |
#' |ksat |Ksat (um/second) |
#' |soil_fraction |volume fraction of soil (1 - coarse fragment volume fraction) |
#' @export
prepare_SSURGO_hydro_data <- function(cokeys, max.depth) {
## TODO return lower / upper limits
in.statement <- format_SQL_in_statement(cokeys)
# assemble SDA query
sql <- sprintf("
SELECT chorizon.cokey, compname, comppct_r, majcompflag, drainagecl, hzname, hzdept_r AS hz_top, hzdepb_r AS hz_bottom,
(hzdepb_r - hzdept_r) AS thick,
wsatiated_r / 100.0 AS sat,
wthirdbar_r / 100.0 AS fc,
wtenthbar_r / 100.0 AS fc_tenthbar,
wfifteenbar_r / 100.0 AS pwp,
awc_r AS awc,
sandtotal_r AS sand,
silttotal_r AS silt,
claytotal_r AS clay,
dbthirdbar_r AS dbthirdbar,
dbovendry_r AS dbovendry,
ksat_r AS ksat,
-- catch strange cases where soil_fraction IS NULL
COALESCE(soil_fraction, 1) AS soil_fraction
FROM component
JOIN chorizon ON component.cokey = chorizon.cokey
-- soil_fraction = 100 pct - (rock fragment volume pct)
SELECT chkey, (100.0 - sum(COALESCE(fragvol_r, 0))) / 100.0 as soil_fraction
FROM chfrags
GROUP BY chkey
) AS frags ON chorizon.chkey = frags.chkey
WHERE chorizon.cokey IN %s
AND wsatiated_r IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY compname, hzdept_r;
", in.statement
# get via SDA
s <- suppressMessages(SDA_query(sql))
## account for no / missing data
if(is.null(s)) {
stop('no data returned', call. = FALSE)
# init SPC for slab()
s$cokey <- as.character(s$cokey)
depths(s) <- cokey ~ hz_top + hz_bottom
site(s) <- ~ compname + comppct_r + majcompflag + drainagecl
hzdesgnname(s) <- 'hzname'
# weighted mean <- slab(
fm = cokey ~ sat + fc + pwp + awc + soil_fraction,
slab.structure = c(0, max.depth), = mean,
na.rm = TRUE
# retaining only wt.mean
# using reshape2 <- dcast(, cokey ~ variable, value.var = 'value')
# get contributing_fraction for corrected depth calculation
real.depths <- unique([, c('cokey', 'contributing_fraction')])
# join component names
real.depths <- merge(real.depths, site(s)[, c('cokey', 'compname')], by = 'cokey', all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
# join corrected depths with aggregate data <- merge(, real.depths, by='cokey', all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
## Note: contributing_fraction is typically a good correction factor for depth,
## but not when there are missing data
# corrected depth = max.depth * contributing_fraction (from slab) * soil_fraction (rock frag adjust)$corrected_depth <- with(,
soil_fraction * contributing_fraction * max.depth
# package and return
res <- list(
SPC = s,
agg =
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