
Defines functions plotTransect dist.along.grad

Documented in dist.along.grad plotTransect

## TODO:
## * implement non-linear re-scaling of distances / variables
## * perform all re-scaling via linear model?
## * consider sorting by distance vs. var (requires a starting point)
## * consider manually defined vector of indices
## * see new function in aqp: alignTransect() for relative positions along x-axis

# function for computing gradient vs. distance along gradient
dist.along.grad <- function(coords, var, grad.order, grad.scaled.min, grad.scaled.max) {
  # order coordinates by variable
  coords <- coords[grad.order, ]
  # compute cumulative distance along gradient (horizontal units of CRS)
  grad.distances <- cumsum(c(0, sqrt(diff(coords[, 1])^2 + diff(coords[, 2])^2)))
  # rescale distances to number of profiles in collection
  scaled.distances <- scales::rescale(grad.distances, to = c(1, nrow(coords)))
  # rescale gradients to profile-scale
  # note that range is inverted because we are plotting depth as positive values
  scaled.grad <- scales::rescale(var[grad.order], to = c(grad.scaled.max, grad.scaled.min))
  # composite result
  res <- data.frame(
    scaled.grad = scaled.grad, 
    scaled.distance = scaled.distances, 
    distance = grad.distances, 
    variable = var[grad.order], 
    x = coords[grad.order, 1], 
    y = coords[grad.order, 2], 
    grad.order = grad.order

#' @title Arrange Profiles along a Transect 
#' @description Plot a collection of Soil Profiles linked to their position along some gradient (e.g. transect).
#' @param s `SoilProfileCollection` object
#' @param xy `sf` object, defining point coordinates of soil profiles, must be in same order as `s`, must be a projected coordinate reference system (UTM, AEA, etc.)
#' @param grad.var.name the name of a site-level attribute containing gradient values
#' @param grad.var.order optional indexing vector used to override sorting along `grad.var.name`
#' @param transect.col color used to plot gradient (transect) values
#' @param tick.number number of desired ticks and labels on the gradient axis
#' @param y.offset vertical offset used to position profile sketches
#' @param scaling.factor scaling factor applied to profile sketches
#' @param distance.axis.title a title for the along-transect distances
#' @param grad.axis.title a title for the gradient axis 
#' @param dist.scaling.factor scaling factor (divisor) applied to linear distance units, default is conversion from m to km (1000)
#' @param spacing profile sketch spacing style: "regular" (profiles aligned to an integer grid) or "relative" (relative distance along transect)
#' @param fix.relative.pos adjust relative positions in the presence of overlap, `FALSE` to suppress, otherwise list of arguments to `aqp::fixOverlap`
#' @param ... further arguments passed to `aqp::plotSPC`.
#' @details Depending on the nature of your `SoilProfileCollection` and associated gradient values, it may be necessary to tinker with figure margins, `y.offset` and `scaling.factor`.
#' @note This function is very much a work in progress, ideas welcome!
#' @return An invisibly-returned `data.frame` object:
#'   * scaled.grad: scaled gradient values
#'   * scaled.distance: cumulative distance, scaled to the interval of `0.5, nrow(coords) + 0.5`
#'   * distance: cumulative distance computed along gradient, e.g. transect distance
#'   * variable: sorted gradient values
#'   * x: x coordinates, ordered by gradient values
#'   * y: y coordinate, ordered by gradient values
#'   * grad.order: a vector index describing the sort order defined by gradient values
#' @author D.E. Beaudette   
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if(require(aqp) & 
#' require(sf) &
#'   require(soilDB)
#' ) {
#' library(aqp)
#' library(soilDB)
#' library(sf)
#' # sample data
#' data("mineralKing", package = "soilDB")
#' # device options are modified locally, reset when done
#' op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
#' # quick overview
#' par(mar=c(1,1,2,1))
#' groupedProfilePlot(mineralKing, groups='taxonname', print.id=FALSE)
#' # setup point locations
#' s <- site(mineralKing)
#' xy <- st_as_sf(s, coords = c('x_std', 'y_std'))
#' st_crs(xy) <- 4326
#' # convert to suitable projected cRS
#' # projected CRS, UTM z11 NAD83 (https://epsg.io/26911)
#' xy <- st_transform(xy, 26911) 
#' # adjust margins
#' par(mar = c(4.5, 4, 4, 1))
#' # standard transect plot, profile sketches arranged along integer sequence
#' plotTransect(mineralKing, xy, grad.var.name = 'elev_field',
#'              grad.axis.title = 'Elevation (m)', label = 'pedon_id', name = 'hzname')
#' # default behavior, attempt adjustments to prevent over-plot and preserve relative spacing
#' # use set.seed() to fix outcome
#' plotTransect(mineralKing, xy, grad.var.name = 'elev_field',
#'              grad.axis.title = 'Elevation (m)', label = 'pedon_id',
#'              name = 'hzname', width = 0.15, spacing = 'relative')
#' # attempt relative positioning based on scaled distances, no corrections for overlap
#' # profiles are clustered in space and therefore over-plot
#' plotTransect(mineralKing, xy, grad.var.name = 'elev_field',
#'              grad.axis.title = 'Elevation (m)', label = 'pedon_id', name = 'hzname',
#'              width = 0.15, spacing = 'relative', fix.relative.pos = FALSE)
#' # customize arguments to aqp::fixOverlap()
#' plotTransect(mineralKing, xy, grad.var.name = 'elev_field', crs = crs.utm,
#'              grad.axis.title = 'Elevation (m)', label = 'pedon_id', name = 'hzname',
#'              width = 0.15, spacing = 'relative',
#'              fix.relative.pos = list(maxIter=6000, adj=0.2, thresh=0.7))
#' plotTransect(mineralKing, xy, grad.var.name = 'elev_field', crs = crs.utm,
#'              grad.axis.title = 'Elevation (m)', label = 'pedon_id', name = 'hzname',
#'              width = 0.2, spacing = 'relative',
#'              fix.relative.pos = list(maxIter = 6000, adj = 0.2, thresh = 0.6),
#'              name.style = 'center-center')
#' par(op)
#' }
#' }
plotTransect <- function(s, xy, grad.var.name, grad.var.order = order(site(s)[[grad.var.name]]), transect.col = 'RoyalBlue', tick.number = 7, y.offset = 100, scaling.factor = 0.5, distance.axis.title = 'Distance Along Transect (km)', grad.axis.title = NULL, dist.scaling.factor = 1000, spacing = c('regular', 'relative'), fix.relative.pos = list(thresh = 0.6, maxIter = 5000), ...){
  # sanity checks
  spacing <- match.arg(spacing)
  if(!requireNamespace('sf')) {
    stop('This function requires the `sf` package.', call. = FALSE)
  # planar CRS required
  if(sf::st_is_longlat(xy)) {
    stop('coordinates must use a projected CRS', call. = FALSE)
  # extract planar coordinates
  coords <- sf::st_coordinates(xy)

  # create transect
  transect <- dist.along.grad(
    coords = coords, 
    var = site(s)[[grad.var.name]], 
    grad.order = grad.var.order, 
    grad.scaled.min = 0, 
    grad.scaled.max = y.offset - 15
  # use a linear model to translate original gradient -> scaled gradient 
  l <- lm(scaled.grad ~ variable, data = transect)
  # establish gradient axis tick marks
  axis.labels <- pretty(transect$variable, n = tick.number)
  axis.pos <- round(predict(l, data.frame(variable = axis.labels)))
  # spacing style
  if(spacing == 'regular') {
    # this var will be used to position arrows / segments
    x.pos <- 1:length(s)
    # standard, regular spacing along x-asis
    plot(s, plot.order = transect$grad.order, y.offset = y.offset, scaling.factor = scaling.factor, id.style='side', ...)
  } else if(spacing == 'relative') {
    # this var will be used to position sketches, arrows, segments
    # note that it has already been sorted for the final ordering of sketches
    x.pos <- transect$scaled.distance
    # attempt to fix relative positions in the case of overlap
    if(is.list(fix.relative.pos)) {
      # add positions to the list of arguments, via `x` argument to fixOverlap()
      fix.relative.pos$x <- x.pos
      # force trace = FALSE so that results are a vector
      fix.relative.pos$trace <- FALSE
      # fun with arguments
      x.pos <- do.call(fixOverlap, fix.relative.pos)
    # plot sketches according to relative spacing along x-axis
    plot(s, plot.order = transect$grad.order, y.offset = y.offset, scaling.factor = scaling.factor, id.style='side', relative.pos = x.pos, ...)
  } else {
    stop('spacing must be specified as `regular` or `relative`', call. = FALSE)
  # add gridlines
  abline(h = axis.pos, lty = 2, col='grey')
  # add gradient axis
  axis(side = 2, at = axis.pos, labels = axis.labels, las = 2, line=-0.5, cex.axis = 0.75)
  # optionally label gradient axis
    mtext(grad.axis.title, at = median(transect$scaled.grad), side = 2, line = 2.5, font = 2, cex = 0.75)
  # add distance along gradient
  axis(side = 1, at = x.pos, labels = round(transect$distance/dist.scaling.factor), cex.axis = 0.75)
  mtext(distance.axis.title, side = 1, line = 2, font = 2, cex = 0.75)
  # link gradient points to profiles
  segments(x0 = x.pos, y0 = y.offset-15, x1 = transect$scaled.distance, y1 = transect$scaled.grad, lty = 1)
  # add arrows
  arrows(x0 = x.pos, y0 = y.offset-15, x1 = x.pos, y1 = y.offset-2, length = 0.1, code = 2, lty = 1)
  # add gradient line
  lines(transect$scaled.distance, transect$scaled.grad, lwd = 2, col = transect.col)
  # add gradient points
  points(transect$scaled.distance, transect$scaled.grad, lwd = 2, pch = 21, cex = 1.25, bg = transect.col, col='black')
  # invisibly return computed transect geometry

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