

test_that("test checkbox_input input values", {
  # type
  expect_is(checkbox_input("check"), "shiny.tag")
  # empty input
  si_str <- as.character(checkbox_input("check"))
  expect_true(any(grepl("<div class=\"ui  checked checkbox\">\n  <input id=\"check\"",
                        si_str, fixed = TRUE)))
  si_str <- as.character(checkbox_input("check", "My Label"))
  expect_true(any(grepl("<label>My Label</label>",
                        si_str, fixed = TRUE)))
  # is_marked
  si_str <- as.character(checkbox_input("check", is_marked = FALSE))
  expect_false(any(grepl("ui  checked checkbox",
                        si_str, fixed = TRUE)))

test_that("test toggle alias for checkbox_input", {
  si_str1 <- as.character(checkbox_input("check", "My Label",
                                          type = "toggle", is_marked = FALSE))
  si_str2 <- as.character(toggle("check", "My Label", is_marked = FALSE))
  expect_equal(si_str1, si_str2)
                        si_str2, fixed = TRUE)))

test_that("checkboxInput warns on unsupported arguments", {
  expect_silent(checkboxInput("check", NULL))
  expect_silent(checkboxInput("check", "My Label"))
  expect_silent(checkboxInput("check", "My Label", TRUE))
  expect_silent(checkboxInput("check", "My Label", FALSE))
  expect_silent(checkboxInput("check", width = NULL))
  expect_warning(checkboxInput("check", width = "10%"))

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shiny.semantic documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:36 a.m.