
Defines functions updateChatTextInput chat_server chat_ui

Documented in chat_server chat_ui updateChatTextInput

#' @title A chat module for Shiny apps - UI
#' @description Creates the user interface for the chat module, which includes a chat message display area, a text input field for entering new messages, and a send button.
#' @param id The id of the module
#' @param height The height of the chat display area. Default is 300px.
#' @param width The width of the chat display area.
#' @param ui_title The title of the chat area.
#' @import shiny
#' @export
chat_ui <- function(id, ui_title='', height = "300px", width = "100%") {

  ns <- NS(id)
  js <- paste0('
  $(document).on("keyup", function(e) {
  if(e.keyCode == 13){
    document.getElementById("', ns("chatFromSend"), '").click();
  div(width = width,
      includeCSS(system.file("assets/shinyChatR.css", package = "shinyChatR")),
    div(class = "chatContainer",
        div(class = "chatTitle", ui_title),
        div(class = "chatMessages",
            style = paste0("height:", height),
            # Display messages here
        tags$form(class = "chatForm",
                  tags$input(type = "text",
                             id = ns("chatInput"),
                             placeholder = "Enter message"),
                  actionButton(inputId = ns("chatFromSend"),
                    ##                               label = "Send",
                               label = NULL,
                               width = "70px",
                               icon = icon("paper-plane"),
                               style = "background-color: #007bc2;
                                        color: #fff; height:32px;padding:0px;")

#' @title A chat module for Shiny apps - server
#' @description Creates the server logic for the chat module, which handles adding new messages to the database or RDS file, and retrieving messages to display
#' @param id The id of the module.
#' @param chat_user The user name that should be displayed next to the message.
#' @param db_connection A database connection object, created using the \code{DBI} package. If provided, the chat messages will be stored in a database table.
#' @param db_table_name he name of the database table to use for storing the chat messages. If \code{db_connection} is provided, this parameter is required.
#' @param rds_path The path to an RDS file to use for storing the chat messages. If provided, the chat messages will be stored in an RDS file.
#' @param csv_path The path to an csv file to use for storing the chat messages. If provided, the chat messages will be stored in an csv file.
#' @param invalidateDSMillis The milliseconds to wait before the data source is read again. The default is 1 second.
#' @param nlast The number of last messages to be read in and displayed
#' @param pretty Logical that determines if the date should be displayed in a pretty format
#' @return the reactive values \code{chat_rv} with all the chat information
#' @import shiny
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @importFrom DBI dbGetQuery dbExecute
#' @export
chat_server <- function(id,
                        db_connection = NULL,
                        db_table_name = "chat_data",
                        rds_path = NULL,
                        csv_path = NULL,
                        invalidateDSMillis = 1000,
                        pretty = TRUE,
                        nlast = 100
                        ) {

    function(input, output, session) {

      ns <- session$ns

      # data source can only be a db or rds file
      if (sum(!is.null(c(db_connection,rds_path,csv_path)))>1){
        stop("Either specify only one DB connection, DB file, RDS or CSV path")

      # initiate data source R6
      if (!is.null(db_connection)){
        ChatData <- DBConnection$new(db_connection, db_table_name)
        # check if it contains the necessary variables
        if (!all(c("text", "user", "time") %in% names(ChatData$get_data()))){
          stop("The dataframe does not have the necessary columns text, user and time")
      } else if (!is.null(rds_path)){
        ChatData <- RDSConnection$new(rds_path)
        if (!all(c("text", "user", "time") %in% names(ChatData$get_data()))){
          stop("The dataframe does not have the necessary columns text, user and time")
      } else if (!is.null(csv_path)){
        ChatData <- CSVConnection$new(csv_path, n=nlast)
        if (!all(c("text", "user", "time") %in% names(ChatData$get_data()))){
          stop("The dataframe does not have the necessary columns text, user and time")
      } else {
        stop("Either 'db_connection', 'rds_path' or 'csv_path' must be specified.")

        ## get non-NULL file
        data_file <- c(rds_path,csv_path)[1]
        reactive_chatData <- shiny::reactiveFileReader(
          invalidateDSMillis, session, data_file, function(f) ChatData$get_data()

      # Add code for sending and receiving messages here
      chat_rv <- reactiveValues(chat = ChatData$get_data())

      output$chatbox <- renderUI({
        if (nrow(chat_rv$chat)>0) {
          # prepare the message elements
              # check if it is a reactive element or not
              ifelse(is.reactive(chat_user), chat_user(), chat_user),
              pretty = pretty
        } else {
          tags$span(" ")

      # for connection regularly check for updates
          # reload chat data
          chat_rv$chat <- ChatData$get_data()
      } else { # for csv and rds use reactiveFileReader
          # reload chat data
          chat_rv$chat <- reactive_chatData()

      observeEvent( input$chatFromSend, {
        if(input$chatInput=="") return()
          user = ifelse(is.reactive(chat_user), chat_user(), chat_user),
          message = input$chatInput,
          time = strftime(Sys.time())
        ## chat_rv$chat <- ChatData$get_data()  ## not needed??
        updateTextInput(session, "chatInput", value='')


#' @title A function to update the chat textInput
#' @description Updates the value of the chat textInput
#' @param session The shiny session.
#' @param id The id of the module.
#' @param value The new value that should be shown in the chat textInput.
#' @import shiny
#' @export
updateChatTextInput <- function(session = getDefaultReactiveDomain(),
) {
  ns <- NS(id)

  updateTextInput(session = session, inputId = ns("chatInput"), value = value)

Try the shinyChatR package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

shinyChatR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:18 a.m.