
Defines functions render_msg_divs2 render_msg_divs

Documented in render_msg_divs render_msg_divs2

#' Render the messages for the chat
#' @param texts a character vector with the texts
#' @param users a character vector with the users
#' @param act_user a character with the current user (that is using the app)
#' @return The HTML code containing the chat messages
#' @importFrom purrr map2
render_msg_divs <- function(texts, users, act_user) {
  purrr::map2(texts, users,
              ~ div(class=paste0("chatMessage", ifelse(.y == act_user, " me", "")),
                                p(tags$strong(.y), .x))

#' Render the messages for the chat
#' @param texts a character vector with the texts
#' @param users a character vector with the users
#' @param act_user a character with the current user (that is using the app)
#' @param time a datetime object
#' @param pretty a logical that indicates if it should simplify the date
#' @return The HTML code containing the chat messages
#' @importFrom purrr map2
render_msg_divs2 <- function(texts, users, act_user, time, pretty=TRUE) {

  ## detect change of day
  xtime <- as.POSIXct(time, origin="1970-01-01")
  dx  <- diff(as.integer(factor(weekdays(xtime))))
  first_otd <- c(TRUE,dx!=0)  ## first of the day message
  dd <- as.integer(format(xtime, format="%d"))
  if(pretty) {
    date <- paste(weekdays(xtime), dd, months(xtime))
  } else {
    date <- strftime(time)
  now <- strftime(Sys.time())
  today <- substring(now, 1,10)
  is.today <- (substring(xtime,1,10) == today)
  if(any(is.today)) date[which(is.today)] <- "Today"
  dt <- data.frame(user=users, text=texts, date=date, first=first_otd)

  formatChat <- function(a) {
        class = paste(
          'col-12 chatTime',
          ifelse( a['first'], 'first','not-first')
        class = paste(
          "col-12 chatMessage",
          ifelse(a['user'] == act_user,"me", "")
        span(a['user'], class='chatUser'),
        span(a['text'], class='chatText')

  chats <- apply(dt, 1, c, simplify=FALSE)
  tags <- lapply(chats, function(a) formatChat(a))
  div( class="container chatInnerContainer", tags)

Try the shinyChatR package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

shinyChatR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:18 a.m.