Improved Skins

  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

A Real Time Skin Selector

{shinydashboardPlus} has a new feature called the skinSelector(). This is a JavaScript based widget allowing the end user to change the app skin. According to the dashboardPage(), there are 6 unique colors with 2 versions, light or dark. Note that the dashboardControlbar() is the perfect place to host the skinSelector() since it may be seen as a secondary input (your app may still work without :))

   ui = dashboardPage(
     header = dashboardHeader(),
     sidebar = dashboardSidebar(),
     body = dashboardBody(),
     controlbar = dashboardControlbar(collapsed = FALSE, skinSelector()),
     title = "Skin Selector"
   server = function(input, output) { }

A New Dark Skin: midnight

The midnight theme is powered by the corresponding Github project. It provides a plug and play dark theme.

   ui = dashboardPage(
     skin = "midnight",
     header = dashboardHeader(),
     sidebar = dashboardSidebar(),
     body = dashboardBody(),
     controlbar = dashboardControlbar(),
     footer = dashboardFooter(),
     title = "Midnight Skin"
   server = function(input, output) { }

This is the fastest option to get a dark design. You'll see below that the {fresh} package is able to provide a similar look and feel, with much more options (but more effort).

Important: this feature is still Experimental lifecycle!

Material Design + AdminLTE

To activate the material design feature, set md to TRUE in dashboardPage(). This feature is powered by MaterialAdminLTE, built on top of AdminLTE2 and material design for Bootstrap 3 Experimental lifecycle!

   ui = dashboardPage(
     md = TRUE,
     skin = "blue",
     header = dashboardHeader(),
     sidebar = dashboardSidebar(),
     body = dashboardBody(),
     controlbar = dashboardControlbar(),
     footer = dashboardFooter(),
     title = "Midnight Skin"
   server = function(input, output) { }


{fresh} is developed by the dreamRs team. It is built on top of {sass}, which provides a solid R API to write SASS variables and compile into CSS. {fresh} captures most of the AdminLTE2 (as well as AdminLTE3 for Bootstrap 4) SASS variables to allow deep customization, hiding all the compilation burden under the hood.

adminlte_color() provides an interface to all available AdminLTE colors and allow to overwrite the default. I strongly suggest to avoid setting the default green to blue, as it might become confusing. Instead, it is better to play with color palettes. Similarly, adminlte_sidebar allows to re-style the sidebar component. The fresh theme below is based on some cyberpunk color palettes.

# create the theme with a cyberpunk color palette
theme <- create_theme(
    green = "#3fff2d",
    blue = "#2635ff",
    red = " #ff2b2b",
    yellow = "#feff6e",
    fuchsia = "#ff5bf8",
    navy = "#374c92",
    purple = "#615cbf",
    maroon = "#b659c9",
    light_blue = "#5691cc"
    dark_bg = "#D8DEE9",
    dark_hover_bg = "#81A1C1",
    dark_color = "#2E3440"
    content_bg = "#aaaaaa"

# create tribble for box global config
box_config <- tibble::tribble(
  ~background, ~labelStatus,
  "red", "warning",
  "purple", "success",
  "green", "primary",
  "yellow", "danger",
  "fuchsia", "info"

# box factory function
box_factory <- function(background, labelStatus) {
    title = "Cyberpunk Box", 
    collapsible = TRUE, 
    background = background,
    height = "200px",
    label = boxLabel(1, labelStatus)

# pmap magic
boxes <- purrr::pmap(box_config, box_factory)

   ui = dashboardPage(
     freshTheme = theme,
     skin = "blue",
     options = list(sidebarExpandOnHover = TRUE),
     header = dashboardHeader(
         type = "messages", 
         badgeStatus = "success",
           from = "Support Team",
           message = "This is the content of a message.",
           time = "5 mins"
           from = "Support Team",
           message = "This is the content of another message.",
           time = "2 hours"
     sidebar = dashboardSidebar(
         menuItem("Item 1", badgeLabel = icon("heart"), badgeColor = "light-blue"),
         menuItem("Item 2", badgeLabel = icon("poo"), badgeColor = "maroon")
     body = dashboardBody(boxes),
     controlbar = dashboardControlbar(),
     title = "Fresh theming"
   server = function(input, output) { }

Try the shinydashboardPlus package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

shinydashboardPlus documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:46 p.m.