
Defines functions getMinCircle.default getMinCircle.data.frame getMinCircle isBiggerThan90 getAngleTri getMaxRad getCircleFrom3 idCollinear

Documented in getMinCircle getMinCircle.data.frame getMinCircle.default

## getMinCirc() requires convex hull without collinear points
## https://stackoverflow.com/q/64866942/484139

## identify collinear points on convex hull
## assumes that points in xy are already oredered
idCollinear <-
function(xy) {
    if(!is.matrix(xy))  { stop("xy must be a matrix") }
    if(!is.numeric(xy)) { stop("xy must be numeric") }
    if(nrow(xy) < 3L)   { stop("xy must have at least 3 points") }
    if(ncol(xy) != 2L)  { stop("xy must have 2 columns") }

    n    <- nrow(xy)
    idx  <- seq_len(n)
    post <- (idx %% n) + 1              # next point in S
    prev <- idx[order(post)]            # previous point in S

    del <- integer(0)
    ## check all sets of 3 consecutive points if they lie in 1D sub-space
    for(i in idx) {
        pts <- rbind(xy[prev[i], ],
                     xy[i, ],
                     xy[post[i], ])
        pts_rank <- qr(scale(pts, center=TRUE, scale=FALSE))$rank
        if(pts_rank < 2L) {
            del[length(del) + 1] <- i


## circle defined by three points
getCircleFrom3 <-
function(xy) {
    if(!is.matrix(xy))  { stop("xy must be a matrix") }
    if(!is.numeric(xy)) { stop("xy must be numeric") }
    if(any(dim(xy) != c(3L, 2L))) { stop("xy must be (3x2)-matrix") }

    aa <- xy[1,  ]
    bb <- xy[2,  ]
    cc <- xy[3,  ]
    y  <- xy[ , 2]

    xDeltaA <- bb[1] - aa[1]
    yDeltaA <- bb[2] - aa[2]
    xDeltaB <- cc[1] - bb[1]
    yDeltaB <- cc[2] - bb[2]
    xDeltaC <- cc[1] - aa[1]
    yDeltaC <- cc[2] - aa[2]

    ## check if the points are collinear: qr(xy)$rank == 1, or:
    ## determinant of difference matrix = 0, no need to use det()
    dMat <- rbind(c(xDeltaA, yDeltaA), c(xDeltaB, yDeltaB))
    if(isTRUE(all.equal(dMat[1,1]*dMat[2,2] - dMat[1,2]*dMat[2,1], 0, check.attributes=FALSE))) {
        ## define the circle as the one that's centered between the points
        rangeX <- range(c(aa[1], bb[1], cc[1]))
        rangeY <- range(c(aa[2], bb[2], cc[2]))
        ctr    <- c(rangeX[1] + 0.5*diff(rangeX), rangeY[1] + 0.5*diff(rangeY))
        rad    <- sqrt((0.5*diff(rangeX))^2 + (0.5*diff(rangeY))^2)
    } else {
        rad <- prod(dist(xy)) / (2 * abs(det(cbind(xy, 1))))  # circle radius
        v1  <- rowSums(xy^2)                    # first vector in the numerator
        v2x <- c( xDeltaB, -xDeltaC,  xDeltaA)  # 2nd vector numerator for Mx
        v2y <- c(-yDeltaB,  yDeltaC, -yDeltaA)  # 2nd vector numerator for My
        ctr <- c(t(v1) %*% v2y, t(v1) %*% v2x) / c(2 * (t(y) %*% v2x))  # center

    return(list(ctr=ctr, rad=rad))

## alternative formulas
## detABC <- (cx-ax)*(cy+ay) + (bx-cx)*(by+cy) + (ax-bx)*(ay+by)
## Mx <- 0.5 * (((ax^2 + ay^2)*(by-cy) + (bx^2+by^2)*(cy-ay) + (cx^2+cy^2)*(ay-by)) /
##              (ay*(cx-bx) + by*(ax-cx) + cy*(bx-ax)))
## My <- 0.5 * (((ax^2 + ay^2)*(cx-bx) + (bx^2+by^2)*(ax-cx) + (cx^2+cy^2)*(bx-ax)) /
##              (ay*(cx-bx) + by*(ax-cx) + cy*(bx-ax)))
## rad <- dist(rbind(xy, ctr))[3]

## vertex that produces the circle with the maximum radius
## used in getMinCircle()
getMaxRad <-
function(xy, S) {
    if(!is.matrix(xy))  { stop("xy must be a matrix") }
    if(!is.numeric(xy)) { stop("xy must be numeric") }
    if(ncol(xy) != 2L)  { stop("xy must have two columns") }
    if(!is.numeric(S))  { stop("S must be numeric") }
    if((length(S) < 2L) || (nrow(xy) < 2L)) { stop("There must be at least two points") }
    if(length(S) > nrow(xy)) { stop("There can only be as many indices in S as points in xy") }

    n    <- length(S)                    # number of points
    Sidx <- seq(along=S)                 # index for points
    rads <- numeric(n)                   # radii for all circles
    post <- (Sidx %% n) + 1              # next point in S
    prev <- Sidx[order(post)]            # previous point in S
    for(i in Sidx) {
        pts     <- rbind(xy[S[prev[i]], ], xy[S[i], ], xy[S[post[i]], ])
        rads[i] <- getCircleFrom3(pts)$rad  # circle radius


## angle (in degrees) at B in triangle ABC
getAngleTri <-
function(xy, deg=TRUE) {
    if(!is.matrix(xy))  { stop("xy must be a matrix") }
    if(!is.numeric(xy)) { stop("xy must be numeric") }
    if(any(dim(xy) != c(3L, 2L))) { stop("xy must be (3x2)-matrix") }

    d   <- dist(xy)
    dAB <- d[1]
    dAC <- d[2]
    dBC <- d[3]

    ## dAB*dAC should not be 0
    if(isTRUE(all.equal(dAB*dAC, 0, check.attributes=FALSE))) {
        stop("Some edges have zero length")

    Wabc <- (dAB^2 + dBC^2 - dAC^2)
    arc  <- acos(Wabc / (2*dAB*dBC))      # angle in radians
    ang  <- ifelse(deg, arc*180/pi, arc)  # return angle in degree or radians


## checks if the angle at B in triangle ABC is bigger than 90 degrees
isBiggerThan90 <-
function(xy) {
    if(!is.matrix(xy))  { stop("xy must be a matrix") }
    if(!is.numeric(xy)) { stop("xy must be numeric") }
    if(any(dim(xy) != c(3L, 2L))) { stop("xy must be (3x2)-matrix") }

    d   <- dist(xy)
    dAB <- d[1]
    dAC <- d[2]
    dBC <- d[3]
    return((dAB^2 + dBC^2 - dAC^2) < 0)

## minimal enclosing circle
getMinCircle <-
function(xy) {

getMinCircle.data.frame <-
function(xy) {
    xy <- getXYmat(xy, xyTopLeft=FALSE, relPOA=FALSE)

getMinCircle.default <-
function(xy) {
    if(!is.matrix(xy))  { stop("xy must be a matrix") }
    if(!is.numeric(xy)) { stop("xy must be numeric") }
    if(nrow(xy) < 2L)   { stop("There must be at least two points") }
    if(ncol(xy) != 2L)  { stop("xy must have two columns") }

    H    <- chull(xy)      # convex hull indices (vertices ordered clockwise)
    hPts <- xy[H, ]        # points that make up the convex hull

    ## remove collinear points on convex hull, if any
    del <- idCollinear(hPts)
    if(length(del) >= 1L) {
        H    <- H[-del]
        hPts <- hPts[-del, ]

        if(length(H) < 2L) {
            stop("less than 2 points left after removing collinear points on convex hull")

    ## min circle may touch convex hull in only two points
    ## if so, it is centered between the hull points with max distance
    maxPD   <- getMaxPairDist(hPts)
    idx     <- maxPD$idx    # index of points with max distance
    rad     <- maxPD$d / 2  # half the distance -> radius
    rangeXY <- hPts[idx, ]
    ctr     <- rangeXY[1, ] + 0.5 * diff(rangeXY)

    ## check if circle centered between hPts[pt1Idx, ] and hPts[pt2Idx, ]
    ## contains all points (all distances <= rad)
    dst2ctr <- dist(rbind(ctr, hPts[-idx, ]))      # distances to center
    if(all(as.matrix(dst2ctr)[-1, 1] <= rad)) {    # if all <= rad, we're done
        tri <- rbind(hPts[idx, ], ctr)

    ## min circle touches hull in three points - Skyum algorithm
    S <- H                               # copy of hull indices that will be changed
    while(length(S) >= 2L) {
        n    <- length(S)                # number of remaining hull vertices
        Sidx <- seq(along=S)             # index for vertices
        post <- (Sidx %% n) + 1          # next vertex in S
        prev <- Sidx[order(post)]        # previous vertex in S
        mIdx <- getMaxRad(xy, S)         # idx for maximum radius

        ## triangle where mIdx is vertex B in ABC
        Smax <- rbind(xy[S[prev[mIdx]], ],
                      xy[S[mIdx], ],
                      xy[S[post[mIdx]], ])

        ## if there's only two hull vertices, we're done
        if(n <= 2L) { break }

        ## check if angle(ABC) is > 90
        ## if so, eliminate B - if not, we're done
        if(isBiggerThan90(Smax)) { S <- S[-mIdx] } else { break }


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