
Defines functions genclu signed_blockmodel_general signed_blockmodel

Documented in signed_blockmodel signed_blockmodel_general

#' @title Blockmodeling for signed networks
#' @description Finds blocks of nodes with intra-positive and inter-negative edges
#' @param g igraph object with a sign edge attribute.
#' @param k number of blocks
#' @param alpha see details
#' @param annealing logical. if TRUE, use simulated annealing (Default: FALSE)
#' @return numeric vector of block assignments and the associated criterion value
#' @details The function minimizes P(C)=\eqn{\alpha}N+(1-\eqn{\alpha})P,
#' where N is the total number of negative ties within plus-sets and P be the total number of
#' positive ties between plus-sets. This function implements the structural balance model. That is,
#' all diagonal blocks are positive and off-diagonal blocks negative.
#' For the generalized version see [signed_blockmodel_general].
#' @author David Schoch
#' @references
#' Doreian, Patrick and Andrej Mrvar (2009). Partitioning signed social networks. *Social Networks* 31(1) 1-11
#' @examples
#' library(igraph)
#' g <- sample_islands_signed(10, 10, 1, 20)
#' clu <- signed_blockmodel(g, k = 10, alpha = 0.5)
#' table(clu$membership)
#' clu$criterion
#' # Using simulated annealing (less change of getting trapped in local optima)
#' data("tribes")
#' clu <- signed_blockmodel(tribes, k = 3, alpha = 0.5, annealing = TRUE)
#' table(clu$membership)
#' clu$criterion
#' @export

signed_blockmodel <- function(g, k, alpha = 0.5, annealing = FALSE) {
  if (!is_signed(g)) {
    stop("network is not a signed graph")
  if (missing(k)) {
    stop('argument "k" is missing, with no default')
  A <- igraph::get.adjacency(g, "both", "sign", sparse = TRUE)
  if (!annealing) {
    init_cluster <- sample(0:(k - 1), nrow(A), replace = TRUE)
    res <- optimBlocks1(A, init_cluster, k, alpha)
    res$membership <- res$membership + 1
  } else {
    init_cluster <- sample(1:k, nrow(A), replace = TRUE)
    tmp <- stats::optim(
      par = init_cluster, fn = blockCriterion1, A = A, alpha = alpha, k = k, gr = genclu, method = "SANN",
      control = list(
        maxit = 50000, temp = 100, tmax = 500, trace = FALSE,
        REPORT = 5
    tmp <- stats::optim(
      par = tmp$par, fn = blockCriterion1, A = A, alpha = alpha, k = k, gr = genclu, method = "SANN",
      control = list(
        maxit = 5000, temp = 5, tmax = 500, trace = FALSE,
        REPORT = 5

    res <- list(membership = tmp$par, criterion = tmp$value)

#' @title Generalized blockmodeling for signed networks
#' @description Finds blocks of nodes with specified inter/intra group ties
#' @param g igraph object with a sign edge attribute.
#' @param blockmat Integer Matrix. Specifies the inter/intra group patterns of ties
#' @param alpha see details
#' @return numeric vector of block assignments and the associated criterion value
#' @details The function minimizes P(C)=\eqn{\alpha}N+(1-\eqn{\alpha})P,
#' where N is the total number of negative ties within plus-sets and P be the total number of
#' positive ties between plus-sets. This function implements the generalized model. For the structural balance
#' version see [signed_blockmodel].
#' @author David Schoch
#' @references
#' Doreian, Patrick and Andrej Mrvar (2009). Partitioning signed social networks. *Social Networks* 31(1) 1-11
#' @examples
#' library(igraph)
#' # create a signed network with three groups and different inter/intra group ties
#' g1 <- g2 <- g3 <- graph.full(5)
#' V(g1)$name <- as.character(1:5)
#' V(g2)$name <- as.character(6:10)
#' V(g3)$name <- as.character(11:15)
#' g <- Reduce("%u%", list(g1, g2, g3))
#' E(g)$sign <- 1
#' E(g)$sign[1:10] <- -1
#' g <- add.edges(g, c(rbind(1:5, 6:10)), attr = list(sign = -1))
#' g <- add.edges(g, c(rbind(1:5, 11:15)), attr = list(sign = -1))
#' g <- add.edges(g, c(rbind(11:15, 6:10)), attr = list(sign = 1))
#' # specify the link patterns between groups
#' blockmat <- matrix(c(1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1), 3, 3, byrow = TRUE)
#' signed_blockmodel_general(g, blockmat, 0.5)
#' @export

signed_blockmodel_general <- function(g, blockmat, alpha = 0.5) {
  if (!is_signed(g)) {
    stop("network is not a signed graph")
  if (missing(blockmat)) {
    stop('argument "blockmat" is missing, with no default')
  if (!all(blockmat %in% c(-1, 1))) {
    stop('"blockmat" may only contain -1 and 1')
  A <- igraph::get.adjacency(g, "both", "sign", sparse = TRUE)
  init_cluster <- sample(0:(nrow(blockmat) - 1), nrow(A), replace = TRUE)
  res <- optimBlocksSimS(A, init_cluster, blockmat, alpha)
  res$membership <- res$membership + 1

# helper function to create a new solution during simulated annealing
genclu <- function(blocks, A, alpha, k) {
  v <- sample(seq_along(blocks), 1)
  clu <- 1:k
  clu <- clu[-blocks[v]]
  new <- sample(clu, 1)
  blocks[v] <- new

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