#' Plot the results of a simulation
#' `plot()` plots the output of a call to `simBA()`. The plot can contain either the estimated hazard ratios or standardized mean differences across simulations, each in a set of box plots.
#' @param x a `simBA` object; the output of a call to [simBA()].
#' @param type the type of plot to produce; allowable options include `"balance"` (default), `"hr"`, and `"bias"`. Abbreviations allowed. See Details.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to [ggplot2::geom_boxplot()].
#' @returns
#' A `ggplot` object, which can be modified using `ggplot2` syntax.
#' @details
#' The balance plot plots absolute standardized mean differences. Vertical lines are placed at 0 (solid) and .1 (dashed). The hazard ratio (HR) plot plots hazard ratios on a log scale for the x-axis. Vertical lines are placed at 1 (solid) and the true marginal HR (dashed). The bias plot plots the relative error in the HR with a vertical line at 0% (indicating no error).
#' @seealso [simBA()] for performing the simulation.
#' @examples
#' # See help("simBA") for examples.
#' @exportS3Method plot simBA
plot.simBA <- function(x, type = "balance", ...) {
type <- tolower(type)
type <- match_arg(type, c("balance", "hr", "bias"))
adj <- attr(x, "adj")
if (type == "balance") {
bal <-"rbind", lapply(x$sim_out, `[[`, "all_balance_tables"))
proxy_vars <- sort(setdiff(unique(bal$variable), attr(x, "unmeasured_conf")))
new_proxy_vars <- sub("p", "Proxy ", proxy_vars, fixed = TRUE)
## prepare the the SMD table to output
bal$SMD[$SMD)] <- 0
bal$variable <- factor(bal$variable,
levels = c(attr(x, "unmeasured_conf"), rev(proxy_vars)),
labels = c("Unmeasured\nConfounder", rev(new_proxy_vars)))
bal$adjustment <- factor(bal$adjustment, levels = c("crude", "L1", "L2"),
labels = c("Unadjusted",
paste("Level 1", firstup(adj)),
paste("Level 2", firstup(adj))))
bal$scenario <- factor(paste(bal$variable, bal$adjustment),
nmax = nlevels(bal$variable) * nlevels(bal$adjustment ))
p <- ggplot(bal) +
geom_boxplot(aes(x = abs(.data$SMD),
y = .data$variable,
fill = .data$variable),
...) +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0) +
geom_vline(xintercept = .1, linetype = "dashed") +
geom_vline(xintercept = mean(abs(bal$SMD[bal$variable == "Unmeasured\nConfounder" &
bal$adjustment == "Unadjusted"])),
linetype = "dotted") +
facet_grid(~adjustment, switch = "y") +
theme_bw() +
theme(strip.placement = "outside") +
guides(fill = "none") +
labs(x = "Absolute Standardized\nMean Difference", y = NULL)
else if (type == "hr") {
est <-"rbind", lapply(x$sim_out, `[[`, "all_HRs"))
est <- est[est$adjustment != "true",]
est$adjustment <- factor(est$adjustment, levels = c("L2", "L1", "crude"),
labels = c(paste("Level 2", firstup(adj)),
paste("Level 1", firstup(adj)),
p <- ggplot(est) +
geom_boxplot(aes(x = exp(.data$HR),
y = .data$adjustment,
fill = .data$adjustment),
...) +
geom_vline(xintercept = 1) +
geom_vline(xintercept = x$HR_table$HR[x$HR_table$adjustment == "true"],
linetype = "dashed") +
scale_x_log10() +
scale_fill_grey(start = .55, end = .95) +
theme_bw() +
guides(fill = "none") +
labs(x = "Hazard Ratio", y = NULL)
else {
est <-"rbind", lapply(x$sim_out, `[[`, "all_HRs"))
est <- est[est$adjustment != "true",]
true <- x$HR_table$HR[x$HR_table$adjustment == "true"]
est$adjustment <- factor(est$adjustment, levels = c("L2", "L1", "crude"),
labels = c(paste("Level 2", firstup(adj)),
paste("Level 1", firstup(adj)),
p <- ggplot(est) +
geom_boxplot(aes(x = (exp(.data$HR) - true) / true,
y = .data$adjustment,
fill = .data$adjustment),
...) +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0) +
scale_x_continuous(labels = scales::label_percent()) +
scale_fill_grey(start = .55, end = .95) +
theme_bw() +
guides(fill = "none") +
labs(x = "Hazard Ratio Relative Bias", y = NULL)
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