Man pages for simode
Statistical Inference for Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations using Separable Integral-Matching

confint.profile.simodeCalculates confidence intervals for the model parameters
plot.confint.simodePlot confidence intervals for the model parameters
plot.list.simodePlot the fit/estimates of a 'list.simode' object
plot.profile.simodePlot the likelihood profiles for the model parameters
plot.simodePlot the fit/estimates of a 'simode' object
plot_tracePlot optimization trace of a call to 'simode'
print.confint.simodePrint method for 'confint.simode' objects
print.profile.simodePrint method for 'profile.simode' objects
print.simodePrint method for 'simode' objects
print.summary.simodePrint method for 'summary.simode' objects
profile.simodeCalculate likelihood profiles for the model parameters
simodeStatistical inference of ordinary differential equations...
simode.controlClass containing control parameters for a call to 'simode'
sir_exampleExample dataset for a multi-group SIR model
solve_odeOrdinary differential equations solver
solve_ode2Ordinary differential equations solver using a 'simode'...
summary.list.simodeSummary method for 'list.simode' objects
summary.simodeSummary method for 'simode' objects
simode documentation built on July 1, 2020, 10:30 p.m.