
Defines functions `%:::%` tanx merge_text

Documented in tanx

merge_text <-
  function(sinxs.data = NULL,
           method = c('console', 'vig')) {
    method <- match.arg(method)
    if (is.null(sinxs.data)) {
      sinxs.data <- read.sinxs(lib = 'sinxs')
    sinxs.data$quote <- gsub('\\\\n', '\n',  sinxs.data$quote)

    os <- Sys.info()['sysname']
    if (os == 'Windows') {
      old_loc <- Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE")
      on.exit(Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", old_loc))
      Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", "Chinese")
    n <- nrow(sinxs.data)
    sinxs.data$n <- 1:n

    sinxs.data$context <- ifelse(sinxs.data$context != '',
                                 paste0(' (', sinxs.data$context, ')'),
    sinxs.data$source <- ifelse(sinxs.data$source != '',
                                paste0(', ', sinxs.data$source),
    sinxs.data$date <- ifelse(sinxs.data$date != '',
                              paste0(', ', sinxs.data$date),
    if (method == 'vig') {
      sinxs.data$sep <-
        apply(sinxs.data[, c('author', 'context', 'source', 'date')], 1, function(x)
          ifelse(any(unlist(x) != ''), '\n\n--- ', ''))
      sinxs.data$vig <-
          paste0('### ', sinxs.data$n),
          sep = '\n\n'
    if (method == 'console') {
      sinxs.data$sep <-
        apply(sinxs.data[, c('author', 'context', 'source', 'date')], 1, function(x)
          ifelse(any(unlist(x) != ''), '\n--- ', ''))
      sinxs.data$vig <-
          sep = '\n'

#' TAlked by SiNo Xmen's Pets
#' @import cowsay
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @import crayon
#' @import multicolor
#' @import rmsfact
#' @export
#' @param what (character) What do you want to say? See details.
#' @param by (character) Type of thing, one of cow, chicken, poop, cat, facecat,
#' bigcat, longcat, shortcat, behindcat, longtailcat, anxiouscat, grumpycat,
#' smallcat, ant, pumpkin, ghost, spider, rabbit, pig, snowman, frog, hypnotoad,
#' signbunny, stretchycat, fish, trilobite, shark, buffalo, clippy, mushroom,
#' monkey, egret, or rms for Richard Stallman.
#' Alternatively, use "random" to have your message spoken by a random
#' character.
#' We use \code{\link{match.arg}} internally, so you can use unique parts of
#' words that don't conflict with others, like "g" for "ghost" because there's
#' no other animal that starts with "g".
#' @param type (character) One of message (default), warning, or string
#' (returns string). If multiple colors are supplied to \code{what_color} or
#' \code{by_color}, type cannot be warning. (This is a limitation of the \href{https://github.com/aedobbyn/multicolor}{multicolor} packcage :/.)
#' @param what_color (character or crayon function) One or more
#' \href{https://github.com/r-lib/crayon#256-colors}{\code{crayon}}-suported text color(s)
#' or \href{https://github.com/r-lib/crayon#styles}{\code{crayon style function}} to color
#'  \code{what}. You might try \code{colors()} or \code{?rgb} for ideas.
#' Use "rainbow" for c("red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "purple").
#' @param by_color (character or crayon function) One or more
#' \href{https://github.com/r-lib/crayon#256-colors}{\code{crayon}}-suported text color(s)
#' or \href{https://github.com/r-lib/crayon#styles}{\code{crayon style function}} to color
#'  \code{who}.
#'  Use "rainbow" for c("red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "purple").
#' @param length (integer) Length of longcat. Ignored if other animals used.
#' @param which An integer specifying the row number of sinxs.data.
#' Alternatively which can be a character and grep is used to try to find a
#' suitable row.
#' @param sinxs.data data frame containing a saying in each row. By default the data from the 'sinx' package are used.
#' @param ... Further args passed on to \code{\link[sinx]{sinx}}
#' @details You can put in any phrase you like, OR you can type in one of a few
#' special phrases that do particular things. They are:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item catfact A random cat fact from https://catfact.ninja
#'  \item fortune A random quote from an R coder, from fortunes library
#'  \item time Print the current time
#'  \item rms Prints a random 'fact' about Richard Stallman from the
#'  \code{\link[rmsfact]{rmsfact}}
#'  package. Best paired with \code{by = "rms"}.
#' }
#' Note that if you choose \code{by='hypnotoad'} the quote is forced to be,
#' as you could imagine, 'All Glory to the HYPNO TOAD!'. For reference see
#' http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/hypnotoad
#' Signbunny: It's not for sure known who invented signbunny, but this article
#' http://www.vox.com/2014/9/18/6331753/sign-bunny-meme-explained thinks
#' they found the first use in this tweet:
#' https://twitter.com/wei_bluebear/status/329101645780770817
#' Trilobite: from http://www.retrojunkie.com/asciiart/animals/dinos.htm (site
#' down though)
#' Note to Windows users: there are some animals (shortcat, longcat, fish,
#' signbunny, stretchycat, anxiouscat, longtailcat, grumpycat, mushroom) that
#' are not available because they use non-ASCII characters that don't display
#' properly in R on Windows.
#' @examples
#' tanx()
#' for(i in 1:4) tanx(i)
#' path_f <- system.file("fortunes/fortunes.csv", package = "fortunes")
#' path_s <- system.file("sinxs/sinxs.csv", package = "sinx")
#' ftns <- sinx::read.sinxs(c(path_f, path_s), sep = c(';', ','))
#' sinx::tanx(sinxs.data = ftns)
#' jinyong <- read.sinxs(lib = 'jinyong')
#' tanx(sinxs.data = jinyong)
#'libs <- read.sinxs(lib = c("tangshi", "songshi", "chinese", "yangsheng", "english","jinyong"))
#'tanx(42, sinxs.data = libs)
tanx <-
  function(which = NULL,
           sinxs.data = NULL,
           what = "Hello world!",
           by = "random",
           type = "message",
           what_color = 'steelblue3',
           by_color = NULL,
           length = 18,
           ...) {
    check_color <-  'cowsay'%:::%'check_color'
    check4pkg <- 'cowsay'%:::%'check4pkg'
    get_who <- 'cowsay'%:::%'get_who'
    os <- Sys.info()['sysname']
    if (os == 'Windows') {
      old_loc <- Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE")
      on.exit(Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", old_loc))
      Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", "Chinese")

    if (length(what) > 1) {
      stop("what has to be of length 1", call. = FALSE)

    if (crayon::has_color() == FALSE) {
      message("Colors cannot be applied in this environment :( Try using a terminal or RStudio.")
      what_color <- NULL
      by_color <- NULL
    } else {
      what_color <- check_color(what_color)
      by_color <- check_color(by_color)

    if (crayon::has_color() == FALSE &&
        (!is.null(what_color) || !is.null(by_color))) {
      message("Colors cannot be applied in this environment :( Try using a terminal or RStudio.")
      what_color <- NULL
      by_color <- NULL
    } else {
      what_color <- check_color(what_color)
      by_color <- check_color(by_color)

    if (what == "catfact") {
      what <-
      by <- 'cat'

    who <- get_who(by, length = length)

    # if (!is.null(fortune))
    what <- "fortune"

    if (what == "time")
      what <- as.character(Sys.time())
    if (what == "fortune") {
      f <- merge_text(sinxs.data = sinxs.data, method = 'console')
      if (is.null(which))
        which <- sample(1:nrow(f), 1)
      what <- f$vig[which]
      what <-
        what[!is.na(what)] # remove missing pieces (e.g. "context")
      what <-
        gsub("\\\\n", "\n", paste(as.character(what), collapse = "\n "))

    if (by == "hypnotoad" && what == "Hello world!") {
      what <- "All Glory to the HYPNO TOAD!"

    if (what == "rms") {
      what <- rmsfact::rmsfact()

    if (what %in% c(
    )) {
      what <-

    what_pos_start <-
      regexpr('%s', who)[1] - 1

    what_pos_end <- what_pos_start + 3

    color_text <- function(txt, c) {
      if (is.null(c)) {
        out <- txt
      } else if (!is.null(c) && inherits(c, "crayon")) {
        out <- c(txt)
      } else if (!is.null(c) && is.character(c)) {
        if (length(c) <= 1) {
          c <- crayon::make_style(c)
          out <- c(txt)
        } else if (length(c) >= 1) {
          out <- multicolor::multi_color(txt, c,
                                         type = "string")

    # TODO: when multicolor doesn't color every character individually, this should be possible
    # and we can get rid of what_pos_start and what_pos_end
    # what <- color_text(what, what_color)
    # who <- color_text(who, by_color)
    # out <- sprintf(who, what)

    # switch(type,
    #        message = message(sprintf(who, what)),
    #        warning = warning(sprintf(who, what)),
    #        string = sprintf(who, what))

    out <- paste0(
      color_text(substr(who, 1, what_pos_start),
      color_text(substr(who, what_pos_end, nchar(who)),

    if (type == "warning") {
      if (nchar(out) < 100) {
        wl <- 100
      } else if (nchar(out) > 8170) {
        wl <- 8170
      } else {
        wl <- nchar(out) + 1
      warn_op <- options(warning.length = wl)

           message = message(out),
           warning = warning(out),
           string = out)

`%:::%` = function(pkg, fun) get(fun, envir = asNamespace(pkg),
                                 inherits = FALSE)

Try the sinx package in your browser

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sinx documentation built on July 1, 2020, 10:31 p.m.