
Defines functions md_pattern_rcpp md.pattern.sirt

Documented in md.pattern.sirt

## File Name: md.pattern.sirt.R
## File Version: 0.121

#----- Function for analyzing response patterns
md.pattern.sirt <- function(dat)
    dat <- as.matrix(dat)
    if ( ncol(dat)>1000 ){
        stop('Function only works for datasets with fewer than 1000 variables!\n')
    res <- md_pattern_rcpp( dat_=dat )
    rp_unique <- unique(res$unique_resp_patt)
    res$unique_resp_patt <- match( res$unique_resp_patt, rp_unique )
    res$resp_patt <- match( res$resp_patt, rp_unique )
    res$dat.ordered <- res$dat[ order( res$resp_patt ), ]

#----- calling the Rcpp function
md_pattern_rcpp <- function(dat_){
    md_pattern_csource( dat_ )

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sirt documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:43 a.m.