
Defines functions testlet.marginalized

Documented in testlet.marginalized

## File Name: testlet.marginalized.R
## File Version: 0.164

testlet.marginalized <- function( tam.fa.obj=NULL, a1=NULL, d1=NULL, testlet=NULL,
    a.testlet=NULL, var.testlet=NULL)
    if ( ! is.null(a1) ){
        itemlabel <- rep(1:length(a1))
    if (! is.null(tam.fa.obj) ){
        mod1 <- tam.fa.obj
        a1 <- mod1$B[,2,1]
        d1 <- mod1$AXsi_[,2]
        testlets <- apply( mod1$B[,2,-1], 1, FUN=function(zz){
            l1 <- which(zz > 0 )
            if (length(l1)==0 ){ l1 <- NA }
        a.testlet <- mod1$B[, 2,  - 1]
        a.testlet <- a.testlet[ cbind( seq(1,length(testlets) ), testlets ) ]
        var.testlet <- diag( mod1$variance )[-1]
        testlet <- testlets
        itemlabel <- colnames(mod1$resp)
    # compute marginalized item intercepts and item slopes
    k <- 16*sqrt(3)/( 15*pi )     # multiplication constant
            # 1 / k=1.700
    # compute lambda_logit
    multfac <- 1 - is.na(testlet)
    testlet1 <- testlet
    testlet1[ is.na(testlet1) ] <- 1
    a.testlet[ is.na(testlet) ] <- 0
    lambda.logit <- 1 / sqrt( 1 + k^2 * multfac * a.testlet[ testlet1 ]^2 *
                                    var.testlet[ testlet1 ] )
    # compute item parameters
    dfr <- data.frame('item'=itemlabel )
    dfr$testlet <- testlet
    dfr$a1 <- a1
    dfr$d1 <- d1
    dfr$a.testlet <- a.testlet
    dfr$var.testlet <- var.testlet[ testlet ]
    # marginal parameters
    dfr$a1_marg <- dfr$a1 * lambda.logit
    dfr$d1_marg <- dfr$d1 * lambda.logit
    #--- output

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