poly-class: Class '"poly"'

Description Slots Objects from the Class Methods


An S4 class container for a polynomial description.



List of length equal to the number of monomials. Each component is a vector of length equal to the polynomial degree. It contains the numbers of the variables in the monomial.


Matrix with as many rows as monomials and as many columns as X-inputs. The element (i,j) is 1 when the variable j is in the monomial, 0 otherwise.

Objects from the Class

Objects from this class are usually not intended to be accessed directly by the end-user.


summary, print, or show: display functions. print has an optional argument, all=FALSE. When it is set to TRUE, all the monomes are displayed. Otherwise, only the polynomial degree, the number of monomials and the number of variables.

sivipm documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:41 a.m.