
Defines functions modeltime_multiforecast

Documented in modeltime_multiforecast

#' @title Forecasting of multiple models over multiple time series
#' @description allows forecasting on multiple time series from multiple fitted models.
#' @details this function takes the 'table_time' object generated with the `modeltime_multifit()` function,
#'          the `modeltime_forecast()` from the package 'modeltime' is applied to each model for each series. 
#' @param models_table 'table_time' tibble generated with the `modeltime_multifit()` function.
#' @param .h prediction horizon of the `modeltime_forecast()` function.
#' @param .prop time series split partition ratio. If "h" is specified, this function predicts on the testing partition. 
#' @return 'models_table' tibble with a new column called 'nested_forecast' where the predictions are stored.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Data
#' data_serie <- sknifedatar::table_time
#' # Forecast
#' sknifedatar::modeltime_multiforecast(data_serie$table_time, .prop=0.8)
modeltime_multiforecast <- function(models_table,
                                    .h = NULL,
                                    .prop = NULL) {

  models_table %>%
      nested_forecast = purrr::pmap(list(.data$calibration, .data$nested_column),
                                    function(x = .data$calibration, y = .data$nested_column){
                                      x %>% modeltime::modeltime_forecast(
                                        new_data = if (is.null(.h)) {
                                          rsample::initial_time_split(y, prop = .prop) %>% rsample::testing()
                                          } else {NULL},
                                        h = .h,
                                        actual_data = y) %>%
                                          .model_details = .data$.model_desc,
                                          .model_desc = gsub("[[:punct:][:digit:][:cntrl:]]","", .data$.model_desc)

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sknifedatar documentation built on June 1, 2021, 9:08 a.m.