
Defines functions modeltime_wfs_fit

Documented in modeltime_wfs_fit

#' @title Modeltime workflowsets fit
#' @description allows working with workflow sets and modeltime. Combination of recipes and models are trained and
#'              evaluation metrics are returned.
#' @details Given a workflow_set containing multiple time series recipes and models, adjusts all the possible combinations 
#'          on a time series. It uses a split proportion in order to train on a time series partition and evaluate metrics
#'          on the testing partition.
#' @seealso \href{https://rafzamb.github.io/sknifedatar/}{sknifedatar website}
#' @param .wfsets  workflow_set object, generated with the `workflow_set()` function from the 'workflowsets' package.
#' @param .split_prop time series split proportion.
#' @param .serie time series dataframe.
#' @return tbl_df containing the model id (based on workflow_set), model description and metrics on the time 
#'         series testing dataframe. Also, a .fit_model column is included, which contains each fitted model. 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(earth)
#' data <- sknifedatar::data_avellaneda %>% mutate(date=as.Date(date)) %>% filter(date<'2012-06-01')
#' recipe_date <- recipes::recipe(value ~ ., data = data) %>% 
#'   recipes::step_date(date, features = c('dow','doy','week','month','year')) 
#' mars <- parsnip::mars(mode = 'regression') %>% parsnip::set_engine('earth')
#' wfsets <- workflowsets::workflow_set(
#'   preproc = list(
#'     R_date = recipe_date),
#'   models  = list(M_mars = mars),
#'   cross   = TRUE)
#' sknifedatar::modeltime_wfs_fit(.wfsets = wfsets, 
#'                                .split_prop = 0.8, 
#'                                .serie = data)
modeltime_wfs_fit <- function(.wfsets, .split_prop, .serie) {
  list_models <- .wfsets %>% split(.$wflow_id)
  n <- length(list_models)
  pb <- dplyr::progress_estimated(n = n)
  # Fit models in splits
  table_wfsets <-
               function(.wf = list_models, .splits = rsample::initial_time_split(.serie, prop = .split_prop)) {
                 cli::cli_h3(paste0('MODEL: ', .wf %>% dplyr::pull(wflow_id)))
                 # If model can't be mapped with certain recipe: error. Ignore this:
                   # Get workflow, fit and convert to modeltime_table
                   .model <- .wf %>%
                     dplyr::pull(2) %>%
                     purrr::pluck(1, 'workflow', 1) %>%
                     parsnip::fit(.splits %>% rsample::training()) %>%
                   cli::cli_alert_success('Training finished OK.')
                   # Generate modeltime_accuracy metrics
                   .models_table <- .model %>%
                     modeltime::modeltime_accuracy(new_data = .splits %>% rsample::testing())
                   # Include a column with the fitted model
                   .models_table <- .models_table %>%
                     dplyr::mutate(.fit_model = list(.model))
                 }, error = function(x) {
                     "Warninng: the model raised an error,it will be ignored \n", x))
  # Convert lists to table:
  table_wfsets <- dplyr::bind_rows(table_wfsets, .id = ".model_id")
  cli::cli_h1(paste0(nrow(table_wfsets), ' models fitted ', cli::symbol$heart))
  cli::cli_h2(paste0(length(list_models) - nrow(table_wfsets),' models deleted ', cli::symbol$cross))

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sknifedatar documentation built on June 1, 2021, 9:08 a.m.