#' Fit a workflow_set object over multiple time series
#' @description allows a workflow_set object to be fitted over multiple time series, using models
#' from the 'modeltime' package.
#' @param serie nested time series.
#' @param .prop series train/test partition ratio.
#' @param .wfs worklows_set object.
#' @return A list of 2 items. The first component is a tibble with a first column that contains the
#' name of the series, and a second column called 'nested_column' that stores the time series,
#' then a column for each workflow for each series are stored.
#' The last 2 columns, 'nested_model' and 'calibration', store the 'n' trained workflows for each
#' series and the adjustment metrics on the test partition.
#' The second element is a tibble saved with the name of 'models_accuracy', it allows to visualize
#' the performance of each workflow for each series according to a set of metrics.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(earth)
#' df <- sknifedatar::emae_series
#' datex <- '2020-02-01'
#' df_emae <- df %>%
#' dplyr::filter(date <= datex) %>%
#' tidyr::nest(nested_column=-sector) %>%
#' head(2)
#' receta_base <- recipes::recipe(value ~ ., data = df %>% select(-sector))
#' mars <- parsnip::mars(mode = 'regression') %>% parsnip::set_engine('earth')
#' wfsets <- workflowsets::workflow_set(
#' preproc = list(
#' R_date = receta_base),
#' models = list(M_mars = mars),
#' cross = TRUE)
#' sknifedatar::modeltime_wfs_multifit(.wfs = wfsets,
#' .prop = 0.8,
#' serie = df_emae)
modeltime_wfs_multifit <- function(serie, .prop, .wfs){
# Function fit
nest_fit <- function(serie, model, .proportion = .prop){
if (tune::is_workflow(model) == TRUE) {
nest_fit_out <- model %>%
parsnip::fit(data = rsample::training(rsample::initial_time_split(serie, prop = .proportion)))
cli::cli_alert_success('Workflow training finished OK.')
}, error = function(x){
cli::cli_alert_warning(paste0("Warninng: the workflow raised an error,it will be ignored \n",x))
else {
model %>%
parsnip::fit(value ~ date, data = rsample::training(rsample::initial_time_split(serie, prop = .proportion)))
cli::cli_alert_success('Model training finished OK.')
}, error = function(x){
cli::cli_alert_warning(paste0("Warninng: the model raised an error,it will be ignored \n",x))
# Naming of multiple arguments
list_wfs <- .wfs %>% split(.wfs$wflow_id)
list_model <- purrr::map(list_wfs, ~ .x %>% pull(2) %>% purrr::pluck(1, 'workflow', 1))
nombres <- names(list_model)
# Multiple setting function
models_fits <- mapply(function(modelo, name_model, prop){
tabla <- serie %>%
dplyr::mutate("{name_model}" := purrr::map(nested_column,
~ nest_fit(serie = .x ,
model = modelo,
.proportion = prop))) %>%
},list_model, nombres, prop = .prop, SIMPLIFY = F)
time_data <- dplyr::bind_cols(serie, models_fits)
# Validation models NULL
validation_col <- purrr::map(time_data,
function(x) purrr::map(x, is.null) %>% unlist() %>% any()) %>% unlist() %>% which() %>% unname()
if(!length(validation_col) == 0) time_data <- time_data[,-validation_col]
# Table of modeltime_table
# Capture the expression list(model_1, model_2, model_3,....)
number_models_fit <-length(3:ncol(time_data))
exp1 <- colnames(time_data)[3:ncol(time_data)]
exp2 <- paste("list(",paste(exp1, collapse = ","),")")
exp3 <- parse(text = exp2)
# New column with all models per series
table_time <- time_data %>%
dplyr::mutate(nested_model = purrr::pmap(eval(exp3), .f = function(...) {modeltime::modeltime_table(...)})) %>%
dplyr::mutate(calibration = purrr::pmap(list(nested_model, nested_column), function(x = nested_model, y = nested_column) {
x %>%
modeltime::modeltime_calibrate(new_data = rsample::testing(rsample::initial_time_split(y, prop = .prop)))
# Name the items in the calibration list
# Metrics of models
models_accuracy <- mapply(function(calibracion, name_ts) {
calibracion %>%
modeltime::modeltime_accuracy() %>%
dplyr::mutate(name_serie = name_ts) %>%
}, table_time$calibration, table_time[[1]], SIMPLIFY = F) %>% dplyr::bind_rows()
cnames <- colnames(table_time)
model_names <- cnames[3:(which(cnames == "nested_model") - 1)]
n_series <- models_accuracy$name_serie %>% unique() %>% length()
model_names <- rep(x = model_names, times = n_series)
models_accuracy <- models_accuracy %>%
dplyr::mutate(.model_names = model_names) %>%
dplyr::relocate(.model_names, .after = .model_id )
# Number models fit and drop
cli::cli_h1(paste0(number_models_fit,' models fitted ',cli::symbol$heart))
cli::cli_h2(paste0(nrow(.wfs) - number_models_fit,' models deleted ',cli::symbol$cross))
return(list(table_time = table_time,
models_accuracy = models_accuracy)
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