
Defines functions slide_index_impl slide_index_dfc slide_index_dfr slide_index_chr slide_index_lgl slide_index_int slide_index_dbl slide_index_vec_direct slide_index_vec slide_index

Documented in slide_index slide_index_chr slide_index_dbl slide_index_dfc slide_index_dfr slide_index_int slide_index_lgl slide_index_vec

#' Slide relative to an index
#' @description
#' `slide_index()` is similar to `slide()`, but allows a secondary `.i`-ndex
#' vector to be provided.
#' This is often useful in business calculations, when
#' you want to compute a rolling computation looking "3 months back", which
#' is approximately but not equivalent to, 3 * 30 days. `slide_index()` allows
#' for these irregular window sizes.
#' @inheritParams slide
#' @param .i `[vector]`
#'   The index vector that determines the window sizes. It is fairly common to
#'   supply a date vector as the index, but not required.
#'   There are 3 restrictions on the index:
#'   - The size of the index must match the size of `.x`, they will not be
#'     recycled to their common size.
#'   - The index must be an _increasing_ vector, but duplicate values
#'     are allowed.
#'   - The index cannot have missing values.
#' @template param-before-after-slide-index
#' @return
#' A vector fulfilling the following invariants:
#' \subsection{`slide_index()`}{
#'  * `vec_size(slide_index(.x)) == vec_size(.x)`
#'  * `vec_ptype(slide_index(.x)) == list()`
#' }
#' \subsection{`slide_index_vec()` and `slide_index_*()` variants}{
#'  * `vec_size(slide_index_vec(.x)) == vec_size(.x)`
#'  * `vec_size(slide_index_vec(.x)[[1]]) == 1L`
#'  * `vec_ptype(slide_index_vec(.x, .ptype = ptype)) == ptype`
#' }
#' @examples
#' library(lubridate)
#' x <- 1:5
#' # In some cases, sliding over `x` with a strict window size of 2
#' # will fit your use case.
#' slide(x, ~.x, .before = 1)
#' # However, if this `i` is a date vector paired with `x`, when computing
#' # rolling calculations you might want to iterate over `x` while
#' # respecting the fact that `i` is an irregular sequence.
#' i <- as.Date("2019-08-15") + c(0:1, 4, 6, 7)
#' # For example, a "2 day" window should not pair `"2019-08-19"` and
#' # `"2019-08-21"` together, even though they are next to each other in `x`.
#' # `slide_index()` computes the lookback value from the current date in `.i`,
#' # meaning that if you are currently on `"2019-08-21"` and look back 1 day,
#' # it will correctly not include `"2019-08-19"`.
#' slide_index(i, i, ~.x, .before = 1)
#' # We could have equivalently used a lubridate period object for this as well,
#' # since `i - lubridate::days(1)` is allowed
#' slide_index(i, i, ~.x, .before = lubridate::days(1))
#' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Functions for `.before` and `.after`
#' # In some cases, it might not be appropriate to compute
#' # `.i - .before` or `.i + .after`, either because there isn't a `-` or `+`
#' # method defined, or because there is an alternative way to perform the
#' # arithmetic. For example, subtracting 1 month with `- months(1)` (using
#' # lubridate) can sometimes land you on an invalid date that doesn't exist.
#' i <- as.Date(c("2019-01-31", "2019-02-28", "2019-03-31"))
#' # 2019-03-31 - months(1) = 2019-02-31, which doesn't exist
#' i - months(1)
#' # These NAs create problems with `slide_index()`, which doesn't allow
#' # missing values in the computed endpoints
#' try(slide_index(i, i, identity, .before = months(1)))
#' # In these cases, it is more appropriate to use `%m-%`,
#' # which will snap to the end of the month, at least giving you something
#' # to work with.
#' i %m-% months(1)
#' # To use this as your `.before` or `.after`, supply an anonymous function of
#' # 1 argument that performs the computation
#' slide_index(i, i, identity, .before = ~.x %m-% months(1))
#' # Notice that in the `.after` case, `2019-02-28 %m+% months(1)` doesn't
#' # capture the end of March, so it isn't included in the 2nd result
#' slide_index(i, i, identity, .after = ~.x %m+% months(1))
#' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # When `.i` has repeated values, they are always grouped together.
#' i <- c(2017, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2020)
#' slide_index(i, i, ~.x)
#' slide_index(i, i, ~.x, .after = 1)
#' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Rolling regressions
#' # Rolling regressions are easy with `slide_index()` because:
#' # - Data frame `.x` values are iterated over rowwise
#' # - The index is respected by using `.i`
#' set.seed(123)
#' df <- data.frame(
#'   y = rnorm(100),
#'   x = rnorm(100),
#'   i = as.Date("2019-08-15") + c(0, 2, 4, 6:102) # <- irregular
#' )
#' # 20 day rolling regression. Current day + 19 days back.
#' # Additionally, set `.complete = TRUE` to not compute partial results.
#' regr <- slide_index(df, df$i, ~lm(y ~ x, .x), .before = 19, .complete = TRUE)
#' regr[16:18]
#' # The first 16 slots are NULL because there is no possible way to
#' # look back 19 days from the 16th index position and construct a full
#' # window. But on the 17th index position, `""2019-09-03"`, if we look
#' # back 19 days we get to `""2019-08-15"`, which is the same value as
#' # `i[1]` so a full window can be constructed.
#' df$i[16] - 19 >= df$i[1] # FALSE
#' df$i[17] - 19 >= df$i[1] # TRUE
#' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Accessing the current index value
#' # A very simplistic version of `purrr::map2()`
#' fake_map2 <- function(.x, .y, .f, ...) {
#'   Map(.f, .x, .y, ...)
#' }
#' # Occasionally you need to access the index value that you are currently on.
#' # This is generally not possible with a single call to `slide_index()`, but
#' # can be easily accomplished by following up a `slide_index()` call with a
#' # `purrr::map2()`. In this example, we want to use the distance from the
#' # current index value (in days) as a multiplier on `x`. Values further
#' # away from the current date get a higher multiplier.
#' set.seed(123)
#' # 25 random days past 2000-01-01
#' i <- sort(as.Date("2000-01-01") + sample(100, 25))
#' df <- data.frame(i = i, x = rnorm(25))
#' weight_by_distance <- function(df, i) {
#'   df$weight = abs(as.integer(df$i - i))
#'   df$x_weighted = df$x * df$weight
#'   df
#' }
#' # Use `slide_index()` to just generate the rolling data.
#' # Here we take the current date + 5 days before + 5 days after.
#' dfs <- slide_index(df, df$i, ~.x, .before = 5, .after = 5)
#' # Follow up with a `map2()` with `i` as the second input.
#' # This allows you to track the current `i` value and weight accordingly.
#' result <- fake_map2(dfs, df$i, weight_by_distance)
#' head(result)
#' @seealso [slide()], [hop_index()], [slide_index2()]
#' @export
slide_index <- function(.x,
                        .before = 0L,
                        .after = 0L,
                        .complete = FALSE) {
    .before = .before,
    .after = .after,
    .complete = .complete,
    .ptype = list(),
    .constrain = FALSE,
    .atomic = FALSE

#' @rdname slide_index
#' @export
slide_index_vec <- function(.x,
                            .before = 0L,
                            .after = 0L,
                            .complete = FALSE,
                            .ptype = NULL) {
  out <- slide_index_impl(
    .before = .before,
    .after = .after,
    .complete = .complete,
    .ptype = list(),
    .constrain = FALSE,
    .atomic = TRUE

  vec_simplify(out, .ptype)

slide_index_vec_direct <- function(.x,
                                   .slider_error_call = caller_env()) {
    .before = .before,
    .after = .after,
    .complete = .complete,
    .ptype = .ptype,
    .constrain = TRUE,
    .atomic = TRUE,
    .slider_error_call = .slider_error_call

#' @rdname slide_index
#' @export
slide_index_dbl <- function(.x,
                            .before = 0L,
                            .after = 0L,
                            .complete = FALSE) {
    .before = .before,
    .after = .after,
    .complete = .complete,
    .ptype = double()

#' @rdname slide_index
#' @export
slide_index_int <- function(.x,
                            .before = 0L,
                            .after = 0L,
                            .complete = FALSE) {
    .before = .before,
    .after = .after,
    .complete = .complete,
    .ptype = integer()

#' @rdname slide_index
#' @export
slide_index_lgl <- function(.x,
                            .before = 0L,
                            .after = 0L,
                            .complete = FALSE) {
    .before = .before,
    .after = .after,
    .complete = .complete,
    .ptype = logical()

#' @rdname slide_index
#' @export
slide_index_chr <- function(.x,
                            .before = 0L,
                            .after = 0L,
                            .complete = FALSE) {
    .before = .before,
    .after = .after,
    .complete = .complete,
    .ptype = character()

#' @inheritParams vctrs::vec_rbind
#' @rdname slide_index
#' @export
slide_index_dfr <- function(.x,
                            .before = 0L,
                            .after = 0L,
                            .complete = FALSE,
                            .names_to = rlang::zap(),
                            .name_repair = c("unique", "universal", "check_unique")) {
  out <- slide_index(
    .before = .before,
    .after = .after,
    .complete = .complete

  vec_rbind(!!!out, .names_to = .names_to, .name_repair = .name_repair)

#' @inheritParams vctrs::vec_cbind
#' @rdname slide_index
#' @export
slide_index_dfc <- function(.x,
                            .before = 0L,
                            .after = 0L,
                            .complete = FALSE,
                            .size = NULL,
                            .name_repair = c("unique", "universal", "check_unique", "minimal")) {
  out <- slide_index(
    .before = .before,
    .after = .after,
    .complete = .complete

  vec_cbind(!!!out, .size = .size, .name_repair = .name_repair)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

slide_index_impl <- function(.x,
                             .slider_error_call = caller_env()) {
  vec_assert(.x, call = .slider_error_call)

  .f <- as_function(.f, call = .slider_error_call)

  f_call <- expr(.f(.x, ...))

  type <- -1L

    x = .x,
    i = .i,
    f_call = f_call,
    before = .before,
    after = .after,
    complete = .complete,
    ptype = .ptype,
    constrain = .constrain,
    atomic = .atomic,
    env = environment(),
    type = type,
    slider_error_call = .slider_error_call

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slider documentation built on Oct. 12, 2023, 5:11 p.m.