
Defines functions slide_impl slide_dfc slide_dfr slide_chr slide_lgl slide_int slide_dbl slide_vec_direct slide_vec slide

Documented in slide slide_chr slide_dbl slide_dfc slide_dfr slide_int slide_lgl slide_vec

#' Slide
#' `slide()` iterates through `.x` using a sliding window, applying `.f` to each
#' sub-window of `.x`.
#' @param .x `[vector]`
#'   The vector to iterate over and apply `.f` to.
#' @param .f `[function / formula]`
#'   If a __function__, it is used as is.
#'   If a __formula__, e.g. `~ .x + 2`, it is converted to a function. There
#'   are three ways to refer to the arguments:
#'   * For a single argument function, use `.`
#'   * For a two argument function, use `.x` and `.y`
#'   * For more arguments, use `..1`, `..2`, `..3` etc
#'   This syntax allows you to create very compact anonymous functions.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed on to the mapped function.
#' @param .step `[positive integer(1)]`
#'   The number of elements to shift the window forward between function calls.
#' @param .complete `[logical(1)]`
#'   Should the function be evaluated on complete windows only? If `FALSE`,
#'   the default, then partial computations will be allowed.
#' @param .ptype `[vector(0) / NULL]`
#'   A prototype corresponding to the type of the output.
#'   If `NULL`, the default, the output type is determined by computing the
#'   common type across the results of the calls to `.f`.
#'   If supplied, the result of each call to `.f` will be cast to that type,
#'   and the final output will have that type.
#'   If `getOption("vctrs.no_guessing")` is `TRUE`, the `.ptype` must be
#'   supplied. This is a way to make production code demand fixed types.
#' @template param-before-after-slide
#' @details
#' Unlike `lapply()` or `purrr::map()`, which construct calls like
#' ```
#' .f(.x[[i]], ...)
#' ```
#' the equivalent with `slide()` looks like
#' ```
#' .f(vctrs::vec_slice(.x, i), ...)
#' ```
#' which is approximately
#' ```
#' .f(.x[i], ...)
#' ```
#' except in the case of data frames or arrays, which are iterated
#' over row-wise.
#' If `.x` has names, then the output will preserve those names.
#' Using [vctrs::vec_cast()], the output of `.f` will be automatically cast
#' to the type required by the variant of `slide_*()` being used.
#' @return
#' A vector fulfilling the following invariants:
#' \subsection{`slide()`}{
#'  * `vec_size(slide(.x)) == vec_size(.x)`
#'  * `vec_ptype(slide(.x)) == list()`
#' }
#' \subsection{`slide_vec()` and `slide_*()` variants}{
#'  * `vec_size(slide_vec(.x)) == vec_size(.x)`
#'  * `vec_size(slide_vec(.x)[[1]]) == 1L`
#'  * `vec_ptype(slide_vec(.x, .ptype = ptype)) == ptype`
#' }
#' @examples
#' # The defaults work similarly to `map()`
#' slide(1:5, ~.x)
#' # Use `.before`, `.after`, and `.step` to control the window
#' slide(1:5, ~.x, .before = 1)
#' # This can be used for rolling means
#' slide_dbl(rnorm(5), mean, .before = 2)
#' # Or more flexible rolling operations
#' slide(rnorm(5), ~ .x - mean(.x), .before = 2)
#' # `.after` allows you to "align to the left" rather than the right
#' slide(1:5, ~.x, .after = 2)
#' # And a mixture of `.before` and `.after`
#' # allows you complete control over the exact alignment.
#' # Below, "center alignment" is used.
#' slide(1:5, ~.x, .before = 1, .after = 1)
#' # The `.step` controls how the window is shifted along `.x`,
#' # allowing you to "skip" iterations if you only need a less granular result
#' slide(1:10, ~.x, .before = 2, .step = 3)
#' # `.complete` controls whether or not partial results are computed.
#' # By default, they are, but setting `.complete = TRUE` restricts
#' # `slide()` to only evaluate the function where a complete window exists.
#' slide(1:5, ~.x, .before = 2, .after = 1)
#' slide(1:5, ~.x, .before = 2, .after = 1, .complete = TRUE)
#' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Data frames
#' # Data frames are iterated over rowwise
#' mtcars_rowwise <- slide(mtcars, ~.x)
#' mtcars_rowwise[1:3]
#' # This means that any column name is easily accessible
#' slide_dbl(mtcars, ~.x$mpg + .x$cyl)
#' # More advanced rowwise iteration is available as well by using the
#' # other arguments
#' mtcars_rowwise_window <- slide(mtcars, ~.x, .before = 1, .after = 1)
#' mtcars_rowwise_window[1:3]
#' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Cumulative sliding
#' # Using the special cased value, `Inf`, you can ask `slide()` to pin the
#' # start of the sliding window to the first element, effectively creating
#' # a cumulative window
#' slide(1:5, ~.x, .before = Inf)
#' # Same with `.after`, this creates a window where you start with all of the
#' # elements, but decrease the total number over each iteration
#' slide(1:5, ~.x, .after = Inf)
#' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Negative `.before` / `.after`
#' # `.before` is allowed to be negative, allowing you to "look forward" in
#' # your vector. Note that `abs(.before) <= .after` must hold if `.before` is
#' # negative. In this example, we look forward to elements in locations 2 and 3
#' # but place the result in position 1 in the output.
#' slide(1:5, ~.x, .before = -1, .after = 2)
#' # `.after` can be negative as well to "look backwards"
#' slide(1:5, ~.x, .before = 2, .after = -1)
#' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Removing padding
#' # If you are looking for a way to remove the `NA` values from something like
#' # this, then it doesn't exist as a built in option.
#' x <- rnorm(10)
#' slide_dbl(x, mean, .before = 3, .step = 2, .complete = TRUE)
#' # Adding an option to `slide_dbl()` to remove the `NA` values would destroy
#' # its size stability. Instead, you can use a combination of `slide_dfr()`
#' # to get the start/stop indices with `hop_index_vec()`.
#' i <- seq_along(x)
#' idx <- slide_dfr(
#'   i,
#'   ~data.frame(start = .x[1], stop = .x[length(.x)]),
#'   .before = 3,
#'   .step = 2,
#'   .complete = TRUE
#' )
#' idx
#' hop_index_vec(x, i, idx$start, idx$stop, mean, .ptype = double())
#' @seealso [slide2()], [slide_index()], [hop()]
#' @export
slide <- function(.x,
                  .before = 0L,
                  .after = 0L,
                  .step = 1L,
                  .complete = FALSE) {
    .before = .before,
    .after = .after,
    .step = .step,
    .complete = .complete,
    .ptype = list(),
    .constrain = FALSE,
    .atomic = FALSE

#' @rdname slide
#' @export
slide_vec <- function(.x,
                      .before = 0L,
                      .after = 0L,
                      .step = 1L,
                      .complete = FALSE,
                      .ptype = NULL) {
  out <- slide_impl(
    .before = .before,
    .after = .after,
    .step = .step,
    .complete = .complete,
    .ptype = list(),
    .constrain = FALSE,
    .atomic = TRUE

  vec_simplify(out, .ptype)

slide_vec_direct <- function(.x,
                             .slider_error_call = caller_env()) {
    .before = .before,
    .after = .after,
    .step = .step,
    .complete = .complete,
    .ptype = .ptype,
    .constrain = TRUE,
    .atomic = TRUE,
    .slider_error_call = .slider_error_call

#' @rdname slide
#' @export
slide_dbl <- function(.x,
                      .before = 0L,
                      .after = 0L,
                      .step = 1L,
                      .complete = FALSE) {
    .before = .before,
    .after = .after,
    .step = .step,
    .complete = .complete,
    .ptype = double()

#' @rdname slide
#' @export
slide_int <- function(.x,
                      .before = 0L,
                      .after = 0L,
                      .step = 1L,
                      .complete = FALSE) {
    .before = .before,
    .after = .after,
    .step = .step,
    .complete = .complete,
    .ptype = integer()

#' @rdname slide
#' @export
slide_lgl <- function(.x,
                      .before = 0L,
                      .after = 0L,
                      .step = 1L,
                      .complete = FALSE) {
    .before = .before,
    .after = .after,
    .step = .step,
    .complete = .complete,
    .ptype = logical()

#' @rdname slide
#' @export
slide_chr <- function(.x,
                      .before = 0L,
                      .after = 0L,
                      .step = 1L,
                      .complete = FALSE) {
    .before = .before,
    .after = .after,
    .step = .step,
    .complete = .complete,
    .ptype = character()

#' @inheritParams vctrs::vec_rbind
#' @rdname slide
#' @export
slide_dfr <- function(.x,
                      .before = 0L,
                      .after = 0L,
                      .step = 1L,
                      .complete = FALSE,
                      .names_to = rlang::zap(),
                      .name_repair = c("unique", "universal", "check_unique")) {
  out <- slide(
    .before = .before,
    .after = .after,
    .step = .step,
    .complete = .complete

  vec_rbind(!!!out, .names_to = .names_to, .name_repair = .name_repair)

#' @inheritParams vctrs::vec_cbind
#' @rdname slide
#' @export
slide_dfc <- function(.x,
                      .before = 0L,
                      .after = 0L,
                      .step = 1L,
                      .complete = FALSE,
                      .size = NULL,
                      .name_repair = c("unique", "universal", "check_unique", "minimal")) {
  out <- slide(
    .before = .before,
    .after = .after,
    .step = .step,
    .complete = .complete

  vec_cbind(!!!out, .size = .size, .name_repair = .name_repair)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

slide_impl <- function(.x,
                       .slider_error_call = caller_env()) {
  vec_assert(.x, call = .slider_error_call)

  .f <- as_function(.f, call = .slider_error_call)

  f_call <- expr(.f(.x, ...))

  type <- -1L

  params <- list(
    type = type,
    constrain = .constrain,
    atomic = .atomic,
    before = .before,
    after = .after,
    step = .step,
    complete = .complete

    x = .x,
    f_call = f_call,
    ptype = .ptype,
    env = environment(),
    params = params

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slider documentation built on Oct. 12, 2023, 5:11 p.m.