Man pages for smoothSurv
Survival Regression with Smoothed Error Distribution

a2cWork Function for 'smoothSurvReg'
c2aWork Function for 'smoothSurvReg'
confint.smoothSurvRegConfidence Intervals for Regression Parameters of...
derivative.cc3Work Function for 'smoothSurvReg', currently nowhere used
derivative.expADWork Function for 'smoothSurvReg', currently nowhere used
dextremeDensity of the Extreme Value Distribution of a Minimum.
dstlogisDensity of Standardized Logistic Distribution.
estimTdiffEstimate expectation of survival times and their difference...
eval.GsplineEvaluate a G-spline in a grid of values
fdensity.smoothSurvRegDensity for Objects of Class 'smoothSurvReg'
find.cWork Function for 'smoothSurvReg'
give.cWork Function for 'smoothSurvReg'
hazard.smoothSurvRegHazard Curves for Objects of Class 'smoothSurvReg'
minPenaltyMinimize the penalty term under the two (mean and variance)...
MP.pseudoinvWork Function for 'smoothSurvReg', currently nowhere used.
pieceLeft Continuous Piecewise Constant Function with a Finite...
plot.smoothSurvRegPlot Objects of Class 'smoothSurvReg'
print.estimTdiffPrint for Objects of Class 'estimTdiff'
print.smoothSurvRegSummary and Print for Objects of Class 'smoothSurvReg'
residuals.smoothSurvRegResiduals for Objects of Class 'smoothSurvReg'
smoothSurvRegRegression for a Survival Model with Smoothed Error...
smoothSurvReg.controlMore Options for 'smoothSurvReg'
smoothSurvReg.fitWork Function to Fit the Model Using 'smoothSurvReg'
smoothSurvReg.objectSmoothed Survival Regression Object
std.dataStandardization of the Data
survfit.smoothSurvRegSurvivor Curves for Objects of Class 'smoothSurvReg'
smoothSurv documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:11 a.m.