estimTdiff: Estimate expectation of survival times and their difference...

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estimTdiffR Documentation

Estimate expectation of survival times and their difference from the results given by survival regression function


Estimate expectation of survival times and their difference from the results given by survival regression function


estimTdiff(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'smoothSurvReg'
estimTdiff(x, cov1, cov2, logscale.cov1, logscale.cov2,
    time0 = 0, conf.level=0.95, ...)



Object of an appropriate class.


Vector or matrix with covariates values for which the expectations of the first survival time are to be computed. It must be a matrix with as many columns as is the number of covariates (interactions included, intercept excluded) or the vector of length equal to the number of covariates (interactions included, intercept excluded). If matrix is supplied then is assumed that each row of this matrix gives one covariate combination for the first survival time. Intercept is not to be included in cov1. If cov1 is missing an expectation of a survivor time for the value of a covariate vector equal to zero is computed. If there is only intercept in the model, this parameter must be always missing.


Vector or matrix with covariate values for which the expectations of the second survival time are to be computed. It must be of same size as cov1.


Vector or matrix with covariate values for the expression of log-scale (if this depended on covariates) for the first survival time. It can be omitted in the case that log-scale was common for all observations.


Vector or matrix with covariate values for the expression of log-scale (if this depended on covariates) for the second survival time. It can be omitted in the case that log-scale was common for all observations.


Starting time of the follow-up as used in the model. I.e. the model is assumed to be \log(T-time0) = x'\beta + \sigma\varepsilon


confidence level of produced confidence intervals.


who knows


A data.frame with columns named “ET1”, “sd.ET1”, “ET1.lower”, “ET1.upper”, 'ET2”, “sd.ET2”, “ET2.lower”, “ET2.upper”, “diffT”, “sd.diffT”, “diffT.lower”, “diffT.upper” giving the estimates of expected values of the survival times for covariate values given in rows of cov1 and logscale.cov1, their standard errors, estimates of expected values of survival times for covariate values given in rows of cov2 and logscale.cov2, their standard errors and estimates of a difference of expected values of survival times for covariate values given in rows of cov1, logscale.cov1 and cov2, logscale.cov2, their standard errors and confidence intervals.


Arnošt Komárek

See Also


smoothSurv documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:11 a.m.