
Defines functions perm_plot

Documented in perm_plot

############## 9. Calculate the significance of and plot the permuted ploygons ##############
## Calculate the significance of the observed area

#' Perm Plot
#' perm_plot calculates the significance of the observed no-data zones and plots them relative to the simulations.
#' @param perm a perm object generated by the perm_area() function.
#' @param histogram TRUE or FALSE. TRUE plots histograms while FALSE plots density plots.
#' @return a ggplot2 histogram and p-value for each no-data zone
#' @import statmod
#' @import dplyr
#' @export
#' @examples
#' a = rnorm(100,0,1)
#' b = rnorm(100,0,1)
#' permExample = perm_area(a,b,10)
#' perm_plot(permExample, 100)
perm_plot = function(perm, histogram = TRUE) {

  bounds <- NULL
  dat_perm = perm$data
  nsim = perm$nsim
  n = perm$n
  if(names(perm[3]) == "p") {
    bound = unique(perm$data$polygon)
    name_option = data.frame(name = c("Top-left", "Top-right", "Bottom-left", "Bottom-right"),
                             bounds = c("topl", "topr", "botl", "botr"))
    name_option = dplyr::filter(name_option, bounds == bound)
    poly_names = list('bound' = paste0(name_option$name, ": p = ", round(perm$p, 4)))
    dat_perm$polygon = factor(dat_perm$polygon,
                              levels = bound,
                              labels = name_option$name)
    OD = dat_perm[dat_perm$source == "obs",]
  } else {
    # Function to rename the facet headings
    poly_names = list('topl' = paste0("Top-left: p = ", round(perm$p_topl, 4)),
                      'topr' = paste0("Top-right: p = ", round(perm$p_topr, 4)),
                      'botl' = paste0("Bottom-left: p = ", round(perm$p_botl, 4)),
                      'botr' = paste0("Bottom-right: p = ", round(perm$p_botr, 4)))
    dat_perm$polygon = factor(dat_perm$polygon,
                              levels = c("topl", "topr", "botl", "botr"),
                              labels = c("Top-left", "Top-right", "Bottom-left", "Bottom-right"))
    OD = dat_perm[dat_perm$source == "obs",]
  poly_labeller <- function(variable,value){

  if(histogram == F) {
    suppressWarnings(ggplot(data = dat_perm[dat_perm$source == "sim",], aes(x = rescale)) +
                       # geom_histogram(bins = 10, fill = "white", col = "darkgrey") +
                       geom_density(fill = "grey") +
                       geom_vline(aes(xintercept = rescale), data = OD, col = "black", linetype = 2) +
                       facet_wrap( ~ polygon, scales = "free", labeller = poly_labeller) +
                       labs(x = "Relative area", y = "Density",
                            title = paste0("Sample size: ", n, "\nRandom permutations: ",nsim)) +
  } else {

    suppressWarnings(ggplot(data = dat_perm[dat_perm$source == "sim",], aes(x = rescale)) +
                       geom_histogram(bins = 10, fill = "white", col = "darkgrey") +
                       geom_vline(aes(xintercept = rescale), data = OD, col = "black", linetype = 2) +
                       facet_wrap( ~ polygon, scales = "free", labeller = poly_labeller) +
                       labs(x = "Relative area", y = "Frequency",
                            title = paste0("Sample size: ", n, "\nRandom permutations: ",nsim)) +

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