
#' Soc.ca a package for specific correspondence analysis
#' This package is optimized to the needs of scientists within the social
#' sciences. The soc.ca package produces specific and class specific multiple
#' correspondence analysis on survey-like data. Soc.ca is optimized to only give
#' the most essential statistical output sorted so as to help in analysis.
#' Seperate functions exists for near publication-ready plots and tables.
#' We are in debt to the work of others, especially Brigitte Le Roux and Henry
#' Rouanet for the mathematical definitions of the method and their examples.
#' Furthermore this package was initially based on code from the ca package
#' written by Michael Greenacre and Oleg Nenadic.
#' If you are looking for features that are absent in soc.ca, it may be
#' available in some of these packages for correspondence analysis: \pkg{ca},
#' \pkg{anacor} and \pkg{FactoMineR}.
#' @references Le Roux, Brigitte, and Henry Rouanet. 2010. Multiple
#'   correspondence analysis. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
#' @references Le Roux, Brigitte, and Henry Rouanet. 2004. Geometric Data
#'   Analysis from Correspondence Analysis to Structured Data Analysis.
#'   Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
#' @docType package
#' @name soc.ca
#' @import ggplot2
#' @rawNamespace import(gridExtra, except = combine)
#' @import ellipse
#' @rawNamespace import(stats, except = c(filter, lag))
#' @import utils
#' @import shiny
#' @import reshape2
#' @import ggrepel
#' @import dplyr
#' @import tibble
#' @import RColorBrewer
#' @import forcats
#' @import purrr
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @import tidyr
#' @examples
#' data(taste)
#' # Create a data frame of factors containing all the active variables
#' taste          <- taste[which(taste$Isup == 'Active'), ]
#' attach(taste)
#' active         <- data.frame(TV, Film, Art, Eat)
#' sup            <- data.frame(Gender, Age, Income)
#' detach(taste)
#' # Runs the analysis
#' result         <- soc.mca(active, sup)

#'Directors dataset
#'Prosopographical data on the top 100 CEO's from the 82 largest Danish
#'@details The directors dataset is prosopographical data collected from a wide
#'  array of sources on biographic and corporate information. Sources include
#'  the Danish variant of Who's Who (Blaa Bog), a private business information
#'  database (Greens Erhvervsinformation), journalistic portrait articles,
#'  article search engines, bibliographic databases and financial reports. CEOs
#'  from 82 corporations were selected according to their position as CEO in
#'  December 2007. 18 executives are included on other criteria, taking into
#'  account the magnitude of the corporations and issues regarding ownership and
#'  control, resulting in a final population of 100 CEOs. The 82 corporations
#'  have formal ownership and management located in Denmark and were selected
#'  through either financial capital, measured as having a turnover of over five
#'  billion DKK (650 million Eur.), or organizational capital, defined as having
#'  at least 5000 employees; 34 corporations were included on both criteria, 45
#'  on financial capital and three on organizational capital alone. To avoid
#'  including investors, rather than executives, a minimum of 500 employees was
#'  also required, excluding 12 firms. Companies acting only as subsidiaries
#'  were also excluded. Data is for public use  and no author permission is
#'  needed, but we would love to hear from you if you find the data useful. The
#'  following example is based on the analysis from the article: "A Very
#'  Economic Elite: The Case of the Danish Top CEOs".
#'@name directors
#'@docType data
#'@author Christoph Ellersgaard
#'@author Anton Grau Larsen
#'@references Ellersgaard, Christoph, Anton Grau Larsen, og Martin D. Munk.
#'  2012. "A Very Economic Elite: The Case of the Danish Top CEOs". Sociology.
#'@references Ellersgaard, Christoph Houman, og Anton Grau Larsen. 2010.
#'  "Firmaets Maend". Master Thesis, Copenhagen: University of Copenhagen.
#'@references Ellersgaard, Christoph Houman, og Anton Grau Larsen. 2011.
#'  "Kulturel kapital blandt topdirektoerer i Danmark - En domineret
#'  kapitalform?" Dansk Sociologi 22(3):9-29.
#'@references Larsen, Anton Grau, og Christoph Houman Ellersgaard. 2012. "Status
#'  og integration paa magtens felt for danske topdirektoerer". Praktiske
#'  Grunde. Nordisk tidsskrift for kultur- og samfundsvidenskab 2012(2-3).
#'@keywords data
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(directors)
#' attach(directors)
#' active      <- data.frame(careerprofile_maclean_cat, careerfoundation_maclean_cat,
#'                           years_between_edu_dir_cat, time_in_corp_before_ceo_cat,
#'                           age_as_ceo_cat, career_changes_cat2, mba, abroad, hd, phd,
#'                           education, author, placeofbirth, familyclass_bourdieu,
#'                           partnersfamily_in_whoswho, family_in_whoswho)
#' sup       	<- data.frame(size_prestige, ownership_cat_2, sector, location)
#' id          <- navn
#' options(passive = c("MISSING", "Missing", "Irrelevant", "residence_value_cat2: Udlandet"))
#' result      <- soc.mca(active, sup, id)
#' result
#' # Contribution
#' contribution(result, 1)
#' contribution(result, 2)
#' contribution(result, 3)
#' contribution(result, 1, all = TRUE)
#' contribution(result, 1, indices = TRUE)
#' contribution(result, 1, mode = "mod")
#' contribution(result, mode = "variable")
#' # Individuals
#' contribution(result, 1, mode = "ind")
#' contribution(result, 2, mode = "ind")
#' # Table of variance
#' variance(result)
#' # Invert
#' result      <- invert(result, c(1, 2, 3))
#' # Export and assign label
#' # export.label(result)
#' # result      <- assign.label(result,
#' #  file = "https://raw.github.com/Rsoc/soc.ca/master/extra/director_labels.csv")
#' # Add.n
#' result      <- add.to.label(result)
#' contribution(result, 2)
#' # The result object or "soc.ca" object
#' str(result)
#' dim1 <- result$coord.ind[, 1]
#' qplot(dim1)
#' # Quadrant
#' quad      <- create.quadrant(result)
#' table(quad)
#' quad      <- create.quadrant(result, cut.min = 0, cut.max = 0)
#' table(quad)
#' # Map of individuals
#' map.ind(result)
#' map.ind(result, dim = c(2, 1), label = TRUE)
#' map.ind(result, dim = c(2, 1), point.size = 3, point.shape = 2)
#' map.ind(result, dim = c(2, 1), map.title = "The top 100 Danish CEO's",
#' point.color = quad)
#' # Map of the individuals colored by contribution
#' map.ind(result, point.color = result$ctr.ind[, 1],
#'  point.shape = 18) + scale_color_continuous(low = "white", high = "red")
#' # Map of contributing modalities
#' map.ctr(result, dim = c(2, 1))
#' map.ctr(result, dim = c(2, 1), ctr.dim = 2)
#' map.ctr(result, point.size = 3)
#' map.active(result, dim = c(2, 1))
#' map.sup(result, dim = c(2, 1))
#' # Plot.list
#' # Selecting specific active modalities
#' select      <- c("Career start: Corporation (n:57)", "No Phd (n:92)")
#' boo.select  <- match(select, result$names.mod)
#' map.select(result, list.mod = boo.select)
#' highcor     <- which(result$cor.mod[, 1] >= 0.2)
#' map.select(result, list.mod = highcor)
#' # Selecting specific supplementary modalities
#' highdim3    <- which(sqrt(result$coord.sup[, 3]^2) >= 0.5)
#' map.select(result, list.sup = highdim3)
#' # Selecting specific individuals based on a certain criteria
#' forfatter   <- author == "Forfatter"
#' map.select(result, list.ind = forfatter)
#' # Combining it all
#' map.select(result, list.mod = highcor, list.sup = highdim3, list.ind = forfatter)
#' # Add points to an existing plot
#' ctrplot     <- map.ctr(result, ctr.dim = 1, point.color = "red")
#' map.add(result, ctrplot, data.type = "ctr", ctr.dim = 2, point.color = "blue")
#' # Using the list option in add.points
#' forfatter    <- author == "Forfatter"
#' map.add(result, ctrplot, data.type = "select", list.ind = forfatter, colour = "purple")
#' # Using the list option in add.points to add labels to only a part of the cloud of individuals
#' forfatter     <- author == "Forfatter"
#' notforfatter  <- author != "Forfatter"
#' map.forfatter <- map.select(result, list.ind = notforfatter, label = FALSE)
#' map.forfatter
#' map.forfatter <- map.add(result, map.forfatter, data.type = "select", list.ind = forfatter)
#' map.forfatter
#' # Plotting all the modalities of one individual
#' result2       <- soc.ca(active, sup, id)
#' individual    <- which(id == "Lars Larsen")
#' ind.mat       <- indicator(active)
#' modalities    <- names(which(ind.mat[individual, ] == 1))
#' mod.ind       <- match(modalities, result2$names.mod)
#' lars          <- map.select(result2, list.mod = mod.ind)
#' map.add(result2, lars, data.type = "select", list.ind = individual, colour = "red")
#' # Adding concentration ellipses to an existing plot
#' el.forfatter  <- map.ellipse(result, map.forfatter, author)
#' el.forfatter
#' }

#' Taste dataset
#' The taste example dataset used by Le Roux & Rouanet(2010):
#' @return The variables included in the dataset: \item{Preferred TV program}{(8
#' categories): news, comedy, police, nature, sport, films, drama, soap operas}
#' \item{Preferred Film}{(8 categories): action, comedy, costume drama,
#' documentary, horror, musical, romance, SciFi} \item{Preferred type of Art}{(7
#' categories): performance, landscape, renaissance, still life, portrait,
#' modern, impressionsism} \item{Preferred place to Eat out}{(6 categories):
#' fish & chips, pub, Indian restuarant, Italian restaurant, French restaurant,
#' steak house}
#' @name taste
#' @docType data
#' @author Brigitte Le Roux
#' @references Le Roux, Brigitte, Henry Rouanet, Mike Savage, og Alan Warde.
#'   2008. "Class and Cultural Division in the UK". Sociology 42(6):1049-1071.
#' @references Le Roux, B., og H. Rouanet. 2010. Multiple correspondence
#'   analysis. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
#' @keywords data
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # The taste example
#' data(taste)
#' data_taste           <- taste[which(taste$Isup == 'Active'), ]
#' active               <- data.frame(data_taste$TV, data_taste$Film, data_taste$Art, data_taste$Eat)
#' sup                  <- data.frame(data_taste$Gender, data_taste$Age, data_taste$Income)
#' # Multiple Correspondence Analysis
#' result.mca     <- soc.mca(active, sup)
#' str(result.mca)
#' result.mca
#' variance(result.mca) # See p.46 in Le Roux(2010)
#' contribution(result.mca, 1)
#' contribution(result.mca, 2)
#' contribution(result.mca, 1:3, mode = "variable")
#' map.active(result.mca, point.fill = result.mca$variable)
#' map.active(result.mca,
#'  map.title="Map of active modalities with size of contribution to 1. dimension",
#'  point.size=result.mca$ctr.mod[, 1])
#' map.active(result.mca,
#'  map.title="Map of active modalities with size of contribution to 2. dimension",
#'  point.size=result.mca$ctr.mod[, 2])
#' map.ind(result.mca)
#' map.ind(result.mca, dim=c(1, 2), point.color=result.mca$ctr.ind[, 1],
#'  point.shape=18) + scale_color_continuous(low="white", high="black")
#' # Plot of all dublets
#' map.ind(result.mca, map.title="Map of all unique individuals", point.color=duplicated(active))
#' map.ind(result.mca, map.title="Map with individuals colored by the TV variable",
#'  point.color=active$TV)
#' # Ellipse
#' map             <- map.ind(result.mca)
#' map.ellipse(result.mca, map, as.factor(data_taste$Age == '55-64'))
#' ##### Specific Multiple Correspondence Analysis
#' options(passive= c("Film: CostumeDrama", "TV: Tv-Sport"))
#' result.smca     <- soc.mca(active, sup)
#' result.smca
#' result.smca$names.passive
#' ##### Class Specific Correspondence Analysis
#' options(passive=NULL)
#' class.age     <- which(data_taste$Age == '55-64')
#' result.csca   <- soc.csa(result.mca, class.age, sup)
#' str(result.csca)
#' # Correlations
#' csa.measures(result.csca)
#' variance(result.csca)
#' contribution(result.csca, 1)
#' contribution(result.csca, 2)
#' contribution(result.csca, 1:3, mode = "variable")
#' # Plots
#' map.ind(result.csca)
#' map.csa.mca(result.csca)
#' map.csa.mca.array(result.csca)
#' }

#' Moschidis example
#' The example dataset used by Odysseas E. Moschidis (2009):
#' @name moschidis
#' @docType data
#' @author Odysseas E. Moschidis
#' @references Moschidis, Odysseas E. “A Different Approach to Multiple
#'   Correspondence Analysis (MCA) than That of Specific MCA.” Mathématiques et
#'   Sciences Humaines / Mathematics and Social Sciences 47, no. 186 (October
#'   15, 2009): 77–88. https://doi.org/10.4000/msh.11091.
#' @keywords data
#' @examples
#' # The moschidis example
#' data(moschidis)
#' active    <- moschidis[, c("E1","E2", "E3")]
#' id        <- moschidis[, c("ID")]
#' result    <- soc.mca(active, identifier = id, Moschidis = FALSE)
#' # Compare output to Moschidis (2009, p. 85)
#' result$inertia_full
#' # In the analysis of the 'real' data the modality
#' #'E1: 1' with a low mass (fr/Q) has a very high contribution to the fourth axis
#' result$ctr.mod[, 4]
#' # Using the transformed model suggested by Moschidis (2009) that takes into
#' # account the number of modalities per question in order to balance the
#' # contribution of the modalities
#' result_trans    <- soc.mca(active, identifier = id, Moschidis = TRUE)
#' result_trans$inertia_full
#' result_trans$ctr.mod[, 4]

#' The Field of the Danish Power Elite
#' This dataset was used to construct a field of the Danish Power Elite from 2013
#' @name pe13
#' @docType data
#' @author Jacob Lunding, Anton Grau Larsen and Christoph Ellersgaard
#' @keywords data

#' French Political Space example
#' The example dataset used by Brigitte Le Roux & Henry Rouanet (2004):
#' @name political_space97
#' @docType data
#' @author Brigitte Le Roux
#' @references Perrineau, Pascal, Jean Chiche, Brigitte Le Roux, and Henry
#'   Rouanet. “L’espace politique des électeurs français à la fin des années
#'   1990: nouveaux et anciens clivages, hétérogénéité des électorats.” Revue
#'   Francaise de Science Politique, no. 3 (June 2000): 463–88.
#' @references Le Roux, Brigitte, and Henry Rouanet. Multiple Correspondence
#'   Analysis. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, 2010.
#' @keywords data
#' @examples
#' # French Political Space example
#' data(political_space97)
#' #Recoding
#' political_space97$Democracy <- ifelse(political_space97$Democracy %in% 1:2, "1_2",
#'                                       political_space97$Democracy)
#' political_space97$Politicians <- ifelse(political_space97$Politicians %in% 1:2, "1_2",
#'                                         political_space97$Politicians)
#' #Assigning questions to themes
#' ethno   <- data.frame(Immigrants = political_space97$Immigrants,
#'                       "North-Africans" = political_space97$NorthAfricans,
#'                       Races = political_space97$Races,
#'                        "At home" = political_space97$AtHome, check.names = FALSE)
#' autho   <- data.frame("Death Penalty" = political_space97$DeathPenalty,
#'                        School = political_space97$School, check.names = FALSE)
#' social  <- data.frame("Strike Effectiveness" = political_space97$StrikeEffectivness,
#'                        "Strike 95" = political_space97$Strike95,
#'                       "Unions" = political_space97$Unions,
#'                       "Public services" = political_space97$PublicServices, check.names = FALSE)
#' economy <- data.frame(Liberalism = political_space97$Liberalism,
#'                       Profit = political_space97$Profit,
#'                       Privatization = political_space97$Privatization,
#'                       Globalization = political_space97$Globalization, check.names = FALSE)
#' politics <- data.frame(Democracy = political_space97$Democracy,
#'                         Politicians = political_space97$Politicians, check.names = FALSE)
#' supranat <- data.frame(Euro = political_space97$Euro, "EU Power" = political_space97$EUpower,
#'                        "End EU" = political_space97$EndEU,
#'                        "EU protection" = political_space97$EUprotection, check.names = FALSE)
#' # Creating and naming list of headings
#' active <- list(ethno, autho, social, economy, politics, supranat)
#' names(active) <- c("Ethnocentrism", "Authoritarianism",
#'                     "Social", "Economy", "Politics", "Supranationality")
#' sup    <- data.frame(political_space97$Vote)
#' result <- soc.mca(active, sup = sup, passive = ": 5")
#' headings(result)
#' map.active(result, point.color = result$headings,
#'            point.shape = result$headings, label.color = result$headings)

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