
Defines functions computeIsDayByLocation computeIsDayByHour computeSunPositionDoyHour getSolarTimeHour computeDayLengthDoy computeDayLength computeSolarToLocalTimeDifference computeSunsetHourDoy computeSunsetHour computeSunriseHourDoy computeSunriseHour getFractionalHours getHoursAheadOfUTC computeSunPosition

Documented in computeDayLength computeDayLengthDoy computeIsDayByHour computeIsDayByLocation computeSolarToLocalTimeDifference computeSunPosition computeSunPositionDoyHour computeSunriseHour computeSunriseHourDoy computeSunsetHour computeSunsetHourDoy getFractionalHours getHoursAheadOfUTC getSolarTimeHour

#' @export
computeSunPosition <- function(
  ### Calculate the position of the sun
  timestamp          ##<< POSIXct
  , latDeg           ##<< Latitude in (decimal) degrees
  , longDeg          ##<< Longitude in (decimal) degrees
) {
  doy = yday(timestamp) #as.POSIXlt(timestamp)$yday + 1  ##<<
  ## Data vector with day of year (DoY) starting at 1
  ## , same length as Hour or length 1
  hour = getFractionalHours(timestamp)      ##<<
  ## Data vector with time as fractional decimal hour of local time zone
  timeZone = getHoursAheadOfUTC(timestamp) ##<< Time zone (in hours)
  ##value<< as returned by \code{\link{computeSunPositionDoyHour}}
  computeSunPositionDoyHour(doy, hour, latDeg, longDeg, timeZone)

#' @export
getHoursAheadOfUTC <- function(
  ### get the time difference to UTC in hours
  timestamp  ##<< POSIXt vector
  tUTC <- force_tz(timestamp, tzone = "UTC")
  ##value<< integer vector of how many hours noon of timestamp is ahead of
  ## noon in UTC
  as.integer((as.numeric(tUTC) - as.numeric(timestamp))/3600)

#' @export
getFractionalHours <- function(
  ### get the time difference to previous midnight in fractional hours
  timestamp  ##<< POSIXt vector
  ##value<< numeric vector of fractional hours
  (as.numeric(timestamp) -
     as.numeric(floor_date(timestamp, unit = "days"))) / 3600

#' @export
computeSunriseHour <- function(
  ### Compute the hour of sunrise for given day and coordinates
  timestamp  ##<< POSIXt vector
  , latDeg		                    ##<< Latitude in (decimal) degrees
  , longDeg=NA	                  ##<< Longitude in (decimal) degrees
  ## (not required if solar time is sufficient)
  , timeZone=getHoursAheadOfUTC(timestamp)   ##<< Time zone (in hours) ahead
  ## of UTC (Central Europe is +1) (not required if solar time is sufficient)
  , ... ##<< further arguments to \code{\link{computeSunriseHourDoy}}
  doy <- as.POSIXlt(timestamp)$yday + 1L
  ##value<< result of \code{\link{computeSunriseHourDoy}}
  computeSunriseHourDoy(doy, latDeg, longDeg, timeZone, ...)

#' @export
computeSunriseHourDoy <- function(
  ### Compute the hour of sunrise for given day and coordinates
  doy	            ##<< integer vector with day of year [DoY, 1..366]
  , latDeg		                    ##<< Latitude in (decimal) degrees
  , longDeg=NA	                  ##<< Longitude in (decimal) degrees
  ## (not required if solar time is sufficient)
  , timeZone=NA               ##<< Time zone (in hours) ahead
  ## of UTC (Central Europe is +1) (not required if solar time is sufficient)
  , isCorrectSolartime = TRUE	##<< sunrise hour is computed first for solar time
  ## (where noon is exactly at 12:00)
  ## If TRUE (default) then sunrise hour is converted to local winter time,
  ## based on timeZone and longitude.
  if (isCorrectSolartime & any(!is.finite(c(longDeg, timeZone)))) stop(
    "if isCorrectSolartime, one needs to provide finite longDeg and timeZone")
  fracYearInRad <- 2 * pi * (doy - 1) / 365.24
  solDeclRad <- (
    (0.33281 - 22.984*cos(fracYearInRad)
     - 0.34990*cos(2*fracYearInRad) - 0.13980*cos(3*fracYearInRad)
     + 3.7872*sin(fracYearInRad) + 0.03205*sin(2*fracYearInRad)
     + 0.07187*sin(3*fracYearInRad))/180*pi )
  # compute time in radians
  # solved equation for SolElevRad in computeSunPositionDoyHour for elevation == 0
  # , i.e. sunrise
  solTimeRad <- {
    cosSolTimeRad <- pmax(-1, pmin(
      +1,(sin(solDeclRad) * sin(latDeg/180*pi)) /
        (cos(solDeclRad) * cos(latDeg/180*pi))
    acos( cosSolTimeRad )
  #	# sunrise equation cos(solTimeRad) = -tan(latDeg) * tan(decl)
  #	sunriseRad <- {
  #		# https://www.quora.com/How-can-you-calculate-the-length-of-the-day-on-Earth-at-a-given-latitude-on-a-given-date-of-the-year
  #		cosSunriseRad <- -tan(latDeg/180*pi) * tan(solDeclRad)
  #		acos(cosSunriseRad)
  #	}
  #	sunsetHour <- 12 - sunriseRad/pi*12
  # convert to hours
  solTimeHour <- solTimeRad/pi*12
  if (!isCorrectSolartime) return( solTimeHour )
  hour <- solTimeHour - computeSolarToLocalTimeDifference(
    longDeg = longDeg
    , timeZone = timeZone, fracYearInRad = fracYearInRad)
  ##value<< numeric vector of length(doy) giving the time of sunrise
  ##in hours after midnight.
  ## Polar night is indicated by 12h, polar day by 0h.
attr(computeSunriseHourDoy,"ex") <- function(){
  today <-
  (sunrise <- computeSunriseHourDoy(today, latDeg = 51, isCorrectSolartime = FALSE))
  (sunrise <- computeSunriseHourDoy(today, latDeg = 51, longDeg = 11.586, timeZone = +1))
  # elevation near zero
  computeSunPositionDoyHour(160, sunrise, latDeg = 51, isCorrectSolartime = FALSE)
  doy <- 1:366
  plot( computeSunriseHourDoy(doy, latDeg = 51, isCorrectSolartime = FALSE) ~ doy )
  # north pole: daylength 0 and 24 hours
  plot( computeSunriseHourDoy( doy, latDeg = +80, isCorrectSolartime = FALSE) ~ doy )
  plot( computeSunriseHourDoy( doy, latDeg = -80, isCorrectSolartime = FALSE) ~ doy )

#' @export
computeSunsetHour <- function(
  ### Compute the hour of sunrise for given day and coordinates
  timestamp                   ##<< POSIXt vector
  , latDeg		                ##<< Latitude in (decimal) degrees
  , longDeg=NA	              ##<< Longitude in (decimal) degrees
  ## (not required if solar time is sufficient)
  , timeZone=getHoursAheadOfUTC(timestamp)   ##<< Time zone (in hours) ahead
  ## of UTC (Central Europe is +1) (not required if solar time is sufficient)
  , ... ##<< further arguments to \code{\link{computeSunsetHourDoy}}
  doy <- as.POSIXlt(timestamp)$yday + 1L
  ##value<< result of \code{\link{computeSunsetHourDoy}}
  computeSunsetHourDoy(doy, latDeg, longDeg, timeZone, ...)

#' @export
computeSunsetHourDoy <- function(
  ### Compute the hour of sunrise for given day and coordinates
  doy	                ##<< integer vector with day of year [DoY, 1..366]
  , latDeg		                    ##<< Latitude in (decimal) degrees
  , longDeg=NA	                  ##<< Longitude in (decimal) degrees
  ## (not required if solar time is sufficient)
  , timeZone=NA               ##<< Time zone (in hours) ahead
  ## of UTC (Central Europe is +1) (not required if solar time is sufficient)
  , isCorrectSolartime = TRUE	##<< sunrise hour is computed first for solar time
  ## (where noon is exactly at 12:00)
  ## If TRUE (default) then sunrise hour is converted to local winter time,
  ## based on timeZone and longitude.
  if (isCorrectSolartime & any(!is.finite(c(longDeg, timeZone)))) stop(
    "if isCorrectSolartime, one needs to provide finite longDeg and timeZone")
  # compute solar sunrise hour, that one is symmetric around noon
  sunriseSolarHour <- computeSunriseHourDoy(
    doy, latDeg = latDeg, isCorrectSolartime = FALSE)
  sunsetSolarHour <- 24 - sunriseSolarHour
  sunsetHour <- if (isCorrectSolartime) {
    hourDiff <- computeSolarToLocalTimeDifference(
      longDeg, timeZone, doy = doy)
    sunsetSolarHour - hourDiff
  } else sunsetSolarHour
  ##value<< numeric vector of length(doy) giving the time of sunset
  ##in hours after midnight.
  ## Polar night is indicated by 12h, polar day by 24h.
attr(computeSunsetHourDoy,"ex") <- function(){
  today <-
  (sunset <- computeSunsetHourDoy(today, latDeg = 51, isCorrectSolartime = FALSE))
  (sunset <- computeSunsetHourDoy(today, latDeg = 51, longDeg = 11.586, timeZone = +1))
  doy <- 1:366
  plot( computeSunsetHourDoy(doy, latDeg = 51, isCorrectSolartime = FALSE) ~ doy )
  # north pole: daylength 0 and 24 hours
  plot( computeSunsetHourDoy( doy, latDeg = +80, isCorrectSolartime = FALSE) ~ doy )
  plot( computeSunsetHourDoy( doy, latDeg = -80, isCorrectSolartime = FALSE) ~ doy )

#' @export
computeSolarToLocalTimeDifference <- function(
  ### computes the time difference in hours between (apparent) solar time and local time
  longDeg		          ##<< Longitude in (decimal) degrees
  , timeZone	        ##<< Time zone (in hours) ahead of UTC (Berlin is +1)
  , doy = NA	        ##<< integer vector with day of year [DoY, 1..366],
  ## Specify NA get mean solar time across the year instead of apparent solar
  ## time (i.e. with differences throughout the year due to eccentricity
  ## of earth orbit)
  , fracYearInRad = 2 * pi * (doy - 1)/365.24 ##<< may specify instead
  ## of doy for efficiency.
  # convert solar time to local winter time
  # Equation of time in hours, accounting for changes in the time of solar noon
  # to local time zone
  eqTimeHour <- ifelse(is.na(fracYearInRad), 0,
    (0.0072*cos(fracYearInRad) - 0.0528*cos(2*fracYearInRad)
     - 0.0012*cos(3*fracYearInRad) - 0.1229*sin(fracYearInRad)
     - 0.1565*sin(2*fracYearInRad) - 0.0041*sin(3*fracYearInRad)))
  # Local time in hours
  localTimeHour <- (longDeg/15 - timeZone)
  ##value<< time difference in hours to be added to local winter time
  ## to get solar time
  localTimeHour + eqTimeHour
attr(computeSolarToLocalTimeDifference,"ex") <- function(){
  # Jena: 50.927222, 11.586111
  longDeg <- 11.586
  doi <- 1:366
  # due to longitude: west of timezone meridian: sun culminates later,
  # solar time is less than local time
  (localDiff <- computeSolarToLocalTimeDifference(longDeg, 1L)*60)
  # taking into account shift during the year due to earth orbit eccentricity
  plot( computeSolarToLocalTimeDifference(longDeg, 1L, doi)*60 ~ doi )
  abline(h = localDiff)

#' @export
computeDayLength <- function(
  ### Compute the Day-length in hours for given time and coordinates
  timestamp           ##<< POSIXt vector
  , latDeg		        ##<< Latitude in (decimal) degrees
  , ...   ##<< further arguments to \code{\link{computeDayLengthDoy}}
  doy <- as.POSIXlt(timestamp)$yday + 1L
  ##value<< result of \code{\link{computeDayLengthDoy}}
  computeDayLengthDoy(doy, latDeg, ...)

#' @export
computeDayLengthDoy <- function(
  ### Compute the Day-length in hours for given time and coordinates
  doy	      ##<< integer vector with day of year [DoY, 1..366],
  ## same length as Hour or length 1
  , latDeg		        ##<< Latitude in (decimal) degrees
  solTimeHour <- computeSunriseHourDoy(
    doy = doy, latDeg = latDeg, isCorrectSolartime = FALSE)
  ##value<< numeric vector of length(doy) giving the
  ## time between sunrise and sunset in hours
  24 - 2*solTimeHour
attr(computeDayLengthDoy,"ex") <- function(){
  doy <- 1:366
  plot( computeDayLengthDoy(doy, latDeg = 51) ~ doy)
  # north pole: daylength 0 and 24 hours
  plot( computeDayLengthDoy( doy, latDeg = +80) ~ doy )
  plot( computeDayLengthDoy( doy, latDeg = -80) ~ doy )

#' @export
getSolarTimeHour <- function(
  ### Get the fractional hour of solar time
  timestamp      ##<< POSIXt vector in local time
  , longDeg	     ##<< Longitude in (decimal) degrees
  doy = yday(timestamp) #as.POSIXlt(timestamp)$yday + 1  ##<<
  ## Data vector with day of year (DoY) starting at 1
  ## , same length as Hour or length 1
  hour = getFractionalHours(timestamp)      ##<<
  ## Data vector with time as fractional decimal hour of local time zone
  timeZone = getHoursAheadOfUTC(timestamp) ##<< Time zone (in hours)
  # Fractional year in radians
  fracYearInRad <- 2 * pi * (doy - 1) / 365.24
  ##value<< fractional hour corrected by difference to local time
  hour + computeSolarToLocalTimeDifference(
      longDeg, timeZone, fracYearInRad = fracYearInRad)

#' @export
computeSunPositionDoyHour <- function(
  ### Compute the position of the sun (solar angle)
  doy	                   ##<< integer vector with day of year
  ## [DoY, 1..366], same length as Hour or length 1
  , hour		                   ##<< numeric vector with local winter time
  ## as decimal hour [0..24)
  , latDeg		                 ##<< Latitude in (decimal) degrees
  , longDeg=NA	               ##<< Longitude in (decimal) degrees
  , timeZone=NA                ##<< Time zone (in hours) ahead of UTC
  ## (Central Europe is +1)
  , isCorrectSolartime = TRUE	 ##<< by default corrects hour
  ## (given in local winter time) for latitude to solar time
  ## (where noon is exactly at 12:00). Set this to FALSE if times are
  ## specified already as solar times.
  # adapted from REddyProc, credits to Antje Moffat
  # and Alessandro Cescatti's C++ code
  ## This code assumes that Hour is given in local winter time zone.
  ## By default, it corrects by longitude to solar time (where noon
  ## is exactly at 12:00).
  ## Set argument \code{isCorrectSolartime} to FALSE to use the given
  ## local winter time instead.
  if (isCorrectSolartime & any(!is.finite(c(longDeg, timeZone)))) stop(
    "if isCorrectSolartime, one needs to provide finite longDeg and timeZone")
  # Fractional year in radians
  fracYearInRad <- 2 * pi * (doy - 1) / 365.24
  # Solar time, corrected for local time and equation of time
  solarTimeHour <- if (!isCorrectSolartime ) hour else {
    hour + computeSolarToLocalTimeDifference(
      longDeg, timeZone, fracYearInRad = fracYearInRad)
  # Conversion to radians
  # with correction for solar time < -pi to positive, important
  # for SolAzim_rad.V.n below
  SolTimeRad <- {
    SolTimeRad0 <- (solarTimeHour - 12) * pi / 12.0
    ifelse(SolTimeRad0 < -pi, SolTimeRad0 + 2*pi, SolTimeRad0)
  #Solar declination in radians, accounting for the earth axis tilt
  SolDeclRad <- ((0.33281 - 22.984*cos(fracYearInRad)
                  - 0.34990*cos(2*fracYearInRad) - 0.13980*cos(3*fracYearInRad)
                  + 3.7872*sin(fracYearInRad) + 0.03205*sin(2*fracYearInRad)
                  + 0.07187*sin(3*fracYearInRad))/180*pi )
  # Solar elevation (vertical, zenithal angle) in radians with zero for horizon
  SolElevRad <-  asin( sin(SolDeclRad) * sin(latDeg/180*pi)
                       + cos(SolDeclRad) * cos(latDeg/180*pi) * cos(SolTimeRad))
  # Solar azimuth (horizontal angle) with zero for North
  SolAzimRad <- {
    SolAzimCos <- ((cos(SolDeclRad) * cos(SolTimeRad)
                    - sin(SolElevRad) * cos(latDeg/180*pi) )
                   / (sin(latDeg/180*pi) * cos(SolElevRad) ) )
    # Correction if off edge values
    SolAzimCos[SolAzimCos > +1] <- 1
    SolAzimCos[SolAzimCos < -1] <- 1
    # Conversion to radians
    SolAzimRad0 <- acos(SolAzimCos)
    # Determine if solar azimuth is East or West depending on solar time
    ifelse(SolTimeRad < 0, pi - SolAzimRad0, pi + SolAzimRad0)
  ##value<< named numeric matrix with one row for each time with entries
  ans <- cbind( # cbind creates matrix also if components are single values
    hour = solarTimeHour		    ##<< Solar time in fractional hours after
    ## midnight, (or given hour if isCorrectSolartime = FALSE).
    , declination = SolDeclRad	##<< Solar declination (rad)
    , elevation = SolElevRad		##<< Solar elevation (rad)
    ## with 0 at horizon increasing towards zenith
    , azimuth = SolAzimRad		  ##<< Solar azimuth (rad)
    ## with 0 at North increasing eastwards
attr(computeSunPositionDoyHour,"ex") <- function(){
    160, hour = 0:24, latDeg = 51, longDeg = 13.6, timeZone = 1L)

#' @export
computeIsDayByHour <- function(
  ### tell for each date, whether its daytime
  date			         ##<< POSIXct vector
  , sunriseHour = 7	 ##<< sunrise as fractional hour (0..24)
  ## (vector of length date or length 1)
  , sunsetHour = 18	 ##<< sunset as fractional hour
  ## (vector of length date or length 1)
  , duskOffset = 0   ##<< integer scalar: time in hours after dusk for
  ## which records are still regarded as day
  # need to convert to numeric, otherwise minus may return in any unit
  # get fractional hour of the day
  hourOfDay <- (as.numeric(date) - as.numeric(trunc(date, units = "days")))/3600
  isDay <- hourOfDay >= sunriseHour & hourOfDay <= (sunsetHour + duskOffset)
  ##value<< logical vector (length(date)): true if its daytime

#' @export
computeIsDayByLocation <- function(
  ### tell for each timestamp, whether its daytime
  timestamp			##<< POSIXct vector
  , latDeg		  ##<< Latitude in (decimal) degrees
  , longDeg		  ##<< Longitude in (decimal) degrees
  , timeZone = getHoursAheadOfUTC(timestamp)	 ##<< Time zone (in hours)
  ## ahead of UTC (Central Europe is +1)
  , duskOffset = 0  ##<< integer scalar: time in hours after dusk for
  ## which records are still regarded as day
  , isCorrectSolartime = TRUE	##<< set to FALSE to omit correction between
  ## local time and solar time, e.g. if coordinates cannot be provided
  ##details<< computes hour of sunrise and sunset from given date in timezone
  ## hour (assuming dates are given in timezone instead of solartime)
  doy <- as.POSIXlt(timestamp)$yday + 1L
  # correct for solar time only afterwards to get symmetric hours around noon
  sunriseSolarHour <- computeSunriseHourDoy(
    doy, latDeg = latDeg, isCorrectSolartime = FALSE)
  #sunriseLocal <- computeSunriseHourDoy(
  #  doy, latDeg = latDeg, longDeg = longDeg, timeZone = timeZone)
  sunsetSolarHour <- 24 - sunriseSolarHour
  hourDiff <- if (!isCorrectSolartime) 0 else
    computeSolarToLocalTimeDifference(longDeg, timeZone, doy = doy)
  sunriseTimezoneHour <- sunriseSolarHour - hourDiff
  sunsetTimezoneHour <- sunsetSolarHour - hourDiff
  ##value<< logical vector (length(date)): true if its daytime
    timestamp, sunriseHour = sunriseTimezoneHour,
    sunsetHour = sunsetTimezoneHour, duskOffset = duskOffset	)
attr(computeIsDayByLocation,"ex") <- function(){
  dateSeq <- seq( as.POSIXct("2017-03-20", tz = "Etc/GMT-1")
                  ,as.POSIXct("2017-03-21", tz = "Etc/GMT-1")
                  , by = "30 min")
  tmp <- computeIsDayByLocation(
    dateSeq, latDeg = 50.93, longDeg = 11.59, timeZone = 1)
  plot( tmp ~ dateSeq )
  yday <- as.POSIXlt(dateSeq[1])$yday + 1L
  sunrise <- computeSunriseHourDoy(
    yday, latDeg = 50.93, longDeg = 11.59, timeZone = 1)
  sunset <- computeSunsetHourDoy(
    yday, latDeg = 50.93, longDeg = 11.59, timeZone = 1)
  abline( v = trunc(dateSeq[1], units = "days") + c(sunrise,sunset)*3600L )

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solartime documentation built on April 22, 2021, 5:10 p.m.