
Defines functions update_bucket_list update_rank_list dropNulls rank_list

Documented in rank_list update_bucket_list update_rank_list

#' Create a ranking item list.
#' @description Creates a ranking item list using the `SortableJS` framework,
#' and generates an `htmlwidgets` element.  The elements of this list can be
#' dragged and dropped in any order.
#' You can embed a ranking question inside a `learnr` tutorial, using
#' [question_rank()].
#' To embed a `rank_list` inside a shiny app, see the Details section.
#' @details
#' You can embed a `rank_list` inside a Shiny app, to capture the preferred
#' ranking order of your user.
#' The widget automatically updates a Shiny output, with the matching
#' `input_id`.
#' @param input_id output variable to read the plot/image from.
#' @param labels A character vector with the text to display inside the widget.
#'   This can also be a list of html tag elements.  The text content of each
#'   label or label name will be used to set the shiny `input_id` value.
#' @param text Text to appear at top of list.
#' @param css_id This is the css id to use, and must be unique in your shiny
#'   app. This defaults to the value of `input_id`, and will be appended to the
#'   value "rank-list-container", to ensure the CSS id is unique for the
#'   container as well as the labels.
#'   If NULL, the function generates an id of the form
#'   `rank_list_id_1`, and will automatically increment for every `rank_list`.
#' @param class A css class applied to the rank list.  This can be used to
#'   define custom styling.
#' @param orientation Set this to "horizontal" to get horizontal orientation of
#'   the items.
#' @template options
#' @seealso [update_rank_list], [sortable_js], [bucket_list] and [question_rank]
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
#' @importFrom htmltools  tagList tags
#' @example inst/examples/example_rank_list.R
#' @example inst/examples/example_rank_list_multidrag.R
#' @example inst/examples/example_rank_list_swap.R
#' @examples
#' ## Example of a shiny app
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   app <- system.file("shiny-examples/rank_list/app.R", package = "sortable")
#'   shiny::runApp(app)
#' }
rank_list <- function(
  text = "",
  css_id = input_id,
  options = sortable_options(),
  orientation = c("vertical", "horizontal"),
  class = "default-sortable"
) {
  if (is.null(css_id)) {
    css_id <- increment_rank_list()
  orientation = match.arg(orientation)
  if (orientation == "horizontal") class = paste0(class, " horizontal")

  options$onSort <- chain_js_events( # nolint
    options$onSort, # nolint
  options$onLoad <- chain_js_events( # nolint
    options$onLoad, # nolint

  title_tag <- if (!is.null(text) && nchar(text) > 0) {
    tags$p(class = "rank-list-title", text)
  } else {

  label_tags <- mapply(
    FUN = function(label, label_id) {
      if (identical(label_id, "")) {
        label_id <- NULL
        class = "rank-list-item",
        "data-rank-id" = label_id,

  rank_list_tags <- tagList(
      class = paste("rank-list-container", paste(class, collapse = " ")),
      id = paste0("rank-list-", css_id),
        class = "rank-list",
        id = css_id,
      css_id = css_id,
      options = options



dropNulls <- function(x) {
  x[!vapply(x, is.null, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))]

#' Change the value of a rank list.
#' At the moment, you can only update the `text` of the `rank_list`, not the
#' labels.
#' @inheritParams rank_list
#' @param session The `session` object passed to function given to
#'   `shinyServer`.
#' @seealso [rank_list]
#' @export
#' ## Example of a shiny app that updates a bucket list and rank list
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   app <- system.file(
#'     "shiny-examples/update/app.R",
#'     package = "sortable"
#'   )
#'   shiny::runApp(app)
#' }
update_rank_list <- function(css_id, text = NULL,
                             session = shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain()) {
  inputId <- paste0("rank-list-", css_id)
  message <- dropNulls(list(id = inputId, text = text))
  session$sendInputMessage(inputId, message)

#' Change the value of a bucket list.
#' At the moment, you can only update the `text` of the `bucket_list`, not the
#' labels.
#' @inheritParams bucket_list
#' @param session The `session` object passed to function given to
#'   `shinyServer`.
#' @seealso [bucket_list]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Example of a shiny app that updates a bucket list and rank list
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   app <- system.file(
#'     "shiny-examples/update/app.R",
#'     package = "sortable"
#'   )
#'   shiny::runApp(app)
#' }
update_bucket_list <- function(css_id, header = NULL,
                             session = shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain()) {
  inputId <- paste0("bucket-list-", css_id)
  message <- dropNulls(list(id = inputId, header = header))
  session$sendInputMessage(inputId, message)

Try the sortable package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

sortable documentation built on March 31, 2023, 9:35 p.m.