
Defines functions acoustic_diversity

Documented in acoustic_diversity

#Acoustic Diversity Index from Villanueva-Rivera \emph{et al.} 2011. 
# The ADI is calculated by dividing the spectrogram into bins (default 10) and taking the proportion of the signals in each bin above a threshold (default -50 dBFS). The ADI is the result of the Shannon index applied to these bins.

acoustic_diversity <- function(soundfile, max_freq = 10000, db_threshold = -50, freq_step = 1000, shannon = TRUE){

	db_threshold <- as.numeric(db_threshold)
	#test arguments
	if (is.numeric(as.numeric(max_freq))){
	  max_freq <- as.numeric(max_freq)
	} else{
	  stop(" max_freq is not a number.")
	if (is.numeric(as.numeric(db_threshold))){
	  db_threshold <- as.numeric(db_threshold)
	} else{
	  stop(" db_threshold is not a number.")
	if (is.numeric(as.numeric(freq_step))){
	  freq_step <- as.numeric(freq_step)
	} else{
	  stop(" freq_step is not a number.")
	#function that gets the proportion of values over a db value in a specific band
	# of frequencies. Frequency is in Hz
	getscore <- function(spectrum, minf, maxf, db, freq_row){
		subA = spectrum[miny:maxy,]
		index1 <- length(subA[subA>db]) / length(subA)
	#Some general values
	#Get sampling rate
	samplingrate <- soundfile@samp.rate
	#Get Nyquist frequency in Hz
	nyquist_freq <- samplingrate/2
	#window length for the spectro and spec functions
	#to keep each row every 10Hz
	#Frequencies and seconds covered by each
	freq_per_row = 10
	wlen = samplingrate/freq_per_row
	#Adding one to wlen if odd due to new behavior in seewave
	# fix by JSueur
	if(wlen%%2 == 1) {wlen <- wlen+1}
	#Stereo file
	if (soundfile@stereo == TRUE) {
		cat("\n This is a stereo file. Results will be given for each channel.\n")
		left<-channel(soundfile, which = c("left"))
		right<-channel(soundfile, which = c("right"))
		#matrix of values
		cat("\n Calculating index. Please wait... \n\n")
		specA_left <- spectro(left, f = samplingrate, wl = wlen, plot = FALSE)$amp
		specA_right <- spectro(right, f = samplingrate, wl = wlen, plot = FALSE)$amp
		rm(left, right)
		if (max_freq > nyquist_freq) {
			cat(paste("\n WARNING: The maximum acoustic frequency that this file can use is ", nyquist_freq, "Hz. But the script was set to measure up to ", max_freq, "Hz. The value of max_freq was changed to ", nyquist_freq, ".\n\n", sep = ""))
			max_freq <- nyquist_freq
		Freq <- seq(from = 0, to = max_freq - freq_step, by = freq_step)
		#Score=seq(from=0, to=0, length=length(Freq))
		Score <- rep(NA, length(Freq))
		for (j in 1:length(Freq)) {
			Score[j] = getscore(specA_left, Freq[j], (Freq[j] + freq_step), db_threshold, freq_per_row)
		left_vals = Score
		Score1 = 0
		for (i in 1:length(Freq)) {
			Score1 = Score1 + (Score[i] * log(Score[i] + 0.0000001))
		Score_left = (-(Score1)) / length(Freq)
		Shannon_left <- diversity(Score, index = "shannon")
		#Score=seq(from=0, to=0, length=length(Freq))
		Score <- rep(NA, length(Freq))
		for (j in 1:length(Freq)) {
			Score[j] = getscore(specA_right, Freq[j], (Freq[j] + freq_step), db_threshold, freq_per_row)
		right_vals = Score
		Score1 = 0
		for (i in 1:length(Freq)) {
			Score1 = Score1 + (Score[i] * log(Score[i] + 0.0000001))
		Score_right = (-(Score1)) / length(Freq)
		Shannon_right <- diversity(Score, index = "shannon")
# 		cat(" ==============================================\n")
# 		cat(paste(" Results (with a dB threshold of ", db_threshold, ")\n\n", sep=""))
		left_bandvals_return <- rep(NA, length(Freq))
		right_bandvals_return <- rep(NA, length(Freq))
		left_bandrange_return <- rep(NA, length(Freq))
		right_bandrange_return <- rep(NA, length(Freq))
# 		cat(" Proportion over threshold for each frequency band (in csv format): \n\n")
# 		cat("Frequency range (Hz), left channel proportion, right channel proportion\n")
		for (j in seq(length(Freq), 1, by = -1)) {
# 			cat(paste(Freq[j], "-", (Freq[j]+freq_step), ",", round(left_vals[j],6), ",", round(right_vals[j],6), "\n", sep=""))
			left_bandvals_return[j] = round(left_vals[j], 6)
			right_bandvals_return[j] = round(right_vals[j], 6)
			left_bandrange_return[j] = paste(Freq[j], "-", (Freq[j] + freq_step), " Hz", sep = "")
			right_bandrange_return[j] = paste(Freq[j], "-", (Freq[j] + freq_step), " Hz", sep = "")
# 		cat("\n Plot of proportions in each band: \n\n")
# 		cat("  Left channel\n")
# 		cat("   Freq. range (Hz) |--------------------|\n")
		#printed in inverse order to keep the low frequencies in the bottom, like in a spectrogram
		for (j in seq(length(Freq), 1, by = -1)) {
			this_row_name <- paste(Freq[j], "-", (Freq[j] + freq_step), "", sep = "")
			this_row_size <- nchar(this_row_name)
			this_row_space <- 17 - this_row_size
			this_row_spaces = ""
			for (f in seq(1, this_row_space, by = 1)) {
				this_row_spaces = paste(this_row_spaces, " ", sep = "")
#  			cat(paste("   ", this_row_name, this_row_spaces, "|", sep=""))
# 			temp_val=round(left_vals[j],2)*20
# 			if (temp_val>0){
# 				for (i in 1:temp_val) {
# 					cat("*")
# 				}
# 			}
# 			cat("\n")
# 			rm(temp_val)
# 		cat("\n  Right channel\n")
# 		cat("   Freq. range (Hz) |--------------------|\n")
		#printed in inverse order to keep the low frequencies in the bottom, like in a spectrogram
		for (j in seq(length(Freq), 1, by = -1)) {
			this_row_name <- paste(Freq[j], "-", (Freq[j] + freq_step), "", sep = "")
			this_row_size <- nchar(this_row_name)
			this_row_space <- 17 - this_row_size
			this_row_spaces = ""
			for (f in seq(1, this_row_space, by = 1)) {
				this_row_spaces = paste(this_row_spaces, " ", sep = "")
# 			cat(paste("   ", this_row_name, this_row_spaces, "|", sep=""))
# 			temp_val=round(right_vals[j],2)*20
# 			if (temp_val>0){
# 				for (i in 1:temp_val) {
# 					cat("*")
# 				}
# 			}
# 			cat("\n")
# 			rm(temp_val)
		if (shannon == TRUE){
			left_adi_return = round(Shannon_left, 6)
			right_adi_return = round(Shannon_right, 6)
			left_adi_return = round(Score_left, 6)
			right_adi_return = round(Score_right, 6)
		cat("  Acoustic Diversity Index: \n")
		cat(paste("   Left channel: ", left_adi_return, "\n", sep = ""))
		cat(paste("   Right channel: ", right_adi_return, "\n", sep = ""))
	} else 
		cat("\n This is a mono file.\n")
		#matrix of values
		cat("\n Calculating index. Please wait... \n\n")
		specA_left <- spectro(soundfile, f = samplingrate, wl = wlen, plot = FALSE)$amp
		if (max_freq > nyquist_freq) {
			cat(paste("\n WARNING: The maximum acoustic frequency that this file can use is ", nyquist_freq, "Hz. But the script was set to measure up to ", max_freq, "Hz. The value of max_freq was changed to ", nyquist_freq, ".\n\n", sep=""))
			max_freq <- nyquist_freq
		Freq<-seq(from = 0, to = max_freq - freq_step, by = freq_step)
		#Score=seq(from=0, to=0, length=length(Freq))
		Score <- rep(NA, length(Freq))
		for (j in 1:length(Freq)) {
			Score[j] = getscore(specA_left, Freq[j], (Freq[j] + freq_step), db_threshold, freq_per_row)
		left_vals = Score
		Score1 = 0
		for (i in 1:length(Freq)) {
			Score1 = Score1 + (Score[i] * log(Score[i] + 0.0000001))
		Score_left = (-(Score1)) / length(Freq)
		Shannon_left <- diversity(Score, index = "shannon")
		Shannon_right <- NA
# 		cat(" ==============================================\n")
# 		cat(paste(" Results (with a dB threshold of ", db_threshold, ")\n\n", sep=""))
# 		cat(" Proportion over threshold for each frequency band (in csv format): \n\n")
# 		cat("Frequency range (Hz), proportion\n")
		#printed in inverse order to keep the low frequencies in the bottom, like in a spectrogram
		left_bandvals_return <- rep(NA, length(Freq))
		right_bandvals_return <- rep(NA, length(Freq))
		left_bandrange_return <- rep(NA, length(Freq))
		right_bandrange_return <- rep(NA, length(Freq))
		for (j in seq(length(Freq), 1, by = -1)) {
# 			cat(paste(Freq[j], "-", (Freq[j]+freq_step), ",", round(left_vals[j],6), "\n", sep=""))
			left_bandvals_return[j] = round(left_vals[j], 6)
			left_bandrange_return[j] = paste(Freq[j], "-", (Freq[j] + freq_step), " Hz", sep = "")
# 		cat("\n Plot of proportions in each band: \n\n")
# 		cat("   Freq. range (Hz) |--------------------|\n")
		#printed in inverse order to keep the low frequencies in the bottom, like in a spectrogram
		for (j in seq(length(Freq), 1, by = -1)) {
			this_row_name <- paste(Freq[j], "-", (Freq[j] + freq_step), "", sep = "")
			this_row_size <- nchar(this_row_name)
			this_row_space <- 17 - this_row_size
			this_row_spaces = ""
			for (f in seq(1, this_row_space, by = 1)) {
				this_row_spaces = paste(this_row_spaces, " ", sep = "")
# 			cat(paste("   ", this_row_name, this_row_spaces, "|", sep=""))
# 			temp_val=round(left_vals[j],2)*20
# 			if (temp_val>0){
# 				for (i in 1:temp_val) {
# 					cat("*")
# 				}
# 			}
# 			cat("\n")
# 			rm(temp_val)
		cat("  Acoustic Diversity Index: ")
		right_adi_return = NA
		if (shannon == TRUE){
			cat(paste(round(Shannon_left, 6), "\n", sep = ""))
			left_adi_return = round(Shannon_left, 6)
			cat(paste(round(Score_left,6), "\n", sep = ""))
			left_adi_return = round(Score_left, 6)
	invisible(list(adi_left = left_adi_return, adi_right = right_adi_return, left_band_values = left_bandvals_return, right_band_values = right_bandvals_return, left_bandrange_values = left_bandrange_return, right_bandrange_values = right_bandrange_return))

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soundecology documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:21 a.m.