library( spacesXYZ )
options( width=144 )
printf <- function( msg, ... )
mess = sprintf( msg[1], ... ) # should this really be msg[1] ?
cat( mess, '\n' ) #, file=stderr() )
# returns time in seconds, from an arbitrary origin
gettime <- function()
if( requireNamespace('microbenchmark') )
return( microbenchmark::get_nanotime() * 1.e-9 )
return( as.double( base::Sys.time() ) )
testXYZ <- function()
printf( "--------------------- testXYZ() -----------------------" )
# make random XYZs
count = 10000
XYZ = matrix( abs(rnorm(3*count)), ncol=3 )
rownames(XYZ) = sprintf( "%04d", 1:count )
#------------------ xyY ---------------------##
time_start = gettime()
xyY = xyYfromXYZ( XYZ )
XYZ.back = XYZfromxyY( xyY )
time_elapsed = gettime() - time_start
delta = rowSums( abs(XYZ - XYZ.back) )
printf( "\nXYZ -> xyY -> XYZ max(delta)=%g %d round-trip samples at %g sec/sample",
max(delta), count, time_elapsed/count )
failures = sum( 5.e-15 < delta )
if( 0 < failures )
idx = which.max(delta)
printf( "There were %d XYZ -> xyY -> XYZ failures. Max error = %g",
failures, delta[idx] )
df = data.frame( row.names=1 )
df$XYZ = XYZ[idx, ,drop=FALSE]
df$xyY = xyY[idx, ,drop=FALSE]
df$XYZ.back = XYZ.back[idx, ,drop=FALSE]
print( df )
# test pure black
black = c(0,0,0)
if( ! identical( black, as.numeric( XYZfromxyY( xyYfromXYZ(black) ) ) ) )
printf( "XYZ -> xyY -> XYZ.back . pure black not preserved." )
# test rownames
if( ! identical( rownames(XYZ), rownames(XYZ.back) ) )
printf( "XYZ -> xyY -> XYZ.back . rownames not preserved." )
#------------------ Lab ---------------------##
white = 'D50'
time_start = gettime()
Lab = LabfromXYZ( XYZ, white )
XYZ.back = XYZfromLab( Lab, white )
time_elapsed = gettime() - time_start
delta = rowSums( abs(XYZ - XYZ.back) )
printf( "\nXYZ -> Lab -> XYZ max(delta)=%g %d round-trip samples at %g sec/sample",
max(delta), count, time_elapsed/count )
failures = sum( 5.e-14 < delta )
if( 0 < failures )
idx = which.max(delta)
printf( "There were %d XYZ -> Lab -> XYZ failures. Max error = %g",
failures, delta[idx] )
df = data.frame( row.names=1 )
df$XYZ = XYZ[idx, ,drop=FALSE]
df$Lab = Lab[idx, ,drop=FALSE]
df$XYZ.back = XYZ.back[idx, ,drop=FALSE]
print( df )
# test pure black
white = 1:3
black = c(0,0,0)
if( ! identical( black, as.numeric( XYZfromLab( LabfromXYZ(black,white), white ) ) ) )
printf( "XYZ -> Lab -> XYZ.back . pure black not preserved." )
# test rownames
if( ! identical( rownames(XYZ), rownames(XYZ.back) ) )
printf( "XYZ -> Lab -> XYZ.back . rownames not preserved." )
#------------------ Luv ---------------------##
white = 'D50'
time_start = gettime()
Luv = LuvfromXYZ( XYZ, white )
XYZ.back = XYZfromLuv( Luv, white )
time_elapsed = gettime() - time_start
delta = rowSums( abs(XYZ - XYZ.back) )
printf( "\nXYZ -> Luv -> XYZ max(delta)=%g %d round-trip samples at %g sec/sample",
max(delta), count, time_elapsed/count )
failures = sum( 5.e-12 < delta )
if( 0 < failures )
idx = which.max(delta)
printf( "There were %d XYZ -> Luv -> XYZ failures. Max error = %g",
failures, delta[idx] )
df = data.frame( row.names=1 )
df$XYZ = XYZ[idx, ,drop=FALSE]
df$Luv = Luv[idx, ,drop=FALSE]
df$XYZ.back = XYZ.back[idx, ,drop=FALSE]
print( df )
# test pure black
white = 1:3
black = c(0,0,0)
if( ! identical( black, as.numeric( XYZfromLuv( LuvfromXYZ(black,white), white ) ) ) )
printf( "XYZ -> Luv -> XYZ.back . pure black not preserved." )
# test rownames
if( ! identical( rownames(XYZ), rownames(XYZ.back) ) )
printf( "XYZ -> Luv -> XYZ.back . rownames not preserved." )
return( TRUE )
testPolars <- function()
printf( "\n--------------------- testPolars() -----------------------" )
# make random XYZs
count = 10000
XYZ = matrix( abs(rnorm(3*count)), ncol=3 )
rownames(XYZ) = sprintf( "%04d", 1:count )
#------------------ Lab ---------------------##
white = c(95,100,105)
Lab = LabfromXYZ( XYZ, white )
time_start = gettime()
LCHab = LCHabfromLab( Lab )
Lab.back = LabfromLCHab( LCHab )
time_elapsed = gettime() - time_start
delta = rowSums( abs(Lab - Lab.back) )
printf( "\nLab -> LCHab -> Lab max(delta)=%g %d round-trip samples at %g sec/sample",
max(delta), count, time_elapsed/count )
failures = sum( 5.e-12 < delta )
if( 0 < failures )
idx = which.max(delta)
printf( "There were %d Lab -> LCHab -> Lab failures. Max error = %g",
failures, delta[idx] )
df = data.frame( row.names=1 )
df$Lab = Lab[idx, ,drop=FALSE]
df$LCHab = LCHab[idx, ,drop=FALSE]
df$Lab.back = Lab.back[idx, ,drop=FALSE]
print( df )
# test rownames
if( ! identical( rownames(Lab), rownames(Lab.back) ) )
printf( "Lab -> LCHab -> Lab.back . rownames not preserved." )
#print( rownames(Lab)[1:10] )
#print( rownames(Lab.back)[1:10] )
# test 2 neutrals
for( L in c(0,50) )
Lab = c(L,0,0)
if( ! identical( Lab, as.numeric( LabfromLCHab( LCHabfromLab(Lab) ) ) ) )
printf( "Lab -> LCHab -> Lab.back. neutral L=%g not preserved.", L )
#------------------ Luv ---------------------##
white = c(95,100,105)
Luv = LuvfromXYZ( XYZ, white )
time_start = gettime()
LCHuv = LCHuvfromLuv( Luv )
Luv.back = LuvfromLCHuv( LCHuv )
time_elapsed = gettime() - time_start
delta = rowSums( abs(Luv - Luv.back) )
printf( "\nLuv -> LCHuv -> Luv max(delta)=%g %d round-trip samples at %g sec/sample",
max(delta), count, time_elapsed/count )
failures = sum( 5.e-12 < delta )
if( 0 < failures )
idx = which.max(delta)
printf( "There were %d Luv -> LCHuv -> Luv failures. Max error = %g",
failures, delta[idx] )
df = data.frame( row.names=1 )
df$Luv = Luv[idx, ,drop=FALSE]
df$LCHuv = LCHuv[idx, ,drop=FALSE]
df$Luv.back = Luv.back[idx, ,drop=FALSE]
print( df )
# test rownames
if( ! identical( rownames(Luv), rownames(Luv.back) ) )
printf( "Luv -> LCHuv -> Luv.back . rownames not preserved." )
#print( rownames(Luv)[1:10] )
#print( rownames(Luv.back)[1:10] )
# test 2 neutrals
for( L in c(0,50) )
Luv = c(L,0,0)
if( ! identical( Luv, as.numeric( LuvfromLCHuv( LCHuvfromLuv(Luv) ) ) ) )
printf( "Luv -> LCHuv -> Luv.back. neutral L=%g not preserved.", L )
x = gettime() # load microbenchmark
if( ! testXYZ() ) stop( "testXYZ() failed !", call.=FALSE )
if( ! testPolars() ) stop( "testPolars() failed !", call.=FALSE )
printf( "\nPassed all Conversion tests !" )
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